/// <summary> /// Save our Character Stats. /// </summary> public void Save() { // Create a new Player_Data. Character_Data data = new Character_Data(); // Save the data. data.currentHealth = CurrentHealth; data.currentMana = CurrentMana; // Save the bonus information. data.bonusHealth = BonusHealth; data.bonusMana = BonusMana; data.bonusDamage = BonusDamage; data.bonusMoveSpeed = BonusMoveSpeed; // Turn the Character_Stats data into Json data. string charStatsToJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(data); // IF we are saving the player, // ELSE we are saving an non player. if (playerManager != null) { // Save the information. PlayerPrefs.SetString("Player", charStatsToJson); } else { // Save the information. (scene name / gameobject name). Care when using this as you want unique names of your monsters if you choose to have them saved. PlayerPrefs.SetString(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name + "/" + gameObject.name, charStatsToJson); } }
private void Load() { string charStatsJson; // IF we are loading the player, // ELSE we are loading an enemy. if (playerManager != null) { // Load the information. charStatsJson = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Player"); // IF there is nothing in this string. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(charStatsJson)) { // Load the default value of the stats. CurrentHealth = DefaultHealth; CurrentMana = DefaultMana; // GTFO of here we done son! return; } } else { // Load the information. (scene name / gameobject name). charStatsJson = PlayerPrefs.GetString(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name + "/" + gameObject.name); // IF there is nothing in this string. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(charStatsJson)) { // Load the default value of the stats. CurrentDamage = DefaultDamage; CurrentHealth = DefaultHealth; MaxHealth = DefaultMaxHealth; CurrentMana = DefaultMana; MaxMana = DefaultMaxMana; CurrentMoveSpeed = DefaultMoveSpeed; // GTFO of here we done son! return; } } // Turn the json data to represent Equipment_Data. Character_Data data = JsonUtility.FromJson <Character_Data> (charStatsJson); // Load the player stats. CurrentHealth = data.currentHealth; CurrentMana = data.currentMana; BonusDamage = data.bonusDamage; BonusMoveSpeed = data.bonusMoveSpeed; BonusHealth = data.bonusHealth; BonusMana = data.bonusMana;; }