private void OutputDataType(StringBuilder sb, ColumnDef columnDef) { sb.Append(columnDef.ColumnType); if (columnDef.DataLength != null) { sb.Append("(" + columnDef.DataLength + ")"); } }
private void OutputDataType(StringBuilder sb, ColumnDef columnDef) { if (columnDef.ForceToBit == true) { sb.Append("bit"); } else { sb.Append(columnDef.ColumnType); /* TODO: Probably shouldn't have a datalength for types like int, rather than hardcoding types here */ switch (columnDef.ColumnType) { case "char": case "varchar": if (columnDef.DataLength != null) { sb.Append("(" + columnDef.DataLength + ")"); } break; } } }
private string GetUpdateKeyProcedureText(string moduleName, TableDef tableDef, List <ColumnDef> primaryKeyColumnDefList, ColumnDef keyColumnDef) { StringBuilder scriptText = new StringBuilder(); string tableName = tableDef.TableName; string storedProcName = moduleName + "_" + tableDef.CleanName + "_Update" + StripKeySuffix(keyColumnDef.ColumnName); scriptText.AppendLine("DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS " + storedProcName + ";"); scriptText.AppendLine("CREATE PROCEDURE " + storedProcName + " ("); OutputPrimaryKeyArguments(scriptText, primaryKeyColumnDefList); scriptText.AppendLine(","); scriptText.Append("IN _" + keyColumnDef.ColumnName + " "); OutputDataType(scriptText, keyColumnDef); scriptText.AppendLine(")"); scriptText.AppendLine("MODIFIES SQL DATA"); scriptText.AppendLine("SQL SECURITY INVOKER"); scriptText.AppendLine("COMMENT 'Generated by Tidal'"); scriptText.AppendLine("BEGIN"); scriptText.AppendLine("UPDATE " + tableName); scriptText.AppendLine("SET " + keyColumnDef.ColumnName + " = _" + keyColumnDef.ColumnName); scriptText.AppendLine("WHERE"); OutputPrimaryKeyWhereClause(scriptText, primaryKeyColumnDefList); scriptText.AppendLine(";"); // SET _rowcount = ROW_COUNT(); scriptText.AppendLine("END;"); return(scriptText.ToString()); }
private string GetCreateProcedureText(string moduleName, TableDef tableDef) { StringBuilder scriptText = new StringBuilder(); string tableName = tableDef.TableName; List <ColumnDef> columnDefList = tableDef.ColumnDefMap.Values.ToList(); string storedProcName = moduleName + "_" + tableDef.CleanName + "_Create"; scriptText.AppendLine("DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS " + storedProcName + ";"); scriptText.Append("CREATE PROCEDURE " + storedProcName + " ("); ColumnDef identityColumnDef = null; bool firstItem = true; foreach (ColumnDef columnDef in columnDefList) { if (columnDef.IsIdentity == true) { identityColumnDef = columnDef; } else { if (firstItem) { firstItem = false; } else { scriptText.AppendLine(","); } scriptText.Append("IN _" + columnDef.CleanName + " "); OutputDataType(scriptText, columnDef); } } if (identityColumnDef != null) { if (firstItem == false) { scriptText.Append(","); } scriptText.AppendLine(""); scriptText.Append("OUT _" + identityColumnDef.CleanName + " "); OutputDataType(scriptText, identityColumnDef); } scriptText.AppendLine(")"); scriptText.AppendLine("MODIFIES SQL DATA"); scriptText.AppendLine("SQL SECURITY INVOKER"); scriptText.AppendLine("COMMENT 'Generated by Tidal'"); scriptText.AppendLine("BEGIN"); scriptText.AppendLine("INSERT " + tableName + " ("); /* bool */ firstItem = true; foreach (ColumnDef columnDef in tableDef.ColumnDefMap.Values) { if (columnDef.IsIdentity == false) { if (firstItem) { firstItem = false; } else { scriptText.AppendLine(","); } scriptText.Append(columnDef.ColumnName); } } scriptText.AppendLine(")"); scriptText.AppendLine("VALUES ("); /* bool */ firstItem = true; foreach (ColumnDef columnDef in columnDefList) { if (columnDef.IsIdentity == false) { if (firstItem) { firstItem = false; } else { scriptText.AppendLine(","); } scriptText.Append("_" + columnDef.CleanName); } } scriptText.AppendLine(");"); if (identityColumnDef != null) { scriptText.AppendLine("SET _" + identityColumnDef.CleanName + " = LAST_INSERT_ID();"); } scriptText.AppendLine("END;"); return(scriptText.ToString()); }
