public static TestSummary ReduceCorrelated(TestSummary testSummary)
            //Work out the percentage of trades to use to train
            DateTime startDate = (DateTime)testSummary.StartDate;
            DateTime endDate   = (DateTime)testSummary.EndDate;
            double   trainDays = (endDate - startDate).TotalDays * ((double)testSummary.ReduceCorrelatedParams.TrainTestSplit / 100);
            DateTime endTrain  = startDate.AddDays(trainDays);

            testSummary.EndTrainDate = endTrain;

            //Create a copy of the testSummary so we don't modify the original testSummary when we reduce the testsets
            TestSummary filteredTestSummary = new TestSummary(testSummary);

            //remove any non-performing sets
            List <TestSet> nonPerformers   = new List <TestSet>();
            int            totalProfitable = 0;

            foreach (TestSet t in testSummary.TestSets)
                double p = PerformanceResult.CalculateProfitFactor(t.Trades.Where(x => x.CloseTime <= filteredTestSummary.EndTrainDate).ToArray());
                if (p > 1)
                if (p < testSummary.ReduceCorrelatedParams.MinMetric)

            //remove all the test sets if at least half are profitable
            double pProfitable = (double)totalProfitable / (double)testSummary.TestSets.Length;

            if (pProfitable < 0.5)
                foreach (TestSet t in testSummary.TestSets)

            //Calcualte weekly profit for every week so we can do a correlation based on weekly profits
            Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <int, double>[]> WeeklyProfits = new Dictionary <string, KeyValuePair <int, double>[]>();

            foreach (TestSet ts in testSummary.TestSets)
                //get all the trades in the train period and calculate weekly profit
                var result =
                    from s in ts.Trades.Where(x => x.CloseTime <= endTrain)
                    group s by new { week = (s.OpenTime.Year - startDate.Year) * 52 + (s.OpenTime.DayOfYear / 7) } into g
                             select new KeyValuePair <int, double>(g.Key.week, g.Sum(x => x.Profit));

                WeeklyProfits.Add(ts.Description, result.ToArray());

            //Create a grid of r2 values by comparing each testset with each other test set
            Dictionary <Pair, double> r2Values = new Dictionary <Pair, double>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, KeyValuePair <int, double>[]> wpRow in WeeklyProfits)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, KeyValuePair <int, double>[]> wpColumn in WeeklyProfits)
                    //skip identical resuklt sets
                    if (wpColumn.Key == wpRow.Key)
                    //calculate the r2 value from these lists

                    //Line up the weeks to get an x and y for the current pair
                    Dictionary <int, Point> list = new Dictionary <int, Point>();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, double> res in wpRow.Value)
                        list.Add(res.Key, new Point(res.Value, 0, wpRow.Key, null));
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, double> res in wpColumn.Value)
                        if (!list.ContainsKey(res.Key))
                            list.Add(res.Key, new Point(0, res.Value, null, wpColumn.Key));
                            list[res.Key].Y      = res.Value;
                            list[res.Key].YLabel = wpColumn.Key;
                    double[] x = list.Select(v => v.Value.X).ToArray();
                    double[] y = list.Select(v => v.Value.Y).ToArray();

                    //calculate the r2 and store in dictionary with the testset description pair as the Key
                    r2Values.Add(new Pair(wpRow.Key, wpColumn.Key), Stat.R2(x, y));

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Pair, double> res in r2Values)
                //if too corelated remove the worst performer
                if (res.Value > testSummary.ReduceCorrelatedParams.R2Cutoff)
                    //get the train set of trades only
                    Trade[] xTrades = filteredTestSummary.GetTradeSet(Convert.ToString(res.Key.P1), TestSummary.TradeSet.Train);
                    Trade[] yTrades = filteredTestSummary.GetTradeSet(Convert.ToString(res.Key.P2), TestSummary.TradeSet.Train);

                    //if both exist in our filtered test sets remove worst performer - it may have already been removed from previous pair r2 comparisons
                    if (xTrades != null && yTrades != null)
                        double xMetric = PerformanceResult.CalculateProfitFactor(xTrades);
                        double yMetric = PerformanceResult.CalculateProfitFactor(yTrades);

                        if (xMetric > yMetric)
