Exemple #1
        public override void DrawRender(RenderContext renderContext, double scale, OrderedPair <double> playerPosition,
                                        OrderedPair <double> screenCenter, Graphics graphics)
            // OrderedPair<double> offsetPosition = new OrderedPair<double>(source.Position.X + xOffset * scale, source.Position.Y + yOffset * scale);

            GameObject source  = renderContext.Source;
            double     xOffset = source.Position.X - playerPosition.X;
            double     yOffset = source.Position.Y - playerPosition.Y;

            // Draw source object with accessories on top.
            if (source.RenderMode == GameObject.RenderContextMode.AccessoryFirst)
                graphics.DrawImage(source.GetImage(), source.GetRectangleFWithOffset(screenCenter, xOffset, yOffset, scale));
                foreach (GameObject acc in renderContext.Accessories)
                    if (acc != null)
                        graphics.DrawImage(acc.GetImage(), acc.GetRectangleFWithOffset(screenCenter, acc.Position.X + xOffset,
                                                                                       acc.Position.Y + yOffset, scale));
            else // Draw accessories with source object on top.
                foreach (GameObject acc in renderContext.Accessories)
                    if (acc != null)
                        graphics.DrawImage(acc.GetImage(), acc.GetRectangleFWithOffset(screenCenter, acc.Position.X + xOffset,
                                                                                       acc.Position.Y + yOffset, scale));
                graphics.DrawImage(source.GetImage(), source.GetRectangleFWithOffset(screenCenter, xOffset, yOffset, scale));
Exemple #2
 public void RenderPlants(Graphics graphics, double scale, OrderedPair <double> origin, OrderedPair <double> center)
     foreach (Plant p in Plants)
         plantRenderer.DrawRender(p.RenderContext, scale, origin, center, graphics);
Exemple #3
        public void SpawnRandomAnimal()
            Animal            a;
            OrderedPair <int> spawnLocation = Utilities.GetRandomPoint();
            int x = spawnLocation.X;
            int y = spawnLocation.Y;

            AnimalType animalType = UtilityDecider <AnimalType> .WeightedRandomChoice(animalSpawnWeights);

            switch (animalType)
            case AnimalType.Bear:
                a = Animal.CreateBear(x, y);

            case AnimalType.Wolf:
                a = Animal.CreateWolf(x, y);

            case AnimalType.Hog:
                a = Animal.CreateHog(x, y);

                a = Animal.CreateGoat(x, y);

            Console.WriteLine("Spawning a {0}", animalType);
Exemple #4
        public static double SquaredDistance(OrderedPair <double> p1, OrderedPair <double> p2)
            double xDist = p1.X - p2.X;
            double yDist = p1.Y - p2.Y;

            return(xDist * xDist + yDist * yDist);
Exemple #5
        public override void Do(Entity entity)
            double squaredDistance = Utilities.SquaredDistance(entity.Position, fleeObject.Position);

            if (squaredDistance < entity.VisionRange * entity.VisionRange)
                double x = entity.Position.X + entity.Position.X - fleeObject.Position.X;
                double y = entity.Position.Y + entity.Position.Y - fleeObject.Position.Y;

                activeAction = new GotoAction(x, y, entity.Size);

            if (activeAction != null && activeAction.State == ActionState.Failure) // If the entity has hit a wall while running away, head to a random point.
                OrderedPair <int> randomPoint = Utilities.GetDirectionalPoint(entity.CollisionDirection, entity.Position);
                activeAction = new GotoAction(randomPoint.X, randomPoint.Y, entity.Size);
Exemple #6
        public override void Do(Entity entity)
            moveAction.Do(entity); // GotoAction checks collision with destination and hitting walls.
            bool result = moveAction.IsActive;

            if (moveTime == changeCount) // Change directions after a set time.
                moveTime = 0;
                double d = Utilities.Rng.NextDouble();
                if (d < changeProbability)
                    // Applies goto to set direction to (x, y). Goto applies Move(). False means the entity hit a wall and needs to head to another square.
                    destination = Utilities.GetRandomPoint();
                    moveAction  = new GotoAction(destination.X, destination.Y, entitySize);
                else if (d > 0.75)
            // The entity has hit a wall or reached the destination.
            else if (!result && entity.CollisionDirection != Direction.None)
                destination = Utilities.GetDirectionalPoint(entity.CollisionDirection, entity.Position);
                moveAction  = new GotoAction(destination.X, destination.Y, entitySize);

