static int Main(string[] args) { var version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); string projectFile = null; string sqliteDb = null; var postgresSpecified = false; var sqliteSpecified = false; var mysqlSpecified = false; string mysqlConnectionString = null; string postgresConnectionString = null; var dumpJson = false; var dumpXml = false; var dumpCsv = false; var sqlserverSpecified = false; string sqlserverConnectionString = null; var parser = new FluentCommandLineParser(); parser.Setup <bool>('c', "csv") .Callback(val => dumpCsv = val) .WithDescription("Dump tables to csv"); parser.SetupHelp("h", "help", "?") .Callback(text => Console.WriteLine(text)) .WithCustomFormatter(new HelpFormatter(version)) .WithHeader("TmgExporter") .UseForEmptyArgs(); parser.Setup <string>('t', "tmg") .Callback(val => projectFile = val) .WithDescription("TMG project file to read data from (*.pjc)") .Required(); parser.Setup <bool>('j', "json") .Callback(val => dumpJson = val) .WithDescription("Dump tables to json"); parser.Setup <string>('l', "sqlite") .Callback(val => { sqliteDb = val; sqliteSpecified = true; }) .WithDescription("SQLite database file to be created (*.sqlite3)"); parser.Setup <string>('m', "mysql") .Callback(val => { mysqlConnectionString = val; mysqlSpecified = true; }) .WithDescription("MySQL/MariaDB database connection string"); parser.Setup <string>('p', "postgres") .Callback(val => { postgresConnectionString = val; postgresSpecified = true; }) .WithDescription("PostgreSQL database connection string"); parser.Setup <string>('s', "sqlserver") .Callback(val => { sqlserverConnectionString = val; sqlserverSpecified = true; }) .WithDescription("Sql Server database connection string"); parser.Setup <bool>('x', "xml") .Callback(val => dumpXml = val) .WithDescription("Dump tables to xml"); var result = parser.Parse(args); if (result.HelpCalled) { return(0); } if (result.HasErrors) { Console.Error.WriteLine(result.ErrorText); return(-1); } var logger = LogManager.GetLogger("Program"); if (!File.Exists(projectFile)) { var message = string.Format("Project file not found: {0}", projectFile); logger.Error(message); return(-2); } if (!".pjc".Equals(Path.GetExtension(projectFile), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var message = string.Format("Please specify a valid project file: {0}", projectFile); logger.Error(message); return(-3); } if (sqliteSpecified && File.Exists(sqliteDb)) { var message = string.Format("Database already exists: {0}", sqliteDb); logger.Error(message); return(-4); } if (Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey("TypeLib\\{50BAEECA-ED25-11D2-B97B-000000000000}") == null) { const string message = "Visual Fox Pro OLE DB driver not installed. Please go to and download and install the driver."; logger.Error(message); return(-5); } var dbOutputs = new List <IDatabaseOutput>(); if (sqliteSpecified) { SQLiteConnection.CreateFile(sqliteDb); var toConnection = new SQLiteConnection(string.Format("Data Source={0};Version=3;", sqliteDb)); var sqlBuilder = new SqlBuilder(v => string.Format("[{0}]", v), "DATETIME", "BLOB", "INTEGER", "BOOLEAN"); dbOutputs.Add(new DatabaseOutput(toConnection, sqlBuilder)); } if (mysqlSpecified) { //Server=ipaddr;uid=tmg;pwd=tmg;database=tmg var toConnection = new MySqlConnection(mysqlConnectionString); var sqlBuilder = new SqlBuilder(v => string.Format("`{0}`", v), "DATETIME", "BLOB", "INTEGER", "BOOLEAN"); dbOutputs.Add(new DatabaseOutput(toConnection, sqlBuilder)); } if (postgresSpecified) { //Server=ipaddr;uid=tmg;pwd=tmg;database=tmg var toConnection = new NpgsqlConnection(postgresConnectionString); var sqlBuilder = new SqlBuilder(v => string.Format("\"{0}\"", v), "timestamp", "bytea", "integer", "boolean"); dbOutputs.Add(new DatabaseOutput(toConnection, sqlBuilder)); } if (sqlserverSpecified) { var toConnection = new SqlConnection(sqlserverConnectionString); var sqlBuilder = new SqlBuilder(v => string.Format("[{0}]", v), "Datetime", "Varbinary(max)", "Int", "bit"); dbOutputs.Add(new DatabaseOutput(toConnection, sqlBuilder)); } if (dbOutputs.Count == 0 && !dumpJson && !dumpXml && !dumpCsv) { const string message = "Please specify a valid output format using -c, -j, -l, -m, -p, -s, or -x"; logger.Error(message); return(-6); } var allOutputs = new List <IOutput>(dbOutputs); if (dumpJson) { allOutputs.Add(new JsonOutput(dt => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dt, Formatting.Indented))); } if (dumpXml) { allOutputs.Add(new XmlOutput()); } if (dumpCsv) { allOutputs.Add(new CsvOutput()); } try { logger.Info("Started export"); var project = new TmgProject(projectFile); using (var fromConnection = new OleDbConnection(string.Format(FoxProConnectionStringFormat, Path.GetDirectoryName(projectFile)))) { fromConnection.Open(); var tables = project.GetTables(fromConnection, new DatabaseDataTableBuilder(fromConnection)).ToList(); foreach (var dbOutput in dbOutputs) { dbOutput.Open(); dbOutput.CreateSchema(tables); } foreach (var table in tables) { var data = table.GetData(); foreach (var output in allOutputs) { output.Output(table, data); } } } logger.Info("Finished export"); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } finally { foreach (var dbOutput in dbOutputs) { dbOutput.Close(); } } return(0); }
