private void ApplicationStartingLiveModels()
            var renderViewEngine = new RoslynRenderViewEngine();
            var pluginViewEngine = new RoslynPluginViewEngine();

            // not! there are engines we don't want to remove

            // better substitute our engines

            // fixme - VirtualPathFactory?
            // is what handles layouts for views - if we don't have it, then the layouts
            // don't seem to see our models nor to be compiled by Roslyn - but then, is
            // it taking care both of Umbraco templates, and regular MVC? should we filter
            // the virtual paths in the view engine?

            var factory = new PureLiveModelFactory(renderViewEngine, pluginViewEngine);

            // the following would add @using statement in every view so user's don't
            // have to do it - however, then noone understands where the @using statement
            // comes from, and it cannot be avoided / removed --- DISABLED
            // no need for @using in views
            // note:
            //  we are NOT using the in-code attribute here, config is required
            //  because that would require parsing the code... and what if it changes?
            //  we can AddGlobalImport not sure we can remove one anyways
            var modelsNamespace = Configuration.Config.ModelsNamespace;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modelsNamespace))
                modelsNamespace = Configuration.Config.DefaultModelsNamespace;
        private void InstallLiveModels(ProfilingLogger logger)
            var factory = new PureLiveModelFactory(logger);


            // the following would add @using statement in every view so user's don't
            // have to do it - however, then noone understands where the @using statement
            // comes from, and it cannot be avoided / removed --- DISABLED

             * // no need for @using in views
             * // note:
             * //  we are NOT using the in-code attribute here, config is required
             * //  because that would require parsing the code... and what if it changes?
             * //  we can AddGlobalImport not sure we can remove one anyways
             * var modelsNamespace = Configuration.Config.ModelsNamespace;
             * if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modelsNamespace))
             *  modelsNamespace = Configuration.Config.DefaultModelsNamespace;
             * System.Web.WebPages.Razor.WebPageRazorHost.AddGlobalImport(modelsNamespace);