public OpenDeckMenuItem(PresenterModel model, DeckMarshalService marshal)
            this.m_Model = model;
            this.m_OpenDeckDialog = new OpenDeckDialog(model, marshal);

            this.Text = Strings.OpenDeck;
            this.Shortcut = Shortcut.CtrlO;
            this.ShowShortcut = true;
Exemple #2
        void ShowStartup(object sender, EventArgs ea) {
            //We only want this to be called the first time it's activated...  look for a better event to use here.
            this.Activated -= this.ShowStartup;
            if (this.StandAlone) {
            else {

            if (this.OpenInputFiles != null) {
                foreach (string inputFile in this.OpenInputFiles) {
                    if (inputFile != null && inputFile != "") {
                        Decks.OpenDeckDialog odd = new OpenDeckDialog(this.m_Model, this.m_Marshal);
                        odd.OpenDeck(new FileInfo(inputFile));
Exemple #3
        void ShowStartup(object sender, EventArgs ea) {
            //We only want this to be called the first time it's activated...  look for a better event to use here.
            this.Activated -= this.ShowStartup;

            // FIX BUG 827, 1009: Load any initial decks at this point (after we have connected)
            // We were doing this before we connected and so clients weren't getting the deck.
            if( this.OpenFromIconInputFile != null && this.OpenFromIconInputFile != "" ) {
                Decks.OpenDeckDialog odd = new OpenDeckDialog( this.m_Model, this.m_Marshal );
                odd.OpenDeck( new FileInfo( this.OpenFromIconInputFile ) );