Exemple #1
 public FilePersistence(TransCalc tc)
     this.tc      = tc;
     cfg_keywords = new Dictionary <CONFIG_KEYWORDS, string>();
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.V_IN]                 = "V_mains";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.B_MAX]                = "B";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.H]                    = "H";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.PERMEABILITY]         = "u";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.I_EX]                 = "Iex";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.CORE_W]               = "CoreW";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.CORE_H]               = "CoreH";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.CORE_L]               = "CoreL";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.Ae_W]                 = "AeW";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.Ae_H]                 = "AeH";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.MPATH_W]              = "MpathW";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.MPATH_H]              = "MpathH";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.WINDOW_SIZE]          = "WindowSize";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.COUPLING_COEFF]       = "CouplingCoeff";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.STACKING_FACTOR]      = "StackingFactor";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.INSULATION]           = "Insulation_mm";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.V_OUT]                = "Vout";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.IS_V_OUT_AT_MAX_LOAD] = "IsVoutAtMaxLoad";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.I_OUT]                = "Iout";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.MAX_TEMP]             = "MaxTemp";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.MAX_EQ_R]             = "MaxEqR";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.AWG_1]                = "Awg1";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.W_FACTOR_1]           = "Wfactor1";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.N_1]                  = "N1";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.N_PER_LAYER_1]        = "N_per_layer1";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.PF_1]                 = "PF1";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.CM_PER_AMP_1]         = "CM_Per_Amp1";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.AWG_2]                = "Awg2";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.W_FACTOR_2]           = "Wfactor2";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.N_2]                  = "N2";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.N_PER_LAYER_2]        = "N_per_layer2";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.CM_PER_AMP_2]         = "CM_Per_Amp2";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.H_UNITS]              = "H_units";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.TEMP_UNITS]           = "Temp_units";
     cfg_keywords[CONFIG_KEYWORDS.WEIGHT_UNITS]         = "Weight_units";
Exemple #2
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            label_Vce_Rc.Text = "Vce";
            label_VeRe.Text   = "Ve";

            edit_beta.Text              = "150";
            trackBar_Beta.LargeChange   = 10;
            trackBar_Beta.Minimum       = 10;
            trackBar_Beta.Maximum       = 200;
            trackBar_Beta.SmallChange   = 1;
            trackBar_Beta.Value         = 150;
            trackBar_Beta.TickFrequency = 10;
            //trackBar_Beta.TickStyle = TickStyle.None;

            edit_Vbe.Text              = "0.65";
            trackBar_Vbe.LargeChange   = 100;
            trackBar_Vbe.Minimum       = 600;
            trackBar_Vbe.Maximum       = 1000;
            trackBar_Vbe.SmallChange   = 20;
            trackBar_Vbe.Value         = 650;
            trackBar_Vbe.TickFrequency = 20;

            edit_Vcc.Text              = "10";
            trackBar_Vcc.LargeChange   = 10;
            trackBar_Vcc.SmallChange   = 1;
            trackBar_Vcc.Minimum       = 0;
            trackBar_Vcc.Maximum       = 200;
            trackBar_Vcc.Value         = 100;
            trackBar_Vcc.TickFrequency = 20;

            edit_Ic.Text              = "1";
            trackBar_Ic.LargeChange   = 500;
            trackBar_Ic.SmallChange   = 100;
            trackBar_Ic.Minimum       = 500;
            trackBar_Ic.Maximum       = 100000;
            trackBar_Ic.Value         = 1000;
            trackBar_Ic.TickFrequency = 200;

            edit_Vce_Rc.Text              = "5v";
            trackBar_Vce_Rc.LargeChange   = 10;
            trackBar_Vce_Rc.SmallChange   = 1;
            trackBar_Vce_Rc.Minimum       = 0;
            trackBar_Vce_Rc.Maximum       = 200;
            trackBar_Vce_Rc.Value         = 100;
            trackBar_Vce_Rc.TickFrequency = 20;

            edit_VeRe.Text               = "1v";
            trackBar_Ve_Re.LargeChange   = 10;
            trackBar_Ve_Re.SmallChange   = 1;
            trackBar_Ve_Re.Minimum       = 0;
            trackBar_Ve_Re.Maximum       = 50;
            trackBar_Ve_Re.Value         = 10;
            trackBar_Ve_Re.TickFrequency = 5;

            bias = new Bias(this);
            if (validate_beta_calc())

            tc = new TransCalc.TransCalc();
            button_saveResults.Enabled = false;
Exemple #3
        public void ConvertTextToInput(trans_calc_input_text strin)
            common  = new trans_calc_input_common();
            primary = new trans_calc_input_winding();

            if (strin.Vin == "")
                throw new Exception("Vin not set");
            common.Vin = double.Parse(strin.Vin, NumberStyles.Float);
            if (strin.Vin == "120")
                common.Freq = 60;
            else if (strin.Vin == "220")
                common.Freq = 50;
                throw new Exception($"Unexpected mains voltage: {strin.Vin}, 110 or 220 expected");

            common.IsVoutAtFullLoad = strin.isVoutAtFullLoad;

            if (strin.Bmax == "" && strin.N1 == "")
                throw new Exception("Either Bmax or Primary turns must be set");

            if (strin.Bmax != "")
                common.B_max = double.Parse(strin.Bmax, NumberStyles.Float);
                if (common.B_max < 0.1 || common.B_max > 2)
                    throw new Exception("Bmax, has to be in the range of 0.1T to 2T");

            if (strin.permeability != "")
                common.permeability = double.Parse(strin.permeability, NumberStyles.Float);
                if (common.permeability < 1000 || common.permeability > 10000)
                    throw new Exception("Permeability has to be in the range of 1000 to 10000");

