// internal for unit testing only, not intended to be used directly in code
        internal static int CalculatePadding(RazorEngineHost host, Span target, int generatedStart)
            if (host == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("host");

            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target");

            int padding;

            padding = CollectSpacesAndTabs(target, host.TabSize) - generatedStart;

            // if we add generated text that is longer than the padding we wanted to insert we have no recourse and we have to skip padding
            // example:
            // Razor code at column zero: @somecode()
            // Generated code will be:
            // In design time: __o = somecode();
            // In Run time: Write(somecode());
            // In both cases the padding would have been 1 space to remote the space the @ symbol takes, which will be smaller than the 6 chars the hidden generated code takes.
            if (padding < 0)
                padding = 0;

            return padding;
        public override void GenerateCode(Span target, CodeGeneratorContext context)
            // Try to find the namespace in the existing imports
            string ns = Namespace;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ns) && Char.IsWhiteSpace(ns[0]))
                ns = ns.Substring(1);

            CodeNamespaceImport import = context.Namespace
                .Where(i => String.Equals(i.Namespace, ns.Trim(), StringComparison.Ordinal))

            if (import == null)
                // It doesn't exist, create it
                import = new CodeNamespaceImport(ns);

            // Attach our info to the existing/new import.
            import.LinePragma = context.GenerateLinePragma(target);
        // Special case for statement padding to account for brace positioning in the editor.
        public static string PadStatement(RazorEngineHost host, string code, Span target, ref int startGeneratedCode, out int paddingCharCount)
            if (host == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("host");

            if (target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target");

            // We are passing 0 rather than startgeneratedcode intentionally (keeping v2 behavior).
            int padding = CalculatePadding(host, target, 0);

            // We treat statement padding specially so for brace positioning, so that in the following example:
            //   @if (foo > 0)
            //   {
            //   }
            // the braces shows up under the @ rather than under the if.
            if (host.DesignTimeMode &&
                padding > 0 &&
                target.Previous.Kind == SpanKind.Transition && // target.Previous is guaranteed to be none null if you got any padding.
                String.Equals(target.Previous.Content, SyntaxConstants.TransitionString))

            string generatedCode = PadInternal(host, code, padding, out paddingCharCount);

            return generatedCode;
 public virtual bool OwnsChange(Span target, TextChange change)
     int end = target.Start.AbsoluteIndex + target.Length;
     int changeOldEnd = change.OldPosition + change.OldLength;
     return change.OldPosition >= target.Start.AbsoluteIndex &&
            (changeOldEnd < end || (changeOldEnd == end && AcceptedCharacters != AcceptedCharacters.None));
 public SpanBuilder(Span original)
     Kind = original.Kind;
     _symbols = new List<ISymbol>(original.Symbols);
     EditHandler = original.EditHandler;
     CodeGenerator = original.CodeGenerator;
     Start = original.Start;
 public override void GenerateCode(Span target, CodeGeneratorContext context)
     var attributeType = new CodeTypeReference(typeof(RazorDirectiveAttribute));
     var attributeDeclaration = new CodeAttributeDeclaration(
         new CodeAttributeArgument(new CodePrimitiveExpression(Name)),
         new CodeAttributeArgument(new CodePrimitiveExpression(Value)));
 public override void GenerateCode(Span target, CodeGeneratorContext context)
     if (!context.Host.DesignTimeMode && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Host.GeneratedClassContext.LayoutPropertyName))
             new CodeAssignStatement(
                 new CodePropertyReferenceExpression(null, context.Host.GeneratedClassContext.LayoutPropertyName),
                 new CodePrimitiveExpression(LayoutPath)));
        public override void GenerateCode(Span target, CodeGeneratorContext context)
            if (context.Host.DesignTimeMode)
            ExpressionRenderingMode oldMode = context.ExpressionRenderingMode;
            context.BufferStatementFragment(context.BuildCodeString(cw =>
                if (ValueGenerator != null)
                    cw.WriteStartMethodInvoke("Tuple.Create", "System.Object", "System.Int32");
                    context.ExpressionRenderingMode = ExpressionRenderingMode.InjectCode;
                    // literal: true - This attribute value is a literal value

                    // In VB, we need a line continuation
            if (ValueGenerator != null)
                ValueGenerator.Value.GenerateCode(target, context);
                context.ExpressionRenderingMode = oldMode;
                context.AddStatement(context.BuildCodeString(cw =>
                    // literal: false - This attribute value is not a literal value, it is dynamically generated

