public override List <Attribute> GetAttributes() { return(new List <Attribute> { new StringAttribute(name, 120), new StringAttribute(MainForm.ToTitle(city), 80) }); }
public override void LoadForm() { this.SuspendForm(); base.NotificationInitialize(); this.cityNameLabel.Text = MainForm.ToTitle(; mapBox = MainForm.DrawRoute(city.location, new Coordinate(-1, -1, mapSize.Width), mapSize, mapSize, mapSize, new List <Color>(), new List <Target>()); mapBox.Location = new Point(5, cityNameLabel.Location.Y + cityNameLabel.Height); mapBox.MapUpdated += ResetTimer; this.Controls.Add(mapBox); baseHeight = this.Size.Height; int listHeight = InitializeList(city.utilities, null); this.Size = new Size(this.Size.Width, Math.Max(listHeight, baseHeight)); npcButton.Click -= c_Click; utilityButton.Click -= c_Click; huntButton.Click -= c_Click; questButton.Click -= c_Click; nextButton.Click -= c_Click; previousButton.Click -= c_Click; this.mapUpLevel.Image = MainForm.mapup_image; this.mapUpLevel.Click -= c_Click; this.mapDownLevel.Image = MainForm.mapdown_image; this.mapDownLevel.Click -= c_Click; this.NotificationFinalize(); this.ResumeForm(); }
public override List <Attribute> GetAttributes() { Item i = MainForm.getItem(tameitemid); Creature cr = MainForm.getCreature(tamecreatureid); string itemName = i == null ? "-" : MainForm.ToTitle(i.displayname); string creatureName = cr == null ? "-" : MainForm.ToTitle(cr.displayname); return(new List <Attribute> { new StringAttribute(name, 120), new StringAttribute(itemName, 80), new StringAttribute(creatureName, 80), new BooleanAttribute(tibiastore) }); }
public override void LoadForm() { if (mount == null) { return; } this.SuspendLayout(); NotificationInitialize(); this.mountTitle.Text =; this.mountImageBox.Image = mount.image; if (mount.tibiastore) { this.tameItemImageBox.Visible = false; this.tameItemLabel.Visible = false; this.tameCreatureImageBox.Image = MainForm.tibia_store_image; this.tameCreatureLabel.Text = "Tibia Store"; this.tameCreatureImageBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(this.tameCreatureImageBox.Location.X, this.tameCreatureImageBox.Location.Y - 50); this.tameCreatureLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(this.tameCreatureLabel.Location.X, this.tameCreatureLabel.Location.Y - 50); } else if (mount.tamecreatureid > 0 && mount.tameitemid > 0) { Creature tameCreature = MainForm.getCreature(mount.tamecreatureid); Item tameItem = MainForm.getItem(mount.tameitemid); this.tameCreatureImageBox.Image = tameCreature.image; this.tameCreatureLabel.Text = MainForm.ToTitle(tameCreature.displayname); this.tameItemImageBox.Image = tameItem.image; this.tameItemLabel.Text = MainForm.ToTitle(tameItem.displayname); tameCreatureImageBox.Name = tameCreature.GetName(); tameCreatureLabel.Name = tameCreature.GetName(); tameItemImageBox.Name = tameItem.GetName(); tameItemLabel.Name = tameItem.GetName(); this.tameCreatureLabel.Click += TameCreatureImageBox_Click; this.tameCreatureImageBox.Click += TameCreatureImageBox_Click; this.tameItemImageBox.Click += TameItemImageBox_Click; this.tameItemLabel.Click += TameItemImageBox_Click; } else { this.tameCreatureImageBox.Visible = false; this.tameCreatureLabel.Visible = false; this.tameItemImageBox.Visible = false; this.tameItemLabel.Visible = false; } base.NotificationFinalize(); this.ResumeLayout(false); }
