Exemple #1
        private static void ExtractPackageGUIDs()
            // Make sure Asset Serialization mode is set to ForceText with Visible Meta Files.

            string projectPath = Path.GetFullPath("Assets/..");

            // Create new instance of AssetConversionData file
            AssetConversionData data = new AssetConversionData();

            data.assetRecords = new List <AssetConversionRecord>();

            // Get full list of GUIDs used in the package which including folders.
            string[] packageGUIDs = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Object", new string[] { "Assets/Packages/com.unity.TextMeshPro" });

            for (int i = 0; i < packageGUIDs.Length; i++)
                // Could add a progress bar for this process (if needed)

                string guid          = packageGUIDs[i];
                string assetFilePath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);
                //string assetMetaFilePath = AssetDatabase.GetTextMetaFilePathFromAssetPath(assetFilePath);

                //ObjectIdentifier[] localIdentifider = BundleBuildInterface.GetPlayerObjectIdentifiersInAsset(new GUID(guid), BuildTarget.NoTarget);
                //System.Type[] types = BundleBuildInterface.GetTypeForObjects(localIdentifider);

                System.Type assetType = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(assetFilePath);

                // Filter out file types we are not interested in
                if (assetType == typeof(DefaultAsset))

                string newGuid = GenerateUniqueGUID();

                AssetConversionRecord record;
                record.referencedResource = Path.GetFileName(assetFilePath);
                record.target             = "fileID: 2108210716, guid: " + newGuid;

                record.replacement = "fileID: 11500000, guid: " + guid;

                //if (m_AssetRecords.FindIndex(item => item.oldGuid == guid) != -1)
                //    continue;


                // Read the meta file for the given asset.
                //string assetMetaFile = File.ReadAllText(projectPath + "/" + assetMetaFilePath);

                //assetMetaFile = assetMetaFile.Replace("guid: " + guid, "guid: " + newGUID);

                //File.WriteAllText(projectPath + "/" + assetMetaFilePath, assetMetaFile);

                Debug.Log("Asset: [" + Path.GetFileName(assetFilePath) + "]   Type: " + assetType + "   Current GUID: [" + guid + "]   New GUID: [" + newGuid + "]");

            // Write new information into JSON file
            string dataFile = JsonUtility.ToJson(data, true);

            File.WriteAllText(projectPath + "/Assets/Packages/com.unity.TextMeshPro/PackageConversionData.json", dataFile);

            // Restore project Asset Serialization and Source Control modes.
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private static void ConvertProjectGUIDsToUPM()
            // Make sure Asset Serialization mode is set to ForceText with Visible Meta Files.

            string projectPath     = Path.GetFullPath("Assets/..");
            string packageFullPath = EditorUtilities.TMP_EditorUtility.packageFullPath;

            // List containing assets that have been modified.
            List <AssetModificationRecord> modifiedAssetList = new List <AssetModificationRecord>();

            // Read Conversion Data from Json file.
            AssetConversionData conversionData = JsonUtility.FromJson <AssetConversionData>(File.ReadAllText(packageFullPath + "/PackageConversionData.json"));

            // Get list of GUIDs for assets that might contain references to previous GUIDs that require updating.
            string[] projectGUIDs = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Object");

            for (int i = 0; i < projectGUIDs.Length; i++)
                // Could add a progress bar for this process

                string      guid          = projectGUIDs[i];
                string      assetFilePath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);
                System.Type assetType     = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(assetFilePath);

                // Filter out file types we are not interested in
                if (assetType == typeof(DefaultAsset) || assetType == typeof(MonoScript) || assetType == typeof(Texture2D) || assetType == typeof(TextAsset) || assetType == typeof(Shader))

                // Read the asset data file
                string assetDataFile = File.ReadAllText(projectPath + "/" + assetFilePath);

                //Debug.Log("Searching Asset: [" + assetFilePath + "] of type: " + assetType);

                bool hasFileChanged = false;

                foreach (AssetConversionRecord record in conversionData.assetRecords)
                    if (assetDataFile.Contains(record.target))
                        hasFileChanged = true;

                        assetDataFile = assetDataFile.Replace(record.target, record.replacement);

                        Debug.Log("Replacing Reference to [" + record.referencedResource + "] using [" + record.target + "] with [" + record.replacement + "] in asset file: [" + assetFilePath + "].");

                if (hasFileChanged)
                    Debug.Log("Adding [" + assetFilePath + "] to list of assets to be modified.");

