public override void Load(IController hud)

            AlertList = new AlertList(Hud)
                TextAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center,
                Up        = false,
                RatioY    = 0.62f,
        public override void Load(IController hud)

            AlertList = new AlertList(Hud)
                TextAlign      = HorizontalAlign.Center,
                RatioY         = 0.5f,
                RatioWidth     = 0.2f,
                RatioX         = 0.35f,
                VerticalCenter = true,
Exemple #3
        public override void Load(IController hud)

            AlertList = new AlertList(Hud)
                TextAlign      = HorizontalAlign.Right,
                Up             = false,
                RatioY         = 0.05f,
                RatioWidth     = 0.2f,
                RatioX         = 0.81f,
                VerticalCenter = false,
                RightFunc      = (controller) =>
                    var uiMinimapElement = controller.Render.MinimapUiElement;
                    return(uiMinimapElement.Rectangle.Left - controller.Window.Size.Height * 0.01f);
Exemple #4
        public override void Load(IController hud)

            AlertList = new AlertList(Hud)
                TextAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center,

            var powers = Hud.Sno.SnoPowers;
            var warningMessageFormat = "\u26A0 {0} \u26A0"; //⚠

            // ===
            // ALL
            // ===
            // Molten explosions
            var moltenIds = new HashSet <ActorSnoEnum>()
                ActorSnoEnum._monsteraffix_molten_deathstart_proxy,     //4803,
                ActorSnoEnum._monsteraffix_molten_deathexplosion_proxy, //4804,
                ActorSnoEnum._monsteraffix_molten_firering,             //224225,
                // TODO : missing!!! ActorSnoEnum.???, //247987,

            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud)
                MessageFormat = "\uD83D\uDCA3 \uD83D\uDCA5 \uD83D\uDCA3", //💣 💥 💣
                Rule          =
                    ActorSnoIds     = moltenIds,
                    CustomCondition = (controller) =>
                        return(Hud.Game.Actors.Any(a => moltenIds.Contains(a.SnoActor.Sno) && Hud.Game.Me.FloorCoordinate.XYDistanceTo(a.FloorCoordinate) <= 13));
                Label =
                    TextFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 18, 255, 244, 30, 30, false, false, 242, 0, 0, 0, true),
            // Grotesque & Fast Mummy explosions
            var explosiveMonsterIds = new HashSet <ActorSnoEnum>()
                // Fast Mummy
                ActorSnoEnum._fastmummy_a, // = 4104,
                ActorSnoEnum._fastmummy_b, // = 4105,
                ActorSnoEnum._fastmummy_c, // = 4106,
                // Grotesque
                ActorSnoEnum._corpulent_a, // = 3847,
                ActorSnoEnum._corpulent_b, // = 3848,
                ActorSnoEnum._corpulent_c, // = 3849,
                ActorSnoEnum._corpulent_d, // = 3850,
                //_corpulent_suicide_spiders = 137122,
                //_corpulent_suicide_frost = 191602,
                //_corpulent_suicide_imps = 220536,
                ActorSnoEnum._corpulent_c_oasisambush_unique,     //  113994,
                ActorSnoEnum._corpulent_frost_a,                  //  191592,
                ActorSnoEnum._corpulent_d_cultistsurvivor_unique, //  195639,
                ActorSnoEnum._corpulent_a_unique_01,              //  218307,
                ActorSnoEnum._corpulent_a_unique_02,              //  218308,
                ActorSnoEnum._corpulent_b_unique_01,              //  218405,
                ActorSnoEnum._corpulent_a_unique_03,              //  365450,
                ActorSnoEnum._corpulent_d_unique_spec_01,         //  365465,

            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud)
                MessageFormat = "\uD83D\uDCA5 {0} \uD83D\uDCA5", //💥
                AlertTextFunc = (id) =>
                    var sno = Hud.Game.Monsters.FirstOrDefault(m => explosiveMonsterIds.Contains(m.SnoActor.Sno));
                    return(sno != null && sno.SnoActor != null ? sno.SnoActor.NameLocalized : "\uD83D\uDCA3"); //💣
                Rule =
                    ActorSnoIds      = explosiveMonsterIds,
                    VisibleCondition = (controller) =>
                        return(Hud.Game.Monsters.Any(a => explosiveMonsterIds.Contains(a.SnoActor.Sno) && !a.IsAlive && Hud.Game.Me.FloorCoordinate.XYDistanceTo(a.FloorCoordinate) <= 20));
                Label =
                    TextFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 18, 255, 244, 30, 30, false, false, 242, 0, 0, 0, true),
            // Oculus
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud)
                //AlertTextFunc = (id) => "Oculus",
                TextSnoId     = 3563390301,
                MessageFormat = "\u2694 {0} \u2694", //⚔
                Rule          =
                    ActiveBuffs = new[] { new SnoPowerId(402461, 2) },
                Label =
                    TextFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 14, 255, 30, 244, 30, false, false, 242, 0, 0, 0, true),