            // Advertise needs deltas to entities but don't actually give them the reward. This is for a default action.
Exemple #7
        public void RenderEntities(Graphics graphics, double scale, OrderedPair <double> center)
            double xOffset = House.Position.X - Player.Position.X;
            double yOffset = House.Position.Y - Player.Position.Y;

            graphics.DrawImage(House.GetImage(), House.GetRectangleFWithOffset(center, xOffset, yOffset, scale));

            if (Player.BasePerson != null && Player.BasePerson.Health >= 0)
                entityRenderer.DrawRender(Player.BasePerson.RenderContext, scale, Player.Position, center, graphics);

                Rectangle playerDisplayRectangle = new Rectangle(Utilities.ViewWidth / 2 - Player.BasePerson.CollisionDistance,
                                                                 Utilities.ViewHeight / 2 - Player.BasePerson.CollisionDistance,
                                                                 (int)(Player.BasePerson.Size * scale), (int)(Player.BasePerson.Size * scale));

                graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Gold), (float)(1.5 * scale)), playerDisplayRectangle);

            foreach (Entity en in Entities)
                if (en != null)
                    entityRenderer.DrawRender(en.RenderContext, scale, Player.Position, center, graphics);
                    // Draw a circle representing the entities vision range. Not 100% accurate because object mesh squashes the game space into 0 width cells.
                    //graphics.DrawEllipse(new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Black)), en.GetSearchRadius(en.VisionRange));
Exemple #8
        // TODO: Use the ObjectMesh to optimize rendering. If the world is big, only need to draw what is inside of the view area.
        public void Render(Graphics graphics)
            // Position of the center of the screen.
            OrderedPair <double> screenCenter = new OrderedPair <double>(Utilities.ViewWidth / 2, Utilities.ViewHeight / 2);
            // Position of the center of the world.
            OrderedPair <double> worldCenter = new OrderedPair <double>(Utilities.WorldWidth / 2, Utilities.WorldHeight / 2);
            double xOffset, yOffset;

            PlantController.RenderPlants(graphics, Scale, EntityController.Player.Position, screenCenter);

            // Render Items and Effects.
            foreach (GameObject gameObject in Items.Concat(Miscellaneous).Concat(Effects))
                PictureRenderer.DrawRender(gameObject.RenderContext, Scale, EntityController.Player.Position, screenCenter, graphics);

            EntityController.RenderEntities(graphics, Scale, screenCenter);

            // Draw a rectangle to represent the edge of the map.
            xOffset = worldCenter.X - EntityController.Player.Position.X;
            yOffset = worldCenter.Y - EntityController.Player.Position.Y;

            Rectangle wallRectangle = new Rectangle((int)(screenCenter.X + (xOffset - Utilities.WorldWidth / 2) * Scale),
                                                    (int)(screenCenter.Y + (yOffset - Utilities.WorldHeight / 2) * Scale),
                                                    (int)(Scale * Utilities.WorldWidth), (int)(Scale * Utilities.WorldHeight));

            graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Red), wallRectangle);

            // Display a circle around the currently selected data object.
            if (CurrentDataObject != null && DataObjectSelected)
                GameObject currentObject;

                if (CurrentDataObject is EntityController) // House does not need to be highlighted.

