private async Task ClientOnReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cachedMessage, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction)
            // Check if the starboard is locked
            if (IsLocked)

            IUserMessage reactedMessage = await cachedMessage.GetOrDownloadAsync();

            SocketGuildUser user = ((SocketTextChannel)channel).Guild.GetUser(reaction.UserId);

            if (reaction.Emote.Name == "⭐" && reaction.UserId != client.CurrentUser.Id && channel is SocketTextChannel)
                List <DatabaseService.StarredMessageRow> starredMessageEntries;
                IChannel starChannel = client.GetChannel(Convert.ToUInt64(config["stars:starboardChannelId"]));

                // Check if the user is banned from the starboard
                if (databaseService.GetStarBan(reaction.UserId.ToString()).Any())
                    await(await user.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync()).SendMessageAsync("You are banned from participating in the starboard.");

                // Insert the star entry into the database, also accounting for there being reactions on the starboard post
                string messageIdToInsert;
                string channelIdOfStarredMessage;
                if (channel.Id == starChannel.Id) // Check if the user is trying to star the message form the starboard channel
                    starredMessageEntries = databaseService.GetStarboardMessageEntry(reactedMessage.Id.ToString(), false).ToList();
                    switch (starredMessageEntries.Count)
                    case 0:     // The message is not in the database, delete it from the channel
                        logger.LogError("User tried to react to message on the starboard that was not in the database");
                        await reactedMessage.DeleteAsync();


                    case 1:     // Get the ID of the original post from the starboard entry and add a star entry using that
                        messageIdToInsert         = starredMessageEntries[0].OriginalMessageId;
                        channelIdOfStarredMessage = starredMessageEntries[0].OriginalChannelId;

                    default:     // Somehow the post has been entered multiple times into the starboard
                        logger.LogError($"Multiple starboard entries detected for message {reactedMessage.Id}");
                else // Otherwise, we assume they are starring the actual message
                    messageIdToInsert         = reactedMessage.Id.ToString();
                    channelIdOfStarredMessage = channel.Id.ToString();

                // Check if the channel is excluded
                if (config.GetSection("stars:excludedChannels").AsEnumerable().Any(x => x.Value == channelIdOfStarredMessage))

                // Check if the user's role is excluded
                if (config.GetSection("stars:excludedRoles").AsEnumerable().Select(z => z.Value).Intersect(user.Roles.Select(y => y.Id.ToString())).Any())

                // Check if user is attempting to star their own message
                IMessage message = await((ITextChannel)client.GetChannel(Convert.ToUInt64(channelIdOfStarredMessage))).GetMessageAsync(Convert.ToUInt64(messageIdToInsert));
                if (message.Author.Id == reaction.UserId)
                    await(await user.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync()).SendMessageAsync("You appear to have attempted to star your own message, you think too highly of yourself.");

                bool insertionResult = databaseService.InsertStarEntry(user, messageIdToInsert);
                if (!insertionResult)
                    await(await user.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync()).SendMessageAsync("You appear to have already starred the message you just attempted to star. Have you starred it in another channel?");

                // Get the number of star entries the post has
                int starEntryCount = databaseService.GetStarEntries(messageIdToInsert).Count;
                if (starEntryCount < Convert.ToInt32(config["stars:minimumThreshold"]))
                    // We don't post a message to the starboard unless a minimum specified in the config is reached to avoid it getting spammed up

                // Get or create the starboard entry now that it is above the threshold, and post/update it in the starboard channel
                starredMessageEntries = databaseService.GetStarboardMessageEntry(messageIdToInsert, true).ToList();
                switch (starredMessageEntries.Count)
                case 0:     // Make a starboard post and then create it in the database
                    RestUserMessage sentMessage = await((ISocketMessageChannel)starChannel).SendMessageAsync($"{ ConvertStarCountToEmoji(starEntryCount) } **{ starEntryCount }** in channel <#{ channelIdOfStarredMessage }> for message (ID { messageIdToInsert })", embed: ConvertMessageToEmbed((IUserMessage)message));
                    await sentMessage.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("⭐"));

                    if (!databaseService.InsertStarboardMessageEntry(message.Id.ToString(), channel, message.Author.Id.ToString(), sentMessage))
                        await sentMessage.DeleteAsync();