            // =========
            // Barbarian
            // =========
            // War Cry
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Barbarian)
                TextSnoId     = powers.Barbarian_WarCry.Sno,
                MessageFormat = warningMessageFormat,
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { powers.Barbarian_WarCry.CreateSnoPowerId() },
                    InactiveBuffs  = new[] { powers.Barbarian_WarCry.CreateSnoPowerId() }
            // Battle Rage
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Barbarian)
                TextSnoId     = powers.Barbarian_BattleRage.Sno,
                MessageFormat = warningMessageFormat,
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Barbarian_BattleRage.Sno) },
                    InactiveBuffs  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Barbarian_BattleRage.Sno) }
            // Ignore Pain
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Barbarian)
                TextSnoId     = powers.Barbarian_IgnorePain.Sno,
                MessageFormat = warningMessageFormat,
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Barbarian_IgnorePain.Sno) },
                    InactiveBuffs  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Barbarian_IgnorePain.Sno) }
            // Call of Ancients
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Barbarian)
                TextSnoId     = powers.Barbarian_CallOfTheAncients.Sno,
                MessageFormat = warningMessageFormat,
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills        = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Barbarian_CallOfTheAncients.Sno) },
                    ActiveBuffs           = new[] { new SnoPowerId(318760)                                 },// only when wearing IK 4pc
                    InvocationActorSnoIds = new HashSet <ActorSnoEnum>()
                        ActorSnoEnum._barbarian_calloftheancients_1, // = 90443,
                        ActorSnoEnum._barbarian_calloftheancients_2, // = 90535,
                        ActorSnoEnum._barbarian_calloftheancients_3, // = 90536,

            // ========
            // Crusader
            // ========
            // Akarat's Champion
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Crusader)
                TextSnoId     = powers.Crusader_AkaratsChampion.Sno,
                MessageFormat = "\uD83D\uDCAA {0} \uD83D\uDCAA", //💪
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Crusader_AkaratsChampion.Sno) },
                    ActiveBuffs    = new[] { new SnoPowerId(359585)                              },// Only when wearing akkhan 6pc
            // Only when wearing seeker of the light 4pc
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Crusader)
                TextSnoId     = powers.Crusader_FallingSword.Sno, // Falling Sword
                MessageFormat = warningMessageFormat,
                Rule          =
                    ShowOutOfCombat     = false,
                    CheckSkillCooldowns = false,
                    EquippedSkills      = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Crusader_FallingSword.Sno) },
                    ActiveBuffs         = new[] { new SnoPowerId(436426) }, // Only when wearing seeker of the light 4pc
                    InactiveBuffs       = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Crusader_FallingSword.Sno) },

            // ===========
            // DemonHunter
            // ===========
            // Vengeance
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.DemonHunter)
                TextSnoId     = powers.DemonHunter_Vengeance.Sno,
                MessageFormat = "\u26A0 {0} \u26A0", //⚠
                Rule          =
                    CheckSkillCooldowns = true,
                    EquippedSkills      = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.DemonHunter_Vengeance.Sno) },
                    InactiveBuffs       = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.DemonHunter_Vengeance.Sno) },
            // ShadowPower 130830
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.DemonHunter)
                TextSnoId     = powers.DemonHunter_ShadowPower.Sno,
                MessageFormat = "\uD83D\uDE08 {0} \uD83D\uDE08",//��
                Rule          =
                    ShowInTown          = true,
                    CheckSkillCooldowns = true,
                    EquippedSkills      = new [] { new SnoPowerId(powers.DemonHunter_ShadowPower.Sno) },
                    ActiveBuffs         = new [] { new SnoPowerId(318876) }, //318876	ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_680_x1		Shadow Power gains the effect of every rune and lasts forever.
                    InactiveBuffs       = new [] { new SnoPowerId(powers.DemonHunter_ShadowPower.Sno) },

