private void VisualizerForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1} v{2}", Application.CompanyName, Application.ProductName, Application.ProductVersion));

            cfgfile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.CommonAppDataPath), "config.json");
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Config File: {0}", cfgfile));
            cfg = new Configuration();

            if (File.Exists(cfgfile) == false)//if no config file exists, then load a default config file
                System.Drawing.Rectangle screenrecttmp = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds;
                cfg.ScreenWidth  = screenrecttmp.Width;
                cfg.ScreenHeight = screenrecttmp.Height;

                Dictionary <TargetLocation, int> buttonMap = new Dictionary <TargetLocation, int>();
                buttonMap.Add(TargetLocation.Top, 1);      //click
                buttonMap.Add(TargetLocation.TopLeft, 0);  //up level
                buttonMap.Add(TargetLocation.TopRight, 3); //back

                buttonMap.Add(TargetLocation.Right, 3);    //switchdirection
                buttonMap.Add(TargetLocation.RightLower, 0);
                buttonMap.Add(TargetLocation.RightUpper, 0);

                buttonMap.Add(TargetLocation.Bottom, 3);      //back
                buttonMap.Add(TargetLocation.BottomLeft, 2);  //up level
                buttonMap.Add(TargetLocation.BottomRight, 4); //stop

                buttonMap.Add(TargetLocation.Left, 2);        //up a level
                buttonMap.Add(TargetLocation.LeftUpper, 0);   //
                buttonMap.Add(TargetLocation.LeftLower, 0);   //
                cfg.ButtonMap = buttonMap;
                // serialize JSON to a string and then write string to a file
                File.WriteAllText(cfgfile, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cfg, Formatting.Indented));

            if (File.Exists(cfgfile))
                // read file into a string and deserialize JSON to a type
                cfg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Configuration>(File.ReadAllText(cfgfile));
            //GazeAt gazeAtLast = GazeAt.None;
            SimJoystickController sjc = new SimJoystickController();

                sjc.Setup(null, cfg.ComPort);
            catch (Exception exc)
            // Everything starts with initializing Host, which manages the connection to the
            // Tobii Engine and provides all the Tobii Core SDK functionality.
            // NOTE: Make sure that Tobii.EyeX.exe is running
            host = new Host();

            // we will create virtual window covering whole screen
            // so we will get screenbounds using States.
            //var screenBoundsState = host.States.GetScreenBoundsAsync().Result;
            //var screenBounds = screenBoundsState.IsValid
            //    ? screenBoundsState.Value
            //    : new Rectangle(0d, 0d, 1000d, 1000d);

            // Initialize Fixation data stream.
            var fixationDataStream = host.Streams.CreateFixationDataStream();

            var _eyePositionDataStream = host.Streams.CreateEyePositionStream();

            // Because timestamp of fixation events is relative to the previous ones
            // only, we will store them in this variable.
            var fixationBeginTime = 0d;

            System.Drawing.Rectangle screenrect = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds;
            screenrect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, cfg.ScreenWidth, cfg.ScreenHeight);
            Targets        targets        = new Targets(screenrect, cfg.BufferPercentX / 100.0, cfg.BufferPercentY / 100.0);// new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)screenBoundsState.Value.X, (int)screenBoundsState.Value.Y, (int)screenBoundsState.Value.Width, (int)screenBoundsState.Value.Height));
            TargetLocation tl_last        = TargetLocation.None;
            TargetLocation tl_last_valid  = TargetLocation.None;
            List <int>     pressedButtons = new List <int>();

            //Console.WriteLine("Running. Press a key to exit application.");
            this.visualizer1.SetTargets(targets, cfg);

            fixationDataStream.Next += (o, fixation) =>
                // On the Next event, data comes as FixationData objects, wrapped in a StreamData<T> object.
                var fixationPointX = fixation.Data.X;
                var fixationPointY = fixation.Data.Y;
                //GazeAt gazeAt = GazeAt.In;
                switch (fixation.Data.EventType)
                case FixationDataEventType.Begin:
                    fixationBeginTime = fixation.Data.Timestamp;
                    //Console.WriteLine("Begin fixation at X: {0}, Y: {1}", fixationPointX, fixationPointY);

