static void Main(string[] args) { IUndoable <string> stuff = new Undoable <string>("State One"); stuff.SaveState(); stuff.Value = "State Two"; stuff.SaveState(); stuff.Value = "State Three"; stuff.Undo(); // State Two stuff.Undo(); // State One stuff.Redo(); // State Two stuff.Redo(); // State Three }
static void Main(string[] args) { DoubleLinkedList dll = new DoubleLinkedList(); IUndoable <DoubleLinkedList> test = new Undoable <DoubleLinkedList>(dll); IUndoState <DoubleLinkedList> state = new UndoState <DoubleLinkedList>(dll); DoubleLinkedList stateList(DoubleLinkedList node) { DoubleLinkedList res = new DoubleLinkedList(); while (node != null) { res.Insertion(; node =; } return(res); } //1: initial double linkedlist with {5,3,2,1,4,8} and print it out dll.Insertion(5); dll.Insertion(3); dll.Insertion(2); dll.Insertion(1); dll.Insertion(4); dll.Insertion(8); test.Value = stateList(dll.head); test.SaveState(); Console.Write("The initial list is: "); dll.PrintList(dll.head); Console.Write("The current state is: "); state.printState(); //2: bubble sort the original list and print it out dll.Sort(dll.head); test.Value = stateList(dll.head); Console.Write("\nThe sorted list is: "); dll.PrintList(dll.head); test.SaveState(); Console.Write("The current state is: "); state.printState(); //3: reverse the list dll.Reverse(); test.Value = stateList(dll.head); Console.Write("\nThe reverse list is: "); dll.PrintList(dll.head); test.SaveState(); Console.Write("The current state is: "); state.printState(); //4: add 9 to the end of the list dll.Insertion(9); test.Value = stateList(dll.head); Console.Write("\nInsert 9 into list: "); dll.PrintList(dll.head); test.SaveState(); //5: Undo back to before you reversed the list test.Undo(); test.Undo(); Console.Write("\nUndo back to before you reversed the list: "); dll.PrintList(dll.head); //6: Add a 9 to the end of the list again test.Redo(); test.Redo(); Console.Write("\nRedo add 9 to the end of list: "); dll.PrintList(dll.head); //7: Undo back to the original list test.Undo(); test.Undo(); test.Undo(); Console.Write("\nUndo back to the original list: "); dll.PrintList(dll.head); }