public TableDefMap ExtractTableData(List <TableMapping> tableMappingList, bool cleanOracle) { SqlConnection conn = this.SqlConnection; // Shared.Info("begin test"); // Test(conn); // Shared.Info("Completed test"); var tableDefMap = new TableDefMap(); Shared.Info("getting tables schema"); /* * Information Schema, GetSchema differences MSSQL from MySQL: * Views data fails for MSSQL * MSSQL does not have EXTRA for columns * MySQL uses ulong for character field length, MSSQL uses int16 * MySQL uses STATISTICS for indexes * MSSQL does not indicate unique or not unique for indexes * MSSQL does not use the term "Foreign Key Collections", but "ForeignKeys" * MSSQL foreignkeys collection does not contain most fields */ /* INFORMATION_SCHEMA is kinda crap truth be told. For SQL Server, * it is just as easy to write queries for exactly what we want, * with the added benefit that it actually works. :) * * We'll try to stay consistent with the field names output to match * what information schema does, but we'll make our own queries */ string queryText = "SELECT AS TableName, AS SchemaName " + "FROM sys.tables AS A JOIN sys.schemas AS B " + "ON A.schema_id = B.schema_id;"; foreach (var row in MicrosoftSQL.DataAccess.GetRows(conn, queryText)) { string tableName = (string)row["TableName"]; string schemaName = (string)row["SchemaName"]; string cleanName = NameMapping.MakeCleanTableName(tableMappingList, tableName, cleanOracle); TableDef tableDef = new TableDef { TableName = tableName, CleanName = cleanName, SchemaName = schemaName, TableType = "TABLE", ColumnDefMap = new Dictionary <string, ColumnDef>(), IndexDefMap = new Dictionary <string, IndexDef>(), ProcedureDefMap = new Dictionary <string, ProcedureDef>(), FieldDefList = new List <FieldDef>(), ForeignKeyList = new List <string>(), ArgumentName = Char.ToLowerInvariant(tableName[0]) + tableName.Substring(1) }; tableDefMap[schemaName + "." + tableName] = tableDef; Shared.Info("Adding table " + tableName); } queryText = "SELECT AS TableName, AS SchemaName " + "FROM sys.views AS A JOIN sys.schemas AS B " + "ON A.schema_id = B.schema_id;"; foreach (var row in MicrosoftSQL.DataAccess.GetRows(conn, queryText)) { string tableName = (string)row["TableName"]; string schemaName = (string)row["SchemaName"]; string cleanName = NameMapping.MakeCleanTableName(tableMappingList, tableName, cleanOracle); TableDef tableDef = new TableDef { TableName = tableName, CleanName = cleanName, SchemaName = schemaName, TableType = "VIEW", ColumnDefMap = new Dictionary <string, ColumnDef>(), IndexDefMap = new Dictionary <string, IndexDef>(), ProcedureDefMap = new Dictionary <string, ProcedureDef>(), FieldDefList = new List <FieldDef>(), ForeignKeyList = new List <string>() }; tableDefMap[schemaName + "." + tableName] = tableDef; Shared.Info("Adding view " + tableName); } queryText = @"SELECT TABLE_NAME =, COLUMN_NAME =, SCHEMA_NAME =, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = c.max_length, DATA_TYPE =, IS_NULLABLE = c.is_nullable, IS_IDENTITY = is_identity FROM sys.columns c INNER JOIN sys.objects ct ON c.object_id = ct.object_id INNER JOIN sys.types typ ON c.system_type_id = typ.system_type_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas sch ON ct.schema_id = sch.schema_id WHERE ct.type IN ('U', 'V') ORDER BY TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME;"; /* for MySQL: queryText = "SELECT