SetAmbientOcclusion() public méthode

public SetAmbientOcclusion ( float ao ) : void
ao float
Résultat void
Exemple #1
        private void UpdateNodeMesh(TreeNode node, List <TreeMaterial> materials, List <TreeVertex> verts, List <TreeTriangle> tris, List <TreeAOSphere> aoSpheres, int buildFlags, float adaptiveQuality, float aoDensity)
            node.triStart  = tris.Count;
            node.triEnd    = tris.Count;
            node.vertStart = verts.Count;
            node.vertEnd   = verts.Count;
            if (node.visible && base.visible)
                Vector2 vector = base.ComputeWindFactor(node, node.offset);
                if (this.geometryMode == 4)
                    if ((((cloneMesh == null) || (cloneVerts == null)) || ((cloneNormals == null) || (cloneTangents == null))) || (cloneUVs == null))
                    Matrix4x4 localToWorldMatrix = this.instanceMesh.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
                    Matrix4x4 matrixx2           = node.matrix * localToWorldMatrix;
                    int       count = verts.Count;
                    float     num2  = 5f;
                    for (int i = 0; i < cloneVerts.Length; i++)
                        TreeVertex item = new TreeVertex {
                            pos = matrixx2.MultiplyPoint(cloneVerts[i]),
                            nor = matrixx2.MultiplyVector(cloneNormals[i]).normalized,
                            uv0 = new Vector2(cloneUVs[i].x, cloneUVs[i].y)
                        Vector3 normalized = matrixx2.MultiplyVector(new Vector3(cloneTangents[i].x, cloneTangents[i].y, cloneTangents[i].z)).normalized;
                        item.tangent = new Vector4(normalized.x, normalized.y, normalized.z, cloneTangents[i].w);
                        float edgeFactor = (cloneVerts[i].magnitude / num2) * base.animationEdge;
                        item.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, edgeFactor, node.animSeed);
                        if ((buildFlags & 1) != 0)
                            item.SetAmbientOcclusion(TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(item.pos, item.nor, aoSpheres, aoDensity));
                    for (int j = 0; j < cloneMesh.subMeshCount; j++)
                        int   num6;
                        int[] triangles = cloneMesh.GetTriangles(j);
                        if ((this.instanceMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>() != null) && (j < this.instanceMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials.Length))
                            num6 = TreeGroup.GetMaterialIndex(this.instanceMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[j], materials, false);
                            num6 = TreeGroup.GetMaterialIndex(null, materials, false);
                        for (int k = 0; k < triangles.Length; k += 3)
                            TreeTriangle triangle = new TreeTriangle(num6, triangles[k] + count, triangles[k + 1] + count, triangles[k + 2] + count);
                else if (this.geometryMode == 3)
                    Vector3 eulerAngles = node.rotation.eulerAngles;
                    eulerAngles.z = eulerAngles.x * 2f;
                    eulerAngles.x = 0f;
                    eulerAngles.y = 0f;
                    Quaternion billboardRotation = Quaternion.Euler(eulerAngles);
                    Vector3    normalBase        = new Vector3(TreeGroup.GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor, TreeGroup.GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor, 1f);
                    Vector3    tangentBase       = (Vector3)(billboardRotation * new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f));
                    float      normalFix         = node.scale / (TreeGroup.GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor * TreeGroup.GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor);
                    TreeVertex vertex2           = CreateBillboardVertex(node, billboardRotation, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(0f, 1f));
                    TreeVertex vertex3           = CreateBillboardVertex(node, billboardRotation, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(0f, 0f));
                    TreeVertex vertex4           = CreateBillboardVertex(node, billboardRotation, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(1f, 0f));
                    TreeVertex vertex5           = CreateBillboardVertex(node, billboardRotation, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(1f, 1f));
                    vertex2.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, base.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                    vertex3.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, base.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                    vertex4.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, base.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                    vertex5.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, base.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                    if ((buildFlags & 1) != 0)
                        Vector3 vector8 = (Vector3)(Vector3.right * node.scale);
                        Vector3 vector9 = (Vector3)(Vector3.forward * node.scale);
                        float   ao      = 0f;
                        ao  = TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(vertex2.pos + vector8, Vector3.right, aoSpheres, aoDensity) + TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(vertex2.pos - vector8, -Vector3.right, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
                        ao += TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(vertex2.pos + vector9, Vector3.forward, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
                        ao += TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(vertex2.pos - vector9, -Vector3.forward, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
                        ao /= 4f;
                    int num10 = verts.Count;
                    int material = TreeGroup.GetMaterialIndex(this.materialLeaf, materials, false);
                    tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(material, num10, num10 + 2, num10 + 1, true));
                    tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(material, num10, num10 + 3, num10 + 2, true));
                    int num12 = 0;
                    switch (((GeometryMode)this.geometryMode))
                    case GeometryMode.PLANE:
                        num12 = 1;

                    case GeometryMode.CROSS:
                        num12 = 2;

                    case GeometryMode.TRI_CROSS:
                        num12 = 3;
                    int       num13             = TreeGroup.GetMaterialIndex(this.materialLeaf, materials, false);
                    Vector2[] vectorArray       = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(0f, 1f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), new Vector2(1f, 0f), new Vector2(1f, 1f) };
                    Vector2[] planeHullVertices = this.GetPlaneHullVertices(this.materialLeaf);
                    if (planeHullVertices == null)
                        planeHullVertices = vectorArray;
                    float     scale        = node.scale;
                    Vector3[] vectorArray3 = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(-scale, 0f, -scale), new Vector3(-scale, 0f, scale), new Vector3(scale, 0f, scale), new Vector3(scale, 0f, -scale) };
                    Vector3   vector10     = new Vector3(TreeGroup.GenerateBendNormalFactor, 1f - TreeGroup.GenerateBendNormalFactor, TreeGroup.GenerateBendNormalFactor);
                    Vector3[] vectorArray6 = new Vector3[4];
                    Vector3   vector11     = new Vector3(-vector10.x, vector10.y, -vector10.z);
                    vectorArray6[0] = vector11.normalized;
                    Vector3 vector12 = new Vector3(-vector10.x, vector10.y, 0f);
                    vectorArray6[1] = vector12.normalized;
                    Vector3 vector13 = new Vector3(vector10.x, vector10.y, 0f);
                    vectorArray6[2] = vector13.normalized;
                    Vector3 vector14 = new Vector3(vector10.x, vector10.y, -vector10.z);
                    vectorArray6[3] = vector14.normalized;
                    Vector3[] vectorArray4 = vectorArray6;
                    for (int m = 0; m < num12; m++)
                        Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(90f, 0f, 0f));
                        switch (m)
                        case 1:
                            rot = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(90f, 90f, 0f));

