Exemple #1
        // NOTE: Eventually this code should be converted to use SlideRenderer instead of each SheetRenderer. There were some issues with doing
        // this initially so for the time being we will keep it like this.
        public static Bitmap DrawSlide(TableOfContentsModel.Entry currentEntry, BackgroundTemplate template, System.Drawing.Color background, SheetDisposition dispositions, int width, int height, float scale )
            // Save the old state
            System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsState oldState;

            using (Synchronizer.Lock(currentEntry.Slide.SyncRoot)) {
                Rectangle rect;
                int boundsWidth = currentEntry.Slide.Bounds.Width;
                int boundsHeight = currentEntry.Slide.Bounds.Height;
                int exportWidth = width;
                int exportHeight = height;

                if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
                    // Do Nothing
                else if (width > 0) {
                    exportHeight = (int)Math.Round( ( (float)width / (float)boundsWidth ) * (float)boundsHeight );
                else if (height > 0) {
                    exportWidth = (int)Math.Round( ( (float)height / (float)boundsHeight ) * (float)boundsWidth );
                else {
                    exportWidth = boundsWidth;
                    exportHeight = boundsHeight;

                // Scale the size
                exportWidth = (int)Math.Round( exportWidth * scale );
                exportHeight = (int)Math.Round( exportHeight * scale );
                rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, exportWidth, exportHeight);

                //Note: Uses DibGraphicsBuffer from TPC SDK to do antialiasing
                //See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dntablet/html/tbconprintingink.asp
                /// create the bitmap we're exporting to
                Bitmap toExport = new Bitmap(rect.Width, rect.Height);
                /// create what we will be drawing on to the export
                Graphics toSave = Graphics.FromImage(toExport);

                /// draw the slide data on a temporary graphics object in a temporary form
                System.Windows.Forms.Form tempForm = new System.Windows.Forms.Form();
                Graphics screenGraphics = tempForm.CreateGraphics();
                DibGraphicsBuffer dib = new DibGraphicsBuffer();
                Graphics tempGraphics = dib.RequestBuffer(screenGraphics, rect.Width, rect.Height);

                //Add the background color
                //First see if there is a Slide BG, if not, try the Deck.  Otherwise, use transparent.

                //Add the background template
                if (template != null)
                    using (BackgroundTemplateRenderer bkgRender = new BackgroundTemplateRenderer(template))
                        bkgRender.DrawAll(tempGraphics, rect);

                //Get the Slide content and draw it
                oldState = tempGraphics.Save();

                Model.Presentation.SlideModel.SheetCollection sheets = currentEntry.Slide.ContentSheets;
                for (int i = 0; i < sheets.Count; i++)
                    Model.Viewer.SlideDisplayModel display = new Model.Viewer.SlideDisplayModel(tempGraphics, null);

                    Rectangle slide = rect;
                    float zoom = 1f;
                    if (currentEntry.Slide != null)
                        slide = currentEntry.Slide.Bounds;
                        zoom = currentEntry.Slide.Zoom;

                    System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix pixel, ink;
                    display.FitSlideToBounds(System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill, rect, zoom, ref slide, out pixel, out ink);
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(display.SyncRoot))
                        display.SheetDisposition = dispositions;
                        display.Bounds = slide;
                        display.PixelTransform = pixel;
                        display.InkTransform = ink;

                    Viewer.Slides.SheetRenderer r = Viewer.Slides.SheetRenderer.ForStaticSheet(display, sheets[i]);
                    if ((r.Sheet.Disposition & dispositions) != 0)
                        r.Paint(new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs(tempGraphics, rect));

                //Restore the Old State
                oldState = tempGraphics.Save();

                //Get the Annotation content and draw it
                sheets = currentEntry.Slide.AnnotationSheets;
                for (int i = 0; i < sheets.Count; i++)
                    Model.Viewer.SlideDisplayModel display = new Model.Viewer.SlideDisplayModel(tempGraphics, null);

                    Rectangle slide = rect;
                    float zoom = 1f;
                    if (currentEntry.Slide != null)
                        slide = currentEntry.Slide.Bounds;
                        zoom = currentEntry.Slide.Zoom;

