Exemple #1
 public ListItem(string text, int index)
     Text        = text;
     Index       = index;
     TouchEvent += OnTouchEvent;
     Size2D      = new Tizen.NUI.Size2D(720, 100);
Exemple #2
        public static PixelBuffer LoadImageFromFile(Uri uri, Size2D size, FittingModeType fittingMode, SamplingModeType samplingMode, bool orientationCorrection)
            if (null == size)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(size));
            if (uri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(uri));

            PixelBuffer ret;

            using (var uSize = new Uint16Pair((uint)size.Width, (uint)size.Height))
                ret = new PixelBuffer(Interop.ImageLoading.LoadImageFromFile(uri.AbsoluteUri, Uint16Pair.getCPtr(uSize), (int)fittingMode, (int)samplingMode, orientationCorrection), true);
            if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
        // Starts of the actual measuring and layouting from the given root node.
        // Can be called from multiple starting roots but in series.
        void MeasureAndLayout(View root)
            if (root !=null)
                // Get parent MeasureSpecification, this could be the Window or View with an exact size.
                Container parentNode = root.GetParent();
                Size2D rootSize;
                Position2D rootPosition = root.Position2D;
                View parentView = parentNode as View;
                if (parentView)
                    // Get parent View's Size.  If using Legacy size negotiation then should have been set already.
                    rootSize = new Size2D(parentView.Size2D.Width, parentView.Size2D.Height);
                    // Parent not a View so assume it's a Layer which is the size of the window.
                    rootSize = new Size2D(_window.Size.Width, _window.Size.Height);

                // Determine measure specification for root.
                // The root layout policy could be an exact size, be match parent or wrap children.
                // If wrap children then at most it can be the root parent size.
                // If match parent then should be root parent size.
                // If exact then should be that size limited by the root parent size.

                LayoutLength width = new LayoutLength(rootSize.Width);
                LayoutLength height = new LayoutLength(rootSize.Height);
                MeasureSpecification.ModeType widthMode = MeasureSpecification.ModeType.AtMost;
                MeasureSpecification.ModeType heightMode = MeasureSpecification.ModeType.AtMost;

                if (root.WidthSpecification >= 0 )
                    // exact size provided so match width exactly
                    width = new LayoutLength(root.WidthSpecification);
                    widthMode = MeasureSpecification.ModeType.Exactly;
                else if (root.WidthSpecification == LayoutParamPolicies.MatchParent)
                    widthMode = MeasureSpecification.ModeType.Exactly;

                if (root.HeightSpecification >= 0 )
                    // exact size provided so match height exactly
                    height = new LayoutLength(root.HeightSpecification);
                    heightMode = MeasureSpecification.ModeType.Exactly;
                else if (root.HeightSpecification == LayoutParamPolicies.MatchParent)
                    heightMode = MeasureSpecification.ModeType.Exactly;

                MeasureSpecification parentWidthSpecification =
                    new MeasureSpecification( width, widthMode);

                MeasureSpecification parentHeightSpecification =
                    new MeasureSpecification( height, heightMode);

                // Start at root with it's parent's widthSpecification and heightSpecification
                MeasureHierarchy(root, parentWidthSpecification, parentHeightSpecification);

