private void beautifySubs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { InitDictionaryManagerPaths(); if (excelApp == null) { string pathToExcel = FileSaver.OpenExcelFile(); if (pathToExcel == "") { MessageBox.Show("Файл " + DM.PathToExcel + " не найден"); return; } excelApp = new ExcelManager(); excelApp.Open(DM.PathToExcel); } var pathSubs = @"C:\3\"; string text = File.ReadAllText(pathSubs, Encoding.UTF8); if (text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Файл " + DM.fileToAnalizePath + " не найден"); return; } WordsFormer allWords = new WordsFormer(); allWords.analyzeAll(text); List <string> lWords = excelApp.GetColumn(DM.Columns.word); List <string> lLvl = excelApp.GetColumn(DM.Columns.level); List <string> lSrs = excelApp.GetColumn(DM.Columns.src); for (int i = 0; i < allWords.dict.Count; i++) { string word = allWords.dict[i].word; Stylizer st = new Stylizer(); this.Text = i.ToString(); int ind = lWords.IndexOf(word); if (ind < 0) { continue; } string sign; if (lLvl[ind] == "0") { if (lSrs[ind] == sourceTextBox.Text) { sign = " * "; } else { sign = " + "; } int tIndex = text.IndexOf(word, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); if (tIndex < 0) { continue; } do { if (st.IsComplete(word, text, tIndex)) { text = text.Insert(tIndex, sign); text = text.Insert(tIndex + sign.Length + word.Length, sign); } tIndex = text.IndexOf(word, tIndex + sign.Length + word.Length + 2, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); } while (tIndex > 0); } } File.WriteAllText(@"C:\3\", text); bool isOnlyNewWords = true; if (isOnlyNewWords) { var lines = File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\3\", Encoding.UTF8).ToList(); List <string> resLines = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++) { bool containsNewWords = lines[i].Contains("*") || lines[i].Contains("+"); if (containsNewWords) { int st = findStart(lines, i); int end = findEnd(lines, i); for (int k = st; k <= end; k++) { resLines.Add(lines[k]); } i = end; } } File.WriteAllLines(@"C:\3\", resLines); } beautifyButton_Click(null, null); /* * excelApp.Quit(); * Application.Exit();*/ }
private void beautifyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { InitDictionaryManagerPaths(); if (excelApp == null) { string pathToExcel = FileSaver.OpenExcelFile(); if (pathToExcel == "") { MessageBox.Show("Файл " + DM.PathToExcel + " не найден"); return; } excelApp = new ExcelManager(); excelApp.Open(DM.PathToExcel); } string textToAnalyze = FileSaver.ReadTextToAnalize(); if (textToAnalyze == "") { MessageBox.Show("Файл " + DM.fileToAnalizePath + " не найден"); return; } WordsFormer allWords = new WordsFormer(); allWords.analyzeAll(textToAnalyze); List <string> lWords = excelApp.GetColumn(DM.Columns.word); List <string> lfreq = excelApp.GetColumn(DM.Columns.freq); List <string> lLvl = excelApp.GetColumn(DM.Columns.level); List <string> lSrs = excelApp.GetColumn(DM.Columns.src); List <string> ltrans1 = excelApp.GetColumn(DM.Columns.trans1); List <string> ltrans2 = excelApp.GetColumn(DM.Columns.trans2); List <string> ltrans3 = excelApp.GetColumn(DM.Columns.trans3); List <string> ldefinition = excelApp.GetColumn(DM.Columns.definition); string addFreq; string miniDict = ""; for (int i = 0; i < allWords.dict.Count; i++) { string word = allWords.dict[i].word; this.Text = i.ToString(); int ind = lWords.IndexOf(word); if (ind < 0) { continue; } addFreq = lfreq[ind]; Stylizer styleze = new Stylizer(); //string translation = ltrans1[ind] + ',' + ltrans2[ind] + ',' + ltrans3[ind]; string translation = ltrans1[ind] + ',' + ltrans2[ind] + ',' + ltrans3[ind] + "\n------\n"; translation += ldefinition[ind].Replace("\"", "").Replace("'", ""); if (lSrs[ind] == sourceTextBox.Text) //that source { if (lLvl[ind] == "0") //dont know, new { styleze.StylizeWord(word, ref textToAnalyze, addFreq, DM.Styles.bold, translation); } if (lLvl[ind] == "1")//maybe know, new { styleze.StylizeWord(word, ref textToAnalyze, addFreq, DM.Styles.brown, translation); } bool writeFullMiniDIct = true; if (writeFullMiniDIct && (lLvl[ind] == "0" || lLvl[ind] == "1")) { miniDict = miniDict + word + '\t' + ltrans1[ind] + '\t' + ltrans2[ind] + '\t' + ltrans3[ind] + '\r'; } } else { if (lLvl[ind] == "0" || lLvl[ind] == "1")//maybe know and don't know, another source { styleze.StylizeWord(word, ref textToAnalyze, addFreq, DM.Styles.italic, translation); miniDict = miniDict + word + '\t' + ltrans1[ind] + '\t' + ltrans2[ind] + '\t' + ltrans3[ind] + '\r'; } if (lLvl[ind] == "2")//maybe know and don't know, another source { styleze.StylizeWord(word, ref textToAnalyze, addFreq,, translation); miniDict = miniDict + word + '\t' + ltrans1[ind] + '\t' + ltrans2[ind] + '\t' + ltrans3[ind] + '\r'; } } } textToAnalyze = textToAnalyze.Replace("\r", "<br>"); string name = commonSourceTextBox.Text + " " + sourceTextBox.Text; FileSaver.WriteFiles(name, miniDict, textToAnalyze); excelApp.Quit(); Application.Exit(); }
private void countWordsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); var dir = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\3\many\").GetFiles(); foreach (var file in dir) { st.AppendLine(File.ReadAllText(file.FullName, Encoding.UTF8)); } string pathToExcel = FileSaver.OpenExcelFile(); if (DM.PathToExcel == "") { MessageBox.Show("Файл " + DM.PathToExcel + " не найден"); return; } int news = 0; int olds = 0; int oldUnder = 0; int oldUnderFreqSum = 0; WordsFormer.Counting = true; WordsFormer allWords = new WordsFormer(); allWords.analyzeAll(st.ToString()); WordsFormer.Counting = false; excelApp = new ExcelManager(); excelApp.Open(DM.PathToExcel); List <string> existedWords = excelApp.GetColumn(DM.Columns.word); List <string> lfreq = excelApp.GetColumn(DM.Columns.freq); List <string> lLvl = excelApp.GetColumn(DM.Columns.level); List <string> oldUnderList = new List <string>(); List <int> oldUnderCntList = new List <int>(); List <int> newsCnt = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < existedWords.Count; i++) { var f = Convert.ToInt32(lfreq[i]); if (lLvl[i] == "0" && Convert.ToInt32(lfreq[i]) <= DictionaryManager.NumberOfRare) { oldUnderList.Add(existedWords[i]); } } for (int j = 0; j < allWords.dict.Count; j++) { string word = allWords.dict[j].word; int indexOfWordInDictionary = existedWords.IndexOf(word); Text = j.ToString() + "/" + allWords.dict.Count.ToString(); if (indexOfWordInDictionary < 0)//add new { news++; newsCnt.Add(allWords.dict[j].freq); } else { olds++; if (oldUnderList.IndexOf(word) > -1) { oldUnder++; oldUnderFreqSum += allWords.dict[j].freq; oldUnderCntList.Add(allWords.dict[j].freq); } } } Text = $"Новые {news}, среднее кол-во {newsCnt.FindAll(x => x < 15).Average()}, знаю {olds}, всего {allWords.dict.Count}. Сложность {(news * 100 / allWords.dict.Count)}%"; Text += $". Редкие старые {oldUnder}, в среднем {oldUnderCntList.Average()}"; excelApp.makeVisible(); excelApp.Quit(); }
