Exemple #1
        public TiledTile(int tileID,
                         Vector2 positionOnImage,
                         int tileWidth,
                         int tileHeight,
                         TiledSet tileSet,
                         string type        = "",
                         bool isAnimated    = false,
                         bool loopAnimation = true,
                         List <FrameData> animationFrames = null)
            TileID          = tileID;
            SourceImage     = tileSet.Texture;
            PositionOnImage = positionOnImage;
            TileWidth       = tileWidth;
            TileHeight      = tileHeight;
            TiledSet        = tileSet;
            Type            = type;
            IsAnimated      = isAnimated;
            LoopAnimation   = loopAnimation;
            AnimationFrames = animationFrames;

            if (GetTileList == null)
                GetTileList = new List <TiledTile>();

Exemple #2
        public static (TiledSet, uint) GetTileSetAndFirstGIDFromID(int id)
            foreach (var set in CurrentMap.TiledSets)
                if (id >= set.Key)
                    TiledSet tileSet = (TiledSet)TileSets[set.Value];
                    if (id < set.Key + tileSet.TileCount)
                        return(tileSet, set.Key);

            return(null, 0);
Exemple #3
        public TiledTile(int tileId,
                         int xPositionOnImage,
                         int yPositionOnImage,
                         int tileWidth,
                         int tileHeight,
                         TiledSet tileSet,
                         string type        = "",
                         bool isAnimated    = false,
                         bool loopAnimation = true,
                         List <FrameData> animationFrames = null)

            : this(tileId,
                   new Vector2((float)xPositionOnImage, (float)yPositionOnImage),
Exemple #4
        } = new Point(0, 0);                                                            // In Tiles

        #region Methods
        private static void LoadTileSets(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice)
            // Find all tile set file names.
            string searchPattern = "*.tsx";
            var    fileNames     = Directory.EnumerateFiles(MapDirectory, searchPattern, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Select(Path.GetFileName);

            tileSetFiles = new List <string>(fileNames);
            TileSets     = new OrderedDictionary();

            // Load the tilesets
            foreach (var fileName in tileSetFiles)
                if (File.Exists(MapDirectory + fileName))
                    // Read in the data
                    XElement xElement = ReadFileIntoXElement(fileName);

                    string name        = XMLHelperFuncs.GetStringFromAttribute(xElement, "name");
                    int    tileWidth   = XMLHelperFuncs.GetIntFromAttribute(xElement, "tilewidth");
                    int    tileHeight  = XMLHelperFuncs.GetIntFromAttribute(xElement, "tileheight");
                    int    tileCount   = XMLHelperFuncs.GetIntFromAttribute(xElement, "tilecount");
                    int    columns     = XMLHelperFuncs.GetIntFromAttribute(xElement, "columns");
                    string sourceImage = XMLHelperFuncs.GetStringFromAttribute(xElement.Element("image"), "source");

                    // Create the Tile Set
                    TiledSet tileSet = new TiledSet(name, fileName, sourceImage, MapDirectory, graphicsDevice, tileWidth, tileHeight, tileCount, columns);
                    TileSets.Add(fileName, tileSet);

                    // Add tiles
                    for (int currentID = 0; currentID < tileCount; currentID++)
                        // Calc the position based on id
                        Vector2 position = new Vector2();
                        position.X = (currentID % columns) * tileWidth;
                        position.Y = (currentID / columns) * tileHeight;

                        string           type       = "";
                        bool             isAnimated = false;
                        List <FrameData> frameData  = new List <FrameData>();

                        foreach (var element in xElement.Elements())
                            // Search for data specific to the tile
                            if (element.Name == "tile")
                                int attributeID = XMLHelperFuncs.GetIntFromAttribute(element, "id");
                                if (attributeID == currentID)
                                    // See if it has a type element
                                    if (XMLHelperFuncs.DoesAttributeExist(element, "type"))
                                        type = element.Attribute("type").Value;