                    System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix pixel, ink;
                    display.FitSlideToBounds(System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill, rect, zoom, ref slide, out pixel, out ink);
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(display.SyncRoot))
                        display.SheetDisposition = dispositions;
                        display.Bounds = slide;
                        display.PixelTransform = pixel;
                        display.InkTransform = ink;

                    Viewer.Slides.SheetRenderer r = Viewer.Slides.SheetRenderer.ForStaticSheet(display, sheets[i]);
                    if ((r.Sheet.Disposition & dispositions) != 0)
                        r.Paint(new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs(tempGraphics, rect));

                //Restore the Old State

                //Export the image
                //Merge the graphics
                dib.PaintBuffer(toSave, 0, 0);

                //Dispose all the graphics

                return toExport;
        protected override void OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs args)
            Graphics g = args.Graphics;
            RoleModel role = null;
            LinkedDeckTraversalModel.NavigationSelector studentNavigationType = LinkedDeckTraversalModel.NavigationSelector.Full;
            if (PresenterModel.TheInstance != null) {
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(PresenterModel.TheInstance.Participant.SyncRoot)) {
                    role = PresenterModel.TheInstance.Participant.Role;
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(PresenterModel.TheInstance.ViewerState.SyncRoot)) {
                    studentNavigationType = PresenterModel.TheInstance.ViewerState.StudentNavigationType;

            using(Synchronizer.Lock(this.SlideDisplay.SyncRoot)) {
                Rectangle slide = this.SlideDisplay.Bounds;

                // Draw the 3D border just outside the slide bounds.
                Rectangle border = slide;
                border.Inflate(BORDER_WIDTH, BORDER_WIDTH);
                ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(g, border, Border3DStyle.Sunken, Border3DSide.All);

                if(this.Slide == null) {
                    using(Font font = new Font(this.Font.FontFamily, this.Font.Size * 6)) {
                        using(Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(this.BackColor.A / 6, SystemColors.WindowText))) {
                            SizeF size = g.MeasureString(NO_SLIDE_MESSAGE, font, slide.Width);
                            PointF location = new PointF(
                                Math.Max(0, slide.X + ((slide.Width - size.Width) / 2)),
                                Math.Max(0, slide.Y + ((slide.Height - size.Height) / 2)));
                            g.DrawString(NO_SLIDE_MESSAGE, font, brush, new RectangleF(location, size));

                else {
                    using(Synchronizer.Lock(this.Slide.SyncRoot)) {
                             // Paint the unvisited slides.
                            if ( role!=null && role is StudentModel && (!this.Slide.Visited) && studentNavigationType == LinkedDeckTraversalModel.NavigationSelector.Visited)
                            using(Font font = new Font(this.Font.FontFamily, this.Font.Size * 6)) {
                                using(Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(this.BackColor.A / 6, SystemColors.WindowText))) {
                                    SizeF size = g.MeasureString(UNVISITED_SLIDE_MESSAGE, font, slide.Width);
                                    PointF location = new PointF(
                                        Math.Max(0, slide.X + ((slide.Width - size.Width) / 2)),
                                        Math.Max(0, slide.Y + ((slide.Height - size.Height) / 2)));
                                    g.DrawString(UNVISITED_SLIDE_MESSAGE, font, brush, new RectangleF(location, size));
                            // Paint the slide's background to be something prettier than the default control color.
                            //Retrieve the slide's background color
                            else {
                                Color c;
                                using(Synchronizer.Lock(this.Slide.SyncRoot)) {
                                    c = this.Slide.BackgroundColor;
                                if(c.IsEmpty) {
                                    //Slide color undefined, use deck's default color
                                    c = this.DefaultDeckBGColor;

                                SolidBrush sb = new SolidBrush(c);
                                //Some really cool brushes that we might consider offering...
                                //HatchBrush hb = new HatchBrush(HatchStyle.DiagonalCross, Color.Gold, Color.Purple);
                                //LinearGradientBrush lgb = new LinearGradientBrush(slide, Color.Purple, Color.Gold, 0f, true);

