} // End exitButtonClicked

        private async void MenuItemUpdateCache_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            try {
                MenuItemUpdateCache.IsEnabled = false;
                statusBar1TextBlock.Text      = "Started Cache Update";
                Progress <taskProgressMsg> progressMessages = new Progress <taskProgressMsg>(updateForTaskProgress); // Will contain the progress messages from each function.

                if (System.IO.File.Exists("completeAddonList.json"))
                    tosAMProgramSettings.previousUpdateDateStampUTC = new System.IO.FileInfo("completeAddonList.json").LastWriteTimeUtc;
                    tosAMProgramSettings.previousUpdateDateStampUTC = DateTime.MinValue;
                }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           // Store previous update time for "What's new" option.

                repoCacheManagement rCM = new repoCacheManagement()
                    rootDir = tosAMProgramSettings.tosRootDir, webConnector = webConnector

                List <addonDataFromRepo> iToSCollections = await rCM.callParentUpdateCache(progressMessages, 0); // iToS

                iToSCollections.Select(x => { x.whichRepo = "iToS"; return(x); }).ToList();

                List <addonDataFromRepo> jToSCollections = await rCM.callParentUpdateCache(progressMessages, 1); // jToS

                jToSCollections.Select(x => { x.whichRepo = "jToS"; return(x); }).ToList();

                listOfBrokenAddons = await rCM.returnBrokenAddonData(progressMessages);          // Download list of broken addons.

                listOfAddonOverrides = await rCM.returnAddonInstallerOverride(progressMessages); // Return manually-maintained list of addon overrides.

                listOfAllAddons.Clear(); listOfAllAddons = iToSCollections.Concat(jToSCollections).ToList();

                saveCacheDataToFile(true, progressMessages);
                statusBar1TextBlock.Text = "Completed all Cache Update functions.";

                displayActiveGrid(); // Update the active tab.
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Common.showError("Update Cache Error", ex);
            } finally {
                MenuItemUpdateCache.IsEnabled = true;
        } // End MenuItemUpdateCache_Click
        } // end MenuItemSelectToSDir_Click

        private async void MenuItemUpdateDeps_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            try {
                if (Common.checkForToSDirectory(tosAMProgramSettings.tosRootDir) == false)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please set a valid ToS Program directory."); return;
                statusBar1TextBlock.Text = "Starting Dependency download functions.";
                Progress <taskProgressMsg> progressMessages = new Progress <taskProgressMsg>(updateForTaskProgress); // Will contain the progress messages from each function.
                repoCacheManagement        rCM = new repoCacheManagement()
                    rootDir = tosAMProgramSettings.tosRootDir, webConnector = webConnector
                await rCM.checkAndInstallDependencies(progressMessages); // Dependencies - does not care about return values.

                statusBar1TextBlock.Text = "Completed Dependency download functions.";
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Common.showError("Update Dependency Error", ex);
        } // end MenuItemUpdateDeps_Click