            if (strin.I_ex != "")
                // from mA to A
                common.I_ex = double.Parse(strin.I_ex, NumberStyles.Float) / 1000;
                if (common.I_ex < 0.01 || common.I_ex > 2)
                    throw new Exception("Iex has to be in the range of 10mA to 2A");

            if (strin.H != "")
                common.H = double.Parse(strin.H, NumberStyles.Float);
                if (tc.H_Units == TransCalc.H_UNITS.OERSTEDS)
                    common.H = TransCalc.Oe_to_Ampturns(common.H);
                else if (tc.H_Units == TransCalc.H_UNITS.AMP_TURNS_IN)
                    common.H /= 0.0254;
                if (common.H < 1 || common.H > 2000)
                    throw new Exception("Amp t / m has to be in the range of 1 to 2000 Amp-t-m");

            if (strin.core_L == "" || strin.core_W == "" || strin.core_H == "")
                throw new Exception("Core W/H/L not set");

            if (strin.pf != "")
                common.pf1 = double.Parse(strin.pf, NumberStyles.Float);
                if (common.pf1 < 0 || common.pf1 > 1.0)
                    throw new Exception("pf has to be between 0 and 1");

            //to m
            common.Core_L = double.Parse(strin.core_L, NumberStyles.Float) / 100;
            common.Core_W = double.Parse(strin.core_W, NumberStyles.Float) / 100;
            common.Core_H = double.Parse(strin.core_H, NumberStyles.Float) / 100;

            if (common.Core_L < 0.01 || common.Core_L > 0.5)
                throw new Exception("Invalid core L");
            if (common.Core_W < 0.01 || common.Core_W > 0.5)
                throw new Exception("Invalid core W");
            if (common.Core_H < 0.01 || common.Core_H > 0.5)
                throw new Exception("Invalid core H");

            if (strin.Ae_W == "" || strin.Ae_H == "")
                throw new Exception("Ae W/H not set");
            //to m
            common.Ae_W = double.Parse(strin.Ae_W) / 100;
            if (common.Ae_W < 0.01 || common.Ae_W > 0.5)
                throw new Exception("Invalid Ae width");
            common.Ae_H = double.Parse(strin.Ae_H) / 100;
            if (common.Ae_H < 0.01 || common.Ae_H > 0.5)
                throw new Exception("Invalid Ae height");

            if (common.Ae_W > common.Core_W)
                throw new Exception("Ae_W > bobbin W");

            if (common.Ae_H > common.Core_H)
                throw new Exception("Ae_H > bobbin H");

            if (strin.mpath_H != "" && strin.mpath_W != "")
                double Mpath_H = double.Parse(strin.mpath_H, NumberStyles.Float) / 100;
                double Mpath_W = double.Parse(strin.mpath_W, NumberStyles.Float) / 100;

                if (Mpath_H < 0.01 || Mpath_H > 0.5)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid magnetic path value: H");

                if (Mpath_W < 0.01 || Mpath_W > 0.5)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid magnetic path value: W");

                common.mpath_l_cm = (Mpath_H + Mpath_W) * 2;

            if (strin.window_size != "")
                // in cm
                common.WindowSize = double.Parse(strin.window_size, NumberStyles.Float);
                if (common.WindowSize < 0.1 || common.WindowSize > 50)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid window size in cm");

            if (strin.coupling_coeff == "")
                throw new Exception("Coupling coefficient not set");

            common.CouplingCoeff = double.Parse(strin.coupling_coeff, NumberStyles.Float);
            if (common.CouplingCoeff < 0.5 || common.CouplingCoeff > 1.0)
                throw new Exception("Coupling coefficient has to be in the range of 0.5 to 1.0");

            if (strin.stackingFactor == "")
                throw new Exception("Stacking factor not set");

            common.StackingFactor = double.Parse(strin.stackingFactor, NumberStyles.Float);
            if (common.StackingFactor < 0.5 || common.StackingFactor > 1.0)
                throw new Exception("Stacking factor has to be in the range of 0.5 to 1.0");

            if (strin.insulationThickness != "")
                common.InsulationThickness = double.Parse(strin.insulationThickness, NumberStyles.Float);

            if (common.WindowSize > 0.0000001)
                if (common.InsulationThickness < 0 || common.InsulationThickness > common.WindowSize)
                    throw new Exception("Insulation thickness in mm cannot exceed window size");

            if (strin.Vout != "")
                common.Vout = double.Parse(strin.Vout, NumberStyles.Float);
                if (common.Vout < 0.1)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Vout value");

            if (strin.Iout_max != "")
                common.Iout_max = double.Parse(strin.Iout_max, NumberStyles.Float);
                if (common.Iout_max < 0.00000000001)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid Iout_max value");

            common.max_temp = double.Parse(strin.maxTemp, NumberStyles.Float);
            if (!tc.IsTempUnitsC)
                common.max_temp = TransCalc.F_to_C(common.max_temp);

            if (common.max_temp < 20)
                common.max_temp = 20;

            if (strin.max_eq_R != "")
                common.max_res_R = double.Parse(strin.max_eq_R, NumberStyles.Float);
                if (common.max_res_R < 1)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid value of max equivalent R");

            primary = convertWinding("Primary", strin.awg1, strin.wfactor1, strin.N1, strin.N_per_layer1, strin.ampacity1);

            if ((strin.N2 != "" || strin.Vout != ""))
                secondary        = convertWinding("Secondary", strin.awg2, strin.wfactor2, strin.N2, strin.N_per_layer2, strin.ampacity2);
                processSecondary = true;
                processSecondary = false;

            isMinimizeRegulation = strin.isMinimizeRegulation;
Exemple #4
 public TransCalcInput(TransCalc tc)
     this.tc = tc;