                                g.FillRectangle(sb, slide);
                                //g.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Window, slide);
                                BackgroundTemplate backgroundTemplate;
                                float slidezoom = 1f;
                                using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.Slide.SyncRoot)) {
                                    backgroundTemplate = this.Slide.BackgroundTemplate;
                                    slidezoom = this.Slide.Zoom;
                                if (backgroundTemplate == null) {
                                    backgroundTemplate = this.DefaultDeckBGTemplate;
                                if (backgroundTemplate != null) {
                                    using (BackgroundTemplateRenderer render = new BackgroundTemplateRenderer(backgroundTemplate)) {
                                        render.Zoom = slidezoom;
                                        render.DrawAll(g, slide);

                    // Paint the default background in the region outside the slide.
                    Region inverse = g.Clip;
                    g.Clip = inverse;
 /// <summary>
 /// Override the OnPaint to render the template
 /// </summary>
 protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
     using (BackgroundTemplateRenderer render = new BackgroundTemplateRenderer(this.m_Form.m_Template))
         render.DrawAll(e.Graphics, this.ClientRectangle);
        // TODO: Correctly Draw the Slide Annotation
        private void DrawSlide( DeckTraversalModel traversal, int index, System.Drawing.Rectangle rect, System.Drawing.Graphics buffer )
            // Save the old state
            System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsState oldState;

            using( Synchronizer.Lock( traversal.SyncRoot ) ) {
                using( Synchronizer.Lock( traversal.Deck.SyncRoot ) ) {
                    using( Synchronizer.Lock( traversal.Deck.TableOfContents.SyncRoot ) ) {
                        TableOfContentsModel.Entry entry = traversal.Deck.TableOfContents.Entries[index];
                        using( Synchronizer.Lock( entry.Slide.SyncRoot ) ) {
                            //Draw the background color
                            //First see if there is a Slide BG, if not, try the Deck. Otherwise, use transparent.
                            if( entry.Slide.BackgroundColor != Color.Empty ) {
                                buffer.FillRectangle( new System.Drawing.SolidBrush( entry.Slide.BackgroundColor ), rect );
                            } else if( traversal.Deck.DeckBackgroundColor != Color.Empty ) {
                                buffer.FillRectangle( new System.Drawing.SolidBrush( traversal.Deck.DeckBackgroundColor ), rect );
                            } else {
                                buffer.FillRectangle( new System.Drawing.SolidBrush( Color.Transparent ), rect );
                            //Draw the background Template
                            if (entry.Slide.BackgroundTemplate != null) {
                                using (BackgroundTemplateRenderer render = new BackgroundTemplateRenderer(entry.Slide.BackgroundTemplate)) {
                                    render.Zoom = entry.Slide.Zoom;
                                    render.DrawAll(buffer, rect);

                            //Get the Slide content and draw it
                            oldState = buffer.Save();
                            Model.Presentation.SlideModel.SheetCollection sheets = entry.Slide.ContentSheets;
                            for( int i = 0; i < sheets.Count; i++ ) {
                                SlideDisplayModel display = new SlideDisplayModel( buffer, null );

                                Rectangle slide = rect;
                                float zoom = 1f;
                                if( entry.Slide != null ) {
                                    slide = entry.Slide.Bounds;
                                    zoom = entry.Slide.Zoom;

                                System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix pixel, ink;
                                display.FitSlideToBounds(System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill, rect, zoom, ref slide, out pixel, out ink);
                                using(Synchronizer.Lock(display.SyncRoot)) {
                                    display.Bounds = slide;
                                    display.PixelTransform = pixel;
                                    display.InkTransform = ink;

                                Viewer.Slides.SheetRenderer r = Viewer.Slides.SheetRenderer.ForStaticSheet( display, sheets[i] );
                                r.Paint( new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs(buffer, rect) );

                            //Restore the Old State
                            buffer.Restore( oldState );
                            oldState = buffer.Save();

                            //Get the Annotation content and draw it
                            sheets = entry.Slide.AnnotationSheets;
                            for( int i = 0; i < sheets.Count; i++ ) {
                                SlideDisplayModel display = new SlideDisplayModel( buffer, null );

                                Rectangle slide = rect;
                                float zoom = 1f;
                                if( entry.Slide != null ) {
                                    slide = entry.Slide.Bounds;
                                    zoom = entry.Slide.Zoom;