                                    // See if it has animation data
                                    if (XMLHelperFuncs.DoesElementExist(element, "animation"))
                                        isAnimated = true;
                                        foreach (var frameElement in element.Element("animation").Elements())
                                            // Check to be sure each element is a frame
                                            if (frameElement.Name == "frame")
                                                int   frameId        = XMLHelperFuncs.GetIntFromAttribute(frameElement, "tileid");
                                                float frameDurration = XMLHelperFuncs.GetFloatFromAttribute(frameElement, "duration");

                                                frameData.Add(new FrameData(frameId, frameDurration));

                        TiledTile tempTile = new TiledTile(currentID, position, tileWidth, tileHeight, tileSet, type, isAnimated, true, frameData);

                    // Todo: log to file an error
Exemple #5
        private static void DrawTileLayer(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, float z, Layer layer)
            List <uint> firstGlobalIDs = CurrentMap.TiledSets.Keys.ToList <uint>();
            TileLayer   tileLayer      = layer as TileLayer;

            foreach (var chunk in tileLayer.MapChunks)
                for (int tileY = 0; tileY < chunk.Height; tileY++)
                    for (int tileX = 0; tileX < chunk.Width; tileX++)
                        uint GlobalID = chunk.Data[tileY, tileX];

                        if (GlobalID != 0)
                            int worldX = (tileX * CurrentMap.TileWidth) + (int)tileLayer.HorizontalOffset + (int)(chunk.Position.X * CurrentMap.TileWidth);
                            int worldY = (tileY * CurrentMap.TileHeight) + (int)tileLayer.VerticalOffset + (int)(chunk.Position.Y * CurrentMap.TileHeight);

                            Rectangle worldRect  = new Rectangle(worldX, worldY, CurrentMap.TileWidth, CurrentMap.TileHeight);
                            Rectangle screenRect = Camera.WorldToScreen(worldRect);

                            //Wrap the screen.
                            // the before and after changes to the position are done for smoothing purposes.
                            screenRect.X += CurrentMap.TileWidth;
                            screenRect.Y += CurrentMap.TileHeight;
                            screenRect.X  = MyMath.Mod(screenRect.X, Camera.WorldRectangle.Width);
                            screenRect.Y  = MyMath.Mod(screenRect.Y, Camera.WorldRectangle.Height);
                            screenRect.X -= CurrentMap.TileWidth;
                            screenRect.Y -= CurrentMap.TileHeight;

                            //Check bounds
                            if (screenRect.X + screenRect.Width > 0 &&
                                screenRect.X < Camera.ViewPortWidth &&
                                screenRect.Y + screenRect.Height > 0 &&
                                screenRect.Y < Camera.ViewPortHeight)
                                int           tilesetIndex = TiledHelperMethods.GetTileSetIndex(GlobalID, firstGlobalIDs);
                                int           localID      = TiledHelperMethods.ConvertGIDToID(GlobalID, firstGlobalIDs);
                                bool          hFlip        = TiledHelperMethods.isGIDHorizontallyFlipped(GlobalID);
                                bool          vFlip        = TiledHelperMethods.isGIDVerticallyFlipped(GlobalID);
                                bool          dFlip        = TiledHelperMethods.isGIDDiagonallyFlipped(GlobalID);
                                float         rotation     = 0.0f;
                                TiledSet      tiledSet     = (TiledSet)MapManager.TileSets[tilesetIndex];
                                Vector2       origin       = new Vector2(tiledSet.TileWidth / 2, tiledSet.TileHeight / 2);
                                SpriteEffects effects      = SpriteEffects.None;
                                Rectangle     sourceRect   = new Rectangle();

                                // Do we draw the default tile or it's animation tiles
                                if (tiledSet.Tiles[localID].IsAnimated)
                                    int currentAnimationTileIndex = tiledSet.Tiles[localID].CurrentFrameID;
                                    sourceRect = tiledSet.Tiles[currentAnimationTileIndex].Rectangle();
                                    sourceRect = tiledSet.Tiles[localID].Rectangle();

                                //Account for the new sprite origins
                                screenRect.X += (int)(origin.X);
                                screenRect.Y += (int)(origin.Y);

                                //Rotate and flip our sprites
                                effects  = CalculateEffects(hFlip, vFlip, dFlip);
                                rotation = CalculateRotation(hFlip, vFlip, dFlip);
