/// <summary>
		/// Copy the contents of one <see cref="Stream"/> to another.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="source">The stream to source data from.</param>
		/// <param name="destination">The stream to write data to.</param>
		/// <param name="buffer">The buffer to use during copying.</param>
		/// <param name="progressHandler">The <see cref="ProgressHandler">progress handler delegate</see> to use.</param>
		/// <param name="updateInterval">The minimum <see cref="TimeSpan"/> between progress updates.</param>
		/// <param name="sender">The source for this event.</param>
		/// <param name="name">The name to use with the event.</param>
		/// <param name="fixedTarget">A predetermined fixed target value to use with progress updates.
		/// If the value is negative the target is calculated by looking at the stream.</param>
		/// <remarks>This form is specialised for use within #Zip to support events during archive operations.</remarks>
		static public void Copy(Stream source, Stream destination,
			byte[] buffer, 
			ProgressHandler progressHandler, TimeSpan updateInterval, 
			object sender, string name, long fixedTarget)
			if (source == null) {
				throw new ArgumentNullException("source");

			if (destination == null) {
				throw new ArgumentNullException("destination");

			if (buffer == null) {
				throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer");

			// Ensure a reasonable size of buffer is used without being prohibitive.
			if (buffer.Length < 128) {
				throw new ArgumentException("Buffer is too small", "buffer");

			if (progressHandler == null) {
				throw new ArgumentNullException("progressHandler");

			bool copying = true;

			DateTime marker = DateTime.Now;
			long processed = 0;
			long target = 0;

			if (fixedTarget >= 0) {
				target = fixedTarget;
			else if (source.CanSeek) {
				target = source.Length - source.Position;

			// Always fire 0% progress..
			ProgressEventArgs args = new ProgressEventArgs(name, processed, target);
			progressHandler(sender, args);

			bool progressFired = true;

			while (copying) {
				int bytesRead = source.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
				if (bytesRead > 0) {
					processed += bytesRead;
					progressFired = false;
					destination.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
				else {
					copying = false;

				if (DateTime.Now - marker > updateInterval) {
					progressFired = true;
					marker = DateTime.Now;
					args = new ProgressEventArgs(name, processed, target);
					progressHandler(sender, args);

					copying = args.ContinueRunning;

			if (!progressFired) {
				args = new ProgressEventArgs(name, processed, target);
				progressHandler(sender, args);