                        case 2:
                            rot = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 90f, 0f));
                        TreeVertex[] tv = new TreeVertex[] { new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex() };
                        for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
                            tv[n].pos     = node.matrix.MultiplyPoint((Vector3)(rot * vectorArray3[n]));
                            tv[n].nor     = node.matrix.MultiplyVector((Vector3)(rot * vectorArray4[n]));
                            tv[n].tangent = TreeGroup.CreateTangent(node, rot, tv[n].nor);
                            tv[n].uv0     = planeHullVertices[n];
                            tv[n].SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, base.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                            if ((buildFlags & 1) != 0)
                                tv[n].SetAmbientOcclusion(TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(tv[n].pos, tv[n].nor, aoSpheres, aoDensity));
                        for (int num17 = 0; num17 < 4; num17++)
                            tv[num17 + 4].Lerp4(tv, planeHullVertices[num17]);
                            tv[num17 + 4].uv0  = tv[num17].uv0;
                            tv[num17 + 4].uv1  = tv[num17].uv1;
                            tv[num17 + 4].flag = tv[num17].flag;
                        int num18 = verts.Count;
                        for (int num19 = 0; num19 < 4; num19++)
                            verts.Add(tv[num19 + 4]);
                        tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(num13, num18, num18 + 1, num18 + 2));
                        tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(num13, num18, num18 + 2, num18 + 3));
                        Vector3 inNormal = node.matrix.MultiplyVector((Vector3)(rot * new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f)));
                        if (TreeGroup.GenerateDoubleSidedGeometry)
                            TreeVertex[] vertexArray2 = new TreeVertex[] { new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex() };
                            for (int num20 = 0; num20 < 4; num20++)
                                vertexArray2[num20].pos       = tv[num20].pos;
                                vertexArray2[num20].nor       = Vector3.Reflect(tv[num20].nor, inNormal);
                                vertexArray2[num20].tangent   = Vector3.Reflect((Vector3)tv[num20].tangent, inNormal);
                                vertexArray2[num20].tangent.w = -1f;
                                vertexArray2[num20].uv0       = tv[num20].uv0;
                                vertexArray2[num20].SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, base.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                                if ((buildFlags & 1) != 0)
                                    vertexArray2[num20].SetAmbientOcclusion(TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(vertexArray2[num20].pos, vertexArray2[num20].nor, aoSpheres, aoDensity));
                            for (int num21 = 0; num21 < 4; num21++)
                                vertexArray2[num21 + 4].Lerp4(vertexArray2, planeHullVertices[num21]);
                                vertexArray2[num21 + 4].uv0  = vertexArray2[num21].uv0;
                                vertexArray2[num21 + 4].uv1  = vertexArray2[num21].uv1;
                                vertexArray2[num21 + 4].flag = vertexArray2[num21].flag;
                            int num22 = verts.Count;
                            for (int num23 = 0; num23 < 4; num23++)
                                verts.Add(vertexArray2[num23 + 4]);
                            tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(num13, num22, num22 + 2, num22 + 1));
                            tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(num13, num22, num22 + 3, num22 + 2));
                node.triEnd  = tris.Count;
                node.vertEnd = verts.Count;
        private void UpdateNodeMesh(TreeNode node, List <TreeMaterial> materials, List <TreeVertex> verts, List <TreeTriangle> tris, List <TreeAOSphere> aoSpheres, int buildFlags, float adaptiveQuality, float aoDensity)
            node.triStart  = tris.Count;
            node.triEnd    = tris.Count;
            node.vertStart = verts.Count;
            node.vertEnd   = verts.Count;

            // Check for visibility..
            if (!node.visible || !visible)


            Vector2 windFactors = ComputeWindFactor(node, node.offset);

            if (geometryMode == (int)GeometryMode.MESH)
                // Exit if no instance mesh is selected
                if (cloneMesh == null)
                    //    Debug.LogError("No cloneMesh");
                if (cloneVerts == null)
                    //     Debug.LogError("No cloneVerts");
                if (cloneNormals == null)
                    //    Debug.LogError("No cloneNormals");
                if (cloneTangents == null)
                    //   Debug.LogError("No cloneTangents");
                if (cloneUVs == null)
                    //   Debug.LogError("No cloneUVs");

                Matrix4x4 cloneMatrix = instanceMesh.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
                Matrix4x4 tformMatrix = node.matrix * cloneMatrix;

                int vertOffset = verts.Count;

                float dist = 5.0f;

                // copy verts
                for (int i = 0; i < cloneVerts.Length; i++)
                    TreeVertex v0 = new TreeVertex();
                    v0.pos = tformMatrix.MultiplyPoint(cloneVerts[i]);
                    v0.nor = tformMatrix.MultiplyVector(cloneNormals[i]).normalized;
                    v0.uv0 = new Vector2(cloneUVs[i].x, cloneUVs[i].y);
                    Vector3 tangent = tformMatrix.MultiplyVector(new Vector3(cloneTangents[i].x, cloneTangents[i].y, cloneTangents[i].z)).normalized;
                    v0.tangent = new Vector4(tangent.x, tangent.y, tangent.z, cloneTangents[i].w);

                    // wind
                    float windEdge = (cloneVerts[i].magnitude / dist) * animationEdge;
                    v0.SetAnimationProperties(windFactors.x, windFactors.y, windEdge, node.animSeed);

                    // AO
                    if ((buildFlags & (int)BuildFlag.BuildAmbientOcclusion) != 0)
                        v0.SetAmbientOcclusion(ComputeAmbientOcclusion(v0.pos, v0.nor, aoSpheres, aoDensity));


                // copy tris
                for (int s = 0; s < cloneMesh.subMeshCount; s++)
                    int[] instanceTris = cloneMesh.GetTriangles(s);

                    int materialIndex;
                    if (instanceMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>() != null && s < instanceMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials.Length)
                        materialIndex = GetMaterialIndex(instanceMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[s], materials, false);
                        materialIndex = GetMaterialIndex(null, materials, false);

                    for (int i = 0; i < instanceTris.Length; i += 3)
                        TreeTriangle t0 = new TreeTriangle(materialIndex, instanceTris[i] + vertOffset, instanceTris[i + 1] + vertOffset, instanceTris[i + 2] + vertOffset);
            else if (geometryMode == (int)GeometryMode.BILLBOARD)
                // rotation
                Vector3 eulerRot = node.rotation.eulerAngles;
                eulerRot.z = eulerRot.x * 2.0f;
                eulerRot.x = 0.0f;
                eulerRot.y = 0.0f;
                Quaternion billboardRotation = Quaternion.Euler(eulerRot);

