private void gitProc_Exited(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { DBProgressBarX.Value = 0; MySQLPercentLabelX.Visible = false; DBProgressBarX.Visible = false; if (location != String.Empty) { if (!dbBackgroundWorker.IsBusy) { if (mysql == null) { mysql = new SQLMethods(host, port, username, password); } Thread createMySQLDBs = new Thread(new ThreadStart(CreateMySQL)); DBProgressBarX.Visible = true; createMySQLDBs.Start(); } else { } } else { } }); }
private void restoreDBBackgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { string loc = String.Empty; foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(String.Format("{0}\\TrinityCore Manager\\backups", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments)))) { if (String.Format("{0:T}", GetDate(f)) == e.Argument.ToString()) { loc = f; } } if (loc != String.Empty && File.Exists(loc)) { mysql = new SQLMethods(Settings.Default.MySQLHost, Settings.Default.MySQLPort, Settings.Default.MySQLUsername, Settings.Default.MySQLPassword); if (mysql != null) { try { mysql.ExecuteMySQLScript(loc); restoreSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { TaskDialog.Show(new TaskDialogInfo("Error", eTaskDialogIcon.Stop, "Error!", ex.Message, eTaskDialogButton.Ok)); } } } }
private void NPCCreator_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Set Default Values rankComboBoxEx.SelectedIndex = 0; factionComboBoxEx.SelectedIndex = 0; typeComboBoxEx.SelectedIndex = 0; familyComboItemEx.SelectedIndex = 0; classComboBoxEx.SelectedIndex = 0; aiNameComboBoxEx.SelectedIndex = 0; movementTypeComboBoxEx.SelectedIndex = 0; inhabitComboBoxEx.SelectedIndex = 0; mysql = new SQLMethods(Settings.Default.MySQLHost, Settings.Default.MySQLPort, Settings.Default.MySQLUsername, Settings.Default.MySQLPassword); if (!editor) { //Test MySQL Connection wizardPage1.NextButtonEnabled = eWizardButtonState.False; MySQLConnProgressBarX.Enabled = true; MySQLConnProgressBarX.Visible = true; MySQLConnLabelX.Visible = true; MySQLConnBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { //Get Item Information wizardPage1.NextButtonEnabled = eWizardButtonState.False; MySQLConnProgressBarX.Enabled = true; MySQLConnProgressBarX.Visible = true; MySQLConnLabelX.Visible = true; MySQLConnLabelX.Text = "Getting NPC Information..."; npcInfoBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); } }
private void LootCreator_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { mysql = new SQLMethods(Settings.Default.MySQLHost, Settings.Default.MySQLPort, Settings.Default.MySQLUsername, Settings.Default.MySQLPassword); bool testMySQL = mysql.TestMySQLConnection(); if (!testMySQL) { TaskDialog.Show(new TaskDialogInfo("Error", eTaskDialogIcon.Stop, "Could Not Connect To MySQL", String.Empty, eTaskDialogButton.Ok)); finished = true; this.Close(); } if (editor) { lootInfoBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); } }
private void wizard_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { mysql = new SQLMethods(Settings.Default.MySQLHost, Settings.Default.MySQLPort, Settings.Default.MySQLUsername, Settings.Default.MySQLPassword); if (!editor) { qualityComboBoxEX.SelectedIndex = 0; itemTypeComboBoxEX.SelectedIndex = 0; itemBindsComboBoxEX.SelectedIndex = 0; skillProfressionComboBoxEX.SelectedIndex = 0; //Test MySQL Connection wizardPage1.NextButtonEnabled = eWizardButtonState.False; MySQLConnProgressBarX.Enabled = true; MySQLConnProgressBarX.Visible = true; MySQLConnLabelX.Visible = true; MySQLConnBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { //Get Item Information wizardPage1.NextButtonEnabled = eWizardButtonState.False; MySQLConnProgressBarX.Enabled = true; MySQLConnProgressBarX.Visible = true; MySQLConnLabelX.Visible = true; MySQLConnLabelX.Text = "Getting Item Information..."; itemInfoBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); } }
