Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the logic of stopping the active webcam mode for the Hololens.
        /// Disposes and nulls out the webcam object and disables voice commands.
        /// Re-enables the start voice command to restart the process of taking
        /// room textures if the user desires.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result">
        /// The success of stopping the OnStoppedPhotoMode.
        /// </param>
        static void OnStoppedPhotoMode(PhotoCapture.PhotoCaptureResult result)
            // Disables the ability to take pictures, and cleans up/disposes of
            // the photo capture object.
            photoCaptureObj = null;

            // Sets locally stored matrices and supplementary info required for
            // correct texture placement, then saves them along with the mesh
            SetLocalToWorldMatrices(); // Must be called before SaveMatrixArrays
            string roomName = Config.RoomObject.GameObjectName;

            MatrixArray.SaveMatrixArrays(WorldToCameraMatrixArray, ProjectionMatrixArray, LocalToWorldMatrixArray, currentPhoto);
            CustomOrientation.Save(PositionArray, RotationArray);
            // ERROR TESTING - REMOVE // CustomMesh.SaveSupplementaryInfo(PositionArray, RotationArray);

            // Disable the ability to end the photo capture process
            isEndingPhotoCapture = false;


            if (currentPhoto < MaxPhotoNum)
Exemple #2
        public static GameObject BuildRoomObject(string[] orientationFileLines)
            string roomName = Config.RoomObject.GameObjectName;

            Debug.Log("Building room");
            Debug.Log("Room name = " + roomName);
            //Debug.Log("Unity meshes relative directory = " + unityMeshesRelativeDirectory);
            //Debug.Log("Materials relative directory = " + materialsRelativeDirectory);
            Debug.Log("Previous directory = " + Config.UnityMeshes.AssetSubFolder);

            if (!Directory.Exists(Config.CustomMesh.CompileAbsoluteAssetDirectory(roomName)))

            Vector3[]    positionArray;
            Quaternion[] rotationArray;

            // Load up the information stored from mesh supplementary information
            // to correct for Hololens mesh translation and orientation.
            CustomOrientation.Load(orientationFileLines, out positionArray, out rotationArray);

            GameObject roomObject = new GameObject();

            //roomObject.name = Config.RoomObject.GameObjectName;
            roomObject.name = roomName;
            for (int i = 0; i < positionArray.Length; i++)
                GameObject child = new GameObject();

                Debug.Log("Mesh resource load path = " + Config.UnityMeshes.CompileResourcesLoadPath(Config.UnityMeshes.CompileMeshName(i), roomName));
                //Debug.Log("mesh resource load path = " + Config.UnityMeshes.CompileResourcesLoadPath(unityMeshesRelativeDirectory, Config.UnityMeshes.CompileMeshName(i)));

                // Set mesh
                Mesh childMesh = Resources.Load(Config.UnityMeshes.CompileResourcesLoadPath(Config.UnityMeshes.CompileMeshName(i), roomName)) as Mesh;
                //Mesh childMesh = Resources.Load(Config.UnityMeshes.CompileResourcesLoadPath(unityMeshesRelativeDirectory, Config.UnityMeshes.CompileMeshName(i))) as Mesh;
                MeshFilter mf = child.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
                mf.sharedMesh = childMesh;

                // Set material
                MeshRenderer mr = child.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                mr.sharedMaterial = Resources.Load <Material>(Config.Material.CompileResourcesLoadPath(Config.Material.CompileMaterialName(i), roomName));
                //mr.sharedMaterial = Resources.Load<Material>(Config.Material.CompileResourcesLoadPath(materialsRelativeDirectory, Config.Material.CompileMaterialName(i)));

                //Debug.Log("Meshes relative directory = " + unityMeshesRelativeDirectory);
                //Debug.Log("Meshes path = " + Config.UnityMeshes.CompileResourcesLoadPath(unityMeshesRelativeDirectory, Config.UnityMeshes.CompileMeshName(i)));
                //Debug.Log("Materials relative directory = " + materialsRelativeDirectory);
                //Debug.Log("Materials path = " + Config.Material.CompileResourcesLoadPath(materialsRelativeDirectory, Config.Material.CompileMaterialName(i)));

                // Set position and rotation
                child.transform.position = positionArray[i];
                child.transform.rotation = rotationArray[i];

                // Set name
                child.name             = childMesh.name;
                child.transform.parent = roomObject.transform;

                // Add mesh collider
                MeshCollider mc = child.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();
                mc.sharedMesh = childMesh;
            roomObject.AddComponent <RoomModel>();

            //// Integrate it into the UWB Network
