private void detach_PhotoCategoryJoins(PhotoCategoryJoin entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.Category = null; }
private void attach_PhotoCategoryJoins(PhotoCategoryJoin entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.Photo = this; }
partial void DeletePhotoCategoryJoin(PhotoCategoryJoin instance);
partial void UpdatePhotoCategoryJoin(PhotoCategoryJoin instance);
partial void InsertPhotoCategoryJoin(PhotoCategoryJoin instance);
protected void UpdateButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // SQLString = "UPDATE Photos SET PhotoDate = #" + DateTime.Parse(PhotoDateTextBox.Text).ToString() + "#, PhotoDescription = '" + PhotoDescriptionTextBox.Text.Replace("'", "''") + // "', PhotoWidth = '" + PhotoWidthTextBox.Text + "', PhotoHeight = '" + PhotoHeightTextBox.Text + "', PhotoResolution = '" + PhotoResolutionTextBox.Text + "', PhotoVisible = " + PhotoVisibleCheckBox.Checked + // " WHERE PhotoID = " + int.Parse(PhotoIDLabel.Text) + " AND PhotoOwner = '" + Session["GalleryOwner"] + "'"; string ownr = (string)Session["GalleryOwner"]; Photo toupdate = GDC.Photos.First(phot => phot.PhotoOwner.Equals(ownr) && phot.PhotoID == int.Parse(PhotoIDLabel.Text)); toupdate.PhotoDate = DateTime.Parse(PhotoDateTextBox.Text); toupdate.PhotoDescription = PhotoDescriptionTextBox.Text.Replace("'", string.Empty); toupdate.PhotoWidth = short.Parse(PhotoWidthTextBox.Text); toupdate.PhotoHeight = short.Parse(PhotoHeightTextBox.Text); toupdate.PhotoResolution = short.Parse(PhotoResolutionTextBox.Text); toupdate.PhotoVisible = PhotoVisibleCheckBox.Checked; GDC.SubmitChanges(); //Clear and reassign the categories //SQLString = "DELETE FROM PhotosJoinCategories WHERE PhotoNumber=" + int.Parse(PhotoIDLabel.Text); IEnumerable<PhotoCategoryJoin> todelete = from pcj in GDC.PhotoCategoryJoins where pcj.PhotoNumber == int.Parse(PhotoIDLabel.Text) select pcj; if (todelete != null) { GDC.PhotoCategoryJoins.DeleteAllOnSubmit(todelete); GDC.SubmitChanges(); } //Stub statement, needs more OR's to get anything //SQLString = "INSERT INTO PhotosJoinCategories ( CategoryNumber, PhotoNumber ) SELECT CategoryID, " + int.Parse(PhotoIDLabel.Text) + " FROM Categories WHERE CategoryID = 0"; List<PhotoCategoryJoin> pcjlist = new List<PhotoCategoryJoin>(); PhotoCategoryJoin pcjoin; for (int i = 0; i <= AllCategoriesList.Items.Count - 1; i++) { if (AllCategoriesList.Items[i].Selected) { //SQLString = SQLString + " OR CategoryID = " + AllCategoriesList.Items[i].Value; pcjoin = new PhotoCategoryJoin(); pcjoin.PhotoNumber = int.Parse(PhotoIDLabel.Text); pcjoin.CategoryNumber = int.Parse(AllCategoriesList.Items[i].Value); pcjlist.Add(pcjoin); } } GDC.PhotoCategoryJoins.InsertAllOnSubmit(pcjlist); GDC.SubmitChanges(); //If it's already Flickr'ed, mark it for an update on the next sweep //SQLString = "INSERT INTO FlickrCommands ( FlickrCommandType, FlickrCommandPhoto ) //SELECT 'UpdatePhoto', Photos.PhotoID FROM Photos WHERE PhotoFlickrID Is Not Null AND PhotoID=" + int.Parse(PhotoIDLabel.Text) + " AND PhotoOwner = '" + Session["GalleryOwner"] + "'"; IEnumerable<int> flickrphotos = from photo in GDC.Photos where (photo.PhotoFlickrID != null) && photo.PhotoID == int.Parse(PhotoIDLabel.Text) && photo.PhotoOwner.Equals((string)Session["GalleryOwner"]) select photo.PhotoID; if (flickrphotos.Count() != 0) { int flickrphoto = flickrphotos.First(); FlickrCommand fc = new FlickrCommand(); fc.FlickrCommandType = "UpdatePhoto"; fc.FlickrCommandPhoto = flickrphoto; GDC.FlickrCommands.InsertOnSubmit(fc); GDC.SubmitChanges(); } LoadPictureData(); this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CloseWindow", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.href;window.close();</script>"); }