public LocalizingDataAnnotationsModelValidator(ModelMetadata metadata,
     ControllerContext context, ValidationAttribute attribute) :
     base(metadata, context, attribute)
     LocalizationInfo = GetLocalizationInfo();            
        public static string LocalizeValidationException(TextManager textManager, Exception ex, ModelMetadata metadata, 
                LocalizedValidationAttribute localizationInfo = null,
                ValueProviderResult value = null)

            string key;

            var values = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            values["Property"] = metadata.PropertyName;
            if (!metadata.HideSurroundingHtml) //If this is true it is assumed that the model doesn't have a label
                values["DisplayName"] = metadata.GetDisplayName();

            var type = (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(metadata.ModelType) ?? metadata.ModelType);

            values["TypeKey"] = "Validation.Types." + (values["TypeName"] = type.Name);
            values["CommonTypeKey"] = "Validation.Types." + (values["CommonTypeName"] = GetCommonTypeName(type));

            var validationException = ex as ValidationException;
            if (validationException != null)
                values["Value"] = validationException.Value;
                var attr = validationException.ValidationAttribute;
                var attrType = attr.GetType();
                key = attrType.Name.Replace("Attribute", "");
                foreach (var prop in attrType.GetProperties())
                    values[prop.Name] = prop.GetValue(attr, null);
                values["Value"] = value != null ? value.AttemptedValue : metadata.Model;
                key = ex.GetType().Name;

            var asm = metadata.ContainerType.Assembly;
            string ns = asm != null ?
                textManager.GetNamespace(metadata.ContainerType.Assembly) : null;

            if (localizationInfo != null)
                key = localizationInfo.Key;
                ns = localizationInfo.Namespace ?? ns;
                return textManager.Get(key, values, encode: false, ns: ns);
                var keys = 
                    LocalizingModelMetadataProvider.GetConventionKeyNames(metadata.ContainerType, metadata.PropertyName, true)
                        .Select(x => Tuple.Create(ns, x + "." + key))
                        .Concat(new [] {Tuple.Create(textManager.DefaultNamespace, "Validation." + key)});  

                foreach (var conventionKey in keys)
                    var text = textManager.Get(
                        ns: conventionKey.Item1,                        
                        key: conventionKey.Item2, 
                        values: values,                        
                        returnNullOnMissing: true,
                        encode: false);
                    if (text != null)
                        return text;

            return null;
 public LocalizingDataAnnotationsModelValidator(ModelMetadata metadata,
     ControllerContext context, ValidationAttribute attribute) :
     base(metadata, context, attribute)
     LocalizationInfo = GetLocalizationInfo();            
        public static string LocalizeValidationException(TextManager textManager, Exception ex, ModelMetadata metadata,
                                                         LocalizedValidationAttribute localizationInfo = null,
                                                         ValueProviderResult value = null)
            string key;

            var values = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            values["Property"] = metadata.PropertyName;
            if (!metadata.HideSurroundingHtml) //If this is true it is assumed that the model doesn't have a label
                values["DisplayName"] = metadata.GetDisplayName();

            var type = (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(metadata.ModelType) ?? metadata.ModelType);

            values["TypeKey"]       = "Validation.Types." + (values["TypeName"] = type.Name);
            values["CommonTypeKey"] = "Validation.Types." + (values["CommonTypeName"] = GetCommonTypeName(type));

            var validationException = ex as ValidationException;

            if (validationException != null)
                values["Value"] = validationException.Value;
                var attr     = validationException.ValidationAttribute;
                var attrType = attr.GetType();
                key = attrType.Name.Replace("Attribute", "");
                foreach (var prop in attrType.GetProperties())
                    values[prop.Name] = prop.GetValue(attr, null);
                values["Value"] = value != null ? value.AttemptedValue : metadata.Model;
                key             = ex.GetType().Name;

            var    asm = metadata.ContainerType.Assembly;
            string ns  = asm != null?
                         textManager.GetNamespace(metadata.ContainerType.Assembly) : null;

            if (localizationInfo != null)
                key = localizationInfo.Key;
                ns  = localizationInfo.Namespace ?? ns;
                return(textManager.Get(key, values, encode: false, ns: ns));
                var keys =
                    LocalizingModelMetadataProvider.GetConventionKeyNames(metadata.ContainerType, metadata.PropertyName, true)
                    .Select(x => Tuple.Create(ns, x + "." + key))
                    .Concat(new [] { Tuple.Create(textManager.DefaultNamespace, "Validation." + key) });

                foreach (var conventionKey in keys)
                    var text = textManager.Get(
                        ns: conventionKey.Item1,
                        key: conventionKey.Item2,
                        values: values,
                        returnNullOnMissing: true,
                        encode: false);
                    if (text != null)