                    // In VB, we need a line continuation
 protected override PartialParseResult CanAcceptChange(Span target, TextChange normalizedChange)
     if (((AutoCompleteAtEndOfSpan && IsAtEndOfSpan(target, normalizedChange)) || IsAtEndOfFirstLine(target, normalizedChange)) &&
         normalizedChange.IsInsert &&
         ParserHelpers.IsNewLine(normalizedChange.NewText) &&
         AutoCompleteString != null)
         return PartialParseResult.Rejected | PartialParseResult.AutoCompleteBlock;
     return PartialParseResult.Rejected;
        protected override PartialParseResult CanAcceptChange(Span target, TextChange normalizedChange)
            if (AcceptedCharacters == AcceptedCharacters.Any)
                return PartialParseResult.Rejected;

            // In some editors intellisense insertions are handled as "dotless commits".  If an intellisense selection is confirmed 
            // via something like '.' a dotless commit will append a '.' and then insert the remaining intellisense selection prior 
            // to the appended '.'.  This 'if' statement attempts to accept the intermediate steps of a dotless commit via 
            // intellisense.  It will accept two cases:
            //     1. '@foo.' -> '@foobaz.'.
            //     2. '@foobaz..' -> '@foobaz.bar.'. Includes Sub-cases '@foobaz()..' -> '@foobaz().bar.' etc.
            // The key distinction being the double '.' in the second case.
            if (IsDotlessCommitInsertion(target, normalizedChange))
                return HandleDotlessCommitInsertion(target);

            if (IsAcceptableReplace(target, normalizedChange))
                return HandleReplacement(target, normalizedChange);
            int changeRelativePosition = normalizedChange.OldPosition - target.Start.AbsoluteIndex;

            // Get the edit context
            char? lastChar = null;
            if (changeRelativePosition > 0 && target.Content.Length > 0)
                lastChar = target.Content[changeRelativePosition - 1];

            // Don't support 0->1 length edits
            if (lastChar == null)
                return PartialParseResult.Rejected;

            // Accepts cases when insertions are made at the end of a span or '.' is inserted within a span.
            if (IsAcceptableInsertion(target, normalizedChange))
                // Handle the insertion
                return HandleInsertion(target, lastChar.Value, normalizedChange);

            if (IsAcceptableDeletion(target, normalizedChange))
                return HandleDeletion(target, lastChar.Value, normalizedChange);

            return PartialParseResult.Rejected;
 public override void VisitSpan(Span span)
     if (CanRewrite(span))
         SyntaxTreeNode newNode = RewriteSpan(_blocks.Peek(), span);
         if (newNode != null)
        protected override SyntaxTreeNode RewriteSpan(BlockBuilder parent, Span span)
            // Only rewrite if we have a previous that is also markup (CanRewrite does this check for us!)
            Span previous = parent.Children.LastOrDefault() as Span;
            if (previous == null || !CanRewrite(previous))
                return span;

            // Merge spans
            SpanBuilder merged = new SpanBuilder();
            FillSpan(merged, previous.Start, previous.Content + span.Content);
            return merged.Build();
        // there is some duplicity of code here, but its very simple and since this is a host path, I'd rather not create another class to encapsulate the data.
        public static int PaddingCharCount(RazorEngineHost host, Span target, int generatedStart)
            int padding = CalculatePadding(host, target, generatedStart);

            if (host.DesignTimeMode && host.IsIndentingWithTabs)
                int spaces;
                int tabs = Math.DivRem(padding, host.TabSize, out spaces);

                return tabs + spaces;
                return padding;
        public virtual EditResult ApplyChange(Span target, TextChange change, bool force)
            PartialParseResult result = PartialParseResult.Accepted;
            TextChange normalized = change.Normalize();
            if (!force)
                result = CanAcceptChange(target, normalized);

            // If the change is accepted then apply the change
            if (result.HasFlag(PartialParseResult.Accepted))
                return new EditResult(result, UpdateSpan(target, normalized));
            return new EditResult(result, new SpanBuilder(target));
        public override void GenerateCode(Span target, CodeGeneratorContext context)

            string generatedCode = context.BuildCodeString(cw =>

            int startGeneratedCode = target.Start.CharacterIndex;
            int paddingCharCount;
            generatedCode = CodeGeneratorPaddingHelper.PadStatement(context.Host, generatedCode, target, ref startGeneratedCode, out paddingCharCount);

                context.GenerateLinePragma(target, paddingCharCount));
 protected virtual SpanBuilder UpdateSpan(Span target, TextChange normalizedChange)
     string newContent = normalizedChange.ApplyChange(target);
     SpanBuilder newSpan = new SpanBuilder(target);
     foreach (ISymbol sym in Tokenizer(newContent))
     if (target.Next != null)
         SourceLocation newEnd = SourceLocationTracker.CalculateNewLocation(target.Start, newContent);
     return newSpan;
        public override void GenerateCode(Span target, CodeGeneratorContext context)
            string generatedCode = context.BuildCodeString(cw =>

            int paddingCharCount;
            string paddedCode = CodeGeneratorPaddingHelper.Pad(context.Host, generatedCode, target, out paddingCharCount);

