public EnemyManager(Texture2D texture, Rectangle initialFrame, int frameCount, PlayerManager playerSprite, Rectangle screenBounds) { this.texture = texture; this.initialFrame = initialFrame; this.frameCount = frameCount; this.playerManager = playerSprite; EnemyShotManager = new ShootManager(texture, new Rectangle(0, 300, 5, 5), 4, 2, 150f, screenBounds); SetUpWaypoints(); }
//When mentioning the class playermanager it will all of the things under it related public PlayerManager(Texture2D texture, int currentFrame, int spriteWidth, int spriteHeight, Rectangle screenBounds) { this.playerSprite = texture; this.currentFrame = currentFrame; this.spriteWidth = spriteWidth; this.spriteHeight = spriteHeight; this.screenBounds = screenBounds; CollisionRadius = playerRadius; PlayerShotManager = new ShootManager(texture, new Rectangle(0, 300, 5, 5), 4, 2, 250f, screenBounds); CollisionRadius = playerRadius; }