public override void LoadForm() { this.SuspendForm(); base.NotificationInitialize(); // load image from the creature this.mainImage.Image = this.creature.GetImage(); this.statsButton.Name = this.creature.GetName().ToLower(); this.huntButton.Name = this.creature.GetName().ToLower(); // set background of actual form to transparent this.BackColor = MainForm.background_color; this.Opacity = MainForm.opacity; if (MainForm.transparent) { this.TransparencyKey = MainForm.background_color; this.Opacity = 1; } CombineItems(); this.nameLabel.Text = MainForm.ToTitle(this.creature.displayname); Font f = MainForm.fontList[0]; Font prevFont = f; for (int i = 0; i < MainForm.fontList.Count; i++) { Font font = MainForm.fontList[i]; int width = TextRenderer.MeasureText(this.nameLabel.Text, font).Width; if (width < this.mainImage.Size.Width) { f = prevFont; } else { break; } prevFont = font; } this.nameLabel.Font = f; this.nameLabel.Left = this.mainImage.Left + (mainImage.Width - this.nameLabel.Size.Width) / 2; this.NotificationFinalize(); this.ResumeForm(); }
public override void LoadForm() { this.SuspendForm(); int horizontal, left, right; this.statsButton.Name = creature.GetName().ToLower(); this.huntButton.Name = creature.GetName().ToLower(); int health =; int experience = creature.experience; List <Resistance> resistances = new List <Resistance>(); resistances.Add(new Resistance("Ice", creature.res_ice)); resistances.Add(new Resistance("Holy", creature.res_holy)); resistances.Add(new Resistance("Death", creature.res_death)); resistances.Add(new Resistance("Phys", creature.res_phys)); resistances.Add(new Resistance("Earth", creature.res_earth)); resistances.Add(new Resistance("Energy", creature.res_energy)); resistances.Add(new Resistance("Fire", creature.res_fire)); // load image from the creature this.mainImage.Image = creature.GetImage(); // set health of creature this.healthLabel.Text = (health > 0 ? health.ToString() + " Health" : "Unknown"); horizontal = 96 - healthLabel.Size.Width; left = horizontal / 2; right = horizontal - left; this.healthLabel.Padding = new Padding(left, 2, right, 2); // set exp of creature this.expLabel.Text = (experience >= 0 ? experience.ToString() : "Unknown") + " Exp"; horizontal = 96 - expLabel.Size.Width; left = horizontal / 2; right = horizontal - left; this.expLabel.Padding = new Padding(left, 2, right, 2); // add resistances of creature in order AddResistances(resistances); // set background of actual form to transparent this.BackColor = MainForm.background_color; this.Opacity = MainForm.opacity; if (MainForm.transparent) { this.TransparencyKey = MainForm.background_color; this.Opacity = 1; } this.nameLabel.Text = MainForm.ToTitle(this.creature.displayname); Font f = MainForm.fontList[0]; Font prevFont = f; for (int i = 0; i < MainForm.fontList.Count; i++) { Font font = MainForm.fontList[i]; int width = TextRenderer.MeasureText(this.nameLabel.Text, font).Width; if (width < this.mainImage.Size.Width) { f = prevFont; } else { break; } prevFont = font; } string goldstring = ""; double averageGold = 0; foreach (ItemDrop itemDrop in creature.itemdrops) { if (itemDrop.percentage > 0) { Item item = MainForm.getItem(itemDrop.itemid); averageGold += ((itemDrop.max + itemDrop.min) / 2.0) * itemDrop.percentage * item.GetMaxValue() / 100; } } if (averageGold < 10000) { goldstring = ((long)averageGold).ToString(); } else if (averageGold < 1000000) { goldstring = ((long)averageGold / 1000).ToString() + "K"; } else { goldstring = ((long)averageGold / 1000000).ToString() + "M"; } this.averageGoldLabel.Text = "Average Gold: " + goldstring; this.maxDamageLabel.Text = "Max Damage: " + (this.creature.maxdamage >= 0 ? this.creature.maxdamage.ToString() : "-"); this.abilitiesLabel.Text = RemoveTextInBrackets(this.creature.abilities.Replace(", ", "\n")); this.abilitiesLabel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; string tooltip; this.illusionableBox.Image = creature.illusionable ? MainForm.checkmark_yes : MainForm.checkmark_no; tooltip = creature.illusionable ? "Creature illusion works for this creature." : "Creature illusion does not work for this creature."; resistance_tooltip.SetToolTip(illusionableBox, tooltip); resistance_tooltip.SetToolTip(illusionableLabel, tooltip); this.summonableBox.Image = creature.summoncost > 0 ? MainForm.checkmark_yes : MainForm.checkmark_no; tooltip = creature.summoncost > 0 ? "This creature can be summoned for " + creature.summoncost + " mana." : "This creature cannot be summoned."; resistance_tooltip.SetToolTip(summonableBox, tooltip); resistance_tooltip.SetToolTip(summonableLabel, tooltip); this.invisibleBox.Image = !creature.senseinvis ? MainForm.checkmark_yes : MainForm.checkmark_no; tooltip = !creature.senseinvis ? "This creature does not detect invisibility." : "This creature detects invisibility."; resistance_tooltip.SetToolTip(invisibleBox, tooltip); resistance_tooltip.SetToolTip(invisibleLabel, tooltip); this.paralysableBox.Image = creature.paralysable ? MainForm.checkmark_yes : MainForm.checkmark_no; tooltip = creature.paralysable ? "This creature can be paralysed." : "This creature cannot be paralysed."; resistance_tooltip.SetToolTip(paralysableBox, tooltip); resistance_tooltip.SetToolTip(paralysableLabel, tooltip); this.pushableBox.Image = creature.pushable ? MainForm.checkmark_yes : MainForm.checkmark_no; tooltip = creature.pushable ? "This creature can be pushed." : "This creature cannot be pushed."; resistance_tooltip.SetToolTip(pushableBox, tooltip); resistance_tooltip.SetToolTip(pushableLabel, tooltip); this.pushesBox.Image = creature.pushes ? MainForm.checkmark_yes : MainForm.checkmark_no; tooltip = creature.pushes ? "This creature pushes smaller creatures." : "This creature cannot push smaller creatures."; resistance_tooltip.SetToolTip(pushesBox, tooltip); resistance_tooltip.SetToolTip(pushesLabel, tooltip); this.Size = new Size(this.Size.Width, (int)Math.Max(this.abilitiesLabel.Location.Y + this.abilitiesLabel.Size.Height + 10, this.expLabel.Location.Y + this.expLabel.Height + 10)); this.nameLabel.Font = f; this.nameLabel.Left = this.mainImage.Left + (mainImage.Width - this.nameLabel.Size.Width) / 2; base.NotificationInitialize(); List <Task> involvedTasks = new List <Task>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Task> > kvp in MainForm.taskList) { foreach (Task t in kvp.Value) { if (t.bossid == { involvedTasks.Add(t); } foreach (int cr in t.creatures) { if (cr == { involvedTasks.Add(t); } } } } if (involvedTasks.Count > 0) { int baseY = this.Size.Height; int newWidth = 0; int y = MainForm.DisplayCreatureAttributeList(Controls, involvedTasks.ToList <TibiaObject>(), 10, baseY, out newWidth); this.Size = new Size(Math.Max(newWidth, Size.Width), baseY + y); } base.NotificationFinalize(); this.ResumeForm(); }
public override void LoadForm() { if (npc == null) { return; } this.SuspendForm(); NotificationInitialize(); npcImage.Image = npc.GetImage(); creatureName.Text = MainForm.ToTitle(; Font f = MainForm.fontList[0]; for (int i = 0; i < MainForm.fontList.Count; i++) { Font font = MainForm.fontList[i]; Size size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(this.creatureName.Text, font); if (size.Width < creatureName.MaximumSize.Width && size.Height < creatureName.MaximumSize.Height) { f = font; } else { break; } } this.creatureName.Font = f; for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i++) { objectList[i] = new