private void newWindowUnique(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(internalWindowUnique == null) { internalWindowUnique = new frmSub(); //creates an instance of the window named 'window'. internalWindowUnique.MdiParent = this; //sets 'this' instance of frmMenu as its parent, so the window can host the instance. internalWindowUnique.Show(); //this is an equivalent from '.setVisible(true);' in Java. it just makes the window visible. internalWindowUnique.Text = //sets the name of this window... { txtWindowName.Text //gathers the name the user typed .Replace( //and applies formatting syntax to it "%N%", //where it replaces any entries of '%N%' ++this.windowCount + "" //with the number of windows that the user had opened. );//...} } }
private void newWindowMultiple(object sender, EventArgs e) { internalWindowMultiple = new frmSub(); //creates an instance of the window named 'window'. internalWindowMultiple.MdiParent = this; //sets 'this' instance of frmMenu as its parent, so the window can host the instance. internalWindowMultiple.Show(); //this is an equivalent from '.setVisible(true);' in Java. it just makes the window visible. }