private void SearchDisplayID_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { itemsListBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(itemsListBox_SelectedIndexChanged); mysql = new SQLMethods(Settings.Default.MySQLHost, Settings.Default.MySQLPort, Settings.Default.MySQLUsername, Settings.Default.MySQLPassword); }
private void wizard_WizardPageChanging(object sender, WizardCancelPageChangeEventArgs e) { if (e.OldPage == TCMTypeWizardPage && e.PageChangeSource == eWizardPageChangeSource.NextButton) { switch (localRemoteComboBoxEX.SelectedIndex) { case 0: e.NewPage = localWizardPage; break; case 1: e.NewPage = raWizardPage; break; } } else if (e.OldPage == raWizardPage && e.PageChangeSource == eWizardPageChangeSource.NextButton) { if (hostTextBoxX.Text != String.Empty && portIntegerInput.Value != 0 && usernameTextBoxX.Text != String.Empty && passwordTextBoxX.Text != String.Empty) { remoteAccess = true; } else { e.Cancel = true; } } else if (e.OldPage == localWizardPage && e.PageChangeSource == eWizardPageChangeSource.NextButton) { if (trinityFolderTextBoxX.Text == String.Empty) { e.Cancel = true; } else { e.NewPage = MySQLWizardPage; } } else if (e.OldPage == MySQLWizardPage && e.PageChangeSource == eWizardPageChangeSource.NextButton) { if (MySQLHostTextBoxX.Text != String.Empty && MySQLIntegerInputX.Value != 0 && MySQLUsernameTextBoxX.Text != String.Empty && MySQLPasswordTextBoxX.Text != String.Empty) { host = MySQLHostTextBoxX.Text; port = MySQLIntegerInputX.Value; username = MySQLUsernameTextBoxX.Text; password = MySQLPasswordTextBoxX.Text; MySQLTestConnectionProgressBarX.Visible = true; mysql = new SQLMethods(host, port, username, password); if (mysql != null) { bool MySQLTest = mysql.TestMySQLConnection(); Application.DoEvents(); MySQLTestConnectionProgressBarX.Visible = false; if (MySQLTest) { switch (MySQLNewExistComboBoxEX.SelectedIndex) { case 0: //New Database e.NewPage = setupTCDBWizardPage; break; case 1: //Existing Database e.NewPage = ExistingTCDBWizardPage; break; } } else { e.Cancel = true; TaskDialog.Show(new TaskDialogInfo("Error", eTaskDialogIcon.Stop, "An error has occured!", "Could not connect to MySQL!", eTaskDialogButton.Ok)); } } } else { e.Cancel = true; } } else if ((e.OldPage == localWizardPage || e.OldPage == raWizardPage) && e.PageChangeSource == eWizardPageChangeSource.NextButton) { if (MySQLHostTextBoxX.Text == String.Empty || portIntegerInput.Value == 0 || MySQLUsernameTextBoxX.Text == String.Empty || MySQLPasswordTextBoxX.Text == String.Empty) { e.Cancel = true; } } else if (e.OldPage == setupTCDBWizardPage && e.PageChangeSource == eWizardPageChangeSource.NextButton) { if (remoteAccess) { e.NewPage = finishedWizardPage; } else { e.NewPage = otherWizardPage; } } else if (e.OldPage == ExistingTCDBWizardPage && e.PageChangeSource == eWizardPageChangeSource.NextButton) { if (MySQLAuthDBTextBoxX.Text == String.Empty || MySQLCharDBTextBoxX.Text == String.Empty || MySQLWorldDBTextBoxX.Text == String.Empty) { e.Cancel = true; } else { aDB = MySQLAuthDBTextBoxX.Text; cDB = MySQLCharDBTextBoxX.Text; wDB = MySQLWorldDBTextBoxX.Text; if (remoteAccess) { e.NewPage = finishedWizardPage; } else { e.NewPage = otherWizardPage; } } } if (e.NewPage == setupTCDBWizardPage) { setupTCDBWizardPage.NextButtonEnabled = eWizardButtonState.False; } }
private void SearchNPCID_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { mysql = new SQLMethods(Settings.Default.MySQLHost, Settings.Default.MySQLPort, Settings.Default.MySQLUsername, Settings.Default.MySQLPassword); }
private void SendMail_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { mysql = new SQLMethods(Settings.Default.MySQLHost, Settings.Default.MySQLPort, Settings.Default.MySQLUsername, Settings.Default.MySQLPassword); mysqlBackgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); }