Exemple #1
 // looks through all cellLines to see if any are completely filled, and returns the line if so, null otherwise
 public static CellButton[] GetWinningLine()
     foreach (var line in cellLines)
         LineStatus lineStatus = GetLineStatus(line);
         if (lineStatus.CellsTaken == TileTacToe.BOARD_SIZE)
             return(line); // all cells in the line were taken, this must be the winning one
     return(null); // no winning line was found
Exemple #2
        // this function takes a line and returns a LineStatus (IsWinnable, Owner, CellsTaken) to describe its state
        private static LineStatus GetLineStatus(CellButton[] line)
            LineStatus status = new LineStatus();

            for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++)
                if (status.Owner == 0 && line[i].Owner > 0)      // if this is the first unowned cell,
                    status.Owner = line[i].Owner;                // save owner in status
                    status.CellsTaken++;                         // and increment count of cells taken
                else if (status.Owner > 0 && line[i].Owner != 0) // if line already has an owned cell and this cell is also owned
                    if (line[i].Owner != status.Owner)           // if this cell's owner is different than line's existing owner,
                        status.IsWinnable = false;               // then this line is unwinnable
                        return(status);                          // don't care about the rest, return status immediately
                    status.CellsTaken++;                         // add one to cells taken

Exemple #3
        // this returns a numerical weight or value for a line of cells, to choose which line for the computer to play
        // it assumes TileTacToe.CurrentTurn is the current player and any other players are opponents
        private static int GetLineWeight(CellButton[] line)
            int majorWeight = 0; // this is how important it is to place a cell on the line
            int minorWeight = 0; // adjusted by how important the line is strategically (the total weight of cells in the line)

            LineStatus status = GetLineStatus(line);

            bool isOpponents = (status.Owner != TileTacToe.CurrentTurn); // true if the line is occupied by an opponent

            if (status.IsWinnable)                                       // only care about lines that can win; unwinnable lines can remain 0 weight
                if (TileTacToe.Difficulty == 0)                          // easy difficulty
                    // in easy mode, line weights are a bit less intelligent

                    if (status.CellsTaken == 3 && !isOpponents) // if computer has three cells in a line, highest priority to win
                        majorWeight = 6;
                    else if (status.CellsTaken > 1) // otherwise randomly pick any line with more than one owned cell
                        majorWeight = 4;
                    else if (status.CellsTaken == 1) // otherwise pick any line with just one owned cell
                        majorWeight = 2;
                    else // empty lines take lowest priority in easy mode
                        majorWeight = 1;
                else // hard difficulty
                    // easy difficulty exists because I've not won a game with the following weights!

                    if (status.CellsTaken == 3 && !isOpponents) // if computer has three cells in a line, highest priority to win
                        majorWeight = 6;
                    else if (status.CellsTaken == 3) // if opponent has three cells in a line, block it
                        majorWeight = 5;
                    else if (status.CellsTaken == 2) // if either player has two cells in a line, equal weight
                        majorWeight = 4;
                    else if (status.CellsTaken == 1 && !isOpponents) // if computer has one cell in a line, claim it before following
                        majorWeight = 3;
                    else if (status.CellsTaken == 0) // if the line is empty
                        majorWeight = 2;
                    else // lastly, if the opponent has one cell in a line, can ignore it for now
                        majorWeight = 1;

                majorWeight *= 100; // multiply major weight by 100, minor weight will take up lower two digits

                // add up minorWeight which is the sum of the cell's weights to break ties when two lines have equal weight
                foreach (var cell in line)
                    minorWeight += cell.Weight;

            // a total weight is majorWeight + minorWeight
            return(majorWeight + minorWeight);