            // ====
            // Monk
            // ====
            // Flying Dragon
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Monk)
                TextSnoId     = 3968109489,
                MessageFormat = "\u2694 {0} \u2694", //⚔
                Rule          =
                    ActiveBuffs = new[] { new SnoPowerId(246562, 1) },
                Label =
                    TextFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 14, 255, 30, 244, 30, false, false, 242, 0, 0, 0, true),
            // Sweeping Wind : Drained
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Monk)
                //AlertTextFunc = (id) => "STACKS!",
                TextSnoId     = 96090,
                MessageFormat = "!! {0} !!",
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(96090)  },
                    InactiveBuffs  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(96090), new SnoPowerId(446562) },
                PlayerDecorators = new WorldDecoratorCollection(
                    new GroundCircleDecorator(Hud)
                    Brush  = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 255, 0, 0, 10.0f),
                    Radius = 5

            // Sweeping Wind : Recharge
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Monk)
                //AlertTextFunc = (id) => "STACKS!",
                TextSnoId     = 96090,
                MessageFormat = "!! {0} !!",
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(96090)  },
                    ActiveBuffs     = new[] { new SnoPowerId(446562) },
                    CustomCondition = (player) =>
                        var sweepingWind = Hud.Game.Me.Powers.GetBuff(96090);
                        return(sweepingWind != null && sweepingWind.IconCounts[0] < 2);
                PlayerDecorators = new WorldDecoratorCollection(
                    new GroundCircleDecorator(Hud)
                    Brush  = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 0, 0, 255, 10.0f),
                    Radius = 5

            // ===========
            // Necromancer
            // ===========
            // Bone Armor
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Necromancer)
                TextSnoId     = Hud.Sno.SnoPowers.Necromancer_BoneArmor.Sno,
                MessageFormat = "!! {0} !!",
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(Hud.Sno.SnoPowers.Necromancer_BoneArmor.Sno) },
                    InactiveBuffs  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(Hud.Sno.SnoPowers.Necromancer_BoneArmor.Sno) },
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Necromancer)
                TextSnoId     = Hud.Sno.SnoPowers.Necromancer_BoneArmor.Sno,
                MessageFormat = "\u23F0 {0} \u23F0", //⏰
                AlertTextFunc = sno => string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} {1:0.#}", Hud.GuessLocalizedName(sno), Hud.Game.Me.Powers.GetBuff(sno).TimeLeftSeconds[0]),
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(Hud.Sno.SnoPowers.Necromancer_BoneArmor.Sno) },
                    CustomCondition = player => player.Powers.BuffIsActive(Hud.Sno.SnoPowers.Necromancer_BoneArmor.Sno) && player.Powers.GetBuff(Hud.Sno.SnoPowers.Necromancer_BoneArmor.Sno).TimeLeftSeconds[0] <= 3,
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Necromancer)
                TextSnoId     = powers.Necromancer_CommandGolem.Sno,
                MessageFormat = "\uD83D\uDEB6 {0} \uD83D\uDEB6", //🚶
                Rule          =
                    ShowInTown            = true,
                    EquippedSkills        = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Necromancer_CommandGolem.Sno) },
                    InvocationActorSnoIds = new HashSet <ActorSnoEnum>()
                    } //missing some?
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Necromancer)
                TextSnoId     = powers.Necromancer_CommandSkeletons.Sno,
                MessageFormat = "\uD83D\uDEB6 {0} \uD83D\uDEB6", //🚶
                Rule          =
                    ShowInTown            = true,
                    EquippedSkills        = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Necromancer_CommandSkeletons.Sno) },
                    InvocationActorSnoIds = new HashSet <ActorSnoEnum>()
                    } //missing some?

            // ===========
            // WitchDoctor
            // ===========
            // gargantuans
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.WitchDoctor)
                TextSnoId     = powers.WitchDoctor_Gargantuan.Sno,
                MessageFormat = "\uD83D\uDEB6 {0} \uD83D\uDEB6", //🚶
                Rule          =
                    ShowInTown            = true,
                    EquippedSkills        = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.WitchDoctor_Gargantuan.Sno) },
                    InvocationActorSnoIds = new HashSet <ActorSnoEnum>()
            // zombie dogs
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.WitchDoctor)
                TextSnoId     = powers.WitchDoctor_SummonZombieDog.Sno,
                MessageFormat = "\uD83D\uDC15 {0} \uD83D\uDC15", //🐕
                Rule          =
                    ShowInTown            = true,
                    EquippedSkills        = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.WitchDoctor_SummonZombieDog.Sno) },
                    InvocationActorSnoIds = new HashSet <ActorSnoEnum>()
            // Hex
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.WitchDoctor)
                TextSnoId     = powers.WitchDoctor_Hex.Sno,
                MessageFormat = "\u26A0 {0} \u26A0", //⚠
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.WitchDoctor_Hex.Sno) },
                    ActiveBuffs    = new[] { new SnoPowerId(439308)                     },// arachyr set 4 piece
                    InactiveBuffs  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.WitchDoctor_Hex.Sno) },
            // SoulHarvest
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.WitchDoctor)
                TextSnoId     = powers.WitchDoctor_SoulHarvest.Sno,
                MessageFormat = "\u2668 {0} \u2668", //⚠
                Rule          =
                    ShowOutOfCombat = false,
                    EquippedSkills  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.WitchDoctor_SoulHarvest.Sno) },
                    InactiveBuffs   = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.WitchDoctor_SoulHarvest.Sno) },

