protected void btnAddListItemIngredient_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TreasureLandDataClassesDataContext db = new TreasureLandDataClassesDataContext();

            var ing = from fdc in db.Ingredients.Where(fdc => fdc.IngredientName == txtIngredient.Text)
                      select fdc;

            //checks to see if the item is in the database
            if (ing.Any())
                //If something exists, then don't add
                //print error message
                lblIngredientInsert.Text = "Ingredient Is Already In the Hotel Restaurant";
                lblIngredientInsert.Visible = true;
                //reset txtIngredient to " "
                txtCategory.Text = "";
                //add ingredient to database
                Ingredient addIngredient = new Ingredient();
                addIngredient.IngredientName = txtIngredient.Text;
                //addIngredient.IngredientDescription = txtIngredientComments.Text;
                lblIngredientInsert.Text = "Insert Successful";
                lblIngredientInsert.Visible = true;
                txtIngredient.Text = "";
                txtIngredientComments.Text = "";
                //make text box invisible again.
                //make text box
 partial void UpdateIngredient(Ingredient instance);
 partial void DeleteIngredient(Ingredient instance);
 partial void InsertIngredient(Ingredient instance);