public async Task HelpAsync([Remainder] string Remainder = "")
            // Begin building a response
            EmbedBuilder Response = new EmbedBuilder();

            string Output = "";

            // Requesting additional help
            if (Remainder.ToLower() == "faucet")
                Response.Title += string.Format(" - {0}faucet", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix);
                Response.AddField("Usage:", string.Format("{0}faucet", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix));
                Response.AddField("Description:", "Gives faucet information, including the donation address, a link to the faucet, and how much it has left");
            else if (Remainder.ToLower() == "hashrate")
                Response.Title += string.Format(" - {0}hashrate", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix);
                Response.AddField("Usage:", string.Format("{0}hashrate", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix));
                Response.AddField("Description:", "Gives the current network hashrate");
            else if (Remainder.ToLower() == "difficulty")
                Response.Title += string.Format(" - {0}difficulty", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix);
                Response.AddField("Usage:", string.Format("{0}difficulty", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix));
                Response.AddField("Description:", "Gives the current network difficulty");
            else if (Remainder.ToLower() == "height")
                Response.Title += string.Format(" - {0}height", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix);
                Response.AddField("Usage:", string.Format("{0}height", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix));
                Response.AddField("Description:", "Gives the current network height");
            else if (Remainder.ToLower() == "supply")
                Response.Title += string.Format(" - {0}supply", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix);
                Response.AddField("Usage:", string.Format("{0}supply", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix));
                Response.AddField("Description:", string.Format("Gives the total circulating supply of {0}", TrtlBotSharp.coinSymbol));
            else if (Remainder.ToLower() == "registerwallet")
                Response.Title += string.Format(" - {0}registerwallet", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix);
                Response.AddField("Usage:", string.Format("{0}registerwallet <{1} Address>", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix, TrtlBotSharp.coinSymbol));
                Response.AddField("Description:", "Registers your address with the bot so you may send and recieve tips");
            else if (Remainder.ToLower() == "updatewallet")
                Response.Title += string.Format(" - {0}updatewallet", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix);
                Response.AddField("Usage:", string.Format("{0}updatewallet <{1} Address>", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix, TrtlBotSharp.coinSymbol));
                Response.AddField("Description:", "Updates your registered wallet to a new address");
            else if (Remainder.ToLower() == "wallet")
                Response.Title += string.Format(" - {0}uwallet", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix);
                Response.AddField("Usage:", string.Format("{0}wallet\n{0}wallet <{1} Address>", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix, TrtlBotSharp.coinSymbol));
                Response.AddField("Description:", "Gets a specified user's registered wallet address, or your own if no address is specified");
            else if (Remainder.ToLower() == "deposit")
                Response.Title += string.Format(" - {0}deposit", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix);
                Response.AddField("Usage:", string.Format("{0}deposit", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix));
                Response.AddField("Description:", string.Format("DMs you with your deposit information, including the address to send to, " +
                                                                "and the payment ID you **must** use when sending {0}", TrtlBotSharp.coinSymbol));
            else if (Remainder.ToLower() == "withdraw")
                Response.Title += string.Format(" - {0}withdraw", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix);
                Response.AddField("Usage:", string.Format("{0}withdraw <Amount of {1}>", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix, TrtlBotSharp.coinSymbol));
                Response.AddField("Description:", "Withdraws a specified amount from your tip jar into your                 registered wallet");
            else if (Remainder.ToLower() == "balance")
                Response.Title += string.Format(" - {0}balance", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix);
                Response.AddField("Usage:", string.Format("{0}balance", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix, TrtlBotSharp.coinSymbol));
                Response.AddField("Description:", "Gets your current tip jar balance");
            else if (Remainder.ToLower() == "tip")
                Response.Title += string.Format(" - {0}tip", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix);
                Response.AddField("Usage:", string.Format("{0}tip <Amount of {1}> @Users1 @User2...\n{0}tip <Amount of {1}> <{1} Address>",
                                                          TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix, TrtlBotSharp.coinSymbol));
                Response.AddField("Description:", string.Format("Sends a tip of a specified amount to one or more users *or* a specified {0} address",
            else if (Remainder.ToLower() == "redirecttips")
                Response.Title += string.Format(" - {0}redirecttips", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix);
                Response.AddField("Usage:", string.Format("{0}redirecttips\n{0}redirecttips <True or False>", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix));
                Response.AddField("Description:", "Sets whether you'd like to have tips sent to you to go directly to your registered wallet " +
                                  "(default) or redirected into your tip jar balance");

            else if (Remainder.ToLower() == "price" && (Context.Guild == null || !TrtlBotSharp.marketDisallowedServers.Contains(Context.Guild.Id)))
                Response.Title += string.Format(" - {0}price", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix);
                Response.AddField("Usage:", string.Format("{0}price", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix));
                Response.AddField("Description:", string.Format("Gives the current price of {0} in USD and BTC", TrtlBotSharp.coinSymbol));
            else if (Remainder.ToLower() == "mcap" && (Context.Guild == null || !TrtlBotSharp.marketDisallowedServers.Contains(Context.Guild.Id)))
                Response.Title += string.Format(" - {0}mcap", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix);
                Response.AddField("Usage:", string.Format("{0}mcap", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix));
                Response.AddField("Description:", string.Format("Gives {0}'s current market capitalization", TrtlBotSharp.coinSymbol));

            // No requested command
                Output += "traaittCASH Currency Service:\n";
                Output += "    \n";
                Output += "Informational:\n";
                Output += "  help\tLists all available commands\n";
//                Output += "  faucet\tGives faucet information\n";
                Output += "    \n";
                Output += "Network:\n";
                Output += "  hashrate\tGives current network hashrate\n";
                Output += "  difficulty\tGives current network difficulty\n";
                Output += "  height\tGives current network height\n";
                Output += "  supply\tGives current circulating supply\n";
                Output += "    \n";
                if (Context.Guild == null || !TrtlBotSharp.marketDisallowedServers.Contains(Context.Guild.Id))
                    Output += "Market: enabled soon\n";
                    Output += "  price\tGives current price\n";
                    Output += "  mcap\tGives current global marketcap\n";
                    Output += "    \n";
                Output += "Currency tipping:\n";
                Output += "  balance\tGives your current tip jar balance\n";
                Output += "  tip\tTips one or more users a specified amount\n";
                Output += "    \n";
                Output += "Wallet filling:\n";
                Output += "  deposit\tGives information on how to deposit\n";
                Output += "  withdraw\tWithdraws a specified amount\n";
                Output += "    \n";
                Output += "Wallet configuration:\n";
                Output += "  registerwallet\tRegisters your own wallet\n";
                Output += "  updatewallet\tUpdates your registered wallet\n";
                Output += "  wallet\tGives your wallet address / linked contact\n";
                Output += "  redirecttips\tSets where you want to receive tips \n";

                Output = string.Format("```" + TrtlBotSharp.Prettify(Output) + "```**Note:** You can use *{0}help <Name of Command>* for " +
                                       "additional help with any command", TrtlBotSharp.botPrefix);
                Response.WithTitle("Available Commands:");

            // Send reply
            await ReplyAsync("", false, Response);