                if (CurrentDataObject is Player player)
                    currentObject = player.BasePerson;
                    currentObject = (GameObject)CurrentDataObject;

                xOffset = currentObject.Position.X - EntityController.Player.Position.X;
                yOffset = currentObject.Position.Y - EntityController.Player.Position.Y;

                graphics.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Red), (int)(screenCenter.X + (xOffset - 7) * Scale),
                                     (int)(screenCenter.Y + (yOffset - 7) * Scale), (int)(14 * Scale), (int)(14 * Scale));
Exemple #9
        public GameObject(double x, double y, int size)
            Position          = new OrderedPair <double>(x, y);
            Size              = size;
            CollisionDistance = Size / 2;

            RenderContext = new RenderContext(this);
            RenderMode    = RenderContextMode.AccessoryFirst;

            ObjectID = nextObjectID;
Exemple #10
        public Entity(double speed, int size, double x, double y, Color color, int ageSeconds)
            : base(x, y, size)
            Speed      = speed;
            BaseSpeed  = speed;
            Damage     = BaseDamage;
            IdleAction = new WanderAction();
            Color      = color;
            Velocity   = new OrderedPair <double>(0, 0);

            AttackThisAction = new AttackAction(this);
            FollowThisAction = new FollowAction(this, FollowDistance);

            base.OnScheduleEvent(this, new ScheduleEventArgs(ageSeconds, new AgeAction()));
Exemple #11
        public void CreateObjects(OrderedPair <int> center)
            Plant        potato      = GeneralPlant.Potato(80, 80);
            List <Plant> yuccaPlants = new List <Plant>();
            Plant        pineTree1   = GeneralPlant.PineTree(230, 400);
            List <Plant> appleTrees  = new List <Plant>
                new AppleTree(center.X + 50, center.Y + 120),
                new AppleTree(center.X + 180, center.Y + 50)

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var p = Utilities.GetRandomPoint();
                appleTrees.Add(new AppleTree(p.X, p.Y));

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var p = Utilities.GetRandomPoint();
                yuccaPlants.Add(GeneralPlant.Yucca(p.X, p.Y));

            List <Plant> plants = new List <Plant>()
                potato, pineTree1

            // Spawn shrubs in random locations.
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
                OrderedPair <int> position = Utilities.GetRandomPoint();
                plants.Add(GeneralPlant.Shrub(position.X, position.Y));

            Plants = new List <Plant>();
            foreach (Plant plant in plants)
Exemple #12
        private void SpawnRandomPlant()
            Plant             p;
            OrderedPair <int> randomPoint = Utilities.GetRandomPoint();

            // TODO: Create a range of random values for different plants to generate. Then use the frequency selection method from UtilityDecider class
            // to pick the plant to spawn.
            if (Utilities.Rng.Next(0, 2) == 0)
                p = GeneralPlant.PineTree(randomPoint.X, randomPoint.Y);
                p = GeneralPlant.Yucca(randomPoint.X, randomPoint.Y);

Exemple #13
        public event EventHandler CancelData; // Required for IGetData interface. Not used in EntityController.

        public EntityController(GameTime time, int width, int height)
            GameTime = time;

            Inventory = new List <Item>();
            Entities  = new List <Entity>();

            House         = new House(width / 2, height / 2, houseSize);
            HousePosition = new OrderedPair <int>(width / 2, height / 2);
            Entity.SetHomePosition(width / 2, height / 2);
            HouseBox   = new RectangleF(HousePosition.X - houseSize / 2, HousePosition.Y - houseSize / 2, houseSize, houseSize);
            HouseImage = new Bitmap(Utilities.ResourceDirectory + "house.png");

            personBrain = new PersonBrain(20, 25, HousePosition, HouseBox);
            animalBrain = new AnimalBrain();

            entityRenderer = new DefaultEntityRenderer();
Exemple #14
        // Add default EntityController controlled objects to the world after WorldController is listening for their creation.
        public void CreateObjects(OrderedPair <int> center)
            Person playerPerson = new Person("Ryan", "Bressette", Sex.Male, center.X - 80, center.Y - 60);

            Player = new Player(playerPerson);

