public CreateTransitions() { this.Load += new EventHandler(this.TEdit_Load); this.ImageTest = false; this.iGroups = new ClsTerrainTable(); this.iSelected = false; this.iTransition = new Transition.Transition(); this.iTransitionTable = new TransitionTable(); InitializeComponent(); }
//Save private void MenuItem7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IEnumerator enumerator = null; Transition.Transition transition = new Transition.Transition(); TransitionTable transitionTable = new TransitionTable(); if (this.Select_Group_A != null) { if (this.Select_Group_B != null) { if (ObjectType.ObjTst(LateBinding.LateGet(this.Select_Group_A.SelectedItem, null, "Name", new object[0], null, null), LateBinding.LateGet(this.Select_Group_B.SelectedItem, null, "Name", new object[0], null, null), false) != 0) { string str = string.Format("{0} To {1}", RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(LateBinding.LateGet(this.Select_Group_A.SelectedItem, null, "Name", new object[0], null, null)), RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(LateBinding.LateGet(this.Select_Group_B.SelectedItem, null, "Name", new object[0], null, null))); string str1 = string.Format("{0}Data\\System\\2Way_Template.xml", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory); XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); transitionTable.Clear(); try { xmlDocument.Load(str1); try { enumerator = xmlDocument.SelectNodes("//Wizard/Tile").GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { XmlElement current = (XmlElement)enumerator.Current; string attribute = current.GetAttribute("Pattern"); string attribute1 = current.GetAttribute("MapTile"); string attribute2 = current.GetAttribute("StaticTile"); Transition.Transition transition1 = new Transition.Transition(str, attribute, (ClsTerrain)this.Select_Group_A.SelectedItem, (ClsTerrain)this.Select_Group_B.SelectedItem, this.Get_MapTiles(attribute1), this.Get_StaticTiles(attribute2)); transitionTable.Add(transition1); } } finally { if (enumerator is IDisposable) { ((IDisposable)enumerator).Dispose(); } } } catch (Exception exception) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception); Interaction.MsgBox(exception.ToString(), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, null); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } transitionTable.Save(string.Format("{0}.xml", str)); } } } }
private void MenuItem5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Transition transition = new Transition(); TransitionTable transitionTable = new TransitionTable(); if (this.Select_Group_A == null || this.Select_Group_B == null || ObjectType.ObjTst(LateBinding.LateGet(this.Select_Group_A.SelectedItem, (Type) null, "Name", new object[0], (string[]) null, (bool[]) null), LateBinding.LateGet(this.Select_Group_B.SelectedItem, (Type) null, "Name", new object[0], (string[]) null, (bool[]) null), false) == 0) return; string iDescription = string.Format("{0} To {1}", RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(LateBinding.LateGet(this.Select_Group_A.SelectedItem, (Type) null, "Name", new object[0], (string[]) null, (bool[]) null)), RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(LateBinding.LateGet(this.Select_Group_B.SelectedItem, (Type) null, "Name", new object[0], (string[]) null, (bool[]) null))); string filename = string.Format("{0}Data\\System\\2Way_Template.xml", (object) AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory); XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); transitionTable.Clear(); try { xmlDocument.Load(filename); try { foreach (XmlElement xmlElement in xmlDocument.SelectNodes("//Wizard/Tile")) { string attribute1 = xmlElement.GetAttribute("Pattern"); string attribute2 = xmlElement.GetAttribute("MapTile"); string attribute3 = xmlElement.GetAttribute("StaticTile"); Transition iValue = new Transition(iDescription, attribute1, (ClsTerrain) this.Select_Group_A.SelectedItem, (ClsTerrain) this.Select_Group_B.SelectedItem, this.Get_MapTiles(attribute2), this.Get_StaticTiles(attribute3)); transitionTable.Add(iValue); } } finally { IEnumerator enumerator; if (enumerator is IDisposable) ((IDisposable) enumerator).Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(ex); int num = (int) Interaction.MsgBox((object) ex.ToString(), MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, (object) null); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } transitionTable.Save(string.Format("{0}.xml", (object) iDescription)); }
public TEdit() { TEdit tEdit = this; base.Load += new EventHandler(tEdit.TEdit_Load); this.ImageTest = false; this.iGroups = new ClsTerrainTable(); this.iSelected = false; this.iTransition = new Transition(); this.iTransitionTable = new TransitionTable(); this.InitializeComponent(); }
private void Make() { TransitionTable transitionTable = new TransitionTable(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; this.iLogger.StartTask(); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Loading Terrain Image."); try { string str = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", (object) this.ProjectPath.Text, (object) this.TerrainFile.Text); this.iLogger.LogMessage(str); this.i_Terrain = new Bitmap(str); } catch (Exception ex) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(ex); Exception exception = ex; this.iLogger.LogMessage("Problem with Loading Terrain Image."); this.iLogger.LogMessage(exception.Message); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); return; } this.iLogger.LogMessage("Loading Altitude Image."); try { string str = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", (object) this.ProjectPath.Text, (object) this.AltitudeFile.Text); this.iLogger.LogMessage(str); this.i_Altitude = new Bitmap(str); } catch (Exception ex) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(ex); Exception exception = ex; this.iLogger.LogMessage("Problem with Loading Altitude Image."); this.iLogger.LogMessage(exception.Message); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); return; } this.iLogger.EndTask(); this.iLogger.LogTimeStamp(); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Preparing Image Files."); this.iLogger.StartTask(); int width = this.i_Terrain.Width; int height = this.i_Terrain.Height; Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); BitmapData bitmapData1 = this.i_Terrain.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed); IntPtr scan0_1 = bitmapData1.Scan0; int length1 = checked (bitmapData1.Width * bitmapData1.Height); byte[] destination1 = new byte[checked (length1 - 1 + 1)]; Marshal.Copy(scan0_1, destination1, 0, length1); BitmapData bitmapData2 = this.i_Altitude.LockBits(rect, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed); IntPtr scan0_2 = bitmapData2.Scan0; int length2 = checked (bitmapData2.Width * bitmapData2.Height); byte[] destination2 = new byte[checked (length2 - 1 + 1)]; Marshal.Copy(scan0_2, destination2, 0, length2); this.iLogger.EndTask(); this.iLogger.LogTimeStamp(); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Creating Master Terrian Table."); this.iLogger.StartTask(); MapCell[,] mapCellArray = new MapCell[checked (width + 1), checked (height + 1)]; ClsAltitudeTable clsAltitudeTable = new ClsAltitudeTable(); clsAltitudeTable.Load(); try { int num1 = 0; int num2 = checked (width - 1); int index1 = num1; while (index1 <= num2) { int