                // normal
                Vector3 normalBase = new Vector3(GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor, GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor, 1.0f);

                Vector3 tangentBase = billboardRotation * new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
                float   normalFix   = node.scale / (GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor * GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor);

                TreeVertex v0 = CreateBillboardVertex(node, billboardRotation, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(0, 1));
                TreeVertex v1 = CreateBillboardVertex(node, billboardRotation, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(0, 0));
                TreeVertex v2 = CreateBillboardVertex(node, billboardRotation, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(1, 0));
                TreeVertex v3 = CreateBillboardVertex(node, billboardRotation, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(1, 1));

                // wind
                v0.SetAnimationProperties(windFactors.x, windFactors.y, animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                v1.SetAnimationProperties(windFactors.x, windFactors.y, animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                v2.SetAnimationProperties(windFactors.x, windFactors.y, animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                v3.SetAnimationProperties(windFactors.x, windFactors.y, animationEdge, node.animSeed);

                if ((buildFlags & (int)BuildFlag.BuildAmbientOcclusion) != 0)
                    //  Vector3 pushU = Vector3.up * internalSize;
                    Vector3 pushR = Vector3.right * node.scale;
                    Vector3 pushF = Vector3.forward * node.scale;

                    float a = 0.0f; // ComputeAmbientOcclusion(partID, v0.pos + pushU, Vector3.up, aoSpheres);
                    //a += ComputeAmbientOcclusion(partID, v0.pos - pushU, -Vector3.up, aoSpheres);
                    a  = ComputeAmbientOcclusion(v0.pos + pushR, Vector3.right, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
                    a += ComputeAmbientOcclusion(v0.pos - pushR, -Vector3.right, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
                    a += ComputeAmbientOcclusion(v0.pos + pushF, Vector3.forward, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
                    a += ComputeAmbientOcclusion(v0.pos - pushF, -Vector3.forward, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
                    a /= 4.0f;


                int index0 = verts.Count;

                int materialIndex = GetMaterialIndex(materialLeaf, materials, false);

                tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex, index0, index0 + 2, index0 + 1, true));
                tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex, index0, index0 + 3, index0 + 2, true));
                // plane, cross, tri-cross

                int planes = 0;
                switch ((GeometryMode)geometryMode)
                case GeometryMode.PLANE:
                    planes = 1;

                case GeometryMode.CROSS:
                    planes = 2;

                case GeometryMode.TRI_CROSS:
                    planes = 3;

                int materialIndex = GetMaterialIndex(materialLeaf, materials, false);

                Vector2[] rawHull = new Vector2[]
                    new Vector2(0, 1),
                    new Vector2(0, 0),
                    new Vector2(1, 0),
                    new Vector2(1, 1)
                Vector2[] textureHull = GetPlaneHullVertices(materialLeaf);
                if (textureHull == null)
                    textureHull = rawHull;
                float     ns           = node.scale;
                Vector3[] positionsRaw = new Vector3[]
                    new Vector3(-ns, 0f, -ns),
                    new Vector3(-ns, 0f, ns),
                    new Vector3(ns, 0f, ns),
                    new Vector3(ns, 0f, -ns)

                Vector3 normal = new Vector3(GenerateBendNormalFactor, 1.0f - GenerateBendNormalFactor, GenerateBendNormalFactor);

                Vector3[] normalsRaw = new Vector3[]
                    new Vector3(-normal.x, normal.y, -normal.z).normalized,
                    new Vector3(-normal.x, normal.y, 0).normalized, // note z always 0
                    new Vector3(normal.x, normal.y, 0).normalized,  // note z always 0
                    new Vector3(normal.x, normal.y, -normal.z).normalized

                for (int ipl = 0; ipl < planes; ipl++)
                    Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(90, 0, 0));
                    switch (ipl)
                    case 1:
                        rot = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(90, 90, 0));

                    case 2:
                        rot = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 90, 0));

                    TreeVertex[] tv = new TreeVertex[8]
                        new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), // initial quad
                        new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex()  // from bounding hull

                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                        tv[i].pos     = node.matrix.MultiplyPoint(rot * positionsRaw[i]);
                        tv[i].nor     = node.matrix.MultiplyVector(rot * normalsRaw[i]);
                        tv[i].tangent = CreateTangent(node, rot, tv[i].nor);
                        tv[i].uv0     = textureHull[i];
                        tv[i].SetAnimationProperties(windFactors.x, windFactors.y, animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                        if ((buildFlags & (int)BuildFlag.BuildAmbientOcclusion) != 0)
                            tv[i].SetAmbientOcclusion(ComputeAmbientOcclusion(tv[i].pos, tv[i].nor, aoSpheres, aoDensity));

                    // now lerp positions into correct placed based on the bounding hull
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                        tv[i + 4].Lerp4(tv, textureHull[i]);
                        tv[i + 4].uv0  = tv[i].uv0;
                        tv[i + 4].uv1  = tv[i].uv1;
                        tv[i + 4].flag = tv[i].flag;

                    int index0 = verts.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                        verts.Add(tv[i + 4]);

                    tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex, index0, index0 + 1, index0 + 2));
                    tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex, index0, index0 + 2, index0 + 3));

                    Vector3 faceNormal = node.matrix.MultiplyVector(rot * new Vector3(0, 1, 0));

                    if (GenerateDoubleSidedGeometry)
                        // Duplicate vertices with mirrored normal and tangent
                        TreeVertex[] tv2 = new TreeVertex[8]
                            new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), // initial quad
                            new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex()  // from bounding hull
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                            tv2[i].pos       = tv[i].pos;
                            tv2[i].nor       = Vector3.Reflect(tv[i].nor, faceNormal);
                            tv2[i].tangent   = Vector3.Reflect(tv[i].tangent, faceNormal);
                            tv2[i].tangent.w = -1;
                            tv2[i].uv0       = tv[i].uv0;
                            tv2[i].SetAnimationProperties(windFactors.x, windFactors.y, animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                            if ((buildFlags & (int)BuildFlag.BuildAmbientOcclusion) != 0)
                                tv2[i].SetAmbientOcclusion(ComputeAmbientOcclusion(tv2[i].pos, tv2[i].nor, aoSpheres, aoDensity));
                        // now lerp positions into correct placed based on the bounding hull
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                            tv2[i + 4].Lerp4(tv2, textureHull[i]);
                            tv2[i + 4].uv0  = tv2[i].uv0;
                            tv2[i + 4].uv1  = tv2[i].uv1;
                            tv2[i + 4].flag = tv2[i].flag;