                case FixationDataEventType.Data:
                    //Console.WriteLine("During fixation, currently at X: {0}, Y: {1}", fixationPointX, fixationPointY);
                    System.Drawing.Point p = new System.Drawing.Point((int)fixationPointX, (int)fixationPointY);
                    TargetLocation tl = targets.CheckHit(p);
                    if (tl_last != tl)
                        Console.WriteLine("TargetLocation {0} X: {1}, Y: {2}", tl, fixationPointX, fixationPointY);
                        if ((int)tl > (int)TargetLocation.Screen)
                            //only if we were at the screen previously
                            if (tl_last_valid == TargetLocation.Screen)
                                //do the button
                                if (cfg.ButtonMap.ContainsKey(tl))
                                    int buttonindex = cfg.ButtonMap[tl];
                                    if (buttonindex > 0)
                                        pressedButtons.Add(buttonindex - 1);
                                        sjc.DoButton(buttonindex - 1, 1);
                        else if (tl == TargetLocation.Screen)
                            foreach (int buttonindex in pressedButtons)
                                sjc.DoButton(buttonindex, 0);
                        if (tl != TargetLocation.None)
                            tl_last_valid = tl;
                    tl_last = tl;

                case FixationDataEventType.End:
                    //Console.WriteLine("End fixation at X: {0}, Y: {1}", fixationPointX, fixationPointY);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Fixation duration: {0}",
                    //    fixationBeginTime > 0
                    //        ? TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(fixation.Data.Timestamp - fixationBeginTime)
                    //        : TimeSpan.Zero);

                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown fixation event type, which doesn't have explicit handling.");

            //EyePositionData lasteye = null;
            BlinkDetector blinkDetector = new BlinkDetector();

            _eyePositionDataStream.EyePosition(eyePosition =>
                //if (lasteye != null)
                //if (EyePositionDataChanged(eyePosition, lasteye))
                //Console.WriteLine("Has Left eye position: {0}", eyePosition.HasLeftEyePosition);
                //Console.WriteLine("Left eye position: X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2}",
                //    eyePosition.LeftEye.X, eyePosition.LeftEye.Y, eyePosition.LeftEye.Z);
                //Console.WriteLine("Left eye position (normalized): X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2}",
                //    eyePosition.LeftEyeNormalized.X, eyePosition.LeftEyeNormalized.Y, eyePosition.LeftEyeNormalized.Z);

                //Console.WriteLine("Has Right eye position: {0}", eyePosition.HasRightEyePosition);
                //Console.WriteLine("Right eye position: X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2}",
                //    eyePosition.RightEye.X, eyePosition.RightEye.Y, eyePosition.RightEye.Z);
                //Console.WriteLine("Right eye position (normalized): X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2}",
                //    eyePosition.RightEyeNormalized.X, eyePosition.RightEyeNormalized.Y, eyePosition.RightEyeNormalized.Z);

                //lasteye = eyePosition;


            // we will close the coonection to the Tobii Engine before exit.
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
            //    Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace);
            //    //Console.ReadKey();
Exemple #2
        private void _Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            if (DesignMode)
                //If in design mode
            if (targets == null)
            Graphics g = e.Graphics;
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            Color backcolor = Color.Gainsboro;
            Brush borderBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.LightGray);
            Pen borderPen = new Pen(Color.DarkGray, -1.0f);
            Brush markerBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Blue));
            Pen markerBorder = new Pen(Color.Blue, -1.0f);
            Brush currposBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Red));
            Pen currposBorder = new Pen(Color.Red, -1.0f);
            Pen movePen = new Pen(Color.Green, -1.0f);
            Brush avoidBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255 / 4, Color.Red));
            Pen avoidBorder = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(255 / 2, Color.Red), -1.0f);
            float markRadius = 10;

            float zoom = calcZoomFit();
            g.ScaleTransform(zoom, zoom);
            g.TranslateTransform(border, border);
            g.TranslateTransform(-m_bounds.X, -m_bounds.Y);

            foreach (var kvp in targets.TargetRects)
                RectangleF r = kvp.Value;
                g.DrawRectangle(avoidBorder, r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height);
                string s = kvp.Key.ToString();
                int btn = 0;
                if (cfg != null)
                    if (cfg.ButtonMap.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
                        btn = cfg.ButtonMap[kvp.Key];
                if (btn > 0)
                    s = string.Format("{0}\r\nButton {1}", kvp.Key, btn);
                GraphicsHelper.ShowText(new PointF(r.X + (r.Width / 2.0f), r.Y + (r.Height / 2.0f)), s, g, this.Font);
            g.FillEllipse(markerBrush, (float)(fixationPoint.X - markRadius), (float)(fixationPoint.Y - markRadius), (float)(markRadius * 2.0), (float)(markRadius * 2.0));
            g.DrawEllipse(markerBorder, (float)(fixationPoint.X - markRadius), (float)(fixationPoint.Y - markRadius), (float)(markRadius * 2.0), (float)(markRadius * 2.0));

            TargetLocation hit = targets.CheckHit(fixationPoint);
            if (hit != TargetLocation.None)
                RectangleF r = targets.TargetRects[hit];
                g.FillRectangle(avoidBrush, r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height);