num3 = 0; int num4 = checked (height - 1); int index2 = num3; while (index2 <= num4) { int index3 = checked (index2 * width + index1); ClsAltitude clsAltitude = clsAltitudeTable.get_GetAltitude((int) destination2[index3]); mapCellArray[index1, index2] = new MapCell(destination1[index3], clsAltitude.GetAltitude); checked { ++index2; } } checked { ++index1; } } } catch (Exception ex) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(ex); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Altitude image needs to be rebuilt"); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); return; } this.i_Terrain.Dispose(); this.i_Altitude.Dispose(); this.iLogger.EndTask(); this.iLogger.LogTimeStamp(); int num5 = checked (width - 1); int num6 = checked (height - 1); int num7 = checked ((int) Math.Round(unchecked ((double) num5 / 8.0 - 1.0))); int num8 = checked ((int) Math.Round(unchecked ((double) num6 / 8.0 - 1.0))); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Load Transition Tables."); this.iLogger.StartTask(); string str1 = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Data\\Transitions\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(str1)) { this.iLogger.LogMessage("Unable to find Transition Data files in the following path: "); this.iLogger.LogMessage(str1); } else { transitionTable.MassLoad(str1); this.iLogger.EndTask(); this.iLogger.LogTimeStamp(); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Preparing Static Tables"); Collection[,] StaticMap = new Collection[checked (num7 + 1), checked (num8 + 1)]; int num1 = 0; int num2 = num7; int index1 = num1; while (index1 <= num2) { int num3 = 0; int num4 = num8; int index2 = num3; while (index2 <= num4) { StaticMap[index1, index2] = new Collection(); checked { ++index2; } } checked { ++index1; } } this.iLogger.LogMessage("Applying Transition Tables."); this.iLogger.StartTask(); this.ProgressBar1.Maximum = num5; ClsTerrainTable clsTerrainTable = new ClsTerrainTable(); clsTerrainTable.Load(); MapTile mapTile1 = new MapTile(); Transition transition1 = new Transition(); short[] numArray1 = new short[16]; int num9 = 0; short num10 = checked ((short) num5); for (short X = (short) num9; (int) X <= (int) num10; ++X) { int index2 = (int) X != 0 ? checked ((int) X - 1) : num5; int index3 = (int) X != num5 ? checked ((int) X + 1) : 0; int num3 = 0; short num4 = checked ((short) num6); for (short Y = (short) num3; (int) Y <= (int) num4; ++Y) { int index4 = (int) Y != 0 ? checked ((int) Y - 1) : num6; int index5 = (int) Y != num6 ? checked ((int) Y + 1) : 0; string iKey = string.Format("{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}{3:X2}{4:X2}{5:X2}{6:X2}{7:X2}{8:X2}", (object) mapCellArray[index2, index4].GroupID, (object) mapCellArray[(int) X, index4].GroupID, (object) mapCellArray[index3, index4].GroupID, (object) mapCellArray[index2, (int) Y].GroupID, (object) mapCellArray[(int) X, (int) Y].GroupID, (object) mapCellArray[index3, (int) Y].GroupID, (object) mapCellArray[index2, index5].GroupID, (object) mapCellArray[(int) X, index5].GroupID, (object) mapCellArray[index3, index5].GroupID); short altId; try { Transition transition2 = transitionTable.get_Transition(iKey); if (transition2 != null) { altId = mapCellArray[(int) X, (int) Y].AltID; MapTile randomMapTile = transition2.GetRandomMapTile(); if (randomMapTile != null) { MapTile mapTile2 = randomMapTile; mapCellArray[(int) X, (int) Y].TileID = mapTile2.TileID; mapCellArray[(int) X, (int) Y].ChangeAltID(mapTile2.AltIDMod); } else { ClsTerrain clsTerrain = clsTerrainTable.get_TerrianGroup((int) mapCellArray[(int) X, (int) Y].GroupID); mapCellArray[(int) X, (int) Y].TileID = clsTerrain.TileID; mapCellArray[(int) X, (int) Y].ChangeAltID((short) clsTerrain.AltID); } transition2.GetRandomStaticTiles(X, Y, altId, StaticMap, this.i_RandomStatic); } else { ClsTerrain clsTerrain = clsTerrainTable.get_TerrianGroup((int) mapCellArray[(int) X, (int) Y].GroupID); mapCellArray[(int) X, (int) Y].TileID = clsTerrain.TileID; mapCellArray[(int) X, (int) Y].AltID = altId; } if ((int) mapCellArray[(int) X, (int) Y].GroupID == 254) { mapCellArray[(int) X, (int) Y].TileID = (short) 1078; mapCellArray[(int) X, (int) Y].AltID = (short) 0; } } catch (Exception ex) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(ex); Exception exception = ex; this.iLogger.LogMessage(string.Format("\r\nLocation: X:{0}, Y:{1}, Z:{2} Hkey:{3}", (object) X, (object) Y, (object) altId, (object) iKey)); this.iLogger.LogMessage(exception.ToString()); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); return; } } this.ProgressBar1.Value = (int) X; } this.iLogger.EndTask(); this.iLogger.LogTimeStamp(); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Second Pass."); this.iLogger.StartTask(); short[] numArray2 = new short[9]; RoughEdge roughEdge = new RoughEdge(); int num11 = 0; short num12 = checked ((short) num5); for (short index2 = (short) num11; (int) index2 <= (int) num12; ++index2) { int index3 = (int) index2 != 0 ? checked ((int) index2 - 1) : num5; int index4 = (int) index2 != num5 ? checked ((int) index2 + 1) : 0; int num3 = 0; short num4 = checked ((short) num6); for (short index5 = (short) num3; (int) index5 <= (int) num4; ++index5) { int index6 = (int) index5 != 0 ? checked ((int) index5 - 1) : num6; int index7 = (int) index5 != num6 ? checked ((int) index5 + 1) : 0; mapCellArray[(int) index2, (int) index5].ChangeAltID(roughEdge.CheckCorner(mapCellArray[index3, index6].TileID)); mapCellArray[(int) index2, (int) index5].ChangeAltID(roughEdge.CheckLeft(mapCellArray[index3, (int) index5].TileID)); mapCellArray[(int) index2, (int) index5].ChangeAltID(roughEdge.CheckTop(mapCellArray[(int) index2, index6].TileID)); if ((int) mapCellArray[(int) index2, (int) index5].GroupID == 20) { numArray2[0] = mapCellArray[index3, index6].AltID; numArray2[1] = mapCellArray[(int) index2, index6].AltID; numArray2[2] = mapCellArray[index4, index6].AltID; numArray2[3] = mapCellArray[index3, (int) index5].AltID; numArray2[4] = mapCellArray[(int) index2, (int) index5].AltID; numArray2[5] = mapCellArray[index4, (int) index5].AltID; numArray2[6] = mapCellArray[index3, index7].AltID; numArray2[7] = mapCellArray[(int) index2, index7].AltID; numArray2[8] = mapCellArray[index4, index7].AltID; Array.Sort((Array) numArray2); float num13 = 10f * VBMath.Rnd(); if ((double) num13 == 0.0) mapCellArray[(int) index2, (int) index5].AltID = checked ((short) ((int) numArray2[8] - 4)); else if ((double) num13 >= 1.0 && (double) num13 <= 2.0) mapCellArray[(int) index2, (int) index5].AltID = checked ((short) ((int) numArray2[8] - 2)); else if ((double) num13 >= 3.0 && (double) num13 <= 7.0) mapCellArray[(int) index2, (int) index5].AltID = numArray2[8]; else if ((double) num13 >= 8.0 && (double) num13 <= 9.0) mapCellArray[(int) index2, (int) index5].AltID = checked ((short) ((int) numArray2[8] + 2)); else if ((double) num13 == 10.0) mapCellArray[(int) index2, (int) index5].AltID = checked ((short) ((int) numArray2[8] + 4)); } if (clsTerrainTable.get_TerrianGroup((int) mapCellArray[(int) index2, (int) index5].GroupID).RandAlt) { float num13 = 10f * VBMath.Rnd(); if ((double) num13 == 0.0) mapCellArray[(int) index2, (int) index5].ChangeAltID((short) -4); else if ((double) num13 >= 1.0 && (double) num13 <= 2.0) mapCellArray[(int) index2, (int) index5].ChangeAltID((short) -2); else if ((double) num13 >= 8.0 && (double) num13 <= 9.0) mapCellArray[(int) index2, (int) index5].ChangeAltID((short) 2); else if ((double) num13 == 10.0) mapCellArray[(int) index2, (int) index5].ChangeAltID((short) 4); } } this.ProgressBar1.Value = (int) index2; } this.iLogger.EndTask(); this.iLogger.LogTimeStamp(); int num14 = 1; byte num15; switch (num5) { case 6143: num15 = (byte) 0; break; case 2303: num15 = (byte) 2; break; case 2559: num15 = (byte) 3; break; } this.iLogger.LogMessage("\r\n"); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Load . . . . . Import Tiles."); this.iLogger.StartTask(); ImportTiles importTiles = new ImportTiles(StaticMap, this.ProjectPath.Text); this.iLogger.EndTask(); this.iLogger.LogTimeStamp(); this.iLogger.LogMessage("\r\n"); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Write Mul Files."); this.iLogger.StartTask(); string str2 = string.Format("{0}/Map{1}.mul", (object) this.ProjectPath.Text, (object) num15); this.iLogger.LogMessage(str2); FileStream fileStream1 = new FileStream(str2, FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter i_MapFile = new BinaryWriter((Stream) fileStream1); int num16 = 0; int num17 = num5; int num18 = num16; while (num18 <= num17) { int num3 = 0; int num4 = num6; int num13 = num3; while (num13 <= num4) { i_MapFile.Write(num14); int num19 = 0; do { int num20 = 0; do { mapCellArray[checked (num18 + num20), checked (num13 + num19)].WriteMapMul(i_MapFile); checked { ++num20; } } while (num20 <= 7); checked { ++num19; } } while (num19 <= 7); checked { num13 += 8; } } checked { num18 += 8; } } i_MapFile.Close(); fileStream1.Close(); string str3 = string.Format("{0}/StaIdx{1}.mul", (object) this.ProjectPath.Text, (object) num15); FileStream fileStream2 = new FileStream(str3, FileMode.Create); this.iLogger.LogMessage(str3); string str4 = string.Format("{0}/Statics{1}.mul", (object) this.ProjectPath.Text, (object) num15); FileStream fileStream3 = new FileStream(str4, FileMode.Create); this.iLogger.LogMessage(str4); BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter((Stream) fileStream2); BinaryWriter i_StaticFile = new BinaryWriter((Stream) fileStream3); int num21 = 0; int num22 = num7; int index8 = num21; while (index8 <= num22) { int num3 = 0; int num4 = num8; int index2 = num3; while (index2 <= num4) { int num13 = 0; int num19 = checked ((int) i_StaticFile.BaseStream.Position); try { foreach (StaticCell staticCell in StaticMap[index8, index2]) { staticCell.Write(i_StaticFile); checked { num13 += 7; } } } finally { IEnumerator enumerator; if (enumerator is IDisposable) ((IDisposable) enumerator).Dispose(); } if (num13 == 0) num19 = -1; binaryWriter.Write(num19); binaryWriter.Write(num13); binaryWriter.Write(num14); checked { ++index2; } } checked { ++index8; } } i_StaticFile.Close(); binaryWriter.Close(); fileStream3.Close(); fileStream2.Close(); this.iLogger.EndTask(); this.iLogger.LogTimeStamp(); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Done."); } }
private void Make() { short altID = 0; string str; byte num = 0; int num1; int num2; int num3; int num4; IEnumerator enumerator = null; TransitionTable transitionTable = new TransitionTable(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; this.iLogger.StartTask(); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Loading Terrain Image."); try { str = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", this.ProjectPath.Text, this.TerrainFile.Text); this.iLogger.LogMessage(str); this.i_Terrain = new Bitmap(str); } catch (Exception exception1) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception1); Exception exception = exception1; this.iLogger.LogMessage("Problem with Loading Terrain