private void worldPanel_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Point offset = worldPanel.AutoScrollPosition; int x = (e.X - offset.X) / tileSize.Width; int y = (e.Y - offset.Y) / tileSize.Height; if (isPressed == true) { switch (CurrTool) { case 0: // Tile { if (x < mapSize.Width && y < mapSize.Height) { try { TileMap[x, y].sRect.X = selectedTile.X * tileSize.Width; TileMap[x, y].sRect.Y = selectedTile.Y * tileSize.Height; TileMap[x, y].sRect.Width = tileSize.Width; TileMap[x, y].sRect.Height = tileSize.Height; TileMap[x, y].X = x * tileSize.Width; TileMap[x, y].Y = y * tileSize.Height; } catch { } } } break; case 1: // Objects if (x < mapSize.Width && y < mapSize.Height) { Point test = new Point(x, y); bool taken = false; for (int i = 0; i < ListofObjects.Count; i++) { if (ListofObjects[i].Position == test) taken = true; // or break??? maybe return?? then we wouldnt need the "taken" bool or the following if check } if (!taken) { Object obj = new Object(objectID); obj.Position = new Point(x, y); obj.sRect.X = selectedObject.X * tileSize.Width; obj.sRect.Y = selectedObject.Y * tileSize.Height; obj.sRect.Width = tileSize.Width; obj.sRect.Height = tileSize.Height; for (int currObj = 0; currObj < ListofObjects.Count; currObj++) { if (ListofObjects[currObj].Type == objectID) obj.Name = ListofObjects[currObj].Name; } ListofObjects.Add(obj); Objects.Items.Add(names[objectID] + objectID); Objects.SelectedIndex = Objects.Items.Count - 1; } } break; case 2: // collision { if (collisionID != 2) { bool taken = false; for (int i = 0; i < collisionObjects.Count; i++) { if (collisionObjects[i].PtPostion == new Point(x, y)) taken = true; } if (!taken) { Collidable temp = new Collidable(); temp.PtPostion = new Point(x, y); temp.Id = collisionID; collisionObjects.Add(temp); temp.Index = collisionObjects.Count; if (temp.Id == 0) listBoxCollisionObjects.Items.Add("Collider" + temp.Index); else listBoxCollisionObjects.Items.Add("Trigger" + temp.Index); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < collisionObjects.Count; i++) { if (collisionObjects[i].PtPostion == new Point(x, y)) { collisionObjects.RemoveAt(i); listBoxCollisionObjects.Items.RemoveAt(i); } } } } break; case 3: { Point test = new Point(x, y); bool taken = false; for (int i = 0; i < navGraph.Count; i++) { if (navGraph[i].Position == test) taken = true; // or break??? maybe return?? then we wouldnt need the "taken" bool or the following if check } if (!taken) { Node temp = new Node(); temp.Position = new Point(x, y); temp.Index = navGraph.Count(); navGraph.Add(temp); PathNodes.Items.Add("Node " + temp.Index); PathNodes.SelectedIndex = navGraph.Count - 1; } } break; } } }
private void openToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog(); dlg.InitialDirectory = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); if (DialogResult.OK == dlg.ShowDialog()) { ListofObjects = new List<Object>(); navGraph = new List<Node>(); collisionObjects = new List<Collidable>(); PathNodes.Items.Clear(); Objects.Items.Clear(); listBoxCollisionObjects.Items.Clear(); numericMapCol.Value = 0; numericMapCol.Value = 0; numericMapRows.Value = 0; numericSheetWidth.Value = 0; XElement xRoot = XElement.Load(dlg.FileName); //XElement xLevel = xRoot.Element("Level"); XElement xWorldInfo = xRoot.Element("world_info"); XAttribute xTWidth = xWorldInfo.Attribute("width"); tileSize.Width = int.Parse(xTWidth.Value); XAttribute xTHeight = xWorldInfo.Attribute("height"); tileSize.Height = int.Parse(xTHeight.Value); XAttribute xWWidth = xWorldInfo.Attribute("worldWidth"); mapSize.Width = int.Parse(xWWidth.Value); XAttribute xWHeight = xWorldInfo.Attribute("worldHeight"); mapSize.Height = int.Parse(xWHeight.Value); XAttribute xTSWidth = xWorldInfo.Attribute("tileSheetWidth"); tSetSize.Width = int.Parse(xTSWidth.Value); XAttribute xTSHeight = xWorldInfo.Attribute("tileSheetHeight"); tSetSize.Height = int.Parse(xTSHeight.Value); filePath = xWorldInfo.Value; numericMapCol.Value = mapSize.Width; numericMapRows.Value = mapSize.Height; TileMap = new Tile[mapSize.Width, mapSize.Height]; for (int i = 0; i < mapSize.Width; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < mapSize.Height; ++j) { TileMap[i, j] = new Tile(); TileMap[i, j].X = 0; TileMap[i, j].Y = 0; TileMap[i, j].sRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, tileSize.Width, tileSize.Height); } } if (D3DTileId != -1) { m_TM.UnloadTexture(D3DTileId); D3DTileId = -1; } D3DTileId = m_TM.LoadTexture(filePath); XElement xPlayer = xRoot.Element("player_info"); if (xPlayer != null) { XAttribute xId = xPlayer.Attribute("id"); XAttribute xPosX = xPlayer.Attribute("posX"); XAttribute xPosY = xPlayer.Attribute("posY"); XAttribute xNumEvents = xPlayer.Attribute("numEvents"); XAttribute xNumWaypoints = xPlayer.Attribute("numWaypoints"); XAttribute xNumEnemies = xPlayer.Attribute("numEnemies"); XAttribute xState = xPlayer.Attribute("startState"); XAttribute xSRectLeft = xPlayer.Attribute("sRectleft"); XAttribute xSRectTop = xPlayer.Attribute("sRecttop"); XAttribute xSRectWidth = xPlayer.Attribute("sRectwidth"); XAttribute xSRectHeight = xPlayer.Attribute("sRectheight"); Object tObject = new Object(int.Parse(xId.Value)); tObject.Position = new Point(int.Parse(xPosX.Value), int.Parse(xPosY.Value)); tObject.NumEnemies = int.Parse(xNumEnemies.Value); tObject.sRect = new Rectangle(int.Parse(xSRectLeft.Value), int.Parse(xSRectTop.Value), int.Parse(xSRectWidth.Value), int.Parse(xSRectHeight.Value)); if (xState != null) { tObject.State = int.Parse(xState.Value); } string NameandEvents = xPlayer.Value; string[] info = NameandEvents.Split('/'); tObject.Name = info[0]; for (int i = 1; i < info.Length; i++) {[i]); } int numWaypoints = int.Parse(xNumWaypoints.Value); for (int currWP = 0; currWP < numWaypoints; currWP++) { string waypoint = "waypoint"; waypoint += currWP; XAttribute xWaypoint = xPlayer.Attribute(waypoint); tObject.waypoints.Add(int.Parse(xWaypoint.Value)); } ListofObjects.Add(tObject); Objects.Items.Add(tObject.Name + " " + tObject.Type); names[tObject.Type] = tObject.Name; } // D3DTileId = m_TM.LoadTexture(filePath); XElement xTileList = xRoot.Element("tile_list"); IEnumerable<XElement> xTiles = xTileList.Elements(); int count = 0; //int rowcount = 0; foreach (XElement xTile in xTiles) { Tile tTile = new Tile(); Rectangle sourceRect = new Rectangle(); XAttribute xSourceRectLeft = xTile.Attribute("rposx"); sourceRect.X = int.Parse(xSourceRectLeft.Value); XAttribute xSourceRectTop = xTile.Attribute("rposy"); sourceRect.Y = int.Parse(xSourceRectTop.Value); XAttribute xPositionX = xTile.Attribute("posX"); tTile.X = int.Parse(xPositionX.Value); XAttribute xPositionY = xTile.Attribute("posY"); tTile.Y = int.Parse(xPositionY.Value); sourceRect.Width = tileSize.Width; sourceRect.Height = tileSize.Height; tTile.sRect = sourceRect; //tTile.Y = (count / mapSize.Width) * tileSize.Width; //tTile.X = count % mapSize.Height * tileSize.Height; TileMap[tTile.X / tileSize.Width, tTile.Y / tileSize.Width] = tTile; //TileMap[(count / mapSize.Width) * tileSize.Width, (count % mapSize.Width) * tileSize.Height] = tTile; count++; } XElement xCollsionList = xRoot.Element("collsion_list"); if (xCollsionList != null) { IEnumerable<XElement> xColliders = xCollsionList.Elements(); foreach (XElement xCollider in xColliders) { Collidable tCollider = new Collidable(); XAttribute xPosX = xCollider.Attribute("posX"); XAttribute xPosY = xCollider.Attribute("posY"); XAttribute xType = xCollider.Attribute("type"); XAttribute xIndex = xCollider.Attribute("index"); string eventTrigger = xCollider.Value; string[] info = eventTrigger.Split('/'); for (int i = 1; i < info.Length; i++) { tCollider.eventTrigger.Add(info[i]); } if (eventTrigger.Length > 0) tCollider.eventTrigger.Add(eventTrigger.Remove(eventTrigger.Length - 1)); tCollider.Id = int.Parse(xType.Value); tCollider.PtPostion = new Point(int.Parse(xPosX.Value), int.Parse(xPosY.Value)); tCollider.Index = int.Parse(xIndex.Value); collisionObjects.Add(tCollider); if (tCollider.Id == 0) listBoxCollisionObjects.Items.Add("Collider" + tCollider.Index); else listBoxCollisionObjects.Items.Add("Trigger" + tCollider.Index); } } XElement xNavLayer = xRoot.Element("graph_list"); if (xNavLayer != null) { IEnumerable<XElement> xNodes = xNavLayer.Elements(); foreach (XElement xNode in xNodes) { Node tNode = new Node(); XAttribute xPosX = xNode.Attribute("posX"); XAttribute xPosY = xNode.Attribute("posY"); XAttribute xIndex = xNode.Attribute("index"); XAttribute xNumEdges = xNode.Attribute("numEdges"); tNode.Position = new Point(int.Parse(xPosX.Value), int.Parse(xPosY.Value)); tNode.Index = int.Parse(xIndex.Value); int numEdges = int.Parse(xNumEdges.Value); tNode.Tag = xNode.Value; for (int currEdge = 0; currEdge < numEdges; currEdge++) { string name = "edge"; name += currEdge; XName xname = name; XAttribute xEdge = xNode.Attribute(xname); tNode.edges.Add(int.Parse(xEdge.Value)); } navGraph.Add(tNode); PathNodes.Items.Add("Node" + tNode.Index.ToString()); } XElement xObjectLayer = xRoot.Element("objects_list"); if (xObjectLayer != null) { IEnumerable<XElement> xObjects = xObjectLayer.Elements(); foreach (XElement xObject in xObjects) { XAttribute xId = xObject.Attribute("id"); XAttribute xPosX = xObject.Attribute("posX"); XAttribute xPosY = xObject.Attribute("posY"); XAttribute xNumEvents = xObject.Attribute("numEvents"); XAttribute xNumWaypoints = xObject.Attribute("numWaypoints"); XAttribute xNumEnemies = xObject.Attribute("numEnemies"); XAttribute xSRectLeft = xObject.Attribute("sRectleft"); XAttribute xSRectTop = xObject.Attribute("sRecttop"); XAttribute xSRectWidth = xObject.Attribute("sRectwidth"); XAttribute xSRectHeight = xObject.Attribute("sRectheight"); Object tObject = new Object(int.Parse(xId.Value)); tObject.Position = new Point(int.Parse(xPosX.Value), int.Parse(xPosY.Value)); tObject.NumEnemies = int.Parse(xNumEnemies.Value); tObject.sRect = new Rectangle(int.Parse(xSRectLeft.Value), int.Parse(xSRectTop.Value), int.Parse(xSRectWidth.Value), int.Parse(xSRectHeight.Value)); string NameandEvents = xObject.Value; string[] info = NameandEvents.Split('/'); tObject.Name = info[0]; for (int i = 1; i < info.Length; i++) {[i]); } int numWaypoints = int.Parse(xNumWaypoints.Value); for (int currWP = 0; currWP < numWaypoints; currWP++) { string waypoint = "waypoint"; waypoint += currWP; XAttribute xWaypoint = xObject.Attribute(waypoint); tObject.waypoints.Add(int.Parse(xWaypoint.Value)); } ListofObjects.Add(tObject); Objects.Items.Add(tObject.Name +" "+ tObject.Type); names[tObject.Type] = tObject.Name; } } } worldPanel.AutoScrollMinSize = new Size(tileSize.Width * mapSize.Width, tileSize.Height * mapSize.Height); } }