private void addWordsFromTextButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { InitDictionaryManagerPaths(); if (commonSourceTextBox.Text == "" || sourceTextBox.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Не заполнены поля источники"); return; } string textToAnalyze = FileSaver.ReadTextToAnalize(); if (textToAnalyze == "") { MessageBox.Show("Файл " + DM.fileToAnalizePath + " не найден"); return; } string pathToExcel = FileSaver.OpenExcelFile(); if (DM.PathToExcel == "") { MessageBox.Show("Файл " + DM.PathToExcel + " не найден"); return; } int news = 0; int olds = 0; string log = ""; WordsFormer allWords = new WordsFormer(); allWords.analyzeAll(textToAnalyze); if (excelApp == null) { excelApp = new ExcelManager(); excelApp.Open(DM.PathToExcel); } List <string> existedWords = excelApp.GetColumn(DM.Columns.word); List <string> lfreq = excelApp.GetColumn(DM.Columns.freq); List <string> lLvl = excelApp.GetColumn(DM.Columns.level); int oldUnder = 0; List <string> oldUnderList = new List <string>(); List <int> oldUnderCntList = new List <int>(); List <int> newsCnt = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < existedWords.Count; i++) { var f = Convert.ToInt32(lfreq[i]); if (lLvl[i] == "0" && Convert.ToInt32(lfreq[i]) <= DictionaryManager.NumberOfRare) { oldUnderList.Add(existedWords[i]); } } for (int j = 0; j < allWords.dict.Count; j++) { string word = allWords.dict[j].word; int indexOfWordInDictionary = existedWords.IndexOf(word); Text = j.ToString() + "/" + allWords.dict.Count.ToString(); if (indexOfWordInDictionary < 0)//add new { Translator tranlate = new Translator(); Translator.WordTranslation translatedWord; translatedWord = tranlate.makeTranslations(word); int lastRow = excelApp.lastRow; excelApp.SetValue(DM.Columns.word, lastRow, translatedWord.word); excelApp.SetValue(DM.Columns.freq, lastRow, allWords.dict[j].freq.ToString()); excelApp.SetValue(DM.Columns.level, lastRow, "0"); excelApp.SetValue(, lastRow, DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()); excelApp.SetValue(DM.Columns.definition, lastRow, translatedWord.definition); excelApp.SetValue(DM.Columns.init, lastRow, translatedWord.initial); excelApp.SetValue(DM.Columns.trans1, lastRow, translatedWord.translation.Split('\t')[0]); excelApp.SetValue(DM.Columns.trans2, lastRow, translatedWord.translation.Split('\t')[1]); excelApp.SetValue(DM.Columns.trans3, lastRow, translatedWord.translation.Split('\t')[2]); excelApp.SetValue(DM.Columns.src, lastRow, sourceTextBox.Text); excelApp.SetValue(DM.Columns.comSrc, lastRow, commonSourceTextBox.Text); DM.AddExamples(excelApp, allWords.dict[j].examples, lastRow); news++; } else { indexOfWordInDictionary = indexOfWordInDictionary + 2;//first two rows isnot count. can refacotr DM.IncreaseFrequency(excelApp, indexOfWordInDictionary, allWords.dict[j].freq); DM.AddExamples(excelApp, allWords.dict[j].examples, indexOfWordInDictionary); olds++; if (oldUnderList.IndexOf(word) > -1) { oldUnder++; } log = log + word + "\taddFreq " + allWords.dict[j].freq.ToString() + "\tfrom " + allWords.dict[j].word + "\r"; } } Text = $"Новые {news}, знаю {olds}, всего {allWords.dict.Count}. Сложность {(news * 100 / allWords.dict.Count)}%. Редкие {oldUnder}"; FileSaver.Log(log); FileSaver.Duplicate(sourceTextBox.Text); excelApp.makeVisible(); }