            Contract.Assert(paddingCharCount > 0);

                new CodeSnippetTypeMember(paddedCode)
                    LinePragma = context.GenerateLinePragma(target, paddingCharCount)
        public override void GenerateCode(Span target, CodeGeneratorContext context)
            if (!context.Host.DesignTimeMode && String.IsNullOrEmpty(target.Content))

            if (context.Host.EnableInstrumentation)
                context.AddContextCall(target, context.Host.GeneratedClassContext.BeginContextMethodName, isLiteral: true);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(target.Content) && !context.Host.DesignTimeMode)
                string code = context.BuildCodeString(cw =>
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(context.TargetWriterName))

            if (context.Host.EnableInstrumentation)
                context.AddContextCall(target, context.Host.GeneratedClassContext.EndContextMethodName, isLiteral: true);
        public override void GenerateCode(Span target, CodeGeneratorContext context)
            context.GeneratedClass.BaseTypes.Add(new CodeTypeReference(ResolveType(context, BaseType.Trim())));

            if (context.Host.DesignTimeMode)
                int generatedCodeStart = 0;
                string code = context.BuildCodeString(cw =>
                    generatedCodeStart = cw.WriteVariableDeclaration(target.Content, "__inheritsHelper", null);

                int paddingCharCount;

                CodeSnippetStatement stmt = new CodeSnippetStatement(
                    CodeGeneratorPaddingHelper.Pad(context.Host, code, target, generatedCodeStart, out paddingCharCount))
                    LinePragma = context.GenerateLinePragma(target, generatedCodeStart + paddingCharCount)
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies the text change to the content of the span and returns the new content.
 /// This method doesn't update the span content.
 /// </summary>
 public string ApplyChange(Span span)
     return ApplyChange(span.Content, span.Start.AbsoluteIndex);
        private PartialParseResult TryAcceptChange(Span target, TextChange change, PartialParseResult acceptResult = PartialParseResult.Accepted)
            string content = change.ApplyChange(target);
            if (StartsWithKeyword(content))
                return PartialParseResult.Rejected | PartialParseResult.SpanContextChanged;

            return acceptResult;
 private PartialParseResult HandleInsertionAfterDot(Span target, TextChange change)
     // If the insertion is a full identifier or another dot, accept it
     if (ParserHelpers.IsIdentifier(change.NewText) || change.NewText == ".")
         return TryAcceptChange(target, change);
     return PartialParseResult.Rejected;
 private PartialParseResult HandleInsertionAfterIdPart(Span target, TextChange change)
     // If the insertion is a full identifier part, accept it
     if (ParserHelpers.IsIdentifier(change.NewText, requireIdentifierStart: false))
         return TryAcceptChange(target, change);
     else if (EndsWithDot(change.NewText))
         // Accept it, possibly provisionally
         PartialParseResult result = PartialParseResult.Accepted;
         if (!AcceptTrailingDot)
             result |= PartialParseResult.Provisional;
         return TryAcceptChange(target, change, result);
         return PartialParseResult.Rejected;
 private PartialParseResult HandleInsertion(Span target, char previousChar, TextChange change)
     // What are we inserting after?
     if (previousChar == '.')
         return HandleInsertionAfterDot(target, change);
     else if (ParserHelpers.IsIdentifierPart(previousChar) || previousChar == ')' || previousChar == ']')
         return HandleInsertionAfterIdPart(target, change);
         return PartialParseResult.Rejected;
 public override void VisitSpan(Span span)
     span.CodeGenerator.GenerateCode(span, Context);
 protected virtual bool CanRewrite(Span span)
     return false;
 protected virtual SyntaxTreeNode RewriteSpan(BlockBuilder parent, Span span)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        private PartialParseResult HandleReplacement(Span target, TextChange change)
            // Special Case for IntelliSense commits.
            //  When IntelliSense commits, we get two changes (for example user typed "Date", then committed "DateTime" by pressing ".")
            //  1. Insert "." at the end of this span
            //  2. Replace the "Date." at the end of the span with "DateTime."
            //  We need partial parsing to accept case #2.
            string oldText = GetOldText(target, change);

            PartialParseResult result = PartialParseResult.Rejected;
            if (EndsWithDot(oldText) && EndsWithDot(change.NewText))
                result = PartialParseResult.Accepted;
                if (!AcceptTrailingDot)
                    result |= PartialParseResult.Provisional;
            return result;
 public virtual void GenerateCode(Span target, CodeGeneratorContext context)
 private PartialParseResult HandleDeletion(Span target, char previousChar, TextChange change)
     // What's left after deleting?
     if (previousChar == '.')
         return TryAcceptChange(target, change, PartialParseResult.Accepted | PartialParseResult.Provisional);
     else if (ParserHelpers.IsIdentifierPart(previousChar))
         return TryAcceptChange(target, change);
         return PartialParseResult.Rejected;