Exemple #1
        private static void ShowSpotify()
            if (Spotify.IsRunning())
                var hWnd = Spotify.GetSpotify();

                // check Spotify's current window state
                var placement = new Win32.WINDOWPLACEMENT();
                Win32.GetWindowPlacement(hWnd, ref placement);

                int showCommand = Win32.Constants.SW_SHOW;

                // if Spotify is minimzed we need to send a restore so that the window
                // will come back exactly like it was before being minimized (i.e. maximized
                // or otherwise) otherwise if we call SW_RESTORE on a currently maximized window
                // then instead of staying maximized it will return to normal size.
                if (placement.showCmd == Win32.Constants.SW_SHOWMINIMIZED)
                    showCommand = Win32.Constants.SW_RESTORE;

                Win32.ShowWindow(hWnd, showCommand);

Exemple #2
 private static void ShowSpotify()
     if (Spotify.IsAvailable())
         Win32.ShowWindow(Spotify.GetSpotify(), 1);
Exemple #3
        private static void Minimize()
            var remainingSleep = 2000;

            IntPtr hWnd;

            // Since Minimize is often called during startup, the hWnd is often not created yet
            // wait a maximum of remainingSleep for it to appear and then minimize it if it did.
            while ((hWnd = Spotify.GetSpotify()) == IntPtr.Zero && remainingSleep > 0)
                remainingSleep -= 100;

            if (hWnd != IntPtr.Zero)
                // disgusting but sadly neccessary. Let Spotify initialize a bit before minimizing it
                // otherwise the window hides itself and doesn't respond to taskbar clicks.
                // I tried to work around this by waiting for the window size to initialize (via GetWindowRect)
                // but that didn't work, there is some internal initialization that needs to occur.
                Win32.ShowWindow(hWnd, Win32.Constants.SW_SHOWMINIMIZED);
Exemple #4
        private static void Minimize()
            var hWnd = Spotify.GetSpotify();

            Win32.ShowWindow(hWnd, Win32.Constants.SW_SHOWMINIMIZED);