Image."); this.iLogger.LogMessage(exception.Message); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); return; } this.iLogger.LogMessage("Loading Altitude Image."); try { str = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", this.ProjectPath.Text, this.AltitudeFile.Text); this.iLogger.LogMessage(str); this.i_Altitude = new Bitmap(str); } catch (Exception exception3) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception3); Exception exception2 = exception3; this.iLogger.LogMessage("Problem with Loading Altitude Image."); this.iLogger.LogMessage(exception2.Message); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); return; } //this.iLogger.EndTask(); this.iLogger.LogTimeStamp(); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Preparing Image Files."); this.iLogger.StartTask(); int width = this.i_Terrain.Width; int height = this.i_Terrain.Height; Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); BitmapData bitmapDatum = this.i_Terrain.LockBits(rectangle, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed); IntPtr scan0 = bitmapDatum.Scan0; int width1 = checked(bitmapDatum.Width * bitmapDatum.Height); byte[] numArray = new byte[checked(checked(width1 - 1) + 1)]; Marshal.Copy(scan0, numArray, 0, width1); BitmapData bitmapDatum1 = this.i_Altitude.LockBits(rectangle, ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed); IntPtr intPtr = bitmapDatum1.Scan0; int width2 = checked(bitmapDatum1.Width * bitmapDatum1.Height); byte[] numArray1 = new byte[checked(checked(width2 - 1) + 1)]; Marshal.Copy(intPtr, numArray1, 0, width2); //this.iLogger.EndTask(); this.iLogger.LogTimeStamp(); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Creating Master Terrian Table."); this.iLogger.StartTask(); MapCell[,] mapCell = new MapCell[checked(width + 1), checked(height + 1)]; ClsElevationTable clsAltitudeTable = new ClsElevationTable(); clsAltitudeTable.Load(); try { int num5 = checked(width - 1); for (int i = 0; i <= num5; i++) { int num6 = checked(height - 1); for (int j = 0; j <= num6; j++) { int num7 = checked(checked(j * width) + i); //ClsAltitude getAltitude = clsAltitudeTable[numArray1[num7]]; ClsElevation getAltitude = clsAltitudeTable.GetAltitude(numArray1[num7]); mapCell[i, j] = new MapCell(numArray[num7], getAltitude.GetAltitude); } } } catch (Exception exception4) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception4); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Altitude image needs to be rebuilt"); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); return; } this.i_Terrain.Dispose(); this.i_Altitude.Dispose(); //this.iLogger.EndTask(); this.iLogger.LogTimeStamp(); width--; height--; int num8 = checked((int)Math.Round((double)width / 8 - 1)); int num9 = checked((int)Math.Round((double)height / 8 - 1)); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Load Transition Tables."); this.iLogger.StartTask(); string baseDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; baseDirectory = string.Concat(baseDirectory, "Data\\Transitions\\"); if (Directory.Exists(baseDirectory)) { transitionTable.MassLoad(baseDirectory); //this.iLogger.EndTask(); this.iLogger.LogTimeStamp(); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Preparing Static Tables"); Collection[,] collections = new Collection[checked(num8 + 1), checked(num9 + 1)]; int num10 = num8; for (int k = 0; k <= num10; k++) { int num11 = num9; for (int l = 0; l <= num11; l++) { collections[k, l] = new Collection(); } } this.iLogger.LogMessage("Applying Transition Tables."); this.iLogger.StartTask(); this.ProgressBar1.Maximum = width; ClsTerrainTable clsTerrainTable = new ClsTerrainTable(); clsTerrainTable.Load(); MapTile