internal EventGen(TypeGen owner, string name, Type type, MethodAttributes mthAttr) { _owner = owner; Name = name; _type = type; _attrs = mthAttr; }
public PropertyGen(TypeGen owner, MethodAttributes attrs, Type type, string name) { this.owner = owner; this.attrs = attrs; this.type = type; = name; }
public MethodGen(TypeGen owner, string name, MethodAttributes attributes, Type returnType, MethodImplAttributes implFlags) : base(owner, returnType) { = name; this.attributes = owner.PreprocessAttributes(this, attributes); this.implFlags = implFlags; }
internal MethodGen(TypeGen owner, string name, MethodAttributes attributes, Type returnType, MethodImplAttributes implFlags) : base(owner, returnType, owner) { _name = name; _attributes = owner.PreprocessAttributes(this, attributes); _implFlags = implFlags; }
TypeGen ImplementDelegate() { TypeGen tg = new TypeGen(owner, name, attrs, typeof(MulticastDelegate), Type.EmptyTypes); ConstructorBuilder cb = tg.Public.RuntimeImpl.Constructor() .Parameter(typeof(object), "object") .Parameter(typeof(IntPtr), "method") .GetConstructorBuilder(); cb.SetImplementationFlags(MethodImplAttributes.Runtime | MethodImplAttributes.Managed); MethodBuilder mb = tg.Public.Virtual.RuntimeImpl.Method(typeof(IAsyncResult), "BeginInvoke") .CopyParameters(Parameters) .UncheckedParameter(typeof(AsyncCallback), "callback") .UncheckedParameter(typeof(object), "object") .GetMethodBuilder(); mb.SetImplementationFlags(MethodImplAttributes.Runtime | MethodImplAttributes.Managed); mb = tg.Public.Virtual.RuntimeImpl.Method(ReturnType, "EndInvoke") .Parameter(typeof(IAsyncResult), "result") .GetMethodBuilder(); mb.SetImplementationFlags(MethodImplAttributes.Runtime | MethodImplAttributes.Managed); mb = tg.Public.Virtual.RuntimeImpl.Method(ReturnType, "Invoke") .CopyParameters(Parameters) .GetMethodBuilder(); mb.SetImplementationFlags(MethodImplAttributes.Runtime | MethodImplAttributes.Managed); AttributeGen.ApplyList(ref customAttributes, tg.TypeBuilder.SetCustomAttribute); return(tg); }
public DelegateGen(TypeGen typeGen, string name, Type returnType, TypeAttributes typeAttributes) : base(returnType, typeGen.TypeMapper) { _owner2 = typeGen; _name = name; _attrs = typeAttributes; }
public TypeGen Interface(string name, params Type[] interfaces) { TypeGen tg = new TypeGen(this, Qualify(name), (_attrs | TypeAttributes.Interface | TypeAttributes.Abstract) & ~(TypeAttributes.Sealed | TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit), null, interfaces, TypeMapper); _attrs = 0; return(tg); }
public TypeGen Class(string name, Type baseType, params Type[] interfaces) { TypeGen tg = new TypeGen(this, Qualify(name), (_attrs | TypeAttributes.Class) ^ TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit, baseType, interfaces, TypeMapper); _attrs = 0; return(tg); }
public TypeGen Struct(string name, params Type[] interfaces) { TypeGen tg = new TypeGen(this, Qualify(name), (_attrs | TypeAttributes.Sealed | TypeAttributes.SequentialLayout) ^ TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit, TypeMapper.MapType(typeof(ValueType)), interfaces, TypeMapper); _attrs = 0; return(tg); }
internal PropertyGen(TypeGen owner, MethodAttributes attrs, Type type, string name) { _owner = owner; _attrs = attrs; _type = type; Name = name; _indexParameters = new ParameterGenCollection(owner.TypeMapper); }
internal ConstructorGen(TypeGen owner, MethodAttributes attributes, MethodImplAttributes implFlags) : base(owner, null, owner) { _attributes = attributes; _implFlags = implFlags; owner.RegisterForCompletion(this); }