                // Start at root which was just measured.
                PerformLayout( root, new LayoutLength(rootPosition.X),
                                     new LayoutLength(rootPosition.Y),
                                     new LayoutLength(rootPosition.X) + root.Layout.MeasuredWidth.Size,
                                     new LayoutLength(rootPosition.Y) + root.Layout.MeasuredHeight.Size );
Exemple #4
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(Size2D obj)
     return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.SwigCPtr);
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// The constructor with stylesheet, window mode, window size and window position.
 /// </summary>
 public NUICoreBackend(string stylesheet, NUIApplication.WindowMode windowMode, Size2D windowSize, Position2D windowPosition)
     this.stylesheet = stylesheet;
     this.windowMode = windowMode;
     if (windowSize != null && windowPosition != null)
         this.windowRectangle = new Rectangle(windowPosition.X, windowPosition.Y, windowSize.Width, windowSize.Height);
Exemple #6
 public NUIApplication(Size2D windowSize, Position2D windowPosition) : base(new NUICoreBackend("", NUIApplication.WindowMode.Opaque, windowSize, windowPosition))
 public NUIApplication(Size2D windowSize, Position2D windowPosition) : base(new NUICoreBackend("", NUIApplication.WindowMode.Opaque, windowSize, windowPosition))
 public NUIApplication(Graphics.BackendType backend, WindowMode windowMode = WindowMode.Opaque, Size2D windowSize = null, Position2D windowPosition = null, string styleSheet = "") : base(new NUICoreBackend(styleSheet, windowMode, windowSize, windowPosition))
     //windowMode and styleSheet will be added later. currently it's not working as expected.
     Graphics.Backend = backend;
     Tizen.Log.Error("NUI", "Plaese DO NOT set graphical backend type with this constructor! This will give no effect!");
 private global::System.IntPtr DirectorGetNaturalSize()
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a Size2D property value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vectorValue">Size2D values.</param>
 /// <since_tizen> 3 </since_tizen>
 public PropertyValue(Size2D vectorValue) : this(Interop.PropertyValue.NewPropertyValueVector2(Size2D.getCPtr(vectorValue)), true)
     if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Exemple #11
 public NUIApplication(string styleSheet, WindowMode windowMode, Size2D windowSize, Position2D windowPosition, WindowType type) : base(new NUICoreBackend(styleSheet, windowMode, windowSize, windowPosition, type))
 /// <summary>
 /// Internal constructor with Graphics Backend Type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="backend"></param>
 /// <param name="windowMode"></param>
 /// <param name="windowSize"></param>
 /// <param name="windowPosition"></param>
 /// <param name="styleSheet"></param>
 internal NUIApplication(Graphics.BackendType backend, WindowMode windowMode = WindowMode.Opaque, Size2D windowSize = null, Position2D windowPosition = null, string styleSheet = "") : base(new NUICoreBackend(styleSheet, windowMode))
     //windowMode and styleSheet will be added later. currenlty it's not working as expected.
     Graphics.Backend = backend;
     if (windowSize != null)
         _windowSize2D = windowSize;
     if (windowPosition != null)
         _windowPosition2D = windowPosition;
     Registry.Instance.SavedApplicationThread = Thread.CurrentThread;
Exemple #13
        // Called when the window size has changed.
        private void OnBorderWindowResized(object sender, Window.ResizedEventArgs e)
            Tizen.Log.Info("NUI", $"OnBorderWindowResized {e.WindowSize.Width},{e.WindowSize.Height}\n");
            int resizeWidth  = e.WindowSize.Width;
            int resizeHeight = e.WindowSize.Height;

            if (borderInterface.MinSize != null)
                resizeWidth  = borderInterface.MinSize.Width > resizeWidth ? (int)borderInterface.MinSize.Width : resizeWidth;
                resizeHeight = borderInterface.MinSize.Height > resizeHeight ? (int)borderInterface.MinSize.Height : resizeHeight;

            if (borderInterface.MaxSize != null)
                resizeWidth  = borderInterface.MaxSize.Width < resizeWidth ? (int)borderInterface.MaxSize.Width : resizeWidth;
                resizeHeight = borderInterface.MaxSize.Height < resizeHeight ? (int)borderInterface.MaxSize.Height : resizeHeight;

            if (resizeWidth != e.WindowSize.Width || resizeHeight != e.WindowSize.Height)
                WindowSize = new Size2D(resizeWidth, resizeHeight);

            borderInterface.OnResized(resizeWidth, resizeHeight);

            // reset borderHeight
            borderHeight = 0;
            if (isTop)
                borderHeight += topView.SizeHeight;
            if (isBottom)
                borderHeight += bottomView.SizeHeight;

            if (borderInterface.OverlayMode == true && IsMaximized() == true)
                Interop.ActorInternal.SetSize(GetBorderWindowRootLayer().SwigCPtr, resizeWidth, resizeHeight);
                Interop.ActorInternal.SetSize(GetBorderWindowBottomLayer().SwigCPtr, resizeWidth, resizeHeight);
                Interop.ActorInternal.SetPosition(GetBorderWindowRootLayer().SwigCPtr, 0, 0);
                if (contentsView != null)
                    contentsView.SizeHeight = resizeHeight - borderHeight - borderInterface.BorderLineThickness * 2;
                float height = (isTop == true) ? topView.SizeHeight : 0;
                Interop.ActorInternal.SetSize(GetBorderWindowRootLayer().SwigCPtr, resizeWidth, resizeHeight);
                Interop.ActorInternal.SetSize(GetBorderWindowBottomLayer().SwigCPtr, resizeWidth + borderInterface.BorderLineThickness * 2, resizeHeight + borderHeight + borderInterface.BorderLineThickness * 2);
                Interop.ActorInternal.SetPosition(GetBorderWindowRootLayer().SwigCPtr, 0, height + borderInterface.BorderLineThickness);
                if (contentsView != null)
                    contentsView.SizeHeight = resizeHeight;

            if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Enable the border window with IBorderInterface.
        /// This adds a border area to the Window.
        /// The border's UI is configured using IBorderInterface.
        /// Users can reisze and move by touching the border area.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="borderInterface">The IBorderInterface.</param>
        /// <param name="borderCloseDelegate">The BorderCloseDelegate. When close, this delegate is called.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the border window is enabled</returns>
        internal bool EnableBorder(IBorderInterface borderInterface, BorderCloseDelegate borderCloseDelegate = null)
            if (isBorderWindow == true)
                Tizen.Log.Error("NUI", $"Already EnableBorderWindow\n");