mapTile = new MapTile(); //Transition transition = new Transition(); Transition.Transition transition = new Transition.Transition(); //Transition.Transition mytransition = new Transition.Transition(); short[] numArray2 = new short[16]; short num12 = checked((short)width); for (short m = 0; m <= num12; m = checked((short)(m + 1))) { num1 = (m != 0 ? checked(m - 1) : width); num2 = (m != width ? checked(m + 1) : 0); short num13 = checked((short)height); for (short n = 0; n <= num13; n = checked((short)(n + 1))) { num4 = (n != 0 ? checked(n - 1) : height); num3 = (n != height ? checked(n + 1) : 0); object[] groupID = new object[] { mapCell[num1, num4].GroupID, mapCell[m, num4].GroupID, mapCell[num2, num4].GroupID, mapCell[num1, n].GroupID, mapCell[m, n].GroupID, mapCell[num2, n].GroupID, mapCell[num1, num3].GroupID, mapCell[m, num3].GroupID, mapCell[num2, num3].GroupID }; string str1 = string.Format("{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}{3:X2}{4:X2}{5:X2}{6:X2}{7:X2}{8:X2}", groupID); try { //transition = transitionTable[str1]; transition = (Transition.Transition)(transitionTable.GetTransitionTable[str1]); //transitionTable.MassLoad(str1); //transition = (transitionTable.MassLoad(str1)); //transition = transitionTable.MassLoad(str1); if (transition == null) { //ClsTerrain terrianGroup = clsTerrainTable[mapCell[m, n].GroupID]; ClsTerrain terrianGroup = clsTerrainTable.TerrianGroup(mapCell[m, n].GroupID); mapCell[m, n].TileID = terrianGroup.TileID; mapCell[m, n].AltID = altID; terrianGroup = null; } else { altID = mapCell[m, n].AltID; mapTile = transition.GetRandomMapTile(); if (mapTile == null) { //ClsTerrain clsTerrain = clsTerrainTable[mapCell[m, n].GroupID]; ClsTerrain clsTerrain = clsTerrainTable.TerrianGroup(mapCell[m, n].GroupID); mapCell[m, n].TileID = clsTerrain.TileID; mapCell[m, n].ChangeAltID((short)clsTerrain.AltID); clsTerrain = null; } else { MapTile mapTile1 = mapTile; mapCell[m, n].TileID = mapTile1.TileID; mapCell[m, n].ChangeAltID(mapTile1.AltIDMod); mapTile1 = null; } transition.GetRandomStaticTiles(m, n, altID, collections, this.i_RandomStatic); } if (mapCell[m, n].GroupID == 254) { mapCell[m, n].TileID = 1078; mapCell[m, n].AltID = 0; } } catch (Exception exception6) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception6); Exception exception5 = exception6; LoggerForm loggerForm = this.iLogger; groupID = new object[] { m, n, altID, str1 }; loggerForm.LogMessage(string.Format("\r\nLocation: X:{0}, Y:{1}, Z:{2} Hkey:{3}", groupID)); this.iLogger.LogMessage(exception5.ToString()); ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); return; } } this.ProgressBar1.Value = m; } //this.iLogger.EndTask(); this.iLogger.LogTimeStamp(); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Second Pass."); this.iLogger.StartTask(); short[] altID1 = new short[9]; RoughEdge roughEdge = new RoughEdge(); short num14 = checked((short)width); for (short o = 0; o <= num14; o = checked((short)(o + 1))) { num1 = (o != 0 ? checked(o - 1) : width); num2 = (o != width ? checked(o + 1) : 0); short num15 = checked((short)height); for (short p = 0; p <= num15; p = checked((short)(p + 1))) { num4 = (p != 0 ? checked(p - 1) : height); num3 = (p != height ? checked(p + 1) : 0); mapCell[o, p].ChangeAltID(roughEdge.CheckCorner(mapCell[num1, num4].TileID)); mapCell[o, p].ChangeAltID(roughEdge.CheckLeft(mapCell[num1, p].TileID)); mapCell[o, p].ChangeAltID(roughEdge.CheckTop(mapCell[o, num4].TileID)); if (mapCell[o, p].GroupID == 20) { altID1[0] = mapCell[num1, num4].AltID; altID1[1] = mapCell[o, num4].AltID; altID1[2] = mapCell[num2, num4].AltID; altID1[3] = mapCell[num1, p].AltID; altID1[4] = mapCell[o, p].AltID; altID1[5] = mapCell[num2, p].AltID; altID1[6] = mapCell[num1, num3].AltID; altID1[7] = mapCell[o, num3].AltID; altID1[8] = mapCell[num2, num3].AltID; Array.Sort(altID1); float