                                System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix pixel, ink;
                                display.FitSlideToBounds(System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill, rect, zoom, ref slide, out pixel, out ink);
                                using(Synchronizer.Lock(display.SyncRoot)) {
                                    display.Bounds = slide;
                                    display.PixelTransform = pixel;
                                    display.InkTransform = ink;

                                Viewer.Slides.SheetRenderer r = Viewer.Slides.SheetRenderer.ForStaticSheet( display, sheets[i] );
                                if( r is Viewer.Slides.InkSheetRenderer ) {
                                    ((Viewer.Slides.InkSheetRenderer)r).Paint( buffer, rect );
                                    r.Paint( new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs(buffer, rect) );

                            //Restore the Old State
                            buffer.Restore( oldState );
                            Microsoft.Ink.Renderer renderer = new Microsoft.Ink.Renderer();
                            for( int i = 0; i < sheets.Count; i++ ) {
                                SheetModel sm = sheets[i];
                                if( sm is InkSheetModel ) {
                                    InkSheetModel ism = sm as InkSheetModel;
                                    using( Synchronizer.Lock( ism.SyncRoot ) ) {
                                        foreach( Microsoft.Ink.Stroke stroke in ism.Ink.Strokes ) {
                                            renderer.Draw( buffer, stroke );
                                } else if( sm is TextSheetModel ) {
                                    TextSheetModel tsm = sm as TextSheetModel;
                                    using( Synchronizer.Lock( tsm.SyncRoot ) ) {
                                        buffer.DrawString( tsm.Text, tsm.Font, new SolidBrush( tsm.Color ), tsm.Bounds );
                                } else if( sm is ImageSheetModel ) {
                                    //add any images in the AnnotationSheets
                                    ImageSheetModel image_sheet_model = (ImageSheetModel)sm;
                                    using( Synchronizer.Lock( image_sheet_model.SyncRoot ) ) {
                                         buffer.DrawImage( image_sheet_model.Image, image_sheet_model.Bounds );
                                } else {
                                    //Unknown, skip it
        protected override void OnPaint( PaintEventArgs args )
            if (this.Slide == null) //Don't paint before the slide is set

            Color bkgColor;                 // Set the filmstrip background color
            BackgroundTemplate bkgTemplate;
            float slideZoom = 1f;
            RoleModel role;
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(PresenterModel.TheInstance.Participant.SyncRoot)) {
                role = PresenterModel.TheInstance.Participant.Role;
            LinkedDeckTraversalModel.NavigationSelector studentNavigationType;
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(PresenterModel.TheInstance.ViewerState.SyncRoot)) {
                studentNavigationType = PresenterModel.TheInstance.ViewerState.StudentNavigationType;
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.Slide.SyncRoot)) {
                bkgColor = (!this.Slide.BackgroundColor.IsEmpty) ? this.Slide.BackgroundColor : this.DefaultDeckBGColor;
                // For student role, paint unvisited slides gray.
                if (role is StudentModel && (!this.Slide.Visited) && studentNavigationType == LinkedDeckTraversalModel.NavigationSelector.Visited)
                    bkgColor = SystemColors.Control;
                bkgTemplate = (this.Slide.BackgroundTemplate != null) ? this.Slide.BackgroundTemplate : this.DefaultDeckBGTemplate;
                slideZoom = this.Slide.Zoom;


            if (bkgTemplate != null) {
                BackgroundTemplateRenderer render = new BackgroundTemplateRenderer(bkgTemplate);
                render.Zoom = slideZoom;
                render.DrawAll(args.Graphics, this.ClientRectangle);

            base.OnPaint( args );

            // If the entry is selected, draw a thick border just inside of the 3D border.
            if( this.m_IsCurrentEntry ) {
                Rectangle highlight = this.ClientRectangle;

                if( this.m_IsCurrentDeckTraversal ) {
                    using( Pen pen = new Pen( HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, HIGHLIGHT_BORDER_WIDTH ) ) {
                        args.Graphics.DrawRectangle( pen, highlight );
                } else {
                    using( Pen pen = new Pen( HIGHLIGHT_COLOR, HIGHLIGHT_BORDER_WIDTH ) ) {
                        pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;
                        args.Graphics.DrawRectangle( pen, highlight );