static int Main(string[] args) { var version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); string projectFile = null; string sqliteDb = null; var postgresSpecified = false; var sqliteSpecified = false; var mysqlSpecified = false; string mysqlConnectionString = null; string postgresConnectionString = null; var dumpJson = false; var dumpXml = false; var dumpCsv = false; var sqlserverSpecified = false; string sqlserverConnectionString = null; var parser = new FluentCommandLineParser(); parser.Setup<bool>('c', "csv") .Callback(val => dumpCsv = val) .WithDescription("Dump tables to csv"); parser.SetupHelp("h", "help", "?") .Callback(text => Console.WriteLine(text)) .WithCustomFormatter(new HelpFormatter(version)) .WithHeader("TmgExporter") .UseForEmptyArgs(); parser.Setup<string>('t', "tmg") .Callback(val => projectFile = val) .WithDescription("TMG project file to read data from (*.pjc)") .Required(); parser.Setup<bool>('j', "json") .Callback(val => dumpJson = val) .WithDescription("Dump tables to json"); parser.Setup<string>('l', "sqlite") .Callback(val => { sqliteDb = val; sqliteSpecified = true; }) .WithDescription("SQLite database file to be created (*.sqlite3)"); parser.Setup<string>('m', "mysql") .Callback(val => { mysqlConnectionString = val; mysqlSpecified = true; }) .WithDescription("MySQL/MariaDB database connection string"); parser.Setup<string>('p', "postgres") .Callback(val => { postgresConnectionString = val; postgresSpecified = true; }) .WithDescription("PostgreSQL database connection string"); parser.Setup<string>('s', "sqlserver") .Callback(val => { sqlserverConnectionString = val; sqlserverSpecified = true; }) .WithDescription("Sql Server database connection string"); parser.Setup<bool>('x', "xml") .Callback(val => dumpXml = val) .WithDescription("Dump tables to xml"); var result = parser.Parse(args); if (result.HelpCalled) { return 0; } if (result.HasErrors) { Console.Error.WriteLine(result.ErrorText); return -1; } var logger = LogManager.GetLogger("Program"); if (!File.Exists(projectFile)) { var message = string.Format("Project file not found: {0}", projectFile); logger.Error(message); return -2; } if (!".pjc".Equals(Path.GetExtension(projectFile), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var message = string.Format("Please specify a valid project file: {0}", projectFile); logger.Error(message); return -3; } if (sqliteSpecified && File.Exists(sqliteDb)) { var message = string.Format("Database already exists: {0}", sqliteDb); logger.Error(message); return -4; } if (Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey("TypeLib\\{50BAEECA-ED25-11D2-B97B-000000000000}") == null) { const string message = "Visual Fox Pro OLE DB driver not installed. Please go to and download and install the driver."; logger.Error(message); return -5; } var dbOutputs = new List<IDatabaseOutput>(); if (sqliteSpecified) { SQLiteConnection.CreateFile(sqliteDb); var toConnection = new SQLiteConnection(string.Format("Data Source={0};Version=3;", sqliteDb)); var sqlBuilder = new SqlBuilder(v => string.Format("[{0}]", v), "DATETIME", "BLOB", "INTEGER", "BOOLEAN"); dbOutputs.Add(new DatabaseOutput(toConnection, sqlBuilder)); } if (mysqlSpecified) { //Server=ipaddr;uid=tmg;pwd=tmg;database=tmg var toConnection = new MySqlConnection(mysqlConnectionString); var sqlBuilder = new SqlBuilder(v => string.Format("`{0}`", v), "DATETIME", "BLOB", "INTEGER", "BOOLEAN"); dbOutputs.Add(new DatabaseOutput(toConnection, sqlBuilder)); } if (postgresSpecified) { //Server=ipaddr;uid=tmg;pwd=tmg;database=tmg var toConnection = new NpgsqlConnection(postgresConnectionString); var sqlBuilder = new SqlBuilder(v => string.Format("\"{0}\"", v), "timestamp", "bytea", "integer", "boolean"); dbOutputs.Add(new DatabaseOutput(toConnection, sqlBuilder)); } if (sqlserverSpecified) { var toConnection = new SqlConnection(sqlserverConnectionString); var sqlBuilder = new SqlBuilder(v => string.Format("[{0}]", v), "Datetime", "Varbinary(max)", "Int", "bit"); dbOutputs.Add(new DatabaseOutput(toConnection, sqlBuilder)); } if (dbOutputs.Count == 0 && !dumpJson && !dumpXml && !dumpCsv) { const string message = "Please specify a valid output format using -c, -j, -l, -m, -p, -s, or -x"; logger.Error(message); return -6; } var allOutputs = new List<IOutput>(dbOutputs); if (dumpJson) { allOutputs.Add(new JsonOutput(dt => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dt, Formatting.Indented))); } if (dumpXml) { allOutputs.Add(new XmlOutput()); } if (dumpCsv) { allOutputs.Add(new CsvOutput()); } try { logger.Info("Started export"); var project = new TmgProject(projectFile); using (var fromConnection = new OleDbConnection(string.Format(FoxProConnectionStringFormat, Path.GetDirectoryName(projectFile)))) { fromConnection.Open(); var tables = project.GetTables(fromConnection, new DatabaseDataTableBuilder(fromConnection)).ToList(); foreach (var dbOutput in dbOutputs) { dbOutput.Open(); dbOutput.CreateSchema(tables); } foreach (var table in tables) { var data = table.GetData(); foreach (var output in allOutputs) { output.Output(table, data); } } } logger.Info("Finished export"); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } finally { foreach (var dbOutput in dbOutputs) { dbOutput.Close(); } } return 0; }