Exemple #1
        public static BsonDocument Deserialize(byte[] bson, bool utcDate = true)
            if (bson == null || bson.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bson));

            return(BsonReader.Deserialize(bson, utcDate));
Exemple #2
        public static BsonDocument Deserialize(ArraySegment <byte> buffer, bool utcDate = true)
            if (buffer == null || buffer.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(buffer));

            return(BsonReader.Deserialize(buffer, utcDate));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Count all nodes from a query execution - do not deserialize documents to count. If query is null, use Collection counter variable
        /// </summary>
        public long Count(string collection, Query query = null)
            if (collection.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(collection));

            var col = this.GetCollectionPage(collection, false);

            if (col == null)

            if (query == null)

            // run query in this collection
            var nodes = query.Run(col, _indexer);

            if (query.UseFilter)
                // count distinct documents
                       .Select(x => BsonReader.Deserialize(_data.Read(x.DataBlock)).AsDocument)
                       .Where(x => query.FilterDocument(x))
                // count distinct nodes based on DataBlock
                       .Select(x => x.DataBlock)
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if has at least one node in a query execution - do not deserialize documents to check
        /// </summary>
        public bool Exists(string collection, Query query)
            if (collection.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(collection));
            if (query == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(query));

            var col = this.GetCollectionPage(collection, false);

            if (col == null)

            // run query in this collection
            var nodes = query.Run(col, _indexer);

            if (query.UseFilter)
                // check if has at least first document
                       .Select(x => BsonReader.Deserialize(_data.Read(x.DataBlock)).AsDocument)
                       .Where(x => query.FilterDocument(x))
                var first = nodes.FirstOrDefault();

                // check if has at least first node
                return(first != null);
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements delete based on a query result
        /// </summary>
        public int Delete(string collection, Query query)
            if (collection.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(collection));
            if (query == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(query));

            return(this.Transaction <int>(collection, false, (col) =>
                if (col == null)
                    return 0;

                _log.Write(Logger.COMMAND, "delete documents in '{0}'", collection);

                var nodes = query.Run(col, _indexer);

                _log.Write(Logger.QUERY, "{0} :: {1}", collection, query);

                var count = 0;

                foreach (var node in nodes)
                    // checks if cache are full

                    // if use filter need deserialize document
                    if (query.UseFilter)
                        var buffer = _data.Read(node.DataBlock);
                        var doc = BsonReader.Deserialize(buffer).AsDocument;

                        if (query.FilterDocument(doc) == false)

                    _log.Write(Logger.COMMAND, "delete document :: _id = {0}", node.Key.RawValue);

                    // get all indexes nodes from this data block
                    var allNodes = _indexer.GetNodeList(node, true).ToArray();

                    // lets remove all indexes that point to this in dataBlock
                    foreach (var linkNode in allNodes)
                        var index = col.Indexes[linkNode.Slot];

                        _indexer.Delete(index, linkNode.Position);

                    // remove object data
                    _data.Delete(col, node.DataBlock);


                return count;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new index (or do nothing if already exists) to a collection/field
        /// </summary>
        public bool EnsureIndex(string collection, string field, bool unique = false)
            if (collection.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(collection));
            if (!CollectionIndex.IndexPattern.IsMatch(field))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid field format pattern: " + CollectionIndex.IndexPattern.ToString(), "field");
            if (field == "_id")
                return(false);                // always exists
            return(this.Transaction <bool>(collection, true, (col) =>
                // check if index already exists
                var current = col.GetIndex(field);

                // if already exists, just exit
                if (current != null)
                    // do not test any difference between current index and new defition
                    return false;

                // create index head
                var index = _indexer.CreateIndex(col);

                index.Field = field;
                index.Unique = unique;

                _log.Write(Logger.COMMAND, "create index on '{0}' :: {1} unique: {2}", collection, index.Field, unique);

                // read all objects (read from PK index)
                foreach (var pkNode in new QueryAll("_id", Query.Ascending).Run(col, _indexer))
                    // read binary and deserialize document
                    var buffer = _data.Read(pkNode.DataBlock);
                    var doc = BsonReader.Deserialize(buffer).AsDocument;
                    var expr = new BsonFields(index.Field);

                    // get value from document
                    var keys = expr.Execute(doc, true);

                    // adding index node for each value
                    foreach (var key in keys)
                        // insert new index node
                        var node = _indexer.AddNode(index, key, pkNode);

                        // link index node to datablock
                        node.DataBlock = pkNode.DataBlock;

                    // check memory usage

                return true;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetch documents from enumerator and add to buffer. If cache recycle, stop read to execute in another read
        /// </summary>
        public void Fetch(TransactionService trans, DataService data)
            // empty document buffer

            // while until must cache not recycle
            while (trans.CheckPoint() == false)
                // read next node
                this.HasMore = _nodes.MoveNext();

                // if finish, exit loop
                if (this.HasMore == false)

                // if run ONLY under index, skip/limit before deserialize
                if (_query.UseIndex && _query.UseFilter == false)
                    if (--_skip >= 0)

                    if (--_limit <= -1)
                        this.HasMore = false;

                // get current node
                var node = _nodes.Current;

                // read document from data block
                var buffer = data.Read(node.DataBlock);
                var doc    = BsonReader.Deserialize(buffer).AsDocument;

                // if need run in full scan, execute full scan and test return
                if (_query.UseFilter)
                    // execute query condition here - if false, do not add on final results
                    if (_query.FilterDocument(doc) == false)

                    // implement skip/limit after deserialize in full scan
                    if (--_skip >= 0)

                    if (--_limit <= -1)
                        this.HasMore = false;

                // increment position cursor

                // avoid lock again just to check limit
                if (_limit == 0)
                    this.HasMore = false;