                        int index4 = verts.Count;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                            verts.Add(tv2[i + 4]);
                        tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex, index4, index4 + 2, index4 + 1));
                        tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex, index4, index4 + 3, index4 + 2));

            node.triEnd  = tris.Count;
            node.vertEnd = verts.Count;

            Profiler.EndSample(); // TreeGroupLeaf.UpdateNodeMesh
Exemple #3
        private void UpdateNodeMesh(TreeNode node, List <TreeMaterial> materials, List <TreeVertex> verts, List <TreeTriangle> tris, List <TreeAOSphere> aoSpheres, int buildFlags, float adaptiveQuality, float aoDensity)
            node.triStart  = tris.Count;
            node.triEnd    = tris.Count;
            node.vertStart = verts.Count;
            node.vertEnd   = verts.Count;
            if (!node.visible || !this.visible)
            Vector2 vector = base.ComputeWindFactor(node, node.offset);

            if (this.geometryMode == 4)
                if (TreeGroupLeaf.cloneMesh == null)
                if (TreeGroupLeaf.cloneVerts == null)
                if (TreeGroupLeaf.cloneNormals == null)
                if (TreeGroupLeaf.cloneTangents == null)
                if (TreeGroupLeaf.cloneUVs == null)
                Matrix4x4 localToWorldMatrix = this.instanceMesh.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
                Matrix4x4 matrix4x           = node.matrix * localToWorldMatrix;
                int       count = verts.Count;
                float     num   = 5f;
                for (int i = 0; i < TreeGroupLeaf.cloneVerts.Length; i++)
                    TreeVertex treeVertex = new TreeVertex();
                    treeVertex.pos = matrix4x.MultiplyPoint(TreeGroupLeaf.cloneVerts[i]);
                    treeVertex.nor = matrix4x.MultiplyVector(TreeGroupLeaf.cloneNormals[i]).normalized;
                    treeVertex.uv0 = new Vector2(TreeGroupLeaf.cloneUVs[i].x, TreeGroupLeaf.cloneUVs[i].y);
                    Vector3 normalized = matrix4x.MultiplyVector(new Vector3(TreeGroupLeaf.cloneTangents[i].x, TreeGroupLeaf.cloneTangents[i].y, TreeGroupLeaf.cloneTangents[i].z)).normalized;
                    treeVertex.tangent = new Vector4(normalized.x, normalized.y, normalized.z, TreeGroupLeaf.cloneTangents[i].w);
                    float edgeFactor = TreeGroupLeaf.cloneVerts[i].magnitude / num * this.animationEdge;
                    treeVertex.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, edgeFactor, node.animSeed);
                    if ((buildFlags & 1) != 0)
                        treeVertex.SetAmbientOcclusion(TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(treeVertex.pos, treeVertex.nor, aoSpheres, aoDensity));
                for (int j = 0; j < TreeGroupLeaf.cloneMesh.subMeshCount; j++)
                    int[] triangles = TreeGroupLeaf.cloneMesh.GetTriangles(j);
                    int   materialIndex;
                    if (this.instanceMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>() != null && j < this.instanceMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials.Length)
                        materialIndex = TreeGroup.GetMaterialIndex(this.instanceMesh.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterials[j], materials, false);
                        materialIndex = TreeGroup.GetMaterialIndex(null, materials, false);
                    for (int k = 0; k < triangles.Length; k += 3)
                        TreeTriangle item = new TreeTriangle(materialIndex, triangles[k] + count, triangles[k + 1] + count, triangles[k + 2] + count);
                if (this.geometryMode == 3)
                    Vector3 eulerAngles = node.rotation.eulerAngles;
                    eulerAngles.z = eulerAngles.x * 2f;
                    eulerAngles.x = 0f;
                    eulerAngles.y = 0f;
                    Quaternion quaternion  = Quaternion.Euler(eulerAngles);
                    Vector3    normalBase  = new Vector3(TreeGroup.GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor, TreeGroup.GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor, 1f);
                    Vector3    tangentBase = quaternion * new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f);
                    float      normalFix   = node.scale / (TreeGroup.GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor * TreeGroup.GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor);
                    TreeVertex treeVertex2 = TreeGroupLeaf.CreateBillboardVertex(node, quaternion, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(0f, 1f));
                    TreeVertex treeVertex3 = TreeGroupLeaf.CreateBillboardVertex(node, quaternion, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(0f, 0f));
                    TreeVertex treeVertex4 = TreeGroupLeaf.CreateBillboardVertex(node, quaternion, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(1f, 0f));
                    TreeVertex treeVertex5 = TreeGroupLeaf.CreateBillboardVertex(node, quaternion, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(1f, 1f));
                    treeVertex2.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, this.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                    treeVertex3.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, this.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                    treeVertex4.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, this.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                    treeVertex5.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, this.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                    if ((buildFlags & 1) != 0)
                        Vector3 b    = Vector3.right * node.scale;
                        Vector3 b2   = Vector3.forward * node.scale;
                        float   num2 = TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(treeVertex2.pos + b, Vector3.right, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
                        num2 += TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(treeVertex2.pos - b, -Vector3.right, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
                        num2 += TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(treeVertex2.pos + b2, Vector3.forward, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
                        num2 += TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(treeVertex2.pos - b2, -Vector3.forward, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
                        num2 /= 4f;
                    int count2 = verts.Count;
                    int materialIndex2 = TreeGroup.GetMaterialIndex(this.materialLeaf, materials, false);
                    tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex2, count2, count2 + 2, count2 + 1, true));
                    tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex2, count2, count2 + 3, count2 + 2, true));
                    int num3 = 0;
                    switch (this.geometryMode)
                    case 0:
                        num3 = 1;

                    case 1:
                        num3 = 2;