List <TibiaObject>(); } extraAttributes[0] = "Value"; attributeFunctions[0] = SellPrice; attributeSortFunctions[0] = SellSort; removedLists[0] = new List <string> { "Value" }; foreach (ItemSold itemSold in npc.sellItems) { objectList[0].Add(new LazyTibiaObject { id = itemSold.itemid, type = TibiaObjectType.Item }); } extraAttributes[1] = "Price"; attributeFunctions[1] = BuyPrice; attributeSortFunctions[1] = BuySort; removedLists[1] = new List <string> { "Value" }; foreach (ItemSold itemSold in npc.buyItems) { objectList[1].Add(new LazyTibiaObject { id = itemSold.itemid, type = TibiaObjectType.Item }); } extraAttributes[2] = "Vocation"; attributeFunctions[2] = SpellVoc; attributeSortFunctions[2] = SpellSort; removedLists[2] = new List <string> { "Words" }; foreach (SpellTaught spellTaught in npc.spellsTaught) { objectList[2].Add(new LazyTibiaObject { id = spellTaught.spellid, type = TibiaObjectType.Spell }); } // Transport foreach (Transport transport in npc.transportOffered) { objectList[3].Add(transport); } // Quests Involved In foreach (Quest q in npc.involvedQuests) { objectList[4].Add(q); } base_y = this.Size.Height; int x = 5; for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i++) { if (objectList[i].Count > 0) { Label label = new Label(); label.Text = headers[i]; label.Location = new Point(x, base_y); label.ForeColor = MainForm.label_text_color; label.BackColor = Color.Transparent; label.Font = MainForm.text_font; label.Size = new Size(90, 25); label.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; label.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; label.Name = i.ToString(); label.Click += toggleObjectDisplay; objectControls[i] = label; this.Controls.Add(label); if (currentControlList < 0 || currentControlList > headers.Length) { currentControlList = i; } x += 90; } else { objectControls[i] = null; } } base_y += 25; Map m = MainForm.getMap(npc.pos.z); = m; mapBox.mapImage = null; Target t = new Target(); t.coordinate = new Coordinate(npc.pos); t.image = npc.GetImage(); t.size = 20; mapBox.targets.Add(t); mapBox.sourceWidth = mapBox.Width; mapBox.mapCoordinate = new Coordinate(npc.pos); mapBox.zCoordinate = npc.pos.z; mapBox.UpdateMap(); mapBox.Click -= c_Click; this.mapUpLevel.Image = MainForm.mapup_image; this.mapUpLevel.Click -= c_Click; this.mapUpLevel.Click += mapUpLevel_Click; this.mapDownLevel.Image = MainForm.mapdown_image; this.mapDownLevel.Click -= c_Click; this.mapDownLevel.Click += mapDownLevel_Click; refresh(); base.NotificationFinalize(); this.ResumeForm(); }
public override void LoadForm() { this.SuspendForm(); NotificationInitialize(); if (hunting_place == null) { return; } this.cityLabel.Text =; this.huntingPlaceName.Text = MainForm.ToTitle(; this.levelLabel.Text = hunting_place.level < 0 ? "--" : hunting_place.level.ToString(); if (hunting_place.directions.Count == 0) { guideButton.Visible = false; } int y; ToolTip tooltip = new ToolTip(); tooltip.AutoPopDelay = 60000; tooltip.InitialDelay = 500; tooltip.ReshowDelay = 0; tooltip.ShowAlways = true; tooltip.UseFading = true; if (this.hunting_place.coordinates != null && this.hunting_place.coordinates.Count > 0) { int count = 1; foreach (Coordinate coordinate in this.hunting_place.coordinates) { Label label = new Label(); label.ForeColor = MainForm.label_text_color; label.BackColor = Color.Transparent; label.Name = (count - 1).ToString(); label.Font = LootDropForm.loot_font; label.Text = count.ToString(); label.