Exemple #1
        public override bool GetPreferenceTabWidget(PreferencesDialog parent,
                                                    out string tabLabel,
                                                    out Gtk.Widget preferenceWidget)
            // Addin's tab caption
            tabLabel = Catalog.GetString("Advanced");

            Gtk.VBox opts_list = new Gtk.VBox(false, 12);
            opts_list.BorderWidth = 12;

             * If you want to add new settings to the Advanced tab - follow the steps below:
             *      1) define a class which implements the functionality (see e.g. MenuMinMaxNoteCountPreference.cs);
             *      2) define property/method for that class that returns the widget you want to place onto the tab;
             *      3) (similar to the below) instantiate object of your class and PackStart its widget to opts_list;
             *      It's expected that the returned widget is already within Gtk.Alignment, so no further alignment done.

            // TODO: More elegant way of implementing this would be to create a collection of "prefs" objects
            // and iterate over them adding them to opts_list (fewer lines to add upon adding new setting).

            // Instantiate class for Menu Min/Max Note Count setting
            MenuMinMaxNoteCountPreference menuNoteCountPref = new MenuMinMaxNoteCountPreference();

            // Add the widget for this setting to the Advanced tab
            opts_list.PackStart(menuNoteCountPref.Widget, false, false, 0);

            //Instantiate class for Enable Startup Notes setting
            EnableStartupNotesPreference enableStartupNotesPref = new EnableStartupNotesPreference();

            // Add the widget to the Advanced tab
            opts_list.PackStart(enableStartupNotesPref.Widget, false, false, 0);

            if (opts_list != null)
                preferenceWidget = opts_list;
                preferenceWidget = null;
		public override bool GetPreferenceTabWidget (	PreferencesDialog parent,
								out string tabLabel,
								out Gtk.Widget preferenceWidget)

			// Addin's tab caption
			tabLabel = Catalog.GetString ("Advanced");

			Gtk.VBox opts_list = new Gtk.VBox (false, 12);
			opts_list.BorderWidth = 12;
			opts_list.Show ();

			If you want to add new settings to the Advanced tab - follow the steps below:
				1) define a class which implements the functionality (see e.g. MenuMinMaxNoteCountPreference.cs);
				2) define property/method for that class that returns the widget you want to place onto the tab;
				3) (similar to the below) instantiate object of your class and PackStart its widget to opts_list;
				It's expected that the returned widget is already within Gtk.Alignment, so no further alignment done.

			// TODO: More elegant way of implementing this would be to create a collection of "prefs" objects
			// and iterate over them adding them to opts_list (fewer lines to add upon adding new setting).

			// Instantiate class for Menu Min/Max Note Count setting
			MenuMinMaxNoteCountPreference menuNoteCountPref = new MenuMinMaxNoteCountPreference();
			// Add the widget for this setting to the Advanced tab
			opts_list.PackStart(menuNoteCountPref.Widget, false, false, 0);

			//Instantiate class for Enable Startup Notes setting
			EnableStartupNotesPreference enableStartupNotesPref = new EnableStartupNotesPreference();
			// Add the widget to the Advanced tab
			opts_list.PackStart (enableStartupNotesPref.Widget, false, false, 0);

			if (opts_list != null) {
				preferenceWidget = opts_list;
				return true;
			} else {
				preferenceWidget = null;
				return false;
        public override bool GetPreferenceTabWidget(PreferencesDialog parent,
                                                    out string tabLabel,
                                                    out Gtk.Widget preferenceWidget)
            Gtk.Alignment align;

            // Addin's tab caption
            tabLabel = Catalog.GetString("Advanced");

            Gtk.VBox opts_list = new Gtk.VBox(false, 12);
            opts_list.BorderWidth = 12;

            align = new Gtk.Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
            opts_list.PackStart(align, false, false, 0);

             * If you want to add new settings to the Advanced tab - follow the steps below:
             *      1) define a class which implements the functionality (see e.g. MenuMinMaxNoteCountPreference.cs);
             *      2) define property/method for that class that returns the widget you want to place onto the tab;
             *      3) (similar to the below) instantiate object of your class and add its widget to the "align" widget;
            // Instantiate class for Menu Min/Max Note Count setting
            MenuMinMaxNoteCountPreference menuNoteCountPref = new MenuMinMaxNoteCountPreference();

            // Add the widget for this setting to the Advanced tab

            if (opts_list != null)
                preferenceWidget = opts_list;
                preferenceWidget = null;