                    case 2:
                        num3 = 3;
                    int       materialIndex3 = TreeGroup.GetMaterialIndex(this.materialLeaf, materials, false);
                    Vector2[] array          = new Vector2[]
                        new Vector2(0f, 1f),
                        new Vector2(0f, 0f),
                        new Vector2(1f, 0f),
                        new Vector2(1f, 1f)
                    Vector2[] array2 = this.GetPlaneHullVertices(this.materialLeaf);
                    if (array2 == null)
                        array2 = array;
                    float     scale  = node.scale;
                    Vector3[] array3 = new Vector3[]
                        new Vector3(-scale, 0f, -scale),
                        new Vector3(-scale, 0f, scale),
                        new Vector3(scale, 0f, scale),
                        new Vector3(scale, 0f, -scale)
                    Vector3   vector2        = new Vector3(TreeGroup.GenerateBendNormalFactor, 1f - TreeGroup.GenerateBendNormalFactor, TreeGroup.GenerateBendNormalFactor);
                    Vector3[] expr_788       = new Vector3[4];
                    int       arg_7B4_0_cp_1 = 0;
                    Vector3   vector3        = new Vector3(-vector2.x, vector2.y, -vector2.z);
                    expr_788[arg_7B4_0_cp_1] = vector3.normalized;
                    int     arg_7E2_0_cp_1 = 1;
                    Vector3 vector4        = new Vector3(-vector2.x, vector2.y, 0f);
                    expr_788[arg_7E2_0_cp_1] = vector4.normalized;
                    int     arg_80F_0_cp_1 = 2;
                    Vector3 vector5        = new Vector3(vector2.x, vector2.y, 0f);
                    expr_788[arg_80F_0_cp_1] = vector5.normalized;
                    int     arg_83F_0_cp_1 = 3;
                    Vector3 vector6        = new Vector3(vector2.x, vector2.y, -vector2.z);
                    expr_788[arg_83F_0_cp_1] = vector6.normalized;
                    Vector3[] array4 = expr_788;
                    for (int l = 0; l < num3; l++)
                        Quaternion quaternion2 = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(90f, 0f, 0f));
                        int        num4        = l;
                        if (num4 != 1)
                            if (num4 == 2)
                                quaternion2 = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 90f, 0f));
                            quaternion2 = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(90f, 90f, 0f));
                        TreeVertex[] array5 = new TreeVertex[]
                            new TreeVertex(),
                            new TreeVertex(),
                            new TreeVertex(),
                            new TreeVertex(),
                            new TreeVertex(),
                            new TreeVertex(),
                            new TreeVertex(),
                            new TreeVertex()
                        for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
                            array5[m].pos     = node.matrix.MultiplyPoint(quaternion2 * array3[m]);
                            array5[m].nor     = node.matrix.MultiplyVector(quaternion2 * array4[m]);
                            array5[m].tangent = TreeGroup.CreateTangent(node, quaternion2, array5[m].nor);
                            array5[m].uv0     = array2[m];
                            array5[m].SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, this.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                            if ((buildFlags & 1) != 0)
                                array5[m].SetAmbientOcclusion(TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(array5[m].pos, array5[m].nor, aoSpheres, aoDensity));
                        for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
                            array5[n + 4].Lerp4(array5, array2[n]);
                            array5[n + 4].uv0  = array5[n].uv0;
                            array5[n + 4].uv1  = array5[n].uv1;
                            array5[n + 4].flag = array5[n].flag;
                        int count3 = verts.Count;
                        for (int num5 = 0; num5 < 4; num5++)
                            verts.Add(array5[num5 + 4]);
                        tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex3, count3, count3 + 1, count3 + 2));
                        tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex3, count3, count3 + 2, count3 + 3));
                        Vector3 inNormal = node.matrix.MultiplyVector(quaternion2 * new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f));
                        if (TreeGroup.GenerateDoubleSidedGeometry)
                            TreeVertex[] array6 = new TreeVertex[]
                                new TreeVertex(),
                                new TreeVertex(),
                                new TreeVertex(),
                                new TreeVertex(),
                                new TreeVertex(),
                                new TreeVertex(),
                                new TreeVertex(),
                                new TreeVertex()
                            for (int num6 = 0; num6 < 4; num6++)
                                array6[num6].pos       = array5[num6].pos;
                                array6[num6].nor       = Vector3.Reflect(array5[num6].nor, inNormal);
                                array6[num6].tangent   = Vector3.Reflect(array5[num6].tangent, inNormal);
                                array6[num6].tangent.w = -1f;
                                array6[num6].uv0       = array5[num6].uv0;
                                array6[num6].SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, this.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                                if ((buildFlags & 1) != 0)
                                    array6[num6].SetAmbientOcclusion(TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(array6[num6].pos, array6[num6].nor, aoSpheres, aoDensity));
                            for (int num7 = 0; num7 < 4; num7++)
                                array6[num7 + 4].Lerp4(array6, array2[num7]);
                                array6[num7 + 4].uv0  = array6[num7].uv0;
                                array6[num7 + 4].uv1  = array6[num7].uv1;
                                array6[num7 + 4].flag = array6[num7].flag;
                            int count4 = verts.Count;
                            for (int num8 = 0; num8 < 4; num8++)
                                verts.Add(array6[num8 + 4]);
                            tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex3, count4, count4 + 2, count4 + 1));
                            tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex3, count4, count4 + 3, count4 + 2));
            node.triEnd  = tris.Count;
            node.vertEnd = verts.Count;
		private void UpdateNodeMesh(TreeNode node, List<TreeMaterial> materials, List<TreeVertex> verts, List<TreeTriangle> tris, List<TreeAOSphere> aoSpheres, int buildFlags, float adaptiveQuality, float aoDensity)
			node.triStart = tris.Count;
			node.triEnd = tris.Count;
			node.vertStart = verts.Count;
			node.vertEnd = verts.Count;
			if (!node.visible || !this.visible)
			Vector2 vector = base.ComputeWindFactor(node, node.offset);
			if (this.geometryMode == 4)
				if (TreeGroupLeaf.cloneMesh == null)
				if (TreeGroupLeaf.cloneVerts == null)
				if (TreeGroupLeaf.cloneNormals == null)
				if (TreeGroupLeaf.cloneTangents == null)
				if (TreeGroupLeaf.cloneUVs == null)
				Matrix4x4 localToWorldMatrix = this.instanceMesh.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
				Matrix4x4 matrix4x = node.matrix * localToWorldMatrix;
				int count = verts.Count;
				float num = 5f;
				for (int i = 0; i < TreeGroupLeaf.cloneVerts.Length; i++)
					TreeVertex treeVertex = new TreeVertex();
					treeVertex.pos = matrix4x.MultiplyPoint(TreeGroupLeaf.cloneVerts[i]);
					treeVertex.nor = matrix4x.MultiplyVector(TreeGroupLeaf.cloneNormals[i]).normalized;
					treeVertex.uv0 = new Vector2(TreeGroupLeaf.cloneUVs[i].x, TreeGroupLeaf.cloneUVs[i].y);
					Vector3 normalized = matrix4x.MultiplyVector(new Vector3(TreeGroupLeaf.cloneTangents[i].x, TreeGroupLeaf.cloneTangents[i].y, TreeGroupLeaf.cloneTangents[i].z)).normalized;
					treeVertex.tangent = new Vector4(normalized.x, normalized.y, normalized.z, TreeGroupLeaf.cloneTangents[i].w);
					float edgeFactor = TreeGroupLeaf.cloneVerts[i].magnitude / num * this.animationEdge;
					treeVertex.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, edgeFactor, node.animSeed);
					if ((buildFlags & 1) != 0)
						treeVertex.SetAmbientOcclusion(TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(treeVertex.pos, treeVertex.nor, aoSpheres, aoDensity));
				for (int j = 0; j < TreeGroupLeaf.cloneMesh.subMeshCount; j++)
					int[] triangles = TreeGroupLeaf.cloneMesh.GetTriangles(j);
					int materialIndex;
					if (this.instanceMesh.GetComponent<Renderer>() != null && j < this.instanceMesh.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterials.Length)
						materialIndex = TreeGroup.GetMaterialIndex(this.instanceMesh.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterials[j], materials, false);
						materialIndex = TreeGroup.GetMaterialIndex(null, materials, false);
					for (int k = 0; k < triangles.Length; k += 3)
						TreeTriangle item = new TreeTriangle(materialIndex, triangles[k] + count, triangles[k + 1] + count, triangles[k + 2] + count);
				if (this.geometryMode == 3)
					Vector3 eulerAngles = node.rotation.eulerAngles;
					eulerAngles.z = eulerAngles.x * 2f;
					eulerAngles.x = 0f;
					eulerAngles.y = 0f;
					Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.Euler(eulerAngles);
					Vector3 normalBase = new Vector3(TreeGroup.GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor, TreeGroup.GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor, 1f);
					Vector3 tangentBase = quaternion * new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f);
					float normalFix = node.scale / (TreeGroup.GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor * TreeGroup.GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor);
					TreeVertex treeVertex2 = TreeGroupLeaf.CreateBillboardVertex(node, quaternion, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(0f, 1f));
					TreeVertex treeVertex3 = TreeGroupLeaf.CreateBillboardVertex(node, quaternion, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(0f, 0f));
					TreeVertex treeVertex4 = TreeGroupLeaf.CreateBillboardVertex(node, quaternion, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(1f, 0f));
					TreeVertex treeVertex5 = TreeGroupLeaf.CreateBillboardVertex(node, quaternion, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(1f, 1f));
					treeVertex2.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, this.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
					treeVertex3.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, this.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
					treeVertex4.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, this.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
					treeVertex5.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, this.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
					if ((buildFlags & 1) != 0)
						Vector3 b = Vector3.right * node.scale;
						Vector3 b2 = Vector3.forward * node.scale;
						float num2 = TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(treeVertex2.pos + b, Vector3.right, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
						num2 += TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(treeVertex2.pos - b, -Vector3.right, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