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; label.Size = new Size(1, 1); label.AutoSize = true; label.Location = new Point(mapBox.Location.X + (count - 1) * 25, mapBox.Location.Y + mapBox.Size.Height + 5); label.Click += label_Click; this.Controls.Add(label); count++; } targetCoordinate = this.hunting_place.coordinates[0]; } else { targetCoordinate = new Coordinate(); } if (hunting_place.requirements != null && hunting_place.requirements.Count > 0) { int count = 0; y = 3; foreach (Requirements requirement in hunting_place.requirements) { Label label = new Label(); label.ForeColor = Color.Firebrick; label.BackColor = Color.Transparent; label.Font = requirement_font; label.Location = new Point(3, requirementLabel.Location.Y + requirementLabel.Size.Height + y); label.AutoSize = true; label.MaximumSize = new Size(170, 0); label.Text = "- " + requirement.notes; label.Name =; label.Click += openQuest; using (Graphics graphics = label.CreateGraphics()) { y += (int)(Math.Ceiling(graphics.MeasureString(label.Text, label.Font).Width / 170.0)) * 14; } this.Controls.Add(label); count++; } } else { this.requirementLabel.Hide(); } baseY = this.creatureLabel.Location.Y + this.creatureLabel.Height + 5; //y = MainForm.DisplayCreatureList(this.Controls, creatures, 10, base_y, this.Size.Width, 4, null, 0.8f); Font f = MainForm.fontList[0]; for (int i = 0; i < MainForm.fontList.Count; i++) { Font font = MainForm.fontList[i]; int width = TextRenderer.MeasureText(this.huntingPlaceName.Text, font).Width; if (width < this.huntingPlaceName.Size.Width) { f = font; } else { break; } } Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(experienceStarBox.Size.Width, experienceStarBox.Size.Height); Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); for (int i = 0; i < (this.hunting_place.exp_quality < 0 ? 5 : Math.Min(this.hunting_place.exp_quality, 5)); i++) { gr.DrawImage(MainForm.star_image[this.hunting_place.exp_quality < 0 ? 5 : this.hunting_place.exp_quality - 1], new Rectangle(i * experienceStarBox.Size.Width / 5, 0, experienceStarBox.Size.Width / 5, experienceStarBox.Size.Width / 5)); } experienceStarBox.Image = bitmap; bitmap = new Bitmap(lootStarBox.Size.Width, lootStarBox.Size.Height); gr = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap); for (int i = 0; i < (this.hunting_place.loot_quality < 0 ? 5 : Math.Min(this.hunting_place.loot_quality, 5)); i++) { gr.DrawImage(MainForm.star_image[this.hunting_place.loot_quality < 0 ? 5 : this.hunting_place.loot_quality - 1], new Rectangle(i * lootStarBox.Size.Width / 5, 0, lootStarBox.Size.Width / 5, lootStarBox.Size.Width / 5)); } lootStarBox.Image = bitmap; this.huntingPlaceName.Font = f; this.refreshCreatures(); UpdateMap(); mapBox.Click -= c_Click; this.mapUpLevel.Image = MainForm.mapup_image; this.mapUpLevel.Click -= c_Click; this.mapUpLevel.Click += mapUpLevel_Click; this.mapDownLevel.Image = MainForm.mapdown_image; this.mapDownLevel.Click -= c_Click; this.mapDownLevel.Click += mapDownLevel_Click; base.NotificationFinalize(); this.ResumeForm(); }
public override void LoadForm() { if (quest == null) { return; } this.SuspendLayout(); NotificationInitialize(); wikiButton.Click -= c_Click; this.questTitle.Text =; this.premiumBox.Image = quest.premium ? MainForm.checkmark_yes : MainForm.checkmark_no; this.cityLabel.Text = == null ? "Unknown" : MainForm.ToTitle(; this.levelLabel.Text = quest.minlevel.ToString(); this.legendLabel.Text = quest.legend; List <TibiaObject> rewards = new List <TibiaObject>(); foreach (int reward in quest.rewardItems) { Item item = MainForm.getItem(reward); rewards.Add(item); } rewards = rewards.OrderByDescending(o => (o as Item).GetMaxValue()).ToList <TibiaObject>(); int x = 5; int y = 77; foreach (string missionName in quest.questInstructions.Keys) { if (quest.questInstructions[missionName].Count == 0) { continue; } if (x + 150 >= this.Size.Width) { x = 5; y += 25; } Label missionButton = new Label(); missionButton.