Exemple #1
        protected void ProcessTypeCollection()
            foreach (SemanticTypeInstance typeInstance in Program.SemanticTypeSystem.Instances.Values)
                ISemanticType instance = typeInstance.Instance;
                string        name     = typeInstance.Name;

                if (!ignoreNames.Contains(name))
                    // A distinct type name, used for coloration logic.

                    // Also, for each type, we have a specific location to group all instances of that type.
                    if (!typeGroups.ContainsKey(name))
                        typeGroups[name] = new TypeGroup();

                    VisualSemanticType vst = new VisualSemanticType(instance, name);
                    vtypes.Add(vst);                                    // Only the collections go in this space.

                    // Add all the collection elements.
                    if (name == "PopulationByStateByYear")
                        // This is a collection.
                        List <ISemanticType> stList = (List <ISemanticType>)((dynamic)vst.SemanticType).Collection.Items;
                        int items = stList.Count;

                        stList.ForEachWithIndex((st, idx2) =>
                            // Create the collection types.  This is for every item in the collection, so many will be repeated (like year and state)
                            string subname = Program.SemanticTypeSystem.GetSemanticTypeName(st);
                            VisualSemanticType vst2  = new VisualSemanticType(st, subname);
                            CollectionSubtype cs     = new CollectionSubtype(instance, st);
                            typeVisualizationMap[cs] = vst2;
                            // vtypes.Add(vst2);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Force all types to recalculate their target locations.
        /// </summary>
        protected void ResetAllTargets()
            vtypes.ForEach(t =>
                t.StepNumber    = 0;
                t.StartLocation = t.Location;

                string name = Program.SemanticTypeSystem.GetSemanticTypeName(t.SemanticType);

                if (name == "PopulationByStateByYear")
                    List <ISemanticType> stList = (List <ISemanticType>)((dynamic)t.SemanticType).Collection.Items;

                    stList.ForEach((st) =>
                        // W're going to draw the lines between each item in the collection.
                        CollectionSubtype cs = new CollectionSubtype(t.SemanticType, st);
                        typeVisualizationMap[cs].StartLocation = typeVisualizationMap[cs].Location;
Exemple #3
        protected void OnVisualizerPaint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            Control ctrl = (Control)sender;
            int     hw   = ctrl.ClientRectangle.Width / 2;
            int     hh   = ctrl.ClientRectangle.Height / 2;

            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(blackBrush, new Rectangle(Location, Size));

 *                      // Plot an "X" where the group coordinates are located.
 *                      foreach (TypeGroup tg in typeGroups.Values)
 *                      {
 *                              Point p = tg.Location;
 *                              p.Offset(hw, hh);
 *                              e.Graphics.DrawString("X", font, whiteBrush, p);
 *                      }
            foreach (VisualSemanticType vtype in vtypes)
                if (vtype.Name == "PopulationByStateByYear")
                    // This is a collection.
                    List <ISemanticType> stList = (List <ISemanticType>)((dynamic)vtype.SemanticType).Collection.Items;
                    int     items   = stList.Count;
                    Point[] objects = new Point[items];

                    stList.ForEachWithIndex((st, idx) =>
                        // W're going to draw the lines between each item in the collection.
                        CollectionSubtype cs = new CollectionSubtype(vtype.SemanticType, st);
                        Point p = typeVisualizationMap[cs].Location;
                        p.Offset(objectSize.Width / 2, objectSize.Height / 2);          // UL corner of the area for the circle.
                        p.Offset(hw, hh);                                               // translate to LL corner at (0, 0)
                        p.Offset(-20, -20);                                             // UL of the circle offset.
                        objects[idx] = p;

                        // Draw each type on the edge of a small circle surrounding the collection type.
                        //string name = Program.SemanticTypeSystem.GetSemanticTypeName(st);
                        //Pen pen = penColors[distinctTypes.IndexOf(name) % distinctTypes.Count];
                        //Point p = vtype.Location;
                        //Point pOnCircle = GetPointOnCircle(10, idx, items);
                        //p.Offset(hw, hh);										// translate to LL corner at (0, 0)
                        //p.Offset(-20, -20);			// UL of the circle offset.
                        //objects[idx] = p;
                        //e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, new Rectangle(p, objectSize));

                    stList.ForEachWithIndex((st, idx) =>
                        string subname = Program.SemanticTypeSystem.GetSemanticTypeName(st);

                        int n    = (idx + 1) % items;
                        Point p1 = objects[idx];
                        Point p2 = objects[n];
                        p1.Offset(10, 10);
                        p2.Offset(10, 10);
                        e.Graphics.DrawLine(whitePen, p1, p2);

                        Pen pen = penColors[distinctTypes.IndexOf(subname) % distinctTypes.Count];
                        Point p = objects[idx];
                        e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, new Rectangle(p, objectSize));