            // ======
            // Wizard
            // ======
            var allWizardArmors = new[]
                new SnoPowerId(74499),
                new SnoPowerId(86991),
                new SnoPowerId(73223)

            // Energy Armor
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Wizard)
                TextSnoId     = 86991,
                MessageFormat = "\u269B {0} \u269B", //⚛
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(86991) },
                    InactiveBuffs  = allWizardArmors,
            // Storm Armor
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Wizard)
                TextSnoId     = 74499,
                MessageFormat = "\u269B {0} \u269B", //⚛
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(74499) },
                    InactiveBuffs  = allWizardArmors,
            // Ice Armor
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Wizard)
                TextSnoId     = 73223,
                MessageFormat = "\u269B {0} \u269B", //⚛
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(73223) },
                    InactiveBuffs  = allWizardArmors,
            // Magic Weapon
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Wizard)
                TextSnoId     = 76108,
                MessageFormat = "\uD83D\uDDE1 {0} \uD83D\uDDE1", //🗡
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(76108) },
                    InactiveBuffs  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(76108), }
            // Familiar
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Wizard)
                TextSnoId     = 99120,
                MessageFormat = "!! {0} !!",
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(99120) },
                    InactiveBuffs  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(99120), }
            // Archon & no bubble
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Wizard)
                TextSnoId     = 135663,
                MessageFormat = "\u2668 {0} \u2668", //⚠
                Rule          =
                    //CheckSkillCooldowns = false,
                    //EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(134872), },
                    ActiveBuffs   = new[] { new SnoPowerId(134872,  2), },
                    InactiveBuffs = new[] { new SnoPowerId(135663), }
        public override void Load(IController hud)

            AlertList = new AlertList(Hud)
                TextAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center,

            var powers = Hud.Sno.SnoPowers;
            var warningMessageFormat = "\u26A0 {0} \u26A0"; //⚠

            // ===
            // ALL
            // ===
            // Molten explosions
            var moltenIds = new HashSet <uint>()
                4803, 4804, 224225, 247987

            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud)
                MessageFormat = "\uD83D\uDCA3 \uD83D\uDCA5 \uD83D\uDCA3", //💣 💥 💣
                Rule          =
                    ActorSnoIds     = moltenIds,
                    CustomCondition = (controller) =>
                        return(Hud.Game.Actors.Any(a => moltenIds.Contains(a.SnoActor.Sno) && Hud.Game.Me.FloorCoordinate.XYDistanceTo(a.FloorCoordinate) <= 13));
                Label =
                    TextFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 18, 255, 244, 30, 30, false, false, 242, 0, 0, 0, true),
            // Grotesque & Fast Mummy explosions
            var explosiveMonsterIds = new HashSet <uint>()
                4104, 4105, 4106,                                                                       // Fast Mummy
                3847, 218307, 218308, 365450, 3848, 218405, 3849, 113994, 3850, 195639, 365465, 191592, // Grotesque

            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud)
                MessageFormat = "\uD83D\uDCA5 {0} \uD83D\uDCA5", //💥
                AlertTextFunc = (id) =>
                    var sno = Hud.Game.Monsters.FirstOrDefault(m => explosiveMonsterIds.Contains(m.SnoActor.Sno));
                    return(sno != null && sno.SnoActor != null ? sno.SnoActor.NameLocalized : "\uD83D\uDCA3"); //💣
                Rule =
                    ActorSnoIds      = explosiveMonsterIds,
                    VisibleCondition = (controller) =>
                        return(Hud.Game.Monsters.Any(a => explosiveMonsterIds.Contains(a.SnoActor.Sno) && !a.IsAlive && Hud.Game.Me.FloorCoordinate.XYDistanceTo(a.FloorCoordinate) <= 20));
                Label =
                    TextFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 18, 255, 244, 30, 30, false, false, 242, 0, 0, 0, true),
            // Oculus
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud)
                //AlertTextFunc = (id) => "Oculus",
                TextSnoId     = 3563390301,
                MessageFormat = "\u2694 {0} \u2694", //⚔
                Rule          =
                    ActiveBuffs = new[] { new SnoPowerId(402461, 2) },
                Label =
                    TextFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 14, 255, 30, 244, 30, false, false, 242, 0, 0, 0, true),