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent; missionButton.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.FixedSingle; missionButton.Font = wikiButton.Font; missionButton.ForeColor = MainForm.label_text_color; missionButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(x, y); missionButton.Name = quest.questInstructions[missionName][0].specialCommand != null ? quest.questInstructions[missionName][0].specialCommand : "guide" + MainForm.commandSymbol + + MainForm.commandSymbol + "1" + MainForm.commandSymbol + missionName; missionButton.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(2); missionButton.Text = missionName; missionButton.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; missionButton.Click += MissionButton_Click; missionButton.Size = new Size(150, 21); this.Controls.Add(missionButton); x += missionButton.Width + 5; } y += 25; using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromHwnd(legendLabel.Handle)) { this.legendLabel.Location = new Point(legendLabel.Location.X, y); y += (int)gr.MeasureString(this.legendLabel.Text, this.legendLabel.Font, this.legendLabel.MaximumSize.Width).Height + 20; } if ( > 0 || > 0) { Label label = new Label(); label.Text = "Requirements"; label.Location = new Point(5, y); label.ForeColor = MainForm.label_text_color; label.BackColor = Color.Transparent; label.Font = questTitle.Font; label.Size = new Size(this.Size.Width - 10, label.Height); this.Controls.Add(label); y += 25; // Item requirements if ( > 0) { List <Tuple <int, Item> > requirements = new List <Tuple <int, Item> >(); foreach (Tuple <int, int> tpl in quest.questRequirements) { Item item = MainForm.getItem(tpl.Item2); requirements.Add(new Tuple <int, Item>(tpl.Item1, item)); } requirements = requirements.OrderBy(o => o.Item1 * o.Item2.GetMaxValue()).ToList(); List <TibiaObject> itemList = requirements.Select(o => o.Item2).ToList <TibiaObject>(); List <Control> itemControls = new List <Control>(); y = y + MainForm.DisplayCreatureList(this.Controls, itemList, 10, y, this.Size.Width - 10, 1, null, 1, itemControls); int itemnr = 0; foreach (Control control in itemControls) { control.BackgroundImage = MainForm.item_background; int itemCount = requirements[itemnr].Item1; Item item = requirements[itemnr].Item2; (control as PictureBox).Image = LootDropForm.DrawCountOnItem(item, itemCount); itemnr++; } } // Text requirements if ( > 0) { List <string> requirementStrings =; if ( > 0) { requirementStrings.Add(String.Format("You must be at least level {0}.",; } y += 5; Regex questRegex = new Regex("\\[([^]]+)\\]"); foreach (string text in requirementStrings) { label = new Label(); string txt = text; Match m = questRegex.Match(txt); label.ForeColor = MainForm.label_text_color; if (m != null && m.Groups.Count > 1) { string quest = m.Groups[1].Value; txt = txt.Replace(m.Groups[0].Value, quest); label.Name = MainForm.getQuest(quest.ToLower()).GetCommand(); label.