                    AssetModificationRecord modifiedAsset;
                    modifiedAsset.assetFilePath = assetFilePath;
                    modifiedAsset.assetDataFile = assetDataFile;


            // Scan project meta files to update GUIDs of assets whose GUID has changed.
            projectGUIDs = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Object");

            for (int i = 0; i < projectGUIDs.Length; i++)
                string guid              = projectGUIDs[i];
                string assetFilePath     = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);
                string assetMetaFilePath = AssetDatabase.GetTextMetaFilePathFromAssetPath(assetFilePath);

                // Read the asset meta data file
                string assetMetaFile = File.ReadAllText(projectPath + "/" + assetMetaFilePath);

                bool hasFileChanged = false;

                foreach (AssetConversionRecord record in conversionData.assetRecords)
                    if (assetMetaFile.Contains(record.target))
                        hasFileChanged = true;

                        assetMetaFile = assetMetaFile.Replace(record.target, record.replacement);

                        Debug.Log("Replacing Reference to [" + record.referencedResource + "] using [" + record.target + "] with [" + record.replacement + "] in asset file: [" + assetMetaFilePath + "].");

                if (hasFileChanged)
                    Debug.Log("Adding [" + assetMetaFilePath + "] to list of meta files to be modified.");

                    AssetModificationRecord modifiedAsset;
                    modifiedAsset.assetFilePath = assetMetaFilePath;
                    modifiedAsset.assetDataFile = assetMetaFile;


            // Display dialogue to show user a list of project files that will be modified upon their consent.
            if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Save Modified Asset(s)?", "Are you sure you want to save all modified assets?", "YES", "NO"))
                for (int i = 0; i < modifiedAssetList.Count; i++)
                    // Make sure all file streams that might have been opened by Unity are closed.

                    Debug.Log("Writing asset file [" + modifiedAssetList[i].assetFilePath + "].");

                    //File.WriteAllText(projectPath + "/" + modifiedAssetList[i].assetFilePath, modifiedAssetList[i].assetDataFile);


            // Restore project Asset Serialization and Source Control modes.
Exemple #3
        private IEnumerator ScanProjectFiles()
            m_IsAlreadyScanningProject = true;
            string projectPath     = Path.GetFullPath("Assets/..");
            string packageFullPath = EditorUtilities.TMP_EditorUtility.packageFullPath;

            // List containing assets that have been modified.
            string scanResults = k_ProjectScanReportDefaultText;

            m_ProgressPercentage = 0;

            // Read Conversion Data from Json file.
            AssetConversionData conversionData        = JsonUtility.FromJson <AssetConversionData>(File.ReadAllText(packageFullPath + "/PackageConversionData.json"));
            AssetConversionData conversionData_Assets = JsonUtility.FromJson <AssetConversionData>(File.ReadAllText(packageFullPath + "/PackageConversionData_Assets.json"));

            // Get list of GUIDs for assets that might contain references to previous GUIDs that require updating.
            string searchFolder = string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_ProjectFolderToScan) ? "Assets" : ("Assets/" + m_ProjectFolderToScan);

            string[] projectGUIDs = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Object", new string[] { searchFolder });
            m_ScanningTotalFiles = projectGUIDs.Length;

            bool cancelScanning = false;

            // Iterate through projectGUIDs to search project assets of the types likely to reference GUIDs and FileIDs used by previous versions of TextMesh Pro.
            for (int i = 0; i < projectGUIDs.Length && cancelScanning == false; i++)
                if (m_CancelScanProcess)
                    cancelScanning = true;


                m_ScanningCurrentFileIndex = i + 1;

                string      guid               = projectGUIDs[i];
                string      assetFilePath      = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);
                string      assetFileExtension = Path.GetExtension(assetFilePath);
                System.Type assetType          = AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(assetFilePath);

