protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { Response.Expires = -1; Response.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); root = HyperLinkManager.GetHyperLink(""); roots = HyperLinkManager.GetSecureHyperLink(""); if (null != beta && 1 == Config.GetInt("Web.BetaSite", 0)) { beta.Visible = true; } if (null != test && 1 == Config.GetInt("Web.TestSite", 0)) { test.Visible = true; } }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { CultureInfo culture = UDDI.Localization.GetCulture(); string isoLangCode = culture.LCID.ToString(); string file = "/help/" + isoLangCode + "/" + HelpFile + ".aspx"; string defaultlang = Config.GetString("Setup.WebServer.ProductLanguage", "en"); int lcid = 1033; // // 'cultureIDValue is expected to contain a neutral culture. ie, // 'en', or 'ko', or 'de'. All but a few neutral cultures have // a default specific culture. For example, the default specific // culture of 'en' is 'en-US'. // // Traditional & simplified Chinese (zh-CHT and zh-CHS respectively) // are examples of neutral cultures which have no default specific // culture! // // So what happens below is this: First we try to lookup the default // specific culture for the neutral culture that we were given. If that // fails (ie, if CreateSpecificCulture throws), we just get the lcid // of the neutral culture. // try { lcid = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(defaultlang).LCID; } catch { CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo(defaultlang); lcid = ci.LCID; } if (!File.Exists(Server.MapPath(root + file))) { file = "/help/" + lcid.ToString() + "/" + HelpFile + ".aspx"; } file = HyperLinkManager.GetNonSecureHyperLink(file); HtmlAnchor anchor = new HtmlAnchor(); if (((UddiPage)Page).IsIE4 || ((UddiPage)Page).IsIE5 || ((UddiPage)Page).IsNetscape6) { // // Standards recommend pointer, but IE4 used hand. // if (((UddiPage)Page).IsIE4) { anchor.Style.Add("cursor", "hand"); } else { anchor.Style.Add("cursor", "pointer"); } anchor.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ShowHelp( '" + file + "' )"); anchor.HRef = ""; } else { anchor.HRef = file; } anchor.Target = "help"; anchor.InnerHtml = "<img src='" + root + "/images/help.gif' border='0'>"; Controls.Add(anchor); }
protected void RenderText(HtmlTextWriter output) { switch (this.Type) { case MenuItemType.Item: HyperLink l = new HyperLink(); l.Text = this.Text; if (null != this.NavigateTarget && "" != this.NavigateTarget.Trim()) { l.Target = this.NavigateTarget; } string classname = this.Name + "_Text"; if (this.Selected) { classname += "Selected"; } else { if (null != this.NavigatePage) { if (RequireHttps) { l.NavigateUrl = HyperLinkManager.GetSecureHyperLink(NavigatePage); } else if (RequireHttp) { l.NavigateUrl = HyperLinkManager.GetNonSecureHyperLink(NavigatePage); } else { l.NavigateUrl = HyperLinkManager.GetHyperLink(NavigatePage); } } else if (null != this.NavigateUrl) { l.NavigateUrl = this.NavigateUrl; } } l.CssClass = classname; l.Target = this.NavigateTarget; output.Write("<nobr>"); l.RenderControl(output); output.Write("</nobr>"); break; case MenuItemType.Separator: Image i = new Image(); i.ImageUrl = Root + "/images/pixel.gif"; i.Height = new Unit(1); i.Width = new Unit(1); i.BorderWidth = new Unit(0); i.RenderControl(output); break; case MenuItemType.Title: Label label = new Label(); label.Text = this.Text; output.Write("<nobr>"); label.RenderControl(output); output.Write("</nobr>"); break; } }