public ConstructorGen(TypeGen owner, MethodAttributes attributes, MethodImplAttributes implFlags) : base(owner, null) { this.attributes = attributes; this.implFlags = implFlags; owner.RegisterForCompletion(this); }
// this routine runs at parser-runtime (not parser-compiletime nor program-runtime) public string GetMangledContextual(TypeGen currentFrameBuilder, FrameScope currentScope, FrameScope topLevelScope, string varname) { string mangledName; if (!MangledContextuals.TryGetValue(varname, out mangledName)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("you must declare the contextual " + varname + ", including its type annotation"); } return(GetMangledContextual(currentFrameBuilder, currentScope, topLevelScope, topLevelScope[varname].Type, varname)); }
protected RoutineGen(TypeGen owner, Type returnType) : base(returnType) { this.ownerType = this.owner = owner; if (owner != null) { owner.RegisterForCompletion(this); } }
TypeGen GetDelegateType() { if (delegateType == null) { LockSignature(); delegateType = ImplementDelegate(); } return(delegateType); }
internal EventGen(TypeGen owner, string name, Type type, MethodAttributes mthAttr) { this.owner = owner; = name; this.type = type; this.attrs = mthAttr; eb = owner.TypeBuilder.DefineEvent(name, EventAttributes.None, type); owner.RegisterForCompletion(this); }
internal FieldGen(TypeGen owner, string name, Type type, FieldAttributes attrs) { _owner = owner; _attrs = attrs; Name = name; _type = type; _fb = owner.TypeBuilder.DefineField(name, type, attrs); owner.RegisterForCompletion(this); }
public FieldGen(TypeGen owner, string name, Type type, FieldAttributes attrs) { this.owner = owner; this.attrs = attrs; = name; this.type = type; fb = owner.TypeBuilder.DefineField(name, type, attrs); owner.RegisterForCompletion(this); }
protected RoutineGen(TypeGen owner, Type returnType, ICodeGenBasicContext context) : base(returnType, owner.TypeMapper) { _context = context; OwnerType = Owner = owner; if (owner != null) { owner.RegisterForCompletion(this); } }
public static void RunMethodTest(MethodGenerator method, string name = null) { ExecutableTestHelper.Generator gen = ag => { TypeGen t = ag.Class("Test"); { method(t.Public.Static.Method(typeof(void), "Main")); } }; RunTest(gen, ExecutableTestHelper.GetTestName(method.Method)); }
internal TypeGen(TypeGen owner, string name, TypeAttributes attrs, Type baseType, Type[] interfaces) { this.owner = owner.owner; = name; this.baseType = baseType; this.interfaces = interfaces; tb = owner.TypeBuilder.DefineNestedType(name, attrs, baseType, interfaces); owner.nestedTypes.Add(this); ScanMethodsToImplement(interfaces); TypeInfo.RegisterProvider(tb, this); }
public TypeGen Class(string name, Type baseType, params Type[] interfaces) { if (tb.IsInterface) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Properties.Messages.ErrInterfaceNoNested); } if (typeVis == 0) { typeVis |= TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate; } TypeGen tg = new TypeGen(this, name, (typeVis | typeVirt | typeFlags | TypeAttributes.Class) ^ TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit, baseType, interfaces); ResetAttrs(); return(tg); }
public TypeGen Struct(string name, params Type[] interfaces) { if (tb.IsInterface) { throw new InvalidOperationException(Properties.Messages.ErrInterfaceNoNested); } if (typeVis == 0) { typeVis |= TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate; } TypeGen tg = new TypeGen(this, name, (typeVis | typeVirt | typeFlags | TypeAttributes.Sealed | TypeAttributes.SequentialLayout) ^ TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit, typeof(ValueType), interfaces); ResetAttrs(); return(tg); }