            Player.BasePerson.AddItem(new Item(0, 0, ItemType.Rock, 1));
            //player.BasePerson.RenderContext.AddAccessory(new Halo(-100, -100));

            Person hazel = new Person("Hazel", "Brunelle", Sex.Female, center.X - 100, center.Y - 20, true);

            OrderedPair <int> position = Utilities.GetRandomPoint();
            Animal            g        = Animal.CreateGoat(position.X, position.Y);

            position = Utilities.GetRandomPoint();
            Animal h = Animal.CreateHog(position.X, position.Y);

            position = Utilities.GetRandomPoint();
            Animal w = Animal.CreateWolf(position.X, position.Y);

            List <Entity> entities = new List <Entity>()
                hazel, g, h, w

            // Spawn random people.
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                position = Utilities.GetRandomPointCloseToPoint(HousePosition.X, HousePosition.Y, 100);
                Sex    sex = Utilities.Rng.Next(0, 2) == 0 ? Sex.Male : Sex.Female;
                Person p   = new Person(sex, position.X, position.Y, true);


            // Add people to the world.
            EntitiesAdd(Player.BasePerson, false);
            foreach (Entity e in entities)
Exemple #15
        public bool Move()
            if (!CanMove)

            double nextXPosition = Position.X + Speed * Velocity.X;
            double nextYPosition = Position.Y + Speed * Velocity.Y;
            bool   notCollided   = true;

            // Project the next position to ensure it does not cross a boundary.
            if (nextXPosition < 0 + Boundary.Buffer) // About to cross left boundary: clear x velocity.
                Velocity           = new OrderedPair <double>(0, Velocity.Y);
                notCollided        = false;
                CollisionDirection = Direction.Left;
            else if (nextXPosition > Boundary.Width - Boundary.Buffer) // About to cross right boundary: clear x velocity.
                Velocity           = new OrderedPair <double>(0, Velocity.Y);
                notCollided        = false;
                CollisionDirection = Direction.Right;

            if (nextYPosition < 0 + Boundary.Buffer) // About to cross top boundary: clear y velocity.
                Velocity           = new OrderedPair <double>(Velocity.X, 0);
                notCollided        = false;
                CollisionDirection = Direction.Up;
            else if (nextYPosition > Boundary.Height - Boundary.Buffer) // About to cross bottom boundary: clear y velocity.
                Velocity           = new OrderedPair <double>(Velocity.X, 0);
                notCollided        = false;
                CollisionDirection = Direction.Down;

            if (notCollided)
                Position = new OrderedPair <double>(nextXPosition, nextYPosition); // Next Position is within the boundary.
Exemple #16
        public override void DrawRender(RenderContext renderContext, double scale, OrderedPair <double> playerPosition,
                                        OrderedPair <double> screenCenter, Graphics graphics)
            Entity source  = (Entity)renderContext.Source;
            double xOffset = source.Position.X - playerPosition.X;
            double yOffset = source.Position.Y - playerPosition.Y;

            graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(source.Color), source.GetRectangleFWithOffset(screenCenter, xOffset, yOffset, scale));

            foreach (GameObject acc in renderContext.Accessories)
                // Draw accessories relative to the center of each Entity. The center will not move under scaling.
                if (acc != null)
                    graphics.DrawImage(acc.GetImage(), acc.GetRectangleFWithOffset(screenCenter, acc.Position.X + xOffset,
                                                                                   acc.Position.Y + yOffset, scale));
Exemple #17
        // Get Data from the object at the specified point.
        public WorldClickData GetObjectData(Point point, bool altData)
            mousePoint = point;
            bool itemsAccessible = false;

            OrderedPair <int> screenCenter = new OrderedPair <int>(Utilities.ViewWidth / 2, Utilities.ViewHeight / 2);

            point = new Point((int)((point.X - screenCenter.X) / Scale + EntityController.Player.Position.X),
                              (int)((point.Y - screenCenter.Y) / Scale + EntityController.Player.Position.Y));