            // =========
            // Barbarian
            // =========
            // War Cry
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Barbarian)
                TextSnoId     = powers.Barbarian_WarCry.Sno,
                MessageFormat = warningMessageFormat,
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { powers.Barbarian_WarCry.CreateSnoPowerId() },
                    InactiveBuffs  = new[] { powers.Barbarian_WarCry.CreateSnoPowerId() }
            // Battle Rage
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Barbarian)
                TextSnoId     = powers.Barbarian_BattleRage.Sno,
                MessageFormat = warningMessageFormat,
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Barbarian_BattleRage.Sno) },
                    InactiveBuffs  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Barbarian_BattleRage.Sno) }
            // Ignore Pain
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Barbarian)
                TextSnoId     = powers.Barbarian_IgnorePain.Sno,
                MessageFormat = warningMessageFormat,
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Barbarian_IgnorePain.Sno) },
                    InactiveBuffs  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Barbarian_IgnorePain.Sno) }
            // Call of Ancients
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Barbarian)
                TextSnoId     = powers.Barbarian_CallOfTheAncients.Sno,
                MessageFormat = warningMessageFormat,
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills        = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Barbarian_CallOfTheAncients.Sno) },
                    ActiveBuffs           = new[] { new SnoPowerId(318760)                                 },// only when wearing IK 4pc
                    InvocationActorSnoIds = new HashSet <uint>()
                        90443, 90535, 90536

            // ========
            // Crusader
            // ========
            // Akarat's Champion
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Crusader)
                TextSnoId     = powers.Crusader_AkaratsChampion.Sno,
                MessageFormat = "\uD83D\uDCAA {0} \uD83D\uDCAA", //💪
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Crusader_AkaratsChampion.Sno) },
                    ActiveBuffs    = new[] { new SnoPowerId(359585)                              },// Only when wearing akkhan 6pc
            // Only when wearing seeker of the light 4pc
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Crusader)
                TextSnoId     = powers.Crusader_FallingSword.Sno, // Falling Sword
                MessageFormat = warningMessageFormat,
                Rule          =
                    ShowOutOfCombat     = false,
                    CheckSkillCooldowns = false,
                    EquippedSkills      = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Crusader_FallingSword.Sno) },
                    ActiveBuffs         = new[] { new SnoPowerId(436426) }, // Only when wearing seeker of the light 4pc
                    InactiveBuffs       = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.Crusader_FallingSword.Sno) },

            // ===========
            // DemonHunter
            // ===========
            // Vengeance
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.DemonHunter)
                TextSnoId     = powers.DemonHunter_Vengeance.Sno,
                MessageFormat = "\u26A0 {0} \u26A0", //⚠
                Rule          =
                    CheckSkillCooldowns = true,
                    EquippedSkills      = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.DemonHunter_Vengeance.Sno) },
                    InactiveBuffs       = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.DemonHunter_Vengeance.Sno) },

            // ====
            // Monk
            // ====
            // Flying Dragon
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Monk)
                TextSnoId     = 3968109489,
                MessageFormat = "\u2694 {0} \u2694", //⚔
                Rule          =
                    ActiveBuffs = new[] { new SnoPowerId(246562, 1) },
                Label =
                    TextFont = Hud.Render.CreateFont("tahoma", 14, 255, 30, 244, 30, false, false, 242, 0, 0, 0, true),
            // Sweeping Wind : Drained
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Monk)
                //AlertTextFunc = (id) => "STACKS!",
                TextSnoId     = 96090,
                MessageFormat = "!! {0} !!",
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(96090)  },
                    InactiveBuffs  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(96090), new SnoPowerId(446562) },
                PlayerDecorators = new WorldDecoratorCollection(
                    new GroundCircleDecorator(Hud)
                    Brush  = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 255, 0, 0, 10.0f),
                    Radius = 5