COLUMN_NAME, TABLE_NAME, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, DATA_TYPE, EXTRA, IS_NULLABLE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS ORDER BY TABLE_NAME ASC, ORDINAL_POSITION ASC;"; */ foreach (var row in MicrosoftSQL.DataAccess.GetRows(conn, queryText)) { string columnName = (string)row["COLUMN_NAME"]; string tableName = (string)row["TABLE_NAME"]; string schemaName = (string)row["SCHEMA_NAME"]; Shared.Info("Adding column " + columnName + " from table " + tableName); short?dataLength; if (row["CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"] == DBNull.Value) { dataLength = null; } else { dataLength = (short)row["CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"]; } string modelName = NameMapping.MakeCleanTableName(tableMappingList, tableName, cleanOracle); string cleanName = NameMapping.MakeCleanColumnName(tableMappingList, tableName, modelName, columnName, cleanOracle); bool forceToBit = false; if (cleanOracle == true) { forceToBit = IsForceToBit(tableMappingList, tableName, columnName); } /* MySQL provides IsIdentity = ((string)row["EXTRA"]).Contains("auto_increment"), */ ColumnDef columnDef = new ColumnDef { ColumnName = columnName, CleanName = cleanName, ColumnType = (string)row["DATA_TYPE"], DataLength = (ulong?)dataLength, ForceToBit = forceToBit, IsIdentity = (bool)row["IS_IDENTITY"], IsNullable = (bool)row["IS_NULLABLE"] }; Shared.Info(tableName); tableDefMap[schemaName + "." + tableName].ColumnDefMap[columnName] = columnDef; Shared.Info("Column " + columnName + " added."); } /* will get primary key and unique key, which is used for Read and ReadFor functions */ /* will get indexes for use in ListFor functions */ /* had QUOTENAME function for SCHEMA_NAME and TABLE_NAME which I removed, * also removed SCHEMA_NAME = OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(i.[object_id]), */ queryText = @"SELECT TABLE_NAME =, SCHEMA_NAME =, INDEX_NAME =, PRIMARY_KEY = i.is_primary_key, [UNIQUE] = i.is_unique, COLUMN_NAME = c.Name FROM sys.indexes AS i INNER JOIN sys.index_columns AS ic ON i.[object_id] = ic.[object_id] AND i.index_id = ic.index_id INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON ic.column_id = c.column_id AND ic.[object_id] = c.[object_id] INNER JOIN sys.objects ct ON i.object_id = ct.object_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas sch ON ct.schema_id = sch.schema_id WHERE ct.type IN ('U', 'V') ORDER BY TABLE_NAME, INDEX_NAME, ic.index_column_id;"; foreach (var row in MicrosoftSQL.DataAccess.GetRows(conn, queryText)) { string tableName = (string)row["TABLE_NAME"]; string schemaName = (string)row["SCHEMA_NAME"]; string indexName = (string)row["INDEX_NAME"]; string columnName = (string)row["COLUMN_NAME"]; Shared.Info("Adding index column " + columnName + " from index " + indexName + " on table " + tableName); // int ordinalPosition = (int)row["ORDINAL_POSITION"]; /* SORT_ORDER */ Shared.Info("looking for table " + tableName); TableDef table = tableDefMap[schemaName + "." + tableName]; IndexDef indexDef = null; if (table.IndexDefMap.TryGetValue(indexName, out indexDef) == false) { indexDef = new IndexDef { IndexName = indexName, // IsPrimary = (indexName == "PRIMARY"), IsPrimary = (bool)row["PRIMARY_KEY"], // IsUnique = ((bool)row["NON_UNIQUE"]!