						num2 += TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(treeVertex2.pos + b2, Vector3.forward, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
						num2 += TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(treeVertex2.pos - b2, -Vector3.forward, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
						num2 /= 4f;
					int count2 = verts.Count;
					int materialIndex2 = TreeGroup.GetMaterialIndex(this.materialLeaf, materials, false);
					tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex2, count2, count2 + 2, count2 + 1, true));
					tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex2, count2, count2 + 3, count2 + 2, true));
					int num3 = 0;
					switch (this.geometryMode)
					case 0:
						num3 = 1;
					case 1:
						num3 = 2;
					case 2:
						num3 = 3;
					int materialIndex3 = TreeGroup.GetMaterialIndex(this.materialLeaf, materials, false);
					Vector2[] array = new Vector2[]
						new Vector2(0f, 1f),
						new Vector2(0f, 0f),
						new Vector2(1f, 0f),
						new Vector2(1f, 1f)
					Vector2[] array2 = this.GetPlaneHullVertices(this.materialLeaf);
					if (array2 == null)
						array2 = array;
					float scale = node.scale;
					Vector3[] array3 = new Vector3[]
						new Vector3(-scale, 0f, -scale),
						new Vector3(-scale, 0f, scale),
						new Vector3(scale, 0f, scale),
						new Vector3(scale, 0f, -scale)
					Vector3 vector2 = new Vector3(TreeGroup.GenerateBendNormalFactor, 1f - TreeGroup.GenerateBendNormalFactor, TreeGroup.GenerateBendNormalFactor);
					Vector3[] expr_788 = new Vector3[4];
					int arg_7B4_0_cp_1 = 0;
					Vector3 vector3 = new Vector3(-vector2.x, vector2.y, -vector2.z);
					expr_788[arg_7B4_0_cp_1] = vector3.normalized;
					int arg_7E2_0_cp_1 = 1;
					Vector3 vector4 = new Vector3(-vector2.x, vector2.y, 0f);
					expr_788[arg_7E2_0_cp_1] = vector4.normalized;
					int arg_80F_0_cp_1 = 2;
					Vector3 vector5 = new Vector3(vector2.x, vector2.y, 0f);
					expr_788[arg_80F_0_cp_1] = vector5.normalized;
					int arg_83F_0_cp_1 = 3;
					Vector3 vector6 = new Vector3(vector2.x, vector2.y, -vector2.z);
					expr_788[arg_83F_0_cp_1] = vector6.normalized;
					Vector3[] array4 = expr_788;
					for (int l = 0; l < num3; l++)
						Quaternion quaternion2 = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(90f, 0f, 0f));
						int num4 = l;
						if (num4 != 1)
							if (num4 == 2)
								quaternion2 = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 90f, 0f));
							quaternion2 = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(90f, 90f, 0f));
						TreeVertex[] array5 = new TreeVertex[]
							new TreeVertex(),
							new TreeVertex(),
							new TreeVertex(),
							new TreeVertex(),
							new TreeVertex(),
							new TreeVertex(),
							new TreeVertex(),
							new TreeVertex()
						for (int m = 0; m < 4; m++)
							array5[m].pos = node.matrix.MultiplyPoint(quaternion2 * array3[m]);
							array5[m].nor = node.matrix.MultiplyVector(quaternion2 * array4[m]);
							array5[m].tangent = TreeGroup.CreateTangent(node, quaternion2, array5[m].nor);
							array5[m].uv0 = array2[m];
							array5[m].SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, this.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
							if ((buildFlags & 1) != 0)
								array5[m].SetAmbientOcclusion(TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(array5[m].pos, array5[m].nor, aoSpheres, aoDensity));
						for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
							array5[n + 4].Lerp4(array5, array2[n]);
							array5[n + 4].uv0 = array5[n].uv0;
							array5[n + 4].uv1 = array5[n].uv1;
							array5[n + 4].flag = array5[n].flag;
						int count3 = verts.Count;
						for (int num5 = 0; num5 < 4; num5++)
							verts.Add(array5[num5 + 4]);
						tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex3, count3, count3 + 1, count3 + 2));
						tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex3, count3, count3 + 2, count3 + 3));
						Vector3 inNormal = node.matrix.MultiplyVector(quaternion2 * new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f));
						if (TreeGroup.GenerateDoubleSidedGeometry)
							TreeVertex[] array6 = new TreeVertex[]
								new TreeVertex(),
								new TreeVertex(),
								new TreeVertex(),
								new TreeVertex(),
								new TreeVertex(),
								new TreeVertex(),
								new TreeVertex(),
								new TreeVertex()
							for (int num6 = 0; num6 < 4; num6++)
								array6[num6].pos = array5[num6].pos;
								array6[num6].nor = Vector3.Reflect(array5[num6].nor, inNormal);
								array6[num6].tangent = Vector3.Reflect(array5[num6].tangent, inNormal);
								array6[num6].tangent.w = -1f;
								array6[num6].uv0 = array5[num6].uv0;
								array6[num6].SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, this.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
								if ((buildFlags & 1) != 0)
									array6[num6].SetAmbientOcclusion(TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(array6[num6].pos, array6[num6].nor, aoSpheres, aoDensity));
							for (int num7 = 0; num7 < 4; num7++)
								array6[num7 + 4].Lerp4(array6, array2[num7]);
								array6[num7 + 4].uv0 = array6[num7].uv0;
								array6[num7 + 4].uv1 = array6[num7].uv1;
								array6[num7 + 4].flag = array6[num7].flag;
							int count4 = verts.Count;
							for (int num8 = 0; num8 < 4; num8++)
								verts.Add(array6[num8 + 4]);
							tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex3, count4, count4 + 2, count4 + 1));
							tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(materialIndex3, count4, count4 + 3, count4 + 2));
			node.triEnd = tris.Count;
			node.vertEnd = verts.Count;
        private void UpdateNodeMesh(TreeNode node, List<TreeMaterial> materials, List<TreeVertex> verts, List<TreeTriangle> tris, List<TreeAOSphere> aoSpheres, int buildFlags, float adaptiveQuality, float aoDensity)
            node.triStart = tris.Count;
            node.triEnd = tris.Count;
            node.vertStart = verts.Count;
            node.vertEnd = verts.Count;
            if (node.visible && base.visible)
                Vector2 vector = base.ComputeWindFactor(node, node.offset);
                if (this.geometryMode == 4)
                    if ((((cloneMesh == null) || (cloneVerts == null)) || ((cloneNormals == null) || (cloneTangents == null))) || (cloneUVs == null))
                    Matrix4x4 localToWorldMatrix = this.instanceMesh.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
                    Matrix4x4 matrixx2 = node.matrix * localToWorldMatrix;
                    int count = verts.Count;
                    float num2 = 5f;
                    for (int i = 0; i < cloneVerts.Length; i++)
                        TreeVertex item = new TreeVertex {
                            pos = matrixx2.MultiplyPoint(cloneVerts[i]),
                            nor = matrixx2.MultiplyVector(cloneNormals[i]).normalized,
                            uv0 = new Vector2(cloneUVs[i].x, cloneUVs[i].y)
                        Vector3 normalized = matrixx2.MultiplyVector(new Vector3(cloneTangents[i].x, cloneTangents[i].y, cloneTangents[i].z)).normalized;
                        item.tangent = new Vector4(normalized.x, normalized.y, normalized.z, cloneTangents[i].w);
                        float edgeFactor = (cloneVerts[i].magnitude / num2) * base.animationEdge;
                        item.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, edgeFactor, node.animSeed);
                        if ((buildFlags & 1) != 0)
                            item.SetAmbientOcclusion(TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(item.pos, item.nor, aoSpheres, aoDensity));
                    for (int j = 0; j < cloneMesh.subMeshCount; j++)
                        int num6;
                        int[] triangles = cloneMesh.GetTriangles(j);
                        if ((this.instanceMesh.GetComponent<Renderer>() != null) && (j < this.instanceMesh.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterials.Length))
                            num6 = TreeGroup.GetMaterialIndex(this.instanceMesh.GetComponent<Renderer>().sharedMaterials[j], materials, false);
                            num6 = TreeGroup.GetMaterialIndex(null, materials, false);
                        for (int k = 0; k < triangles.Length; k += 3)
                            TreeTriangle triangle = new TreeTriangle(num6, triangles[k] + count, triangles[k + 1] + count, triangles[k + 2] + count);
                else if (this.geometryMode == 3)
                    Vector3 eulerAngles = node.rotation.eulerAngles;
                    eulerAngles.z = eulerAngles.x * 2f;
                    eulerAngles.x = 0f;
                    eulerAngles.y = 0f;
                    Quaternion billboardRotation = Quaternion.Euler(eulerAngles);
                    Vector3 normalBase = new Vector3(TreeGroup.GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor, TreeGroup.GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor, 1f);
                    Vector3 tangentBase = (Vector3) (billboardRotation * new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f));
                    float normalFix = node.scale / (TreeGroup.GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor * TreeGroup.GenerateBendBillboardNormalFactor);
                    TreeVertex vertex2 = CreateBillboardVertex(node, billboardRotation, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(0f, 1f));
                    TreeVertex vertex3 = CreateBillboardVertex(node, billboardRotation, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(0f, 0f));
                    TreeVertex vertex4 = CreateBillboardVertex(node, billboardRotation, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(1f, 0f));
                    TreeVertex vertex5 = CreateBillboardVertex(node, billboardRotation, normalBase, normalFix, tangentBase, new Vector2(1f, 1f));
                    vertex2.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, base.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                    vertex3.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, base.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                    vertex4.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, base.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                    vertex5.SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, base.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                    if ((buildFlags & 1) != 0)
                        Vector3 vector8 = (Vector3) (Vector3.right * node.scale);
                        Vector3 vector9 = (Vector3) (Vector3.forward * node.scale);
                        float ao = 0f;
                        ao = TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(vertex2.pos + vector8, Vector3.right, aoSpheres, aoDensity) + TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(vertex2.pos - vector8, -Vector3.right, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
                        ao += TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(vertex2.pos + vector9, Vector3.forward, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
                        ao += TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(vertex2.pos - vector9, -Vector3.forward, aoSpheres, aoDensity);
                        ao /= 4f;
                    int num10 = verts.Count;
                    int material = TreeGroup.GetMaterialIndex(this.materialLeaf, materials, false);
                    tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(material, num10, num10 + 2, num10 + 1, true));
                    tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(material, num10, num10 + 3, num10 + 2, true));
                    int num12 = 0;
                    switch (((GeometryMode) this.geometryMode))
                        case GeometryMode.PLANE:
                            num12 = 1;