            // Check if the mouse was clicked on the house first.
            if (EntityController.ClickOnHouse(point.X, point.Y, out ObjectData houseData))
                canSwap            = false;
                DataObjectSelected = true;
                CurrentDataObject  = EntityController;
                itemsAccessible    = true;
                // Check if the mouse was clicked over a valid GameObject. See "GetObjectAtPoint" for options.
                GameObject targetObject = GetObjectAtPoint(point, g => g is IGetData);

                if (targetObject == null)
                    DataObjectSelected = false;

                canSwap = PlayerIsDead && targetObject is Person;

                DataObjectSelected = true;

                // Player has player specific data and person specific data. Use mod key to access player data.
                if (altData && targetObject is Person person && person == EntityController.Player.BasePerson)
                    CurrentDataObject = EntityController.Player;
                    itemsAccessible   = true;
Exemple #18
        public PersonBrain(int personLimit, int desiredFoodCount, OrderedPair <int> housePosition, RectangleF houseBox)
            this.personLimit      = personLimit;
            this.desiredFoodCount = desiredFoodCount;
            this.housePosition    = housePosition;
            houseRectangle        = houseBox;
            Tasks = new List <Task>();

            utilityDecider = new UtilityDecider <Need>();

            utilityDecider.AddResponseFunction(Need.Hunger, x => x);
            utilityDecider.AddResponseFunction(Need.Social, x => x);
            utilityDecider.AddResponseFunction(Need.Lust, x => x);
            utilityDecider.AddResponseFunction(Need.Tiredness, x => x);
            utilityDecider.AddResponseFunction(Need.Boredom, x => x);
            utilityDecider.AddResponseFunction(Need.JobFullfilment, x => x);

            dropUtility = new ActionUtility(new DropAction(houseRectangle), new Tuple <Need, double>[]
                ActionUtility.NewPair(Need.JobFullfilment, DDeltaConfig.dropFoodDelta)
Exemple #19
 public abstract void DrawRender(RenderContext renderContext, double scale, OrderedPair <double> playerPosition,
                                 OrderedPair <double> screenCenter, Graphics graphics);
Exemple #20
 public List <GameObject> GetObjectsInRange(OrderedPair <double> position, int searchRadius) => GetObjectsInRange(position.X, position.Y, searchRadius);
Exemple #21
 public Effect(int x, int y, EffectType type, int offset, bool isFinite) : base(x, y, GetSize(type))
     Type     = type;
     Position = new OrderedPair <double>(x + offset - CollisionDistance, y - offset - CollisionDistance);
     IsFinite = isFinite;
Exemple #22
 // Returns the rectangle bounding box for the GameObject shifted by the x and y offsets away from the source position. The offsets are scaled.
 public virtual RectangleF GetRectangleFWithOffset(OrderedPair <double> sourcePosition, double xOffset, double yOffset, double scale)
     return(new RectangleF((float)(sourcePosition.X + (xOffset - CollisionDistance) * scale),
                           (float)(sourcePosition.Y + (yOffset - CollisionDistance) * scale),
                           (float)(scale * Size), (float)(scale * Size)));
Exemple #23
        // Get a random point inside the width and height analytically using polar coordinates.
        // Generate a random angle based on the collision direction and then use trigonmetry to calculate the maximum distance within the screen.
        // Point is (distance * sin(angle), distance * cos(angle))

        // Breaks when they get close to (0, 0) for some reason...
        public static OrderedPair <int> GetDirectionalPoint(Direction direction, OrderedPair <double> position)
            if (direction == Direction.None)
                Console.WriteLine("Direction was None inside Utilities.GetDirectionalPoint");
                return(new OrderedPair <int>((int)position.X, (int)position.Y));

            double theta1;
            double theta2;
            double angle;
            double distance;

            if (direction == Direction.Left)
                theta1 = Math.Atan((position.Y - ViewHeight) / ViewWidth);
                theta2 = Math.Atan(position.Y / ViewWidth);
                angle  = Rng.Next(-89, 90) * Math.PI / 180.0;