                // else
                    // This is just the collection instance.
                    Pen   pen = penColors[distinctTypes.IndexOf(vtype.Name) % distinctTypes.Count];
                    Point p   = vtype.Location;
                    p.Offset(objectSize.Width / 2, objectSize.Height / 2);      // UL corner of the area for the circle.
                    p.Offset(hw, hh);                                           // translate to LL corner at (0, 0)
                    p.Offset(-20, -20);                                         // UL of the circle offset.
                    e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, new Rectangle(p, objectSize));
Exemple #4
        protected bool Step()
            bool more = true;

            //  TODO: These 4 lines are duplicate code.  Refactor into a SizeChanged event handler.
            int hw = Visualizer.ClientRectangle.Width / 2;
            int hh = Visualizer.ClientRectangle.Height / 2;
            int n  = (hw < hh ? hw : hh);
            int m  = (n / 5);                                                   // the radius of the group's circle.

            vtypes.ForEachWithIndex((vtype, idx) =>
                more = false;                   // points to plot
                if (vtype.StepNumber == 0)
                    // Initialize the starting location if it's a new entry.

                    //if (targetState == false)
                    //	// RANDOM POINT IN SPACE
                    //	vtype.TargetLocation = new Point(rnd.Next(-hw, hw), rnd.Next(-hh, hh));
                        if (vtype.Name == "PopulationByStateByYear")
                            // This is a collection.
                            List <ISemanticType> stList = (List <ISemanticType>)((dynamic)vtype.SemanticType).Collection.Items;
                            int items = stList.Count;

                            if (targetState == false)
                                // The collection goes somewhere random.
                                vtype.TargetLocation = new Point(rnd.Next(-hw, hw), rnd.Next(-hh, hh));

                            stList.ForEachWithIndex((st, idx2) =>
                                if (targetState == false)
                                    // Set an initial random point for the item in the collection.
                                    CollectionSubtype cs = new CollectionSubtype(vtype.SemanticType, st);
                                    typeVisualizationMap[cs].TargetLocation = new Point(rnd.Next(-hw, hw), rnd.Next(-hh, hh));
                                    // Draw each type on the edge of a small circle surrounding the collection type.
                                    Point p         = vtype.TargetLocation;
                                    Point pOnCircle = GetPointOnCircle(10, idx2, items);
                                    // p.Offset(hw, hh);										// translate to LL corner at (0, 0)
                                    // p.Offset(-20, -20);			// UL of the circle offset.
                                    CollectionSubtype cs = new CollectionSubtype(vtype.SemanticType, st);
                                    typeVisualizationMap[cs].TargetLocation = p;

                    // RANDOM POINT WITHIN A LOCAL GROUP:

                     * Point groupPoint = typeGroups[vtype.Name].Location;
                     * // We can figure out a random target within a circle centered here.
                     * double randomAngle = rnd.NextDouble() * 3.14159265 * 2;
                     * Point p = new Point((int)(rnd.Next(-m, m) * Math.Cos(randomAngle)), (int)(rnd.Next(-m, m) * Math.Sin(randomAngle)));
                     * // Center on the group point.
                     * p.Offset(groupPoint);
                     * vtype.TargetLocation = p;

                    // RANDOM POINT ON A CIRCLE.

                     * int l = n - n / 6;
                     * l = (int)(l * (((idx % 3) + 1) / 3.0));		// split each radial into 3 locations along the radial.
                     * double angle = 3.14159265 * 2 * idx / vtypes.Count;
                     * Point p = new Point((int)(l * Math.Cos(angle)), (int)(l * Math.Sin(angle)));
                     * p.Offset(-20, -20);
                     * vtype.TargetLocation = p;

                if (vtype.StepNumber < RenderTime)
                    more = true;
                    // A quasi acceleration curve:
                    double stepper = Math.Sin(((3.14159265 / 2.0) * ((double)vtype.StepNumber) / (double)RenderTime));

                    // This is the collection.
                    vtype.Location = new Point((int)(vtype.StartLocation.X + (vtype.TargetLocation.X - vtype.StartLocation.X) * stepper), ((int)(vtype.StartLocation.Y + (vtype.TargetLocation.Y - vtype.StartLocation.Y) * stepper)));

                    // These are the collection items.
                    List <ISemanticType> stList = (List <ISemanticType>)((dynamic)vtype.SemanticType).Collection.Items;
                    int items = stList.Count;
                    stList.ForEach((st) =>
                        CollectionSubtype cs   = new CollectionSubtype(vtype.SemanticType, st);
                        VisualSemanticType vst = typeVisualizationMap[cs];
                        vst.Location           = new Point((int)(vst.StartLocation.X + (vst.TargetLocation.X - vst.StartLocation.X) * stepper), ((int)(vst.StartLocation.Y + (vst.TargetLocation.Y - vst.StartLocation.Y) * stepper)));

        protected bool Step()
            bool more = true;

            //  TODO: These 4 lines are duplicate code.  Refactor into a SizeChanged event handler.
            int hw = Visualizer.ClientRectangle.Width / 2;
            int hh = Visualizer.ClientRectangle.Height / 2;
            int n = (hw < hh ? hw : hh);
            int m = (n / 5);					// the radius of the group's circle.

            vtypes.ForEachWithIndex((vtype, idx) =>
                more = false;	// points to plot
                if (vtype.StepNumber == 0)
                    // Initialize the starting location if it's a new entry.

