/// <summary>
        /// load a cargo based on the cargo ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cargoid"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Traveller.Starship.cargoDesc loadCargo(int cargoid)
            Traveller.Starship.cargoDesc cargo = new Starship.cargoDesc();

            XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(this.filename);
            //XElement cargoNode = xmlDoc.Root.Elements("Cargo").Elements("lot").Where(r => (int)r.Attribute("cargoID") == cargo.cargoID
            //    & (string)r.Attribute("sold") == "false").FirstOrDefault();
            XElement sn = xdoc.Root.Elements("Cargo").Elements("lot").Where(r => (int)r.Attribute("cargoID") == cargoid).FirstOrDefault();
            if (sn != null)
                cargo.desc = sn.Element("desc").Value;
                cargo.origCode = sn.Attribute("origCode").Value;
                cargo.dtons = Convert.ToInt32(sn.Attribute("dTons").Value);
                cargo.cargoID = cargoid;
                int.TryParse(sn.Element("purchase").Element("baseprice").Value, out cargo.basecostbuy);
                int.TryParse(sn.Element("purchase").Element("finalprice").Value, out cargo.purchasePrice);
                int.TryParse(sn.Element("selling").Element("baseprice").Value, out cargo.basecostsell);
                int.TryParse(sn.Element("selling").Element("finalprice").Value, out cargo.sellingPrice);

            return cargo;
        /// <summary>
        /// create a cargo based on the CSV line item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lot"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Traveller.Starship.cargoDesc MTCreateCargo(string[] lot, List<string> avTable, List<string> expandedGoods)
            Traveller.Starship.cargoDesc cargo = new Starship.cargoDesc();
            cargo.desc = lot[1];
            int.TryParse(lot[2], out cargo.basecostbuy);
            cargo.basecostsell = cargo.basecostbuy;

            // determine dTons
            string[] qty = lot[3].Split(new char[] { 'D', 'd', 'x' });
            int dice = Convert.ToInt32(qty[0]);
            for (int i = 0; i < dice; i++)
                cargo.dtons += util.rollDx(6);
            int multiplier = Convert.ToInt32(qty[2]);
            cargo.dtons *= multiplier;

            cargo.origCode = this.world.TechLevel.ToString() + " - ";

            // figure out the actual value
            // 1st, any trade class mods
            string[] buymods = lot[5].Split(new char[] { ' ' });
            int buyMax = 0;
            int mods = 0;
            int tmod = 0;

            // find the largest buy modifier
            foreach (Traveller.World.stTrade tc in this.world.TradeClass)
                cargo.origCode += tc.code + " ";
                foreach (string bm in buymods)
                    if (bm.StartsWith(tc.code))     // matching trade code
                        if (bm[2] == '+')
                            int.TryParse(bm[3].ToString(), out tmod);
                            if (tmod > buyMax)
                                buyMax = tmod;
            mods += buyMax;

            // if we're using the expanded trade tables, we'll need to replace
            // the description, base cost & tonnage
            if (this.useExpandedTradeTables)
                List<string> myGoods = new List<string>();
                // 1st find the matching cargo
                foreach (string expanded in expandedGoods)
                    string[] exp = expanded.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                    if (exp[0] == lot[0])

                // myGoods now has the list of expanded items; roll 2d6 and get the appropriate range
                // assuming we've actually found anything
                if (myGoods.Count > 0)
                    int myroll = util.rollDx(6);
                    myroll += util.rollDx(6);
                    foreach (string exp in myGoods)
                        string[] good = exp.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                        int low = 0;
                        int high = 0;
                        int.TryParse(good[1], out low);
                        int.TryParse(good[2], out high);
                        if (myroll >= low & myroll <= high)
                            cargo.desc = good[3];

                            // tonnage
                            int baseDie = 0;
                            int mult = 0;
                            int tonnage = 0;
                            string[] sTonnage = good[4].Split(new char[] {'*'});
                            int.TryParse(sTonnage[0], out baseDie);
                            int.TryParse(sTonnage[1], out mult);
                            for (int i = 0; i < baseDie; i++)
                                tonnage += util.rollDx(6);
                            tonnage *= mult;
                            if (tonnage > 0)
                                cargo.dtons = tonnage;

                            // base cost
                            int myBase = cargo.basecostbuy;
                            int.TryParse(good[5], out myBase);
                            if (myBase > 0)
                                cargo.basecostbuy = myBase;

            // and now roll on our actual value buy table;
            // this table allows for -1, so -1 = 0 position, 0 = 1 position; so we add 1 to compensate
            int roll = util.rollDx(6) + util.rollDx(6) + util.rollDx(6) + mods + 1;
            string[] av = avTable[roll].Split(new char[] { ',' });
            cargo.avBuy = Convert.ToDouble(av[1]);
            cargo.purchasePrice = (int)((double)cargo.basecostbuy * (double)cargo.dtons * cargo.avBuy);

