internal static void ClientMessageReceived(CrowdControlClient c, string raw)
            try {
                Console.WriteLine("Message received: " + raw);
                // Decode the message from CC
                // { "id":1,"code":"kill","viewer":"sdk","type":1}
                var request = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <CrowdControlRequest>(raw);

                // Do the thing
                var eventName = EventNameDict[request.Code];
                var status    = 0;

                if (TimerCooldown.IsInitialised())
                        EventLookup.Lookup(eventName, request.Viewer);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // On exception set failed flag
                        status = 1;
                    // Game is not yet ready for events, retry until it is.
                    status = 3;

                // Send the result to CC
                var response = new CrowdControlResponse();
                response.Id      = request.Id;
                response.Status  = status;
                response.Message = "Effect: " + request.Code + ": " + response.Status;

                var resJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize <CrowdControlResponse>(response);
                Console.WriteLine("Sending response: " + resJson);

                c.Send(resJson, false);
            } catch (Exception e)
        private void AlignText()
            float scaleX = (1920f / Screen.width);
            float scaleY = (1920f / Screen.width);

            //float width = textText.preferredWidth;
            float width = getTextWidth();

            float widestText = useGlobalTextWidth ? TimerCooldown.widestText : getTextWidth();

            float x = Screen.width / 2 - (Screen.width / 1920f * widestText) - TimerCooldown.ActualTimerHeadingHeight();
            float y = -Screen.height / 2 - yOffset + TimerCooldown.ActualTimerHeadingHeight();

            x *= scaleX;
            y *= scaleY;

            float displayX;

            switch (textText.alignment)
            case TextAnchor.UpperLeft:
            case TextAnchor.MiddleLeft:
            case TextAnchor.LowerLeft:
                displayX = x + width / 2f;
                goto IL_9A;

            case TextAnchor.UpperRight:
            case TextAnchor.MiddleRight:
            case TextAnchor.LowerRight:
                displayX = x - width / 2f;
                goto IL_9A;
            displayX = x;
            float displayY = y;

            textObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(displayX, displayY, 0f);

            if (progressIcon != null)
                progressIcon.rectTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(displayX - TimerCooldown.ActualTimerHeadingHeight() / 2 - width / 2f, displayY, 0f);
        public CustomText(string text, float duration, int yOffset = 0, bool showProgress = false, bool useGlobalTextWidth = true)
            this.duration           = duration;
            this.yOffset            = yOffset;
            startTime               = Time.time;
            isFadingOut             = false;
            this.useGlobalTextWidth = useGlobalTextWidth;

            textObject = new GameObject("TwitchInteractionTimerCooldown");
            textText   = textObject.AddComponent <Text>();
            textFade   = textObject.AddComponent <uGUI_TextFade>();
            textFitter = textObject.AddComponent <ContentSizeFitter>();

            textFitter.horizontalFit = ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize;
            textFitter.verticalFit   = ContentSizeFitter.FitMode.PreferredSize;

            textText.font      = uGUI.main.intro.mainText.text.font;
            textText.fontSize  = 16;
            textText.fontStyle = uGUI.main.intro.mainText.text.fontStyle;
            textText.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
            textText.color     = uGUI.main.intro.mainText.text.color;
            textText.material  = uGUI.main.intro.mainText.text.material;

            if (showProgress)
                progressObject = new GameObject("TwitchInteractionTimerCooldownIcon");
                progressIcon   = progressObject.AddComponent <uGUI_ItemIcon>();

                progressTexture = new Texture2D(TimerCooldown.ActualTimerTextHeight(), TimerCooldown.ActualTimerTextHeight());

                for (int x = 0; x < progressTexture.width; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < progressTexture.height; y++)
                        float distanceFromCenter = (float)Math.Sqrt((x - progressTexture.width / 2) * (x - progressTexture.width / 2) + (y - progressTexture.height / 2) * (y - progressTexture.height / 2));

                        Color c = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0);

                        if (distanceFromCenter <= progressTexture.height)
                            c = Color.white;

                        progressTexture.SetPixel(x, y, c);

                /*Atlas.Sprite progressSprite = new Atlas.Sprite(progressTexture);
                 * progressIcon.SetForegroundSprite(progressSprite);
                 * progressIcon.SetForegroundAlpha(1);
                 * progressIcon.SetForegroundColors(Color.white, Color.white, Color.white);
                 * progressIcon.SetForegroundAlpha(1, 1, 1);
                 * progressIcon.SetForegroundChroma(1f);
                 * progressIcon.SetBackgroundAlpha(0);
                 * progressIcon.SetBackgroundColors(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0), new Color(0, 0, 0, 0), new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
                 * progressIcon.SetForegroundAlpha(0);
                 * progressIcon.SetForegroundColors(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0), new Color(0, 0, 0, 0), new Color(0, 0, 0, 0));
                 * progressIcon.SetAlpha(0, 0, 0);
                 * progressIcon.foreground.canvasRenderer.SetColor(Color.white);
                 * progressIcon.foreground.color = Color.white;*/

            // Do this so it also shows over black screens
            Graphic g = uGUI.main.overlays.overlays[0].graphic;

            textObject.transform.SetParent(g.transform, false);
            textText.canvas.overrideSorting = true;
            textObject.layer = 1;

            if (showProgress)
                progressObject.transform.SetParent(g.transform, false);
                progressIcon.canvas.overrideSorting = true;
                progressObject.layer = 1;


Exemple #4
        internal static void ClientMessageReceived(CrowdControlClient c, string raw)
            try {
                Console.WriteLine("Message received: " + raw);
                // Decode the message from CC
                // { "id":1,"code":"kill","viewer":"sdk","type":1}
                var request = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <CrowdControlRequest>(raw);

                // Do the thing
                var eventName = EventNameDict[request.Code];
                var status    = 0;

                if (request.Id == 0 && request.Type == 255)
                    // Test message, ignore

                if (TimerCooldown.IsInitialised())
                        // Check to see if the event can fire currently fire, or is on cooldown.
                        if (!EventLookup.IsRunningOrCooldown(eventName))
                            // Not running or on cooldown, activate it if the type is "start"
                            if (request.Type == 1)
                                EventLookup.Lookup(eventName, request.Viewer);
                            // Event in use, retry.
                            status = 3;
                    catch (Exception)
                        // On exception set failed flag
                        status = 1;
                    // Game is not yet ready for events, retry until it is.
                    status = 3;

                // Send the result to CC
                var response = new CrowdControlResponse();
                response.Id      = request.Id;
                response.Status  = status;
                response.Message = "Effect: " + request.Code + ": " + response.Status;

                var resJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize <CrowdControlResponse>(response);
                Console.WriteLine("Sending response: " + resJson);

                c.Send(resJson, false);
            } catch (Exception e)