                    //if (targetState == false)
                    //	// RANDOM POINT IN SPACE
                    //	vtype.TargetLocation = new Point(rnd.Next(-hw, hw), rnd.Next(-hh, hh));
                        if (vtype.Name == "PopulationByStateByYear")
                            // This is a collection.
                            List<ISemanticType> stList = (List<ISemanticType>)((dynamic)vtype.SemanticType).Collection.Items;
                            int items = stList.Count;

                            if (targetState == false)
                                // The collection goes somewhere random.
                                vtype.TargetLocation = new Point(rnd.Next(-hw, hw), rnd.Next(-hh, hh));

                            stList.ForEachWithIndex((st, idx2) =>
                                if (targetState == false)
                                    // Set an initial random point for the item in the collection.
                                    CollectionSubtype cs = new CollectionSubtype(vtype.SemanticType, st);
                                    typeVisualizationMap[cs].TargetLocation = new Point(rnd.Next(-hw, hw), rnd.Next(-hh, hh));
                                    // Draw each type on the edge of a small circle surrounding the collection type.
                                    Point p = vtype.TargetLocation;
                                    Point pOnCircle = GetPointOnCircle(10, idx2, items);
                                    // p.Offset(hw, hh);										// translate to LL corner at (0, 0)
                                    // p.Offset(-20, -20);			// UL of the circle offset.
                                    CollectionSubtype cs = new CollectionSubtype(vtype.SemanticType, st);
                                    typeVisualizationMap[cs].TargetLocation = p;

                    // RANDOM POINT WITHIN A LOCAL GROUP:
                    Point groupPoint = typeGroups[vtype.Name].Location;
                    // We can figure out a random target within a circle centered here.
                    double randomAngle = rnd.NextDouble() * 3.14159265 * 2;
                    Point p = new Point((int)(rnd.Next(-m, m) * Math.Cos(randomAngle)), (int)(rnd.Next(-m, m) * Math.Sin(randomAngle)));
                    // Center on the group point.
                    vtype.TargetLocation = p;

                    // RANDOM POINT ON A CIRCLE.
                    int l = n - n / 6;
                    l = (int)(l * (((idx % 3) + 1) / 3.0));		// split each radial into 3 locations along the radial.
                    double angle = 3.14159265 * 2 * idx / vtypes.Count;
                    Point p = new Point((int)(l * Math.Cos(angle)), (int)(l * Math.Sin(angle)));
                    p.Offset(-20, -20);
                    vtype.TargetLocation = p;

                if (vtype.StepNumber < RenderTime)
                    more = true;
                    // A quasi acceleration curve:
                    double stepper = Math.Sin(((3.14159265 / 2.0) * ((double)vtype.StepNumber) / (double)RenderTime));

                    // This is the collection.
                    vtype.Location = new Point((int)(vtype.StartLocation.X + (vtype.TargetLocation.X - vtype.StartLocation.X) * stepper), ((int)(vtype.StartLocation.Y + (vtype.TargetLocation.Y - vtype.StartLocation.Y) * stepper)));

                    // These are the collection items.
                    List<ISemanticType> stList = (List<ISemanticType>)((dynamic)vtype.SemanticType).Collection.Items;
                    int items = stList.Count;
                    stList.ForEach((st) =>
                        CollectionSubtype cs = new CollectionSubtype(vtype.SemanticType, st);
                        VisualSemanticType vst = typeVisualizationMap[cs];
                        vst.Location = new Point((int)(vst.StartLocation.X + (vst.TargetLocation.X - vst.StartLocation.X) * stepper), ((int)(vst.StartLocation.Y + (vst.TargetLocation.Y - vst.StartLocation.Y) * stepper)));

            return more;
        /// <summary>
        /// Force all types to recalculate their target locations.
        /// </summary>
        protected void ResetAllTargets()
            vtypes.ForEach(t =>
                    t.StepNumber = 0;
                    t.StartLocation = t.Location;

                    string name = Program.SemanticTypeSystem.GetSemanticTypeName(t.SemanticType);

                    if (name == "PopulationByStateByYear")

                        List<ISemanticType> stList = (List<ISemanticType>)((dynamic)t.SemanticType).Collection.Items;

                        stList.ForEach((st) =>
                            // W're going to draw the lines between each item in the collection.
                            CollectionSubtype cs = new CollectionSubtype(t.SemanticType, st);
                            typeVisualizationMap[cs].StartLocation = typeVisualizationMap[cs].Location;
        protected void ProcessTypeCollection()
            foreach (SemanticTypeInstance typeInstance in Program.SemanticTypeSystem.Instances.Values)
                ISemanticType instance = typeInstance.Instance;
                string name = typeInstance.Name;

                if (!ignoreNames.Contains(name))
                    // A distinct type name, used for coloration logic.