            // and finalize our origCode
            cargo.origCode += "Cr" + cargo.basecostbuy.ToString();

            return cargo;
        /// <summary>
        /// T5 trade process
        /// </summary>
        private Traveller.Starship.cargoDesc T5Trade()
            Traveller.Starship.cargoDesc cargo = new Starship.cargoDesc();

            cargo.basecostbuy = 3000;
            int tcMod = 0;      // trade class mod in final price/tonnage

            // trade code adjustments
            foreach (Traveller.World.stTrade tc in this.world.TradeClass)
                cargo.basecostbuy += tc.buymod;
                if (tc.buymod != 0)

            // TL mod adjustments
            int TLmod = 100 * util.HexToInt(this.world.TechLevel.ToString());
            cargo.basecostbuy += TLmod;

            // generate our code
            StringBuilder sCargo = new StringBuilder(world.TechLevel + " -");
            foreach (Traveller.World.stTrade tc in this.world.TradeClass)
                sCargo.Append(" " + tc.code);

            // and the base cost
            sCargo.Append(" Cr" + cargo.basecostbuy.ToString());

            cargo.origCode = sCargo.ToString();

            // see if we can find a random cargo based on trade classicification
            cargo.desc = this.findCargo(world.TradeClass);

            // and the tonnage: (flux + pop) x (total TCs + 1)  / mod = liason
            cargo.dtons = (util.flux() + util.HexToInt(world.Population.ToString()) * ++tcMod);

            // and our actual cost
            cargo.purchasePrice = cargo.basecostbuy * cargo.dtons;
            cargo.origSEC = world.SEC;

            return cargo;
        /// <summary>
        /// Classic Traveller trade - find a cargo
        /// </summary>
        private Traveller.Starship.cargoDesc CTTrade()
            Traveller.Starship.cargoDesc cargo = new Starship.cargoDesc();

            // 1. roll d66
            // 1a. modifier on d1: pop >= 9, +1; pop <=5, -1
            // 1b (<1 = 1, > 6 = 6)
            // 2. find cargo
            // 3. determine quantity
            // 4. determine base cost

            int d1 = util.rollDx(6);
            int d2 = util.rollDx(6);
            int pop = util.HexToInt(this.world.Population.ToString());
            if (pop >= 9)
                d1 += 1;
                if (d1 > 6)
                    d1 = 6;
            if (pop <= 5)
                d1 -= 1;
                if (d1 <= 0)
                    d1 = 1;

            string d66 = d1.ToString() + d2.ToString();

            // find this item in our table
            string[] cargos = File.ReadAllLines("CTGoods.csv");
            List<string> actualValue = util.loadCSV("CTValue.CSV");

            foreach (string line in cargos)
                string[] lot = line.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                if (d66 == lot[0])  // found it!
                    cargo.desc = lot[1];                            // cargo description
                    cargo.basecostbuy = Convert.ToInt32(lot[2]);    // base cost before mods
                    cargo.basecostsell = cargo.basecostbuy;         // same price point in CT
                    cargo.origCode = this.world.TechLevel.ToString() + " - ";
                    foreach (Traveller.World.stTrade tc in this.world.TradeClass)
                        cargo.origCode += tc.code + " ";

                    // now figure the price mods for the roll
                    int mods = 0;
                    string[] tccodes = new string[] { "Ag", "Na", "In", "Ni", "Ri", "Po" };
                    for (int i = 4; i <= 9; i++)
                        foreach (Traveller.World.stTrade tc in world.TradeClass)
                            if (tc.code == tccodes[i - 4])
                                int tMod = 0;
                                int.TryParse(lot[i], out tMod);
                                mods += tMod;

                    // roll on the actual value table (-2 for 0=based table)
                    int roll = util.rollDx(6) + util.rollDx(6) + ship.TradeDM - 2;
                    string[] av = actualValue[roll].Split(new char[] { ',' });
                    cargo.avBuy = Convert.ToDouble(av[1]);
                    cargo.purchasePrice = (int)((double)cargo.basecostbuy * cargo.avBuy);
                    cargo.origCode += " Cr" + cargo.purchasePrice.ToString();

                    // and out quantity
                    string[] qty = lot[3].Split(new char[] { 'D', 'd', 'x' });
                    int dice = Convert.ToInt32(qty[0]);
                    for (int i = 0; i < dice; i++)
                        cargo.dtons += util.rollDx(6);
                    int multiplier = Convert.ToInt32(qty[2]);
                    cargo.dtons *= multiplier;

                    // and our final purchase price
                    cargo.purchasePrice *= cargo.dtons;


            return cargo;