public static void Main(String[] arguments)

            // Initialize Shared Queue
            ConcurrentQueue<Event> events = new ConcurrentQueue<Event>();

            // Spawn watcher threads, try to spawn only one thread

            foreach (String directory in Settings.directoriesToWatch)
                new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Watcher(directory, events).watch)).Start();

            // spawn one thread of DocumentMonitor
            DocumentMonitor documentMonitor = new DocumentMonitor(ref events);
            new Thread(new ThreadStart(documentMonitor.monitor)).Start();

            // spawn one thread of StatisticsCollector
            StatisticsCollector statisticsCollector = new StatisticsCollector(ref events);
            new Thread(new ThreadStart(statisticsCollector.Collect)).Start();
        public static void Main(String[] arguments)

            // Initialize Shared Queue
            ConcurrentQueue <Event> events = new ConcurrentQueue <Event>();

            // Spawn watcher threads, try to spawn only one thread

            foreach (String directory in Settings.directoriesToWatch)
                new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Watcher(directory, events).watch)).Start();

            // spawn one thread of DocumentMonitor
            DocumentMonitor documentMonitor = new DocumentMonitor(ref events);

            new Thread(new ThreadStart(documentMonitor.monitor)).Start();

            // spawn one thread of StatisticsCollector
            StatisticsCollector statisticsCollector = new StatisticsCollector(ref events);

            new Thread(new ThreadStart(statisticsCollector.Collect)).Start();