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(105, 105, 255); label.Click += MissionButton_Click; } label.Text = txt == "" ? "" : "- " + txt; label.Location = new Point(5, y); label.BackColor = Color.Transparent; label.Font = QuestGuideForm.requirementFont; Size size; using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromHwnd(label.Handle)) { size = gr.MeasureString(label.Text, label.Font, this.Size.Width - 50).ToSize(); label.Size = new Size(this.Size.Width - 10, (int)(size.Height * 1.2)); } this.Controls.Add(label); y += label.Size.Height; } } } if (rewards.Count > 0 || quest.rewardOutfits.Count > 0) { Label label = new Label(); label.Text = "Rewards"; label.Location = new Point(40, y); label.ForeColor = MainForm.label_text_color; label.BackColor = Color.Transparent; label.Font = questTitle.Font; this.Controls.Add(label); y += 25; if (rewards.Count > 0) { List <Control> itemControls = new List <Control>(); y = y + MainForm.DisplayCreatureList(this.Controls, rewards, 10, y, this.Size.Width - 10, 1, null, 1, itemControls); } if (quest.rewardOutfits.Count > 0) { List <Control> outfitControls = new List <Control>(); List <TibiaObject> rewardOutfits = new List <TibiaObject>(); foreach (int reward in quest.rewardOutfits) { Outfit outfit = MainForm.getOutfit(reward); rewardOutfits.Add(outfit); } y = y + MainForm.DisplayCreatureList(this.Controls, rewardOutfits, 10, y, this.Size.Width - 10, 4, null, 1, outfitControls); } } this.Size = new Size(this.Size.Width, y + 20); base.NotificationFinalize(); this.ResumeLayout(false); }
public override List <Attribute> GetAttributes() { return(new List <Attribute> { new StringAttribute(name, 140), new StringAttribute(minlevel.ToString(), 50), new StringAttribute(premium ? "Yes" : "No", 50, premium ? Color.SeaGreen : Color.RoyalBlue), new StringAttribute(MainForm.ToTitle(city), 100) }); }
private int InitializeList(List <Utility> utilities, List <TibiaObject> tibiaObjects) { foreach (Control c in controlList) { this.Controls.Remove(c); c.Dispose(); } controlList.Clear(); int width = tibiaObjects != null ? 48 : 32; int height = tibiaObjects != null ? 48 : 32; npcList = tibiaObjects; ToolTip nameTooltip = new ToolTip(); nameTooltip.AutoPopDelay = 60000; nameTooltip.InitialDelay = 500; nameTooltip.ReshowDelay = 0; nameTooltip.ShowAlways = true; nameTooltip.UseFading = true; totalCount = tibiaObjects != null ? tibiaObjects.Count : utilities.Count; mapBox.targets.Clear(); int totalHeight = 0; int baseX = mapBox.Location.X + mapBox.Size.Width + 5; int x = baseX; int y = mapBox.Location.Y; int index; for (index = baseIndex; index < totalCount; index++) { string name = ""; Image image = null; Coordinate coordinate = null; if (tibiaObjects != null) { name = tibiaObjects[index].GetName(); image = tibiaObjects[index].GetImage(); coordinate = new Coordinate((tibiaObjects[index] as NPC).pos); } else { name = utilities[index].name; image = MainForm.utilityImages[name]; coordinate = new Coordinate(utilities[index].location); } Target target = new Target(); target.coordinate = coordinate; target.image = image; target.size = width / 2; mapBox.targets.Add(target); PictureBox utilityBox = new PictureBox(); utilityBox.BackColor = Color.Transparent; utilityBox.Size = new Size(width, height); utilityBox.Image = image; utilityBox.Location = new Point(x, y); utilityBox.Click += UtilityBox_Click; utilityBox.Name = index.ToString(); utilityBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; nameTooltip.SetToolTip(utilityBox, MainForm.ToTitle(name)); controlList.Add(utilityBox); this.Controls.Add(utilityBox); totalHeight = Math.Max(totalHeight, utilityBox.Height + utilityBox.Location.Y); x += width + 4; if (x + width + 4 > this.Size.Width) { x = baseX; y += height + 4; } if (y > 270 - height - 4) { break; } } nextIndex = index + 1; nextButton.Visible = nextIndex < totalCount - 1; previousButton.Visible = baseIndex > 0; mapBox.UpdateMap(); return(totalHeight); }