                if (angle > theta2)
                    distance = Math.Abs(position.Y / Math.Sin(angle));
                else if (angle < theta1)
                    distance = Math.Abs((ViewHeight - position.Y) / Math.Sin(angle));
                    distance = Math.Abs(ViewWidth / Math.Cos(angle));
            else if (direction == Direction.Up)
                theta1 = -Math.PI + Math.Atan(ViewHeight / position.X);
                theta2 = Math.Atan(-ViewHeight / (ViewWidth - position.X));
                angle  = Rng.Next(181, 360) * Math.PI / 180.0;
                angle -= (2.0 * Math.PI);

                if (angle > theta2)
                    distance = Math.Abs((ViewWidth - position.X) / Math.Cos(angle));
                else if (angle < theta1)
                    distance = Math.Abs(position.X / Math.Cos(angle));
                    distance = Math.Abs(ViewHeight / Math.Sin(angle));
            else if (direction == Direction.Right)
                theta1 = Math.PI + Math.Atan(position.Y / -ViewWidth);
                theta2 = -Math.PI + Math.Atan((ViewHeight - position.Y) / ViewWidth);
                angle  = Rng.Next(91, 270) * Math.PI / 180.0;

                if (angle > theta2 + 2.0 * Math.PI) // Adjust theta2 to positive again.
                    distance = Math.Abs((ViewHeight - position.Y) / Math.Sin(angle));
                else if (angle < theta1)
                    distance = Math.Abs(position.Y / Math.Sin(angle));
                    distance = Math.Abs(ViewWidth / Math.Cos(angle));

            else // Direction.Down.
                theta1 = Math.Atan(ViewHeight / (ViewWidth - position.X));
                theta2 = Math.PI - Math.Atan(ViewHeight / position.X);
                angle  = Rng.Next(1, 180) * Math.PI / 180.0;

                if (angle > theta2)
                    distance = Math.Abs(position.X / Math.Cos(angle));
                else if (angle < theta1)
                    distance = Math.Abs((ViewWidth - position.X) / Math.Cos(angle));
                    distance = Math.Abs(ViewHeight / Math.Sin(angle));

            int x = Math.Max(2, (int)(Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(angle))));
            int y = Math.Max(2, (int)(Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(angle))));

            //int x = (int)(Math.Abs(distance * Math.Cos(angle)));
            //int y = (int)(Math.Abs(distance * Math.Sin(angle)));

            OrderedPair <int> destination = new OrderedPair <int>(x, y);

            //Console.WriteLine("Heading to {0},{1}", destination.X, destination.Y);
            //Console.WriteLine("T1: {0}, T2: {1}, angle: {2}, position: {3}", theta1 * 180.0 / Math.PI, theta2 * 180.0 / Math.PI, angle * 180.0 / Math.PI, position.ToString());
Exemple #24
 public static OrderedPair <double> Minus(this OrderedPair <double> p1, OrderedPair <double> p2)
     return(new OrderedPair <double>(p1.X - p2.X, p1.Y - p2.Y));
Exemple #25
 public static OrderedPair <double> Plus(this OrderedPair <double> p1, OrderedPair <double> p2)
     return(new OrderedPair <double>(p1.X + p2.X, p1.Y + p2.Y));
Exemple #26
 public static void SetHomePosition(int x, int y)
     HomePosition = new OrderedPair <int>(x, y);
Exemple #27
 public void SetVelocity(OrderedPair <double> velocity)
     Velocity = velocity;
Exemple #28
 public void Stop()
     Velocity = new OrderedPair <double>(0, 0);
Exemple #29
 public static int Dot(this OrderedPair <int> p1, OrderedPair <int> p2)
     return(p1.X * p2.X + p1.Y * p2.Y);
Exemple #30
 public static double Dot(this OrderedPair <double> p1, OrderedPair <double> p2)
     return(p1.X * p2.X + p1.Y * p2.Y);