                Information.TryGetValue <int>("http://tizen.org/feature/screen.width", out screenWidth);
                Information.TryGetValue <int>("http://tizen.org/feature/screen.height", out screenHeight);
            catch (DllNotFoundException e)
                Tizen.Log.Fatal("NUI", $"{e}\n");

            if (borderInterface == null)
                borderInterface = new DefaultBorder();
            this.borderInterface     = borderInterface;
            this.borderCloseDelegate = borderCloseDelegate;

            GetDefaultLayer().Name = "OriginalRootLayer";

            BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent;
            borderInterface.BorderWindow = this;

            if (CreateBorder() == true)
                using var realWindowSize = new Size2D(WindowSize.Width, WindowSize.Height);

                isBorderWindow = true;

                Resized += OnBorderWindowResized;


                // Increase the window size as much as the border area.
                borderHeight = 0;
                if (isTop)
                    borderHeight += topView.SizeHeight;
                if (isBottom)
                    borderHeight += bottomView.SizeHeight;

                // When running the app for the first time, if it runs in full size, do Maximize(true).
                if (screenWidth != 0 && screenHeight != 0 &&
                    realWindowSize.Width >= screenWidth && realWindowSize.Height >= screenHeight &&
                    IsMaximized() == false)
                    ResizedEventArgs e = new ResizedEventArgs();
                    e.WindowSize = WindowSize;
                    OnBorderWindowResized(this, e);
                    WindowSize += new Size2D((int)borderInterface.BorderLineThickness * 2, (int)(borderHeight + borderInterface.BorderLineThickness * 2));

                // If it is BorderResizePolicyType.KeepRatio type, it will be resized according to the ratio.
                if (borderInterface.ResizePolicy == BorderResizePolicyType.KeepRatio)
                    AddAuxiliaryHint("wm.policy.win.resize_aspect_ratio", "1");

                // Add a view to the border layer.

                InterceptTouchEvent += (s, e) =>
                    if (e.Touch.GetState(0) == PointStateType.Down && IsMaximized() == false)

Exemple #15
 public NUIApplication(string styleSheet, Size2D windowSize, Position2D windowPosition, IBorderInterface borderInterface, WindowMode windowMode = WindowMode.Opaque) : base(new NUICoreBackend(styleSheet, windowMode, windowSize, windowPosition))
     borderEnabled        = true;
     this.borderInterface = borderInterface;
Exemple #16
        public NUIApplication(Graphics.BackendType backend, WindowMode windowMode = WindowMode.Opaque, Size2D windowSize = null, Position2D windowPosition = null, string styleSheet = "") : base(new NUICoreBackend(styleSheet, windowMode))
            //windowMode and styleSheet will be added later. currenlty it's not working as expected.
            Graphics.Backend = backend;
            Tizen.Log.Error("NUI", "Plaese DO NOT set graphical backend type with this constructor! This will give no effect!");

            if (windowSize != null)
                _windowSize2D = windowSize;
            if (windowPosition != null)
                _windowPosition2D = windowPosition;
            Registry.Instance.SavedApplicationThread = Thread.CurrentThread;
Exemple #17
 public NUIApplication(string styleSheet, Size2D windowSize, Position2D windowPosition) : base(new NUICoreBackend(styleSheet))
     Registry.Instance.SavedApplicationThread = Thread.CurrentThread;
     _windowSize2D     = windowSize;
     _windowPosition2D = windowPosition;
Exemple #18
 /// <summary>
 /// The constructor with stylesheet, window mode, window size and window position.
 /// </summary>
 public NUICoreBackend(string stylesheet, NUIApplication.WindowMode windowMode, Size2D windowSize, Position2D windowPosition)
     _stylesheet     = stylesheet;
     _windowMode     = windowMode;
     _windowSize     = windowSize;
     _windowPosition = windowPosition;
 public NUIApplication(Size2D windowSize, Position2D windowPosition, ThemeOptions option) : base(new NUICoreBackend("", NUIApplication.WindowMode.Opaque, windowSize, windowPosition))
Exemple #20
        private Size2D Multiply(Size2D rhs)
            Size2D ret = new Size2D(Interop.Vector2.Vector2_Multiply__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, Size2D.getCPtr(rhs)), true);

            if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
 public NUIApplication(string styleSheet, Size2D windowSize, Position2D windowPosition) : base(new NUICoreBackend(styleSheet, WindowMode.Opaque, windowSize, windowPosition))
 public NUIApplication(Size2D windowSize, Position2D windowPosition) : base(new NUICoreBackend("", WindowMode.Opaque, windowSize, windowPosition))
     Registry.Instance.SavedApplicationThread = Thread.CurrentThread;
     _windowSize2D     = windowSize;
     _windowPosition2D = windowPosition;