                        logger.LogError("Could not insert message so deleted post for it");

                case 1:     // Get the ID of the existing starboard post and update the value
                    DatabaseService.StarredMessageRow messageRow = starredMessageEntries.First();
                    await((IUserMessage)await((ISocketMessageChannel)starChannel).GetMessageAsync(Convert.ToUInt64(messageRow.StarboardMessageId))).ModifyAsync(x =>
                        x.Content = $"{ConvertStarCountToEmoji(starEntryCount)} **{starEntryCount}** in channel <#{channelIdOfStarredMessage}> for message (ID {messageIdToInsert})";

                default:     // Somehow the post has been entered multiple times into the starboard
                    logger.LogError($"Multiple starboard entries detected for message {messageIdToInsert}");
        private async Task ClientOnReactionRemoved(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cachedMessage, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction)
            // Check if the starboard is locked
            if (IsLocked)

            SocketGuildUser user = ((SocketTextChannel)channel).Guild.GetUser(reaction.UserId);

            // Check if the user is banned from the starboard
            if (databaseService.GetStarBan(reaction.UserId.ToString()).Any())
                await(await user.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync()).SendMessageAsync("You are banned from participating in the starboard.");

            IUserMessage reactedMessage = await cachedMessage.GetOrDownloadAsync();

            if (reaction.Emote.Name == "⭐")
                List <DatabaseService.StarredMessageRow> starredMessageEntries;
                IChannel starChannel = client.GetChannel(Convert.ToUInt64(config["stars:starboardChannelId"]));

                // Delete the star entry from the database, also accounting for there being reactions on the starboard post
                string messageIdToDelete;
                string channelIdOfStarredMessage;
                if (channel.Id == starChannel.Id) // Check if the user is trying to unstar the message form the starboard channel
                    starredMessageEntries = databaseService.GetStarboardMessageEntry(reactedMessage.Id.ToString(), false).ToList();
                    switch (starredMessageEntries.Count)
                    case 0:     // The message is not in the database, delete it from the channel
                        logger.LogError("User tried to unreact to message on the starboard that was not in the database");
                        await reactedMessage.DeleteAsync();


                    case 1:     // Get the ID of the original post from the starboard entry and remove the star entry from that
                        messageIdToDelete         = starredMessageEntries[0].OriginalMessageId;
                        channelIdOfStarredMessage = starredMessageEntries[0].OriginalChannelId;

                    default:     // Somehow the post has been entered multiple times into the starboard
                        logger.LogError($"Multiple starboard entries detected for message {reactedMessage.Id}");
                else // Otherwise, we assume they are unstarring the actual message
                    messageIdToDelete         = reactedMessage.Id.ToString();
                    channelIdOfStarredMessage = channel.Id.ToString();

                // Check if the channel is excluded
                if (config.GetSection("stars:excludedChannels").AsEnumerable().Any(x => x.Value == channelIdOfStarredMessage))

                // Check if the user's role is excluded
                if (config.GetSection("stars:excludedRoles").AsEnumerable().Select(z => z.Value).Intersect(user.Roles.Select(y => y.Id.ToString())).Any())

                var entries = databaseService.GetStarEntry(reaction.UserId.ToString(), messageIdToDelete);
                if (entries.Count == 0)
                    await(await user.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync()).SendMessageAsync("You have not starred the message you just tried to unstar. Have you already unstarred it in another channel?");
                else if (entries.Count > 1)
                    logger.LogError($"User { reaction.UserId } has multiple stars stored for message ID { messageIdToDelete }, deleting all");

                if (!databaseService.DeleteStarEntry(reaction.UserId.ToString(), messageIdToDelete))
                    await(await user.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync()).SendMessageAsync("There was an error unstarring the message you just tried to unstar.");

                // Get or delete the starboard entry depending on star count, and delete/update it in the starboard channel
                int starEntryCount = databaseService.GetStarEntries(messageIdToDelete).Count;

                starredMessageEntries = databaseService.GetStarboardMessageEntry(messageIdToDelete, true).ToList();
                switch (starredMessageEntries.Count)
                case 0:     // Entry is already missing somehow, don't do anything here because it should have already been handled

                case 1:     // Get the ID of the existing starboard post and update the value
                    DatabaseService.StarredMessageRow messageRow = starredMessageEntries.First();
                    IUserMessage message = (IUserMessage)await((ISocketMessageChannel)starChannel).GetMessageAsync(Convert.ToUInt64(messageRow.StarboardMessageId));

                    if (starEntryCount == 0)
                        await message.DeleteAsync();
                        await message.ModifyAsync(x =>
                            x.Content = $"{ConvertStarCountToEmoji(starEntryCount)} **{starEntryCount}** in channel <#{channelIdOfStarredMessage}> for message (ID {messageIdToDelete})";

                default:     // Somehow the post has been entered multiple times into the starboard
                    logger.LogError($"Multiple starboard entries detected for message {messageIdToDelete}");