public static ChartSkin GetChartConfigFile(ChartConfig chartConfig, string source)
            string skinFile;
            chartConfig.SkinFiles.TryGetValue(source, out skinFile);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(skinFile))
                return null;

            var _cacheKey = skinFile;
            var chartSkin = Cache.Get(_cacheKey) as ChartSkin;
            if (chartSkin == null)
                lock (_chartLock)
                    chartSkin = Cache.Get(_cacheKey) as ChartSkin;

                    if (chartSkin == null)
                        var file = AppSettings.PhysicalAppPath + "//" + skinFile.Replace("/", "//");
                        var doc = new XmlDocument();
                        chartSkin = new ChartSkin(skinFile) {XmlSource = doc};

                        Cache.Insert(_cacheKey, chartSkin, new System.Web.Caching.CacheDependency(file));
            return chartSkin;
        public static ChartConfig GetChartConfig()
            string _cacheKey = "ChartConfig";
            var chartConfig = Cache.Get(_cacheKey) as ChartConfig;
            if (chartConfig == null)
                lock (_chartLock)
                    chartConfig = Cache.Get(_cacheKey) as ChartConfig;
                    if (chartConfig == null)
                        var parms = Thinkgate.Base.Classes.DistrictParms.LoadDistrictParms();
                        var file = AppSettings.PhysicalAppPath + "\\Config\\" + parms.ChartConfigFile;

                            var doc = XDocument.Load(file);
                            chartConfig = new ChartConfig(doc);
                        } catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException ex)
                            // hopefully the base config file exists, otherwise, not sure what to do
                            string errorMessage = "Chart config file specified in Parms,  " + file + ", does not exist. Attempting to load base configuration.";

                            ThinkgateEventSource.Log.ApplicationError(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.ToString() + "->" + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, errorMessage, ex.ToString());
                            var doc = XDocument.Load(AppSettings.PhysicalAppPath + "\\Config\\chart_config1.xml");
                            chartConfig = new ChartConfig(doc);

                        Cache.Insert(_cacheKey, chartConfig, new System.Web.Caching.CacheDependency(file));
            return chartConfig;