public void Populate(Transform m, ref GlTF_Accessor invBindMatricesAccessor, int invBindAccessorIndex) { SkinnedMeshRenderer skinMesh = m.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); if (!skinMesh) { return; } // Populate bind poses. From // The bind pose is bone's inverse transformation matrix // In this case we also make this matrix relative to the root // So that we can move the root game object around freely joints = new List <Transform>(); //Collect all bones from skin object. Order should be kept here since bones are referenced in the mesh foreach (Transform t in skinMesh.bones) { joints.Add(t); } Matrix4x4[] invBindMatrices = new Matrix4x4[joints.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < skinMesh.bones.Length; ++i) { // Generates inverseWorldMatrix in right-handed coordinate system Matrix4x4 invBind = skinMesh.sharedMesh.bindposes[i]; convertMatrixLeftToRightHandedness(ref invBind); invBindMatrices[i] = invBind; } invBindMatricesAccessor.Populate(invBindMatrices, m); invBindMatricesAccessorIndex = invBindAccessorIndex; }
public void Populate(AnimationClip clip, Transform tr, bool bake = true) { // 1. browse clip, collect all curves and create a TargetCurveSet for each target Dictionary <string, TargetCurveSet> targetCurvesBinding = new Dictionary <string, TargetCurveSet>(); collectClipCurves(clip, ref targetCurvesBinding); // Baking needs all properties, fill missing curves with transform data in 2 keyframes (start, endTime) // where endTime is clip duration generateMissingCurves(clip.length, ref tr, ref targetCurvesBinding); if (bake) { // Bake animation for all animated nodes foreach (string target in targetCurvesBinding.Keys) { Transform targetTr = target.Length > 0 ? tr.Find(target) : tr; if (targetTr == null) { continue; } Transform targetObject = targetTr; string targetId = GlTF_Node.GetNameFromObject(targetObject); // Initialize accessors for current animation GlTF_Accessor timeAccessor = new GlTF_Accessor(targetId + "_TimeAccessor_" +, GlTF_Accessor.Type.SCALAR, GlTF_Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT); timeAccessor.bufferView = GlTF_Writer.floatBufferView; int timeAccessorIndex = GlTF_Writer.accessors.Count; GlTF_Writer.accessors.Add(timeAccessor); // Translation GlTF_Channel chTranslation = new GlTF_Channel("translation", animSamplers.Count); GlTF_Target targetTranslation = new GlTF_Target(); = targetId; targetTranslation.path = "translation"; = targetTranslation; channels.Add(chTranslation); GlTF_AnimSampler sTranslation = new GlTF_AnimSampler(timeAccessorIndex, GlTF_Writer.accessors.Count); GlTF_Accessor translationAccessor = new GlTF_Accessor(targetId + "_TranslationAccessor_" +, GlTF_Accessor.Type.VEC3, GlTF_Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT); translationAccessor.bufferView = GlTF_Writer.vec3BufferViewAnim; GlTF_Writer.accessors.Add(translationAccessor); animSamplers.Add(sTranslation); // Rotation GlTF_Channel chRotation = new GlTF_Channel("rotation", animSamplers.Count); GlTF_Target targetRotation = new GlTF_Target(); = GlTF_Node.GetNameFromObject(targetObject); targetRotation.path = "rotation"; = targetRotation; channels.Add(chRotation); GlTF_AnimSampler sRotation = new GlTF_AnimSampler(timeAccessorIndex, GlTF_Writer.accessors.Count); GlTF_Accessor rotationAccessor = new GlTF_Accessor(targetId + "_RotationAccessor_" +, GlTF_Accessor.Type.VEC4, GlTF_Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT); rotationAccessor.bufferView = GlTF_Writer.vec4BufferViewAnim; GlTF_Writer.accessors.Add(rotationAccessor); animSamplers.Add(sRotation); // Scale GlTF_Channel chScale = new GlTF_Channel("scale", animSamplers.Count); GlTF_Target targetScale = new GlTF_Target(); = GlTF_Node.GetNameFromObject(targetObject); targetScale.path = "scale"; = targetScale; channels.Add(chScale); GlTF_AnimSampler sScale = new GlTF_AnimSampler(timeAccessorIndex, GlTF_Writer.accessors.Count); GlTF_Accessor scaleAccessor = new GlTF_Accessor(targetId + "_ScaleAccessor_" +, GlTF_Accessor.Type.VEC3, GlTF_Accessor.ComponentType.FLOAT); scaleAccessor.bufferView = GlTF_Writer.vec3BufferViewAnim; GlTF_Writer.accessors.Add(scaleAccessor); animSamplers.Add(sScale); // Bake and populate animation data float[] times = null; Vector3[] positions = null; Vector3[] scales = null; Vector4[] rotations = null; bakeCurveSet(targetCurvesBinding[target], clip.length, bakingFramerate, ref times, ref positions, ref rotations, ref scales); // Populate accessors timeAccessor.Populate(times); translationAccessor.Populate(positions); rotationAccessor.Populate(rotations, false); scaleAccessor.Populate(scales, true); } } else { Debug.LogError("Only baked animation is supported for now. Skipping animation"); } }