=true), IsUnique = (bool)row["UNIQUE"], ColumnDefList = new List <ColumnDef>() }; table.IndexDefMap[indexName] = indexDef; } ColumnDef columnDef = table.ColumnDefMap[columnName]; indexDef.ColumnDefList.Add(columnDef); } queryText = @"SELECT TABLE_NAME =, SCHEMA_NAME =, COLUMN_NAME =, REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME =, REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME =, REFERENCED_SCHEMA_NAME = FROM sys.foreign_key_columns AS fkc INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON fkc.parent_object_id = c.object_id AND fkc.parent_column_id = c.column_id INNER JOIN sys.objects ct ON c.object_id = ct.object_id INNER JOIN sys.columns rc ON fkc.referenced_object_id = rc.object_id AND fkc.referenced_column_id = rc.column_id INNER JOIN sys.objects rct ON rc.object_id = rct.object_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas sch ON ct.schema_id = sch.schema_id INNER JOIN sys.schemas refsch ON rct.schema_id = refsch.schema_id WHERE ct.type IN ('U', 'V') ORDER BY TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME;"; foreach (var row in MicrosoftSQL.DataAccess.GetRows(conn, queryText)) { TableDef tableDef = tableDefMap[row["SCHEMA_NAME"] + "." + row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString()]; ColumnDef columnDef = tableDef.ColumnDefMap[row["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString()]; columnDef.ReferencedTableDef = tableDefMap[row["REFERENCED_SCHEMA_NAME"].ToString() + "." + row["REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME"].ToString()]; columnDef.ReferencedColumnDef = columnDef.ReferencedTableDef.ColumnDefMap[row["REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME"].ToString()]; Shared.Info("Adding foreign key for " + tableDef.TableName + "." + columnDef.ColumnName + " to " + columnDef.ReferencedTableDef.TableName + "." + columnDef.ReferencedColumnDef.ColumnName); } return(tableDefMap); }
private string GetUpdateKeyProcedureText(string moduleName, TableDef tableDef, List <ColumnDef> primaryKeyColumnDefList, ColumnDef keyColumnDef) { StringBuilder scriptText = new StringBuilder(); string tableName = tableDef.TableName; string storedProcName = moduleName + "_" + GetFunctionalName(tableDef) + "_Update" + StripKeySuffix(keyColumnDef.CleanName); OutputDIEProcedureText(scriptText, storedProcName); OutputCreateProcedureText(scriptText, storedProcName); OutputPrimaryKeyArguments(scriptText, primaryKeyColumnDefList); scriptText.AppendLine(","); scriptText.Append("\t@" + keyColumnDef.CleanName + " "); OutputDataType(scriptText, keyColumnDef); scriptText.AppendLine(); scriptText.AppendLine("AS"); OutputTidalSignature(scriptText); scriptText.AppendLine("\tSET NOCOUNT ON"); scriptText.Append("\tUPDATE "); if (tableDef.SchemaName != "dbo") { scriptText.Append(tableDef.SchemaName + "."); } scriptText.AppendLine(CleanName(tableName)); scriptText.AppendLine("\t\tSET " + CleanName(keyColumnDef.ColumnName) + " = @" + keyColumnDef.CleanName); scriptText.Append("\t\tWHERE"); OutputPrimaryKeyWhereClause(scriptText, primaryKeyColumnDefList); scriptText.AppendLine(";"); // SET @rowcount = ROW_COUNT(); scriptText.AppendLine("GO"); scriptText.AppendLine(); return(scriptText.ToString()); }
private string GetCreateProcedureText(string moduleName, TableDef tableDef) { StringBuilder scriptText = new StringBuilder(); string tableName = tableDef.TableName; List <ColumnDef> columnDefList = tableDef.ColumnDefMap.Values.ToList(); string storedProcName = moduleName + "_" + GetFunctionalName(tableDef) + "_Create"; OutputDIEProcedureText(scriptText, storedProcName); OutputCreateProcedureText(scriptText, storedProcName); ColumnDef identityColumnDef = null; bool firstItem = true; foreach (ColumnDef columnDef in columnDefList) { if (columnDef.IsIdentity == true) { identityColumnDef = columnDef; } else { if (firstItem) { firstItem = false; } else { scriptText.AppendLine(","); } scriptText.Append("\t@" + columnDef.CleanName + " "); OutputDataType(scriptText, columnDef); } } if (identityColumnDef != null) { if (firstItem == false) { scriptText.Append(","); } scriptText.AppendLine(""); scriptText.Append("\t@" + identityColumnDef.CleanName + " "); OutputDataType(scriptText, identityColumnDef); scriptText.AppendLine(" OUT"); } else { scriptText.AppendLine(); } scriptText.AppendLine("AS"); OutputTidalSignature(scriptText); scriptText.AppendLine("\tSET NOCOUNT ON"); scriptText.Append("\tINSERT "); if (tableDef.SchemaName != "dbo") { scriptText.Append(tableDef.SchemaName + "."); } scriptText.Append(CleanName(tableName) + " ("); /* bool */ firstItem = true; foreach (ColumnDef columnDef in tableDef.ColumnDefMap.Values) { if (columnDef.IsIdentity == false) { if (firstItem) { firstItem = false; } else { scriptText.AppendLine(","); scriptText.Append("\t\t\t"); } scriptText.Append(CleanName(columnDef.ColumnName)); } } scriptText.AppendLine(")"); scriptText.Append("\t\tVALUES ("); /* bool */ firstItem = true; foreach (ColumnDef columnDef in columnDefList) { if (columnDef.IsIdentity == false) { if (firstItem) { firstItem = false; } else { scriptText.AppendLine(","); scriptText.Append("\t\t\t\t"); } scriptText.Append("@" + columnDef.CleanName); } } scriptText.AppendLine(");"); if (identityColumnDef != null) { scriptText.AppendLine("\tSET @" + identityColumnDef.CleanName + " = SCOPE_IDENTITY();"); } scriptText.AppendLine("GO"); scriptText.AppendLine(); return(scriptText.ToString()); }
/* TODO: Combine commonality with MSSQL's, and include its name mapping functionality */ public TableDefMap ExtractTableData(List <TableMapping> tableMappingList, bool cleanOracle) { MySqlConnection conn = this.mySqlConnection; var tableDefList = new TableDefMap(); // DataTable table = conn.GetSchema("MetaDataCollections"); DataTable tablesData = conn.GetSchema("tables", new string[] { null, null, null, null }); //DataTable table = conn.GetSchema("UDF"); // DisplayData(table); Shared.Info("Table count: " + tablesData.Rows.Count); foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in tablesData.Rows) { string tableName = (string)row["TABLE_NAME"]; string cleanName = tableName; if (cleanOracle == true) { cleanName = DeOracle.Clean(tableName); } TableDef tableDef = new TableDef { TableName = tableName, TableType = "TABLE", CleanName = cleanName, ColumnDefMap = new Dictionary <string, ColumnDef>(), IndexDefMap = new Dictionary <string, IndexDef>(), ProcedureDefMap = new Dictionary <string, ProcedureDef>(), FieldDefList = new List <FieldDef>(), ForeignKeyList = new List <string>(), ArgumentName = Char.ToLowerInvariant(tableName[0]) + tableName.Substring(1) }; tableDefList[tableName] = tableDef; Shared.Info("Adding table " + tableName); } DataTable viewsData = conn.GetSchema("views", new string[] { null, null, null, null }); //DataTable table = conn.GetSchema("UDF"); // DisplayData(table); Shared.Info("View count: " + viewsData.Rows.Count); /* * foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in viewsData.Columns) { * Shared.Info(col.ColumnName); * } */ foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in viewsData.Rows) { string tableName = (string)row["TABLE_NAME"]; string cleanName = tableName; if (cleanOracle == true) { cleanName = DeOracle.Clean(tableName); } TableDef tableDef = new TableDef { TableName = tableName, CleanName = cleanName, TableType = "VIEW", ColumnDefMap = new Dictionary <string, ColumnDef>(), IndexDefMap = new Dictionary <string, IndexDef>(), ProcedureDefMap = new Dictionary <string, ProcedureDef>(), FieldDefList = new List <FieldDef>(), ForeignKeyList = new List <string>() }; tableDefList[tableName] = tableDef; Shared.Info("Adding view " + tableName); } // var columnRowArray = sql.getDataRows("SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='" + databaseName + "' ORDER BY TABLE_NAME ASC, ORDINAL_POSITION ASC"); DataTable columnsData = conn.GetSchema("columns", new