                        case GeometryMode.CROSS:
                            num12 = 2;

                        case GeometryMode.TRI_CROSS:
                            num12 = 3;
                    int num13 = TreeGroup.GetMaterialIndex(this.materialLeaf, materials, false);
                    Vector2[] vectorArray = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(0f, 1f), new Vector2(0f, 0f), new Vector2(1f, 0f), new Vector2(1f, 1f) };
                    Vector2[] planeHullVertices = this.GetPlaneHullVertices(this.materialLeaf);
                    if (planeHullVertices == null)
                        planeHullVertices = vectorArray;
                    float scale = node.scale;
                    Vector3[] vectorArray3 = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(-scale, 0f, -scale), new Vector3(-scale, 0f, scale), new Vector3(scale, 0f, scale), new Vector3(scale, 0f, -scale) };
                    Vector3 vector10 = new Vector3(TreeGroup.GenerateBendNormalFactor, 1f - TreeGroup.GenerateBendNormalFactor, TreeGroup.GenerateBendNormalFactor);
                    Vector3[] vectorArray6 = new Vector3[4];
                    Vector3 vector11 = new Vector3(-vector10.x, vector10.y, -vector10.z);
                    vectorArray6[0] = vector11.normalized;
                    Vector3 vector12 = new Vector3(-vector10.x, vector10.y, 0f);
                    vectorArray6[1] = vector12.normalized;
                    Vector3 vector13 = new Vector3(vector10.x, vector10.y, 0f);
                    vectorArray6[2] = vector13.normalized;
                    Vector3 vector14 = new Vector3(vector10.x, vector10.y, -vector10.z);
                    vectorArray6[3] = vector14.normalized;
                    Vector3[] vectorArray4 = vectorArray6;
                    for (int m = 0; m < num12; m++)
                        Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(90f, 0f, 0f));
                        switch (m)
                            case 1:
                                rot = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(90f, 90f, 0f));