TypeGen ImplementDelegate() { TypeGen tg; if (_owner == null) { tg = new TypeGen(_owner2, _name, _attrs, _owner2.TypeMapper.MapType(typeof(MulticastDelegate)), Type.EmptyTypes, TypeMapper); } else { tg = new TypeGen(_owner, _name, _attrs, _owner.TypeMapper.MapType(typeof(MulticastDelegate)), Type.EmptyTypes, TypeMapper); } ConstructorBuilder cb = tg.Public.RuntimeImpl.Constructor() .Parameter(Helpers.TypeOf <object>(TypeMapper), "object") .Parameter(Helpers.TypeOf <IntPtr>(TypeMapper), "method") .GetConstructorBuilder(); cb.SetImplementationFlags(MethodImplAttributes.Runtime | MethodImplAttributes.Managed); MethodBuilder mb = tg.Public.Virtual.RuntimeImpl.Method(Helpers.TypeOf <IAsyncResult>(TypeMapper), "BeginInvoke") .CopyParameters(Parameters) .UncheckedParameter(Helpers.TypeOf <AsyncCallback>(TypeMapper), "callback") .UncheckedParameter(Helpers.TypeOf <object>(TypeMapper), "object") .GetMethodBuilder(); mb.SetImplementationFlags(MethodImplAttributes.Runtime | MethodImplAttributes.Managed); mb = tg.Public.Virtual.RuntimeImpl.Method(ReturnType, "EndInvoke") .Parameter(Helpers.TypeOf <IAsyncResult>(TypeMapper), "result") .GetMethodBuilder(); mb.SetImplementationFlags(MethodImplAttributes.Runtime | MethodImplAttributes.Managed); mb = tg.Public.Virtual.RuntimeImpl.Method(ReturnType, "Invoke") .CopyParameters(Parameters) .GetMethodBuilder(); mb.SetImplementationFlags(MethodImplAttributes.Runtime | MethodImplAttributes.Managed); AttributeGen.ApplyList(ref _customAttributes, tg.TypeBuilder.SetCustomAttribute); return(tg); }
// this routine runs at parser-runtime (not parser-compiletime nor program-runtime) public string GetMangledContextual(TypeGen currentFrameBuilder, FrameScope currentScope, FrameScope topLevelScope, Type type, string varname) { string mangledName; if (!MangledContextuals.TryGetValue(varname, out mangledName)) { var frameLocal = new FrameLocal(varname, type, topLevelScope); topLevelScope.AddHere(varname, frameLocal); currentFrameBuilder.FrameGen.MangledContextuals.Add(varname, mangledName = frameLocal.MangledName); // create a field in the toplevel frame class for the current contextual value Public.Field(type, "_ctxl_" + mangledName); // and create a runtime type representing the type of the Stack<TypeOfThisContextual> var stack_type = typeof(Stack <>).MakeGenericType(type); // create a field in the toplevel frame class for the stack of previously assigned dynamic // values of the contextual variable. Public.Field(stack_type, "_stack_" + mangledName); // push a closure that will run (parser-runtime) at the end of the toplevel routine declaration // (but at program-runtime will run as a prologue to the program) that initializes this stack PrologueEvents.Add((CodeGen cg) => { if (cg.This().Type.Name == "TopLevelFrame") { cg.Assign(cg.This().Field("_stack_" + mangledName), Exp.New(stack_type)); } else { cg.Assign(cg.This().Field("TopLevelFrame").Field("_stack_" + mangledName), Exp.New(stack_type)); } }); } // if we haven't already added a flag assigned slot for this contextual-scope tuple in this frame, if (!currentScope.AssignedContextuals.Contains(mangledName)) { // record that we've done so, currentScope.AssignedContextuals.Add(mangledName); // and create a field in the current frame class for a flag representing whether to pop the // contextual stack upon leaving this scope, currentFrameBuilder.FrameGen.Public.Field(typeof(int), "_assigned_" + currentScope.ID + "_" + mangledName); } return(mangledName); }
internal void AddType(TypeGen tg) { _types.Add(tg); }
public void AddType(TypeGen tg) { types.Add(tg); }