single = 10f * VBMath.Rnd(); if (single == 0f) { mapCell[o, p].AltID = checked((short)(checked(altID1[8] - 4))); } else if (single >= 1f && single <= 2f) { mapCell[o, p].AltID = checked((short)(checked(altID1[8] - 2))); } else if (single >= 3f && single <= 7f) { mapCell[o, p].AltID = altID1[8]; } else if (single >= 8f && single <= 9f) { mapCell[o, p].AltID = checked((short)(checked(altID1[8] + 2))); } else if (single == 10f) { mapCell[o, p].AltID = checked((short)(checked(altID1[8] + 4))); } } //if (clsTerrainTable[mapCell[o, p].GroupID].RandAlt) if (clsTerrainTable.TerrianGroup(mapCell[o, p].GroupID).RandAlt) { float single1 = 10f * VBMath.Rnd(); if (single1 == 0f) { mapCell[o, p].ChangeAltID(-4); } else if (single1 >= 1f && single1 <= 2f) { mapCell[o, p].ChangeAltID(-2); } else if (single1 >= 8f && single1 <= 9f) { mapCell[o, p].ChangeAltID(2); } else if (single1 == 10f) { mapCell[o, p].ChangeAltID(4); } } } this.ProgressBar1.Value = o; } //this.iLogger.EndTask(); this.iLogger.LogTimeStamp(); int num16 = 1; int num17 = width; if (num17 == 6143) { num = 0; } else if (num17 == 2303) { num = 2; } else if (num17 == 2559) { num = 3; } this.iLogger.LogMessage("\r\n"); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Load . . . . . Import Tiles."); this.iLogger.StartTask(); ImportTiles importTile = new ImportTiles(collections, this.ProjectPath.Text); //this.iLogger.EndTask(); this.iLogger.LogTimeStamp(); this.iLogger.LogMessage("\r\n"); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Write Mul Files."); this.iLogger.StartTask(); str = string.Format("{0}/Map{1}.mul", this.ProjectPath.Text, num); this.iLogger.LogMessage(str); FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(str, FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(fileStream); int num18 = width; for (int q = 0; q <= num18; q = checked(q + 8)) { int num19 = height; for (int r = 0; r <= num19; r = checked(r + 8)) { binaryWriter.Write(num16); int num20 = 0; do { int num21 = 0; do { mapCell[checked(q + num21), checked(r + num20)].WriteMapMul(binaryWriter); num21++; } while (num21 <= 7); num20++; } while (num20 <= 7); } } binaryWriter.Close(); fileStream.Close(); str = string.Format("{0}/StaIdx{1}.mul", this.ProjectPath.Text, num); FileStream fileStream1 = new FileStream(str, FileMode.Create); this.iLogger.LogMessage(str); str = string.Format("{0}/Statics{1}.mul", this.ProjectPath.Text, num); FileStream fileStream2 = new FileStream(str, FileMode.Create); this.iLogger.LogMessage(str); BinaryWriter binaryWriter1 = new BinaryWriter(fileStream1); BinaryWriter binaryWriter2 = new BinaryWriter(fileStream2); int num22 = num8; for (int s = 0; s <= num22; s++) { int num23 = num9; for (int t = 0; t <= num23; t++) { int num24 = 0; int position = checked((int)binaryWriter2.BaseStream.Position); try { enumerator = collections[s, t].GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { ((StaticCell)enumerator.Current).Write(binaryWriter2); num24 = checked(num24 + 7); } } finally { if (enumerator is IDisposable) { ((IDisposable)enumerator).Dispose(); } } if (num24 == 0) { position = -1; } binaryWriter1.Write(position); binaryWriter1.Write(num24); binaryWriter1.Write(num16); } } binaryWriter2.Close(); binaryWriter1.Close(); fileStream2.Close(); fileStream1.Close(); //this.iLogger.EndTask(); this.iLogger.LogTimeStamp(); this.iLogger.LogMessage("Done."); } else { this.iLogger.LogMessage("Unable to find Transition Data files in the following path: "); this.iLogger.LogMessage(baseDirectory); } }