                            case 2:
                                rot = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, 90f, 0f));
                        TreeVertex[] tv = new TreeVertex[] { new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex() };
                        for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
                            tv[n].pos = node.matrix.MultiplyPoint((Vector3) (rot * vectorArray3[n]));
                            tv[n].nor = node.matrix.MultiplyVector((Vector3) (rot * vectorArray4[n]));
                            tv[n].tangent = TreeGroup.CreateTangent(node, rot, tv[n].nor);
                            tv[n].uv0 = planeHullVertices[n];
                            tv[n].SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, base.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                            if ((buildFlags & 1) != 0)
                                tv[n].SetAmbientOcclusion(TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(tv[n].pos, tv[n].nor, aoSpheres, aoDensity));
                        for (int num17 = 0; num17 < 4; num17++)
                            tv[num17 + 4].Lerp4(tv, planeHullVertices[num17]);
                            tv[num17 + 4].uv0 = tv[num17].uv0;
                            tv[num17 + 4].uv1 = tv[num17].uv1;
                            tv[num17 + 4].flag = tv[num17].flag;
                        int num18 = verts.Count;
                        for (int num19 = 0; num19 < 4; num19++)
                            verts.Add(tv[num19 + 4]);
                        tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(num13, num18, num18 + 1, num18 + 2));
                        tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(num13, num18, num18 + 2, num18 + 3));
                        Vector3 inNormal = node.matrix.MultiplyVector((Vector3) (rot * new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f)));
                        if (TreeGroup.GenerateDoubleSidedGeometry)
                            TreeVertex[] vertexArray2 = new TreeVertex[] { new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex(), new TreeVertex() };
                            for (int num20 = 0; num20 < 4; num20++)
                                vertexArray2[num20].pos = tv[num20].pos;
                                vertexArray2[num20].nor = Vector3.Reflect(tv[num20].nor, inNormal);
                                vertexArray2[num20].tangent = Vector3.Reflect((Vector3) tv[num20].tangent, inNormal);
                                vertexArray2[num20].tangent.w = -1f;
                                vertexArray2[num20].uv0 = tv[num20].uv0;
                                vertexArray2[num20].SetAnimationProperties(vector.x, vector.y, base.animationEdge, node.animSeed);
                                if ((buildFlags & 1) != 0)
                                    vertexArray2[num20].SetAmbientOcclusion(TreeGroup.ComputeAmbientOcclusion(vertexArray2[num20].pos, vertexArray2[num20].nor, aoSpheres, aoDensity));
                            for (int num21 = 0; num21 < 4; num21++)
                                vertexArray2[num21 + 4].Lerp4(vertexArray2, planeHullVertices[num21]);
                                vertexArray2[num21 + 4].uv0 = vertexArray2[num21].uv0;
                                vertexArray2[num21 + 4].uv1 = vertexArray2[num21].uv1;
                                vertexArray2[num21 + 4].flag = vertexArray2[num21].flag;
                            int num22 = verts.Count;
                            for (int num23 = 0; num23 < 4; num23++)
                                verts.Add(vertexArray2[num23 + 4]);
                            tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(num13, num22, num22 + 2, num22 + 1));
                            tris.Add(new TreeTriangle(num13, num22, num22 + 3, num22 + 2));
                node.triEnd = tris.Count;
                node.vertEnd = verts.Count;