public override void OnClickOK(object sender, EventArgs e) { CP_Popup_Sure popup = new CP_Popup_Sure(); popup.SetAsEdit(CP_Popop_EditMenu_txtName.Text); popup.ShowDialog(); if (!(popup.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)) { DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; Close(); } Dish_Service dishService = new Dish_Service(); //Store the values of all of the inputs string name = CP_Popop_EditMenu_txtName.Text; string description = CP_Popop_EditMenu_txtDescription.Text; string ingredients = CP_Popop_EditMenu_txtIngredients.Text; DishCategory category; bool priceParsed = double.TryParse(CP_Popop_EditMenu_txtPrice.Text, out double price); bool stockParsed = int.TryParse(CP_Popup_EditMenu_txtStock.Text, out int stock); if (!(priceParsed && stockParsed)) { Close(); } if (CP_PopopEditEmployee_rbtnVoor.Checked) { category = DishCategory.Voorgerechten; } else if (CP_PopopEditEmployee_rbtnTussen.Checked) { category = DishCategory.Tussengerechten; } else if (CP_PopopEditEmployee_rbtnHoofd.Checked) { category = DishCategory.Hoofdgerechten; } else { category = DishCategory.Nagerechten; } //Add a new dish to the system try { dishService.ModifyDish(new Dish(id, name, description, ingredients, price, stock, category)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandler.Instance.HandleError("Gerecht met id " + id + " kon niet aangepast worden!", "Gerecht niet aangepast", ex); //Tell the ControlPanel form that the action didn't succeed DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; } }
//When the user presses OK, modify the employee public override void OnClickOK(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Check that the user really wants to edit CP_Popup_Sure popup = new CP_Popup_Sure(); popup.SetAsEdit(CP_PopopEditEmployee_txtFirstName.Text); popup.ShowDialog(); if (!(popup.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)) { DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; Close(); } //Edit the employee. Use the values from the input boxes Employee_Service employeeService = new Employee_Service(); string firstName = CP_PopopEditEmployee_txtFirstName.Text; string lastName = CP_PopupEditEmployee_txtLastName.Text; DateTime birthDate = CP_PopopEditEmployee_dtpBirthdate.Value; DateTime employment = CP_PopopEditEmployee_dtpEmployment.Value; Gender gender; string password = CP_PopopEditEmployee_txtPassword.Text; EmployeeType employeeType; if (CP_PopopEditEmployee_rbtnMale.Checked) { gender = Gender.Male; } else { gender = Gender.Female; } if (CP_PopupEditEmployee_rbtnWaiter.Checked) { employeeType = EmployeeType.Waiter; } else if (CP_PopupEditEmployee_rbtnOwner.Checked) { employeeType = EmployeeType.Owner; } else if (CP_PopupEditEmployee_rbtnBartender.Checked) { employeeType = EmployeeType.Bartender; } else { employeeType = EmployeeType.Chef; } employeeService.ModifyEmployee(new Employee(id, firstName, lastName, birthDate, employment, gender, password, employeeType)); }
public override void OnClickOK(object sender, EventArgs e) { CP_Popup_Sure popup = new CP_Popup_Sure(); popup.SetAsEdit(CP_Popop_EditDrinksMenu_txtName.Text); popup.ShowDialog(); if (!(popup.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)) { DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; Close(); } Drink_Service drinkService = new Drink_Service(); //Store the values of all of the inputs string name = CP_Popop_EditDrinksMenu_txtName.Text; bool alcoholic; bool priceParsed = double.TryParse(CP_Popop_EditDrinksMenu_txtPrice.Text, out double price); bool stockParsed = int.TryParse(CP_Popup_EditDrinksMenu_txtStock.Text, out int stock); if (!(priceParsed && stockParsed)) { Close(); } if (CP_Popup_EditDrinksMenu_cboxAlcoholic.Checked) { alcoholic = true; } else { alcoholic = false; } //Add a new dish to the system try { drinkService.ModifyDrink(new Drink(id, name, alcoholic, price, stock)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandler.Instance.HandleError("Drank met id " + id + " kon niet aangepast worden!", "Gerecht niet aangepast", ex); //Tell the ControlPanel form that the action didn't succeed DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; } }