/// <summary>
        /// checks by ID whether the cityResult is already in storage, if not gets from API and saves it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CityResult GetById(int id)
            var foundCityResult = _context.CityResults.Find(id);

            if (foundCityResult == null)
                WebClient w = new WebClient();

                var weatherApikey = Utils.APIKey.getAccuWeatherAPIKey();
                if (weatherApikey == null)
                    return(new CityResult());
                var locations = w.DownloadString($"http://dataservice.accuweather.com/locations/v1/{id}?apikey={weatherApikey}");

                JObject o = JObject.Parse(locations);

                var locationKey        = Convert.ToInt32(o["Key"]);
                var city               = o["LocalizedName"].ToString();
                var country            = o["Country"]["LocalizedName"].ToString();
                var administrativeArea = o["AdministrativeArea"]["LocalizedName"].ToString();
                var latitude           = (o["GeoPosition"]["Latitude"]).ToString();
                var longitude          = (o["GeoPosition"]["Longitude"]).ToString();

                string location = city + ", " + country + ", " + administrativeArea;

                foundCityResult = new CityResult(locationKey, city, country, administrativeArea, location, longitude, latitude);

                // Utils.XML.Save<List<CityResult>>(@"cityResult.xml", _cityResults);
        public string getUrl(CityResult cityResult)
            string url     = "";
            string baseUrl = "https://www.thefork.de/search/?coordinates=";

            string lat = cityResult.Latitude;
            string lon = cityResult.Longitude;

            url = baseUrl + lat + "," + lon;

        public ObservableCollection <CafeResult> GetCafeResults(CityResult cityResult)
            var cafeResults = new ObservableCollection <CafeResult>();
            var theForkURL  = getUrl(cityResult);

            var wc = new GZipWebClient();

            wc.Headers.Add("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36 Edg/87.0.664.60");
            wc.Headers.Add("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.9");
            wc.Headers.Add("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9");
            wc.Headers.Add("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");
            var test = wc.DownloadString(theForkURL);

            var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();


            string typeXpath     = "//span[@class = 'enrzupw0 css-1ujxl3z ejesmtr0']";
            string nameXpath     = "//div[@class = 'css-aycukd e6vs4hd0']/div/h2/a";
            string addressExpath = "//p[@class = 'css-axj1nn ejesmtr0']";
            string avPriceXpath  = "//p[@class = 'css-a7e1wa ejesmtr0']/span[2]";
            string rateXpath     = "//span[@class = 'css-17f8ytt e1l48fgb0']/span[1]";

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) // what if there are less than 5?
                    var    type         = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(typeXpath)[i].InnerText;
                    var    name         = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(nameXpath)[i].InnerText;
                    var    address      = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(addressExpath)[i].InnerText;
                    string averagePrice = "";
                    if (htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(avPriceXpath).Count > 1)
                        averagePrice = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(avPriceXpath)[i].InnerText;
                    string rate = "";
                    if (htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(rateXpath).Count > i)
                        rate = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(rateXpath)[i].InnerText;   //not all cafes have ratings!
                    cafeResults.Add(new CafeResult(type, name, address, averagePrice, rate));
            catch (Exception e)

            //var link = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//span[@class = 'enrzupw0 css-1ujxl3z ejesmtr0']").InnerText;

 public void Add(CityResult cityResult)