public void FirstAfter(DateTime timestamp)
            using (NpgsqlConnection conn = Connection ()) {
                conn.Open ();

                Console.WriteLine ("time i'm shooting for: " + timestamp.ToString ());

                string timestampStr = timestamp.ToString (dbTimeFormat);
                bool forward = true;
                bool back = false;

                Screenshot screenshot = GetNextPrevNote (conn, timestampStr, forward, timeCheckTypeFilters);

                if (screenshot == null) {
                    Console.WriteLine ("time i'm shooting for: -> note is null");
                    screenshot = GetNextPrevNote (conn, timestampStr, back, timeCheckTypeFilters);
                } else {
                    Console.WriteLine ("time i'm shooting for: -> note not null");

                if (screenshot != null) {
                    currentScreenshot = screenshot;
                    setNoteDataFileIfAvailible (conn, currentScreenshot);
                    sendTimeToTimeblockAdder (currentScreenshot);
                } else {
                    Console.WriteLine ("time i'm shooting for: -> note null again");

                conn.Close ();
 private void setNoteDataFileIfAvailible(NpgsqlConnection conn, Screenshot note)
     ScreenshotData screenshotData = GetNoteDatafile (conn, currentScreenshot.NoteId);
     if (screenshotData != null) {
         if (screenshotData.DataType == "jpeg") {
             nvv.setImage (screenshotData.Filename);
         } else {
             nvv.setImage ("");
     } else {
         nvv.setImage ("");
 private void sendTimeToTimeblockAdder(Screenshot note)
     DateTime dt;
     bool okay = DateTime.TryParse (note.DateTime, out dt);
     tpm.recvNoteTime (dt);
        private void JumpToNote(string timestamp, bool forward, LinkedList<string> tcFilters)
            using (NpgsqlConnection conn = Connection ()) {
                conn.Open ();

                Screenshot newScreenshot = GetNextPrevNote (conn, timestamp, forward, tcFilters);

                if (newScreenshot != null) {
                    currentScreenshot = newScreenshot;

                    setNoteDataFileIfAvailible (conn, currentScreenshot);
                    sendTimeToTimeblockAdder (currentScreenshot);
                } else {
                    // TODO message "no more notes"
                conn.Close ();
        private Screenshot GetNextPrevNote(NpgsqlConnection conn, string beforeOrAfterTime, bool forward, LinkedList<string> tcFilters)
            string timeCheckFiltersSqlExpr = this.timeCheckFiltersSqlExpr (tcFilters);

            Screenshot note = null;
            string forwardOrBack;
            string maxOrMin;
            if (forward) {
                forwardOrBack = " > ";
                maxOrMin = "min";
            } else {
                forwardOrBack = " < ";
                maxOrMin = "max";

            String query = "with" + " next_tc_timestamp as" + "  (select " + maxOrMin + "(time_check_timestamp) as time_check_timestamp " + "   from time_checks " + "   where time_check_timestamp " + forwardOrBack + " CAST(:dt as timestamp without time zone) " + "   and time_check_id not in (select time_check_id from time_block_time_checks) and " + timeCheckFiltersSqlExpr + " )," + " next_tc_id as" + "  (select min(time_check_id) as time_check_id from time_checks natural join next_tc_timestamp)" + "select time_check_id,CAST(time_check_timestamp as text),time_check_text from time_checks natural join next_tc_id";

            using (NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand (query, conn)) {
                command.Parameters.Add (new NpgsqlParameter ("dt", NpgsqlDbType.Text));

                command.Prepare ();

                // Now, add a value to it and later execute the command as usual.
                command.Parameters[0].Value = beforeOrAfterTime;

                using (NpgsqlDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                    if (dr.Read ()) {
                        note = new Screenshot ();
                        note.NoteId = (Int64)dr[0];
                        note.DateTime = (string)dr[1];
            return note;
        private Screenshot GetFirstBeforeOrAfter(NpgsqlConnection conn, DateTime timestamp, LinkedList<string> tcFilters, bool forward)
            string forwardOrBackOp;
            string agg;
            if (forward) {
                agg = "min";
                forwardOrBackOp = " > ";
            } else {
                agg = "max";
                Console.WriteLine ("time i'm shooting for: -> note not null");
                forwardOrBackOp = " < ";

            Screenshot note = null;

            string timeCheckFiltersSqlExpr = this.timeCheckFiltersSqlExpr (tcFilters);

            String query = "" + "with" + " next_timestamp(time_check_timestamp) as" + "  (select min(time_check_timestamp) as time_check_timestamp " + "    from " + "     time_checks " + "    where " + "      time_check_timestamp " + forwardOrBackOp + " CAST(:time as timestamp without time zone) and " + "      time_check_id not in (select time_check_id from time_block_time_checks) and " + timeCheckFiltersSqlExpr + "  )," + " next_tc_id(time_check_id) as" + "   (select " + agg + " (time_check_id) as time_check_id from time_checks natural join next_timestamp) " + "select time_check_id,CAST(time_check_timestamp as text),time_check_text " + "from time_checks natural join next_tc_id;";

            using (NpgsqlCommand command = new NpgsqlCommand (query, conn)) {
                command.Parameters.Add (new NpgsqlParameter ("time", NpgsqlDbType.Text));

                command.Prepare ();

                // Now, add a value to it and later execute the command as usual.
                command.Parameters[0].Value = timestamp;

                using (NpgsqlDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                    if (dr.Read ()) {
                        note = new Screenshot ();
                        note.NoteId = (Int64)dr[0];
                        note.DateTime = (string)dr[1];
            return note;