string[] { null, null, null, null }); foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in columnsData.Rows) { string columnName = (string)row["COLUMN_NAME"]; string tableName = (string)row["TABLE_NAME"]; Shared.Info("Adding column " + columnName + " from table " + tableName); ulong?dataLength; if (row["CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"] == DBNull.Value) { dataLength = null; } else { dataLength = (ulong)row["CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"]; } string cleanName = columnName; if (cleanOracle == true) { cleanName = DeOracle.Clean(columnName); } ColumnDef columnDef = new ColumnDef { ColumnName = columnName, CleanName = cleanName, ColumnType = (string)row["DATA_TYPE"], DataLength = dataLength, IsIdentity = ((string)row["EXTRA"]).Contains("auto_increment"), IsNullable = (string)row["IS_NULLABLE"] == "YES" }; tableDefList[tableName].ColumnDefMap[columnName] = columnDef; } /* will get primary key and unique key, which is used for Read and ReadFor functions * also foreign key constraints, but we don't really use those at this point (we could potentially, to map within our object structdefs */ // "select * FROM TABLE_CONSTRAINTS WHERE CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA='" + databaseName + "';" // var indexRowArray = sql.getDataRows("SELECT * FROM KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA='" + databaseName + "' ORDER BY CONSTRAINT_NAME ASC, ORDINAL_POSITION ASC"); /* will get indexes for use in ListFor functions */ // var indexRowArray = sql.getDataRows("SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS WHERE table_schema = '" + databaseName + "' ORDER BY table_name, index_name, seq_in_index;"); DataTable indexData = conn.GetSchema("Indexes", new string[] { null, null, null, null }); Shared.Info("Index count: " + indexData.Rows.Count); foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in indexData.Rows) { string tableName = (string)row["TABLE_NAME"]; string indexName = (string)row["INDEX_NAME"]; Shared.Info("Adding index " + indexName + " from table " + tableName); TableDef table = tableDefList[tableName]; table.IndexDefMap[indexName] = new IndexDef { IndexName = indexName, IsPrimary = (indexName == "PRIMARY"), // IsUnique = ((bool)row["NON_UNIQUE"]!=true), IsUnique = (bool)row["UNIQUE"], ColumnDefList = new List <ColumnDef>() }; } DataTable indexColumnsData = conn.GetSchema("IndexColumns", new string[] { null, null, null, null }); foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in indexColumnsData.Rows) { string tableName = (string)row["TABLE_NAME"]; string indexName = (string)row["INDEX_NAME"]; string columnName = (string)row["COLUMN_NAME"]; Shared.Info("Adding index column " + columnName + " from index " + indexName + " on table " + tableName); // int ordinalPosition = (int)row["ORDINAL_POSITION"]; /* SORT_ORDER */ TableDef tableDef = tableDefList[tableName]; ColumnDef columnDef = tableDef.ColumnDefMap[columnName]; IndexDef indexDef = tableDef.IndexDefMap[indexName]; indexDef.ColumnDefList.Add(columnDef); } DataTable foreignKeyColumnsData = conn.GetSchema("Foreign Key Columns"); foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in foreignKeyColumnsData.Rows) { TableDef tableDef = tableDefList[row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString()]; ColumnDef columnDef = tableDef.ColumnDefMap[row["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString()]; columnDef.ReferencedTableDef = tableDefList[row["REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME"].ToString()]; columnDef.ReferencedColumnDef = columnDef.ReferencedTableDef.ColumnDefMap[row["REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME"].ToString()]; } return(tableDefList); }