            // Sweeping Wind : Recharge
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Monk)
                //AlertTextFunc = (id) => "STACKS!",
                TextSnoId     = 96090,
                MessageFormat = "!! {0} !!",
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(96090)  },
                    ActiveBuffs     = new[] { new SnoPowerId(446562) },
                    CustomCondition = (player) =>
                        var sweepingWind = Hud.Game.Me.Powers.GetBuff(96090);
                        return(sweepingWind != null && sweepingWind.IconCounts[0] < 2);
                PlayerDecorators = new WorldDecoratorCollection(
                    new GroundCircleDecorator(Hud)
                    Brush  = Hud.Render.CreateBrush(255, 0, 0, 255, 10.0f),
                    Radius = 5

            // ===========
            // WitchDoctor
            // ===========
            // gargantuans
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.WitchDoctor)
                TextSnoId     = powers.WitchDoctor_Gargantuan.Sno,
                MessageFormat = "\uD83D\uDEB6 {0} \uD83D\uDEB6", //🚶
                Rule          =
                    ShowInTown            = true,
                    EquippedSkills        = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.WitchDoctor_Gargantuan.Sno) },
                    InvocationActorSnoIds = new HashSet <uint>()
                        432690, 432691, 432692, 432693, 432694, 122305, 179776, 171491, 179778, 171501, 171502, 179780, 179779, 179772
            // zombie dogs
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.WitchDoctor)
                TextSnoId     = powers.WitchDoctor_SummonZombieDog.Sno,
                MessageFormat = "\uD83D\uDC15 {0} \uD83D\uDC15", //🐕
                Rule          =
                    ShowInTown            = true,
                    EquippedSkills        = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.WitchDoctor_SummonZombieDog.Sno) },
                    InvocationActorSnoIds = new HashSet <uint>()
                        51353, 108536, 103215, 108543, 104079, 105763, 108560, 110959, 105772, 103235, 108550, 103217, 108556, 105606
            // Hex
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.WitchDoctor)
                TextSnoId     = powers.WitchDoctor_Hex.Sno,
                MessageFormat = "\u26A0 {0} \u26A0", //⚠
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.WitchDoctor_Hex.Sno) },
                    ActiveBuffs    = new[] { new SnoPowerId(439308)                     },// arachyr set 4 piece
                    InactiveBuffs  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.WitchDoctor_Hex.Sno) },
            // SoulHarvest
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.WitchDoctor)
                TextSnoId     = powers.WitchDoctor_SoulHarvest.Sno,
                MessageFormat = "\u2668 {0} \u2668", //⚠
                Rule          =
                    ShowOutOfCombat = false,
                    EquippedSkills  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.WitchDoctor_SoulHarvest.Sno) },
                    InactiveBuffs   = new[] { new SnoPowerId(powers.WitchDoctor_SoulHarvest.Sno) },

            // ======
            // Wizard
            // ======
            var allWizardArmors = new[]
                new SnoPowerId(74499),
                new SnoPowerId(86991),
                new SnoPowerId(73223)

            // Energy Armor
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Wizard)
                TextSnoId     = 86991,
                MessageFormat = "\u269B {0} \u269B", //⚛
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(86991) },
                    InactiveBuffs  = allWizardArmors,
            // Storm Armor
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Wizard)
                TextSnoId     = 74499,
                MessageFormat = "\u269B {0} \u269B", //⚛
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(74499) },
                    InactiveBuffs  = allWizardArmors,
            // Ice Armor
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Wizard)
                TextSnoId     = 73223,
                MessageFormat = "\u269B {0} \u269B", //⚛
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(73223) },
                    InactiveBuffs  = allWizardArmors,
            // Magic Weapon
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Wizard)
                TextSnoId     = 76108,
                MessageFormat = "\uD83D\uDDE1 {0} \uD83D\uDDE1", //🗡
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(76108) },
                    InactiveBuffs  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(76108), }
            // Familiar
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Wizard)
                TextSnoId     = 99120,
                MessageFormat = "!! {0} !!",
                Rule          =
                    EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(99120) },
                    InactiveBuffs  = new[] { new SnoPowerId(99120), }
            // Archon & no bubble
            AlertList.Alerts.Add(new Alert(Hud, HeroClass.Wizard)
                TextSnoId     = 135663,
                MessageFormat = "\u2668 {0} \u2668", //⚠
                Rule          =
                    //CheckSkillCooldowns = false,
                    //EquippedSkills = new[] { new SnoPowerId(134872), },
                    ActiveBuffs   = new[] { new SnoPowerId(134872,  2), },
                    InactiveBuffs = new[] { new SnoPowerId(135663), }