// functionality to reset password private void btCheckCode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tbCodeFromEmail.Text != string.Empty) { if (tbEnterCode.Text != string.Empty && tbEnterCode.Text == tbCodeFromEmail.Text) { var userRepo = new BaseRepository <User>(); var emailId = new BaseRepository <UserEmail>(userRepo.ContextDb) .Get(x => x.EmailName == tbEmail.Text.Trim()).First().User.Id; tbNewPass.Text = RandomStrings.TempPassword(); var user = userRepo.Get(x => x.Id == emailId) .Include(x => x.UserType) .First(); user.Password = tbNewPass.Text.GetMd5Hash(); userRepo.Update(user); MessageContainer.DisplayInfo("Password has been changed. Please login using new password", "Success"); } else { MessageContainer.DisplayError("Invalid code from email", "Error"); } } else { MessageContainer.DisplayError("Request reser code first", "Error"); } }
// check if the code can be sent private void btSendCode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tbEmail.Text.Trim() != string.Empty) { if (tbEmail.Text.Trim().IsValidEmail()) { var email = new BaseRepository <UserEmail>().Get(x => x.EmailName == tbEmail.Text.Trim()); if (email.Any()) { tbCodeFromEmail.Text = RandomStrings.ReceivedResetCode(); } else { MessageContainer.DisplayError("Email not found", "Error"); } } else { MessageContainer.DisplayError("Please, enter valid email", "Error"); } } else { MessageContainer.DisplayError("You should enter email first", "Email not entered"); } }