private void worldPanel_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { isPressed = true; Point offset = worldPanel.AutoScrollPosition; int x = (e.X - offset.X) / tileSize.Width; int y = (e.Y - offset.Y) / tileSize.Height; if (x < mapSize.Width && y < mapSize.Height) { switch (CurrTool) { case 0: // Tile { if (D3DTileId != -1) { TileMap[x, y].sRect.X = selectedTile.X * tileSize.Width; TileMap[x, y].sRect.Y = selectedTile.Y * tileSize.Height; TileMap[x, y].sRect.Width = tileSize.Width; TileMap[x, y].sRect.Height = tileSize.Height; TileMap[x, y].X = x * tileSize.Width; TileMap[x, y].Y = y * tileSize.Height; } } break; case 1: // Objects { Point test = new Point(x, y); bool taken = false; for (int i = 0; i < ListofObjects.Count; i++) { if (ListofObjects[i].Position == test) taken = true; // or break??? maybe return?? then we wouldnt need the "taken" bool or the following if check } if (!taken) { Object temp = new Object(objectID); temp.Position = new Point(x, y); temp.sRect.X = selectedObject.X * tileSize.Width; temp.sRect.Y = selectedObject.Y * tileSize.Height; temp.sRect.Width = tileSize.Width; temp.sRect.Height = tileSize.Height; temp.Name = names[objectID]; for (int currObj = 0; currObj < ListofObjects.Count; currObj++) { if (ListofObjects[currObj].Type == objectID) temp.Name = ListofObjects[currObj].Name; } ListofObjects.Add(temp); Objects.Items.Add(names[objectID] + objectID); Objects.SelectedIndex = ListofObjects.Count - 1; } } break; //case 2: // Line // { // //Line temp = new Line(); // //temp.Point1 = new Point(x, y); // //pathfinderList.Add(temp); // //listBoxLines.Items.Add("Line " + listBoxLines.Items.Count); // //listBoxLines.SelectedIndex = listBoxLines.Items.Count - 1; // } // break; //case 3: // Entry // { // //Entry temp = new Entry(); // //temp.PositionInRoom = new Point(x, y); // //pathfinderList[listBoxLines.SelectedIndex].Entries.Add(temp); // //listBoxEntries.Items.Add("Entry " + listBoxEntries.Items.Count); // //listBoxEntries.SelectedIndex = listBoxEntries.Items.Count - 1; // } // break; case 2: // collision { if (collisionID != 2) { bool taken = false; for (int i = 0; i < collisionObjects.Count; i++) { if (collisionObjects[i].PtPostion == new Point(x, y)) taken = true; } if (!taken) { Collidable temp = new Collidable(); temp.PtPostion = new Point(x, y); temp.Id = collisionID; collisionObjects.Add(temp); temp.Index = collisionObjects.Count; if (temp.Id == 0) listBoxCollisionObjects.Items.Add("Collider" + temp.Index); else listBoxCollisionObjects.Items.Add("Trigger" + temp.Index); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < collisionObjects.Count; i++) { if (collisionObjects[i].PtPostion == new Point(x, y)) { collisionObjects.RemoveAt(i); listBoxCollisionObjects.Items.RemoveAt(i); } } } } break; case 3: { Point test = new Point(x, y); bool taken = false; for (int i = 0; i < navGraph.Count; i++) { if (navGraph[i].Position == test) taken = true; // or break??? maybe return?? then we wouldnt need the "taken" bool or the following if check } if (!taken) { Node temp = new Node(); temp.Position = new Point(x, y); temp.Index = navGraph.Count(); navGraph.Add(temp); PathNodes.Items.Add("Node " + temp.Index); PathNodes.SelectedIndex = navGraph.Count - 1; } } break; } } }