         * Builds out the rows of the Home Page table from the UI into a List of row objects.
        public IList <HomePageRow> BuildRows()
            List <string> columns = new List <string>(new string[] { "LoadId", "Carrier", "CarrierRank",
                                                                     "Cogs", "Status", "OriginCity", "OriginState", "DestinationCity", "DestinationState", "PUDate" });
            List <string> xpath_params = new List <string>(new string[] { "loadId", "carrier", "currentCarrierRank", "coGs",
                                                                          "status", "startOriginCity", "startOriginState", "endDestinationCity", "endDestinationState", "pickUpDate" });

            IList <IWebElement> rows         = driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//app-load-details-grid//mat-table//mat-row[@role='row']"));
            IList <HomePageRow> rowsToReturn = new List <HomePageRow>();
            HomePageRow         homePageRow;

            foreach (IWebElement row in rows)
                homePageRow = new HomePageRow();
                foreach (string column in columns)
                    string columnValue = row.FindElements(
                        By.XPath("//app-load-details-grid//mat-table//mat-row//mat-cell[@role='gridcell' and starts-with(@id,'" + xpath_params[columns.IndexOf(column)] + "')]"))[rows.IndexOf(row)].GetAttribute("title");
                    SetRowField(homePageRow, column, columnValue);
                    //if (columns.IndexOf(column) / (columns.Count - 1) == 1)
                    //    break;
        private void SetRowField(HomePageRow row, string property, string value)
            Type type = row.GetType();

            foreach (PropertyInfo info in type.GetProperties())
                if (info.Name == property && info.CanWrite)
                    info.SetValue(row, value, null);