                // Filter out asset types that we can't read or have not interest in searching.
                if (assetType == typeof(DefaultAsset) || assetType == typeof(MonoScript) || assetType == typeof(Texture2D) || assetType == typeof(Texture3D) || assetType == typeof(Cubemap) ||
                    assetType == typeof(TextAsset) || assetType == typeof(Shader) || assetType == typeof(Font) || assetType == typeof(UnityEditorInternal.AssemblyDefinitionAsset) ||
                    assetType == typeof(GUISkin) || assetType == typeof(PhysicsMaterial2D) || assetType == typeof(PhysicMaterial) || assetType == typeof(UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteAtlas) || assetType == typeof(UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tile) ||
                    assetType == typeof(AudioClip) || assetType == typeof(ComputeShader) || assetType == typeof(UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController) || assetType == typeof(UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshData) ||
                    assetType == typeof(Mesh) || assetType == typeof(RenderTexture) || assetType == typeof(Texture2DArray) || assetType == typeof(LightingDataAsset) || assetType == typeof(AvatarMask) ||
                    assetType == typeof(AnimatorOverrideController) || assetType == typeof(TerrainData) || assetType == typeof(HumanTemplate) || assetType == typeof(Flare) || assetType == typeof(UnityEngine.Video.VideoClip))

                // Exclude FBX
                if (assetType == typeof(GameObject) && (assetFileExtension == ".FBX" || assetFileExtension == ".fbx"))

                m_ScanningCurrentFileName = assetFilePath;
                //Debug.Log("Searching Asset: [" + assetFilePath + "] with file extension [" + assetFileExtension + "] of type [" + assetType + "]");

                // Read the asset data file
                string assetDataFile = string.Empty;
                    assetDataFile = File.ReadAllText(projectPath + "/" + assetFilePath);
                    // Continue to the next asset if we can't read the current one.

                bool hasFileChanged = false;

                // Special handling / optimization if assetType is null
                if (assetType == null)
                    foreach (AssetConversionRecord record in conversionData_Assets.assetRecords)
                        if (assetDataFile.Contains(record.target))
                            hasFileChanged = true;

                            assetDataFile = assetDataFile.Replace(record.target, record.replacement);

                            //Debug.Log("Replacing Reference to [" + record.referencedResource + "] using [" + record.target + "] with [" + record.replacement + "] in asset file: [" + assetFilePath + "].");
                    foreach (AssetConversionRecord record in conversionData.assetRecords)
                        if (assetDataFile.Contains(record.target))
                            hasFileChanged = true;

                            assetDataFile = assetDataFile.Replace(record.target, record.replacement);

                            //Debug.Log("Replacing Reference to [" + record.referencedResource + "] using [" + record.target + "] with [" + record.replacement + "] in asset file: [" + assetFilePath + "].");

                if (hasFileChanged)
                    //Debug.Log("Adding [" + assetFilePath + "] to list of assets to be modified.");

                    AssetModificationRecord modifiedAsset;
                    modifiedAsset.assetFilePath = assetFilePath;
                    modifiedAsset.assetDataFile = assetDataFile;


                    scanResults += assetFilePath + "\n";

                m_ProjectScanResults = scanResults;
                m_ProgressPercentage = (float)i / (projectGUIDs.Length * 2);

                yield return(null);

            // Iterate through projectGUIDs (again) to search project meta files which reference GUIDs used by previous versions of TextMesh Pro.
            for (int i = 0; i < projectGUIDs.Length && cancelScanning == false; i++)
                if (m_CancelScanProcess)
                    cancelScanning = true;


                string guid              = projectGUIDs[i];
                string assetFilePath     = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);
                string assetMetaFilePath = AssetDatabase.GetTextMetaFilePathFromAssetPath(assetFilePath);

                // Read the asset meta data file
                string assetMetaFile = File.ReadAllText(projectPath + "/" + assetMetaFilePath);

                bool hasFileChanged = false;

                m_ScanningCurrentFileName = assetMetaFilePath;

                foreach (AssetConversionRecord record in conversionData.assetRecords)
                    if (assetMetaFile.Contains(record.target))
                        hasFileChanged = true;

                        assetMetaFile = assetMetaFile.Replace(record.target, record.replacement);

                        //Debug.Log("Replacing Reference to [" + record.referencedResource + "] using [" + record.target + "] with [" + record.replacement + "] in asset file: [" + assetMetaFilePath + "].");

                if (hasFileChanged)
                    //Debug.Log("Adding [" + assetMetaFilePath + "] to list of meta files to be modified.");

                    AssetModificationRecord modifiedAsset;
                    modifiedAsset.assetFilePath = assetMetaFilePath;
                    modifiedAsset.assetDataFile = assetMetaFile;


                    scanResults += assetMetaFilePath + "\n";

                m_ProjectScanResults = scanResults;
                m_ProgressPercentage = 0.5f + ((float)i / (projectGUIDs.Length * 2));

                yield return(null);

            m_IsAlreadyScanningProject = false;
            m_ScanningCurrentFileName  = string.Empty;