         * find the nearest SMAI and if it is close enough use that as parentSMAI
         * public SMAI getNearbySMAI () {
         *  // ask totems if they're close enough
         *  // if totem is nearby, ask for it's parentSMAI
         * }

        public void couldntfindHeart()
            Jotunn.Logger.LogError("Couldn't find a Heart totem near this Expander totem.");
            parentSMAI      = null;
            distanceToHeart = -2;
  *  This function is called when a Heart totem is destroyed
 public void unregisterSMAI(SMAI oldSMAI)
     Jotunn.Logger.LogInfo("Unregistering new SMAI " + oldSMAI.settlementName);
     // ping all totems of this SMAI that thair parentSMAI is long longer there :'(
  *  This function is called both when a new SMAI is created when a new Heart is placed
  *      AND when a world is loaded
 public void registerSMAI(SMAI newSMAI)
     Jotunn.Logger.LogInfo("Registering new SMAI " + newSMAI.settlementName);