                    // Also, for each type, we have a specific location to group all instances of that type.
                    if (!typeGroups.ContainsKey(name))
                        typeGroups[name] = new TypeGroup();

                    VisualSemanticType vst = new VisualSemanticType(instance, name);
                    vtypes.Add(vst);		// Only the collections go in this space.

                    // Add all the collection elements.
                    if (name == "PopulationByStateByYear")
                        // This is a collection.
                        List<ISemanticType> stList = (List<ISemanticType>)((dynamic)vst.SemanticType).Collection.Items;
                        int items = stList.Count;

                        stList.ForEachWithIndex((st, idx2) =>
                            // Create the collection types.  This is for every item in the collection, so many will be repeated (like year and state)
                            string subname = Program.SemanticTypeSystem.GetSemanticTypeName(st);
                            VisualSemanticType vst2 = new VisualSemanticType(st, subname);
                            CollectionSubtype cs = new CollectionSubtype(instance, st);
                            typeVisualizationMap[cs] = vst2;
                            // vtypes.Add(vst2);
        protected void OnVisualizerPaint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            Control ctrl = (Control)sender;
            int hw = ctrl.ClientRectangle.Width / 2;
            int hh = ctrl.ClientRectangle.Height / 2;

            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(blackBrush, new Rectangle(Location, Size));
            // Plot an "X" where the group coordinates are located.
            foreach (TypeGroup tg in typeGroups.Values)
                Point p = tg.Location;
                p.Offset(hw, hh);
                e.Graphics.DrawString("X", font, whiteBrush, p);
            foreach (VisualSemanticType vtype in vtypes)

                if (vtype.Name == "PopulationByStateByYear")
                    // This is a collection.
                    List<ISemanticType> stList = (List<ISemanticType>)((dynamic)vtype.SemanticType).Collection.Items;
                    int items = stList.Count;
                    Point[] objects = new Point[items];

                    stList.ForEachWithIndex((st, idx) =>
                        // W're going to draw the lines between each item in the collection.
                        CollectionSubtype cs = new CollectionSubtype(vtype.SemanticType, st);
                        Point p = typeVisualizationMap[cs].Location;
                        p.Offset(objectSize.Width / 2, objectSize.Height / 2);		// UL corner of the area for the circle.
                        p.Offset(hw, hh);										// translate to LL corner at (0, 0)
                        p.Offset(-20, -20);			// UL of the circle offset.
                        objects[idx] = p;

                        // Draw each type on the edge of a small circle surrounding the collection type.
                        //string name = Program.SemanticTypeSystem.GetSemanticTypeName(st);
                        //Pen pen = penColors[distinctTypes.IndexOf(name) % distinctTypes.Count];
                        //Point p = vtype.Location;
                        //Point pOnCircle = GetPointOnCircle(10, idx, items);
                        //p.Offset(hw, hh);										// translate to LL corner at (0, 0)
                        //p.Offset(-20, -20);			// UL of the circle offset.
                        //objects[idx] = p;
                        //e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, new Rectangle(p, objectSize));

                    stList.ForEachWithIndex((st, idx) =>
                        string subname = Program.SemanticTypeSystem.GetSemanticTypeName(st);

                        int n = (idx + 1) % items;
                        Point p1 = objects[idx];
                        Point p2 = objects[n];
                        p1.Offset(10, 10);
                        p2.Offset(10, 10);
                        e.Graphics.DrawLine(whitePen, p1, p2);

                        Pen pen = penColors[distinctTypes.IndexOf(subname) % distinctTypes.Count];
                        Point p = objects[idx];
                        e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, new Rectangle(p, objectSize));

                // else
                    // This is just the collection instance.
                    Pen pen = penColors[distinctTypes.IndexOf(vtype.Name) % distinctTypes.Count];
                    Point p = vtype.Location;
                    p.Offset(objectSize.Width / 2, objectSize.Height / 2);		// UL corner of the area for the circle.
                    p.Offset(hw, hh);										// translate to LL corner at (0, 0)
                    p.Offset(-20, -20);